Przykładowe wypracowanie na poziomie podstawowym, stara matura


Przykładowe wypracowanie na poziomie podstawowym, stara matura
Hi Susan,
How are you doing?
I’ve recently joined a photo club after reading about it in a local newspaper.
I decided this was the opportunity that I’ve been waiting for since I won the camera in that poetry
competition. I didn’t know how to use its features so I went there, hoping they would teach me. On
our first meeting we got engaged in a discussion on the future of photography.
We agreed that it was necessary to preserve the traditional methods of taking pictures. We even
decided to hold an exhibition of our photographs taken with old cameras. The visitors were amazed,
remarking on that special ‘spirit’ in my pictures that is not present in digital photography.
Still, old cameras are not practical when you’re traveling and as I’m going to Spain I will have to buy a
new camera. Could you recommend something?
All the best,
Hi Susan,
How are you doing?
Ten fragment zawiera treść charakterystyczną dla formy listu – zwrot do adresata i pytanie o
I’ve recently joined a photo club after reading about it in a local newspaper.
W tej części informuję o dołączeniu do klubu. Piszę, że dowiedziałam się o nim z lokalnej gazety.
I decided this was the opportunity that I’ve been waiting for since I won the camera in that poetry
competition. I didn’t know how to use its functions so I went there, hoping they would teach me.
W tej części tłumaczę, dlaczego zdecydowałam się dołączyć do klubu – wygrałam aparat w konkursie,
ale nie umiałam go obsługiwać i chciałam się tego nauczyć.
On our first meeting we got engaged in a discussion on the future of photography.
W tym fragmencie opowiadam o tym, że podczas pierwszego spotkania dyskutowaliśmy o przyszłości
We agreed that it was necessary to preserve the traditional methods of taking pictures. We even
decided to hold an exhibition of photographs taken with old cameras. The visitors were amazed,
remarking on that special ‘spirit’ that is not present in digital photography.
W tym fragmencie informuję o zorganizowaniu wystawy starych zdjęć, a także opisuję reakcje
zwiedzających na wykonane przeze mnie zdjęcia.
Still, old cameras are not practical when you’re traveling and as I’m going to Spain I will have to buy a
new camera. Could you recommend something?
W tej części informuję o potrzebie zakupu nowego aparatu i proszę o poradę.
All the best,
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