(Międzypowiatowy Konkurs Języka Angielskiego kl. IV)


(Międzypowiatowy Konkurs Języka Angielskiego kl. IV)
Międzypowiatowy Konkurs Języka Angielskiego Żarki 2012/2013
pod patronatem Burmistrza Miasta i Gminy Żarki
Klemensa Podlejskiego
Etap I
Klasa IV
Imię i nazwisko ………………………………………………………………………………
Szkoła …………………………………………………………………………………………
……/90 p.
Zadanie 1
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst oraz zdecyduj, które z podanych pod nim zdań są prawdziwe
(True), a które są fałszywe (False).
Dear Mark,
My name is James and I’m your new penfriend. I’m ten years old and I come from Cardiff.
I’ve got a brother and a sister. My brother’s name is George and my sister’s name is Anna.
George is twelve years old and he’s got short, dark hair and blue eyes. George’s favourite
football team is Manchester United. Anna is fourteen years old and she’s got long, straight
hair and brown eyes. Her favourite pop star is Christina Aguilera. We live with my parents in
a small house. We’ve also got a cat called Snowy and a dog called Ted. After school, I watch
TV and I do my homework. I play computer games in the evenings. Have you got a big
Write to me
1. James has got a brother and a sister. …………………
2. James has got a big house. ………………..
3. His sister has got long, curly hair. ………………..
4. They’ve got a cat called Ted. …………….
5. In the evenings, James plays computer games. …………………
6. George is fourteen years old. …………………….
7. Anna likes Christina Aguilera. ………………….
8. James and his family come from Edinburgh. ………………..
…/8 p.
Zadanie 2
Z podanych wyrazów ułóż zdania twierdzące, przeczące lub pytania.
1. got/ a/ she/ brother/ has/ nice/ .
2. is / where/ sister/ from/ your/ ?
3. seven/ have/ you/ at / half/ breakfast/ past / .
4. your/ can / best/ play/ friend/ football/ ?
5. city/ of/ England/ the/ is / capital/ London/ .
6. not/ got/ mum/ a / has/ yellow / my/ car/ .
…/12 p.
Zadanie 3
Znajdź błędy w poniższych zdaniach. W każdym zdaniu jest jeden błąd.
1. I’m english.
2. How old you are?
3. I’m forteen.
4. We are student at this school.
5. Whats your telephone number?
6. I amn’t from Scotland.
7. Are those childrens from your school?
…/7 p.
Zadanie 4
Wykonaj i zapisz słownie całe działania matematyczne.
1. 15+40= 55.........................................................................................................................
2. 19+55=74..........................................................................................................................
3. 93-12=81...........................................................................................................................
4. 36+14=50..........................................................................................................................
5. 88-74=14...........................................................................................................................
…/10 p.
Zadanie 5
Ułóż pytania szczegółowe do podanych odpowiedzi.
1. .............................................................................................................................?
I’m in class 7.
2. .............................................................................................................................?
My English lesson in on Monday.
3. .............................................................................................................................?
My teacher’s surname is Kowalska.
4. .............................................................................................................................?
The dictionary is on the table.
5. .............................................................................................................................?
My best friend is from Katowice.
6. .............................................................................................................................?
It’s 784 567 843.
…/12 p.
Zadanie 6
Napisz słownie następujące godziny.
1. 5:40.................................................................................................................................
2. 2:30 .................................................................................................................................
3. 12:15 .................................................................................................................................
4. 6:45 - ................................................................................................................................
5. 3:35 - ................................................................................................................................
6. 11:00 ................................................................................................................................
…/6 p.
Zadanie 7
Połącz pytanie z prawidłową odpowiedzią.
1. Where are your parents?
a. It`s at five.
2. What’s your home town?
b. orange juice
3. What’s your nationality?
c. Yes, I am. I like football.
4. When is dinner?
d. It’s Manchester.
5. Are you in the school football team?
e. I’m Swiss.
6. What`s your favourite drink?
f. They’re at home.
…/6 p.
Zadanie 8
Utwórz liczbę mnogą od podanych rzeczowników.
1.wife – ...................................
2.child – ......................................
3.person – ................................
4.fish – ........................................
5.tomato – ...............................
6.baby – ......................................
7.boy – .......................................
8. church – ....................................
…/8 p.
Zadanie 9
Podane słowa wpisz do odpowiedniej kategorii.
earrings, cheetah, Denmark, lettuce, whale, Dutch, garlic, caterpillar, Hungary, Scottish, beef,
hedgehog, necklace, Swiss, suit, beetle, Greek, pork, Sweden, wellingtons, Latvia.
…/21 p.