

Folia Universitas Agriculturae Stetinensis
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Zootechnica 235 (46)
Aleksandra Balicka-Ramisz, Anna Wojtasz-Pająk1, Alojzy Ramisz,
Bogumiła Pilarczyk, Jan Małecki
Badania nad zastosowaniem chitozanu u zwierząt gospodarskich
Studies on the application of chitosan in farm animals
Barbara Błaszczyk, Jan Udała, Dariusz Gączarzewicz, Tomasz Stankiewicz,
Bogdan Lasota, Anna Kęszka
Koncentracja hormonów steroidowych, glukozy i wapnia w bydlęcym płynie
pęcherzykowym, w zależności od wielkości pęcherzyków jajnikowych
Concentrations of steroid hormones, glucose, and calcium in bovine follicular fluid related to
ovarian follicle size
Agnieszka Cisek, Aleksandra Balicka-Ramisz, Alojzy Ramisz, Bogumiła Pilarczyk
Monitoring parazytofauny zwierząt wolno żyjących na Pomorzu Zachodnim
Monitoring of parastic fauna in wild living animals in Western Pomerania region
Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska, Henryk Kamieniecki, Małgorzata Szewczuk
Porównanie dwóch systemów dojenia krów pod względem jakości mleka
Comparison of two milking systems cow cin relation to milk quality
Jolanta Janiszewska, Angelika Cieśla, Edyta Radowicz, Iwonna Tabiszewska
Wpływ udziału krwi hanowerskiej na parametry pokrojowe koni szlachetnych półkrwi
Effect of share of Hanoverian blood on conformation parameters of Noble Half-Bred Horses
Henryk Kamieniecki, Jerzy Wójcik, Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska, Wilhelm Grzesiak, Piotr
Ocena wzrostu i rozwoju jałówek mieszańców pochodzących z opasu intensywnego
Evaluation of growth and development of cross-bred heifers derived from intensive fattening
Bogdan Lasota, Barbara Błaszczyk, Beata Seremak, Jan Udała, Agnieszka Serafin
Aktywność selenozależnej GSH-Px w nasieniu knura w różnych porach roku
Se-dependent GSH-Px activity in semen of boars at different seasons of the year
Tadeusz Ogoński, Radosław Drozd
Obrazowanie obszarów kontaktowych podjednostek ß-D-fruktofuranozydazy
Imaging of subunits contact regions of ß-D-fructofuranosidase
Bogumiła Pilarczyk, Aleksandra Balicka-Ramisz, Alojzy Ramisz, Vovk Stach Osipovič, Daniel
Major, Grzegorz Jastrzębski, Agnieszka Cisek
Wpływ podawania selenu na jego poziom w surowicy krwi oraz wybrane wskaźniki
użytkowości krów, świń i owiec
The influence of selenium administration on its level in blood serum and select rates of
lifetime performance of cows, pigs and sheep
Beata Seremak, Małgorzata Sulik
Intensywność i analiza użytkowania rozpłodowego samców szynszyli (Chinchilla lanigera
Intensity of reproduction management of male chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera M.)
Volodomyr Snitynskyj, Roman Jaremko, Roman Szaruga
Wpływ „Akvavitu-E” i selenianu sodu na system antyoksydacyjny kurcząt brojlerów
The influence of „Akvavit-E” and sodium selenit on antioxidant status in the broiler organism
Jan Udała, Tomasz Stankiewicz, Barbara Błaszczyk, Dariusz Gączarzewicz,
Bogdan Lasota
Zmiany stężenia steroidowych hormonów jajnika i cholesterolu we krwi kóz w
posynchronizacyjnym cyklu rujowym
Changes in concentrations of steroid ovary hormones and cholesterol in goat blood in
postsynchronised oestrus cycle
Stach Vovk, Jerzy Kortz, Maria Martyn, Sergij Pavkovyč, Roman Szaruga,
Artur Rybarczyk
Wpływ dodatków olejów roślinnych na jakość mleka i wydajność mleczną krów
The effect of oils feed supplements on milk performance and milk quality of cows
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Zootechnica 236 (46): 5-8
Aleksandra Balicka-Ramisz, Anna Wojtasz-Pająk1, Alojzy Ramisz,
Bogumiła Pilarczyk, Jan Małecki
Badania nad zastosowaniem chitozanu u zwierząt gospodarskich
Studies on the application of chitosan in farm animals
Katedra Higieny Zwierząt i Profilaktyki, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Doktora Judyma 6, 71-466 Szczecin
Morski Instytut Rybacki, ul. Kołłątaja 1, 81-332 Gdynia
Abstract. The investigations were conducted in sheep-fold and piggery on 75 sheep (mothers)
and 154 piglets from Pomerania region. The studies were executed in herd, in which lambs
dropped very often on diseases of respiratory system. Chitozan was applied in two
formulations – as water solutions of chitosan adipate and chitosan ascovbate. Studies were
aimed to investigate usefulness of chitosan salts in treatment of alimentary and respiratory
systems diseases in young pigs and lambs. It was establisched that examined salts of chitosan
enhanced the non-specific host resistance. This work provides an insaight to the perspectives
for using chitosan in diseases treatment and prophylaxis of farm animals as fodder suplement.
Słowa kluczowe: chitozan, prosięta, jagnięta.
Key words: chitosan, pigs, lambs.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Zootechnica 236 (46): 9-14
Barbara Błaszczyk, Jan Udała, Dariusz Gączarzewicz,
Tomasz Stankiewicz, Bogdan Lasota, Anna Kęszka
Koncentracja hormonów steroidowych, glukozy i wapnia w bydlęcym płynie
pęcherzykowym, w zależności od wielkości pęcherzyków jajnikowych
Concentrations of steroid hormones, glucose, and calcium in bovine follicular fluid related to
ovarian follicle size
Zakład Rozrodu Zwierząt, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Doktora Judyma 6, 71-466 Szczecin
Abstract. Bovine follicular fluid were assayed for estradiol-17β, progesterone, glucose, and
calcium concentrations. Follicular fluid was aspirated from preovulatory (>15 mm in
diameter), medium (6 to 10 mm in diameter) and small (<6 mm in diameter) follicles. Follicular-
fluid concentrations of estradiol, and glucose, and values estradiol: progesterone ratios, were
significantly higher in the preovulatory follicles that in the average and small follicles (p<0,01).
Concentrations of progesterone and calcium were similar in all groups of follicles. The results
indicated, that intrafollicular content estradiol, but not in progesterone changes during
follicular growth and maturation. In addition, the studies supports the notion that
concentrations glucose was related to the stage of follicular development and may be
importance for oocyte maturation.
Słowa kluczowe: krowa, płyn pęcherzykowy, estradiol, progesteron, glukoza, wapń.
Key words: cow, ovarian follicular fluid, estradiol, progesterone, glucose, calcium.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Zootechnica 236 (46): 15-20
Agnieszka Cisek, Aleksandra Balicka-Ramisz, Alojzy Ramisz,
Bogumiła Pilarczyk
Monitoring parazytofauny zwierząt wolno żyjących na Pomorzu Zachodnim
Monitoring of parastic fauna in wild living animals in Western Pomerania region
Katedra Higieny Zwierząt i Profilaktyki, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Doktora Judyma 6, 71-471 Szczecin, [email protected]
Abstract. The aim of this study was to determine parasites species and their prevalence in
wild living game and wild boars in The West Pomerania region. The examination were
conducted on 440 faecal samples (50 from roe deer, 80 from falow deer, 49 from red deer and
261 from wild boars), obtained from examined animals living in 7 various Forest Region. The
parasites were detected with Willi-Schlaff’a and Baermanna methods. The results show that in
wild living animal in Western Pomerania region the folowing group of parasites were existed:
gastro-intestinal nematodes, pulmonary nematodes, protozoans from genus Eimeria and
Isospora. The prevalence of gastro-intestinal nematodes (Table 1) was: 84% in roe deer, 47.50%
in fallow deer, 71.43% in red deer and 59.77% in wild boars. The pulmonary nematodes (Table 3)
were detected in 39.13% roe deer, 0% fallow deer, 82.61% red deer and only in 3.45% wild
boars. The coccidia from genus Eimeria and Isospora (Table 2) were observed in 36% roe
deer, 18.75% fallow deer, 24.45% red deer and 83.90% wild boars. In conclusion it is
worthing to stress that, parasites invasions in wild living animals in Western Pomerania are
serious problem. That situation should be monitoring with coproscopy methods and reduced
with chemiotherapy (anti-parasitic treatment).
Słowa kluczowe: ekstensywność inwazji, zwierzęta dziko żyjące, nicienie żołądkowo-jelitowe,nicienie płucne, kokcydioza.
Key words: The prevalence of invasion, wild living animals, gastro-intestinal nematodes,
pulmonary nematodes, coccidiosis.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Zootechnica 236 (46): 21-26
Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska, Henryk Kamieniecki,
Małgorzata Szewczuk
Porównanie dwóch systemów dojenia krów pod względem
jakości mleka
Comparison of two milking systems cow cin relation to milk quality
Katedra Nauk o Zwierzętach Przeżuwających, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Doktora Judyma 10, 71-460 Szczecin
Abstract. The studies were carried out during 1999-2000 on two commercial farms localised
in West Pomerania. Herds “A” was equipped with an all barn’s pipe-line milking system.
Herds “B” used can milking system. On both herds, collected milk was cooled down to the
temperature 3.6ºC and stored in HCA type milk tanks, with capacity 6200 l each. Cows were
milked two times a day. To summarise, hygienic milk quality on both farms was high, milk
was always of the extra class standard. Milk collected in “B” herds with the can milking
system was characterised by lower somatic cell count. Milk collected in “A” herds with the
pipe line milking system achieved lower bacteria count.
Słowa kluczowe: wydajność, mleko, jakość, komórki somatyczne.
Key words: yield, milk, quality, somatic cells.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Zootechnica 236 (46): 27-32
Jolanta Janiszewska, Angelika Cieśla, Edyta Radowicz,
Iwonna Tabiszewska
Wpływ udziału krwi hanowerskiej na parametry pokrojowe koni szlachetnych półkrwi
Effect of share of Hanoverian blood on conformation parameters of Noble Half-Bred Horses
Katedra Hodowli Koni
ul. Doktora Judyma 24, 71-466 Szczecin
Abstract. The research included 293 mares and 143 stallions Noble Half-Bred from I volume
of Noble Half-Bred Horses Stud Book and 201 mars and 209 stallions from part II of
Wielkopolska Horses Stud Book. Horses were differed in dependence of share of Hanoverian
blood at their pedigree (4 groups: 1.: to 25% hanoverian blood included, 2.: from 25 to 50%
included, 3.: 62.5% and 4.: 75 and 87.5% included). The growing part of Hanoverian blood
influenced significantly on enlargement in the noble half-bred horses' height at withers. The
simultaneous enlargement the cannon circumference prevented undesirable the lowering
index of boniness.
Słowa kluczowe: konie szlachetne półkrwi, rasa, konie hanowerskie, pokrój.
Key words: Noble Half-Bred Horses, breed, Hanoverian horses, conformation.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Zootechnica 236 (46): 33-38
Henryk Kamieniecki, Jerzy Wójcik, Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska,
Wilhelm Grzesiak, Piotr Sablik
Ocena wzrostu i rozwoju jałówek mieszańców pochodzących z opasu intensywnego∗
Evaluation of growth and development of cross-bred heifers derived from intensive fattening
Katedra Nauk o Zwierzętach Przeżuwających, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Doktora Judyma 10, 71-460 Szczecin
Abstract. The experimental material comprised two- and three-breed crossbred calves and,
later, heifers (10 individuals in each group) born from crossing cows which had been derived
from crossing crossbreds of BW and Red Angus with Salers, Red Angus, and Limousine
bulls. The best performance were achieved by three-breed crossbred heifers sired by Salers
bulls. On the other hand, the crossbreds with Limousine sires had higher spiral
circumference and transverse trunk index. The crossbreds with a high (3/4) share of Red Angus demonstrated
the highest chest depth index. The differences, however, where statistically non-significant.
Słowa kluczowe: mieszańce międzyrasowe, masa ciała, wymiary zoometryczne, indeksy
Key words: interracial crossbreds, body weight, zoometric measurements, conformation
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Zootechnica 236 (46): 39-46
Bogdan Lasota, Barbara Błaszczyk, Beata Seremak, Jan Udała,
Agnieszka Serafin
Aktywność selenozależnej GSH-Px w nasieniu knura w różnych porach roku
Se-dependent GSH-Px activity in semen of boars at different seasons of the year
Zakład Rozrodu Zwierząt, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Doktora Judyma 6, 71-466 Szczecin
Abstract. Se-dependent GSH-Px activity in semen of boars at different seasons of the year.
This study was performed to determine the Se-dependent glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px)
activity in fresh and diluted semen of boars at different seasons of the year. Eighty-seven ejaculates
from 39 boars were taken. The total content of Se in the feed for boars was 0.43 µg·kg-1. The
sperm were evaluated by routine methods; moreover sperm concentration was measured by
cytometry and the percentage of morphologically abnormal spermatozoa and with intact
acrosome was assessed using the slides. Semen samples were separated into seminal plasma
and spermatozoa, in which GSH-Px activity were measured using kits. The measured
parameters of semen quality complied with requirements for semen used for AI. Average
activity of GSH-Px in fresh seminal plasma for all seasons was 165.58 U·l-1; the highest
activity was in ejaculates in summer season (205.61 U·l-1), the lowest in autumn season
(122.04 U·l-1)- the differences were not significant. Directly after sperm dilution the GSH-Px
activity considerably decreased compared with fresh semen. At 1st storage day the GSH-Px
activity also decreased and remained approximately the same at 2nd storage day. The next
decrease, approximately twice, was observed at 3rd storage day. Similarly changes in GSH-Px
activity in diluted semen were observed in all seasons. The average GSH-Px activity in
spermatozoa was 37.87 mU⋅10-9 cells. Higher GSH-Px activity in spermatozoa was found in
summer season (41.16 mU⋅10-9 cells). The lowest activity was find in winter season (28.09
mU⋅10-9 cells). The results of investigation let conclusion that the participation of GSH-Px in
antioxidation mechanism of diluted boar sperm is much lower than in fresh semen. This can
be a factor of insufficient defence against the effect of ROS. Furthermore, a tendency of
differentiation of GSH-Px activity, particularly in diluted sperm, according to season of the
year was observed.
Słowa kluczowe: aktywność GSH-Px, nasienie, knur.
Key words: GSH-Px activity, semen, boars.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Zootechnica 236 (46): 47-52
Tadeusz Ogoński, Radosław Drozd
Obrazowanie obszarów kontaktowych podjednostek ß-D-fruktofuranozydazy
Imaging of subunits contact regions of ß-D-fructofuranosidase
Zakład Chemii Fizjologicznej, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Doktora Judyma 26, 71-466 Szczecin
Abstract. Usually protein subunit aggregation is due to hydrophobic interactions. Yeast
external invertase EC is an oligomeric glycoprotein, with 14 potential N-x-[S/T] Nglycosylation sites dispersed in the monomer sequence. In external form of the enzyme 13 of
these sites appear to be wholly or partially glycosylated giving an average 9-10
oligosaccharides per peptide chain. Hydropathic analysis of invertase sequence revealed four
regions with distinctly noted low affinity to water environment. For more reliably explanation
of these findings the model of yeast external invertase subunit was made with the use of
homology modeling method with all required steps. Analysis of the model surface revealed
that oligosaccharides do not cover all invertase subunit surface but are restricted up to one or
two not to much extensive regions located inside or near the high hydrophobic index regions.
Such specific oligosaccharide agglomeration increase affinity of the part of surface to the
water environment and can support process of aggregation forcing appropriate arrangement of
Słowa kluczowe: inwertaza, glikozylacja, oligomeryzacja, modelowanie homologiczne.
Key words: invertase, glycosylation, oligomeryzation, homology modeling.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Zootechnica 236 (46): 53-58
Bogumiła Pilarczyk, Aleksandra Balicka-Ramisz, Alojzy Ramisz,
Vovk Stach Osipovič1, Daniel Major, Grzegorz Jastrzębski2,
Agnieszka Cisek
Wpływ podawania selenu na jego poziom w surowicy krwi oraz wybrane wskaźniki
użytkowości krów, świń i owiec
The influence of selenium administration on its level in blood serum and select rates of
lifetime performance of cows, pigs and sheep
Katedra Higieny Zwierząt i Profilaktyki, ul. Doktora Judyma 6, 71-466 Szczecin
Lviv State Agrarian University, Lviv-Dubljany, 80381, Ukraine
Indywidualne Gospodarstwo Rolne, 74-105 Czarnowo
Abstract. Western Pomerania belongs to a selenium deficient regions of Poland. Data of the many
authors showed that total selenium concentration is generally very low. Therefore, our studies
referred to influence of deficiency of selenium on health, productivity and reproduction of
animals in this region. The studies were carried out on 165 animals – 58 cows, 32 sheep and
75 piglets. The Se level of blood serum was established by using the Grzebuła et al. (1977) in
modification of the Watkinson’s (1966) method. The selenium supplement included in cattle’s
feed mde significant betterment of reproduction rates. The reproduction performance of nontreated sows and ewes was reduced. From ewe 1 to 0.29 lambs less have been obtained in the
control group comparing with the Se supplemented group. After Se-supplementation the Selevel obtained an optimal level in serum of treated animals.
Słowa kluczowe: selen, produkcyjność, zdrowie, płodność, krowy, świnie, owce.
Key words: selenium, productivity, helath, fertility, cows, pigs, sheep.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Zootechnica 236 (46): 59-64
Beata Seremak, Małgorzata Sulik1
Intensywność i analiza użytkowania rozpłodowego samców szynszyli (Chinchilla lanigera
Intensity of reproduction management of male chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera M.)
Zakład Rozrodu Zwierząt, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Doktora Judyma 6, 71-460 Szczecin, e-mail: [email protected]
Pracownia Hodowli Zwierząt Futerkowych, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Doktora Judyma 10, 71-460 Szczecin, e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. The study focused on an analysis of reproductive careers of male chinchillas in
relation to reproductive life duration and number of litters achieved per male. The analysis
covered 98 male chinchillas kept during 1991-2002 in 1:4 polygamous sets with unlimited
access to females. The results demonstrated that the males were managed for very short time,
i.e. 2 years and 9 months (834 days) on average. An average number of litters obtained from one
male barely reached 4.65 per year, which represents a low efficacy of male performance.
Therefore, there is a need to develop a method of male chinchillas reproduction merit
evaluation in order to intensify their reproduction performance.
Słowa kluczowe: Chinchilla, reprodukcja, samce.
Key words: Chinchilla, reproduction, males.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Zootechnica 236 (46): 65-70
Volodomyr Snitynskyj, Roman Jaremko1, Roman Szaruga2
Wpływ „Akvavitu-E” i selenianu sodu na system antyoksydacyjny kurcząt brojlerów
The influence of „Akvavit-E” and sodium selenit on antioxidant status in the broiler organism
Kafedra Agroekologii i Biologii, Agronomičnyj Fakultet, Lvivs’kyj Deržavnyj Agrarnyj
vul. V. Velikogo, 80381 Dubljany, Ukraine
Kafedra Tvarynnyctva, Agronomičnyj Fakultet, Lvivs’kyj Deržavnyj Agrarnyj Universytet
vul. V. Velikogo, 80381 Dubljany, Ukraine
Katedra Oceny Produktów Zwierzęcych, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Doktora Judyma 24, 71-424 Szczecin
Abstract. The research results about influence of broiler vitamin E and selenium additions in
its critical period of growth are presented in this article. The increase of antioxidant status in
broiler organism and the reduction of lipid pereoxidation products formation in the blood
plasma and liver tissue by water of 0.2% solution of E-vitamin water-soluble preparation
Akvavit-E (15 mg of vitamin E·kg-1 of feed on day) and 0.02% solution of sodium selenium
(0.16 mg Se·kg-1 of feed on day) to 1-30 days of age broilers keeping on Se-deficient diets
was showed.
Słowa kluczowe: kurczęta brojlery, witamina E, selen, właściwości antyoksydacyjne,
nadtlenkowe utlenianie tłuszczów.
Key words: broilers, vitamin E, selenium, antioxidate status, lipid peroxidation.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Zootechnica 236 (46): 71-78
Jan Udała, Tomasz Stankiewicz, Barbara Błaszczyk,
Dariusz Gączarzewicz, Bogdan Lasota
Zmiany stężenia steroidowych hormonów jajnika i cholesterolu we krwi kóz w
posynchronizacyjnym cyklu rujowym
Changes in concentrations of steroid ovary hormones and cholesterol in goat blood in
postsynchronised oestrus cycle
Zakład Rozrodu Zwierząt, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Doktora Judyma 6, 71-466 Szczecin
Abstract. The studies were carried out in autumn on 6 Anglo-Nubian goats in which the oestrus
was synchronized with Chrono-Gest intravaginal sponges (40 mg Cronolone, Intervet) inserted for
12 days and injection of 500 i.u. PMSG (Serogonadotropin, Biowet S.A.). Blood was taken
from the goats in three periods of time: I – 1-3 day, II – 5-19 day and III – 21-23 day after sponges
removal. Levels of progesterone, estradiol and cholesterol (total and HDL) were identified in
plasma samples. Average progesterone concentrations were as follows: 0.67ą0.43 ng·ml-1 in the
first, 10.57ą8.99 ng·ml-1 in the second and 1.69ą0.82 ng·ml-1 in the third period. Average estradiol
concentrations in these periods of time were: 21.97ą8.41 pg·ml-1, 18.01ą7.10 pg·ml-1 and
19.80ą7.68 pg·ml-1 respectively. Average total cholesterol and HDL concentrations were of
similar level in three investigated periods. In conclusion, the results indicated greater
usefulness of measuring progesterone concentration in blood rather than estradiol in the
monitoring of the goat’s oestrus cycle.
Słowa kluczowe: koza, progesteron, 17-β-estradiol, cholesterol, cykl rujowy.
Key words: goat, progesterone, 17-β-estradiol, cholesterol, oestrus cycle.
Folia Univ. Agric. Stetin. 2004, Zootechnica 236 (46): 79-82
Stach Vovk, Jerzy Kortz1, Maria Martyn, Sergij Pavkovyč,
Roman Szaruga1, Artur Rybarczyk1
Wpływ dodatków olejów roślinnych na jakość mleka i wydajność mleczną krów
The effect of oils feed supplements on milk performance and milk quality of cows
Kafedra Tvarynnyctva, Agronomičnyj Fakul'tet, Lvivs'kyj Deržavnyj Agrarnyj Universytet
vul. V. Velykogo, 80381 Dubljany, Ukraine
Katedra Oceny Produktów Zwierzęcych, Akademia Rolnicza
ul. Doktora Judyma 24, 71-466 Szczecin
Abstract. The use in lactating cows of rapeseed and sunflower oils supplements and,
especially, chemically protected methods product (calcium salts of fatty acids) improves of
milk performance, increasing milk quality and content of essentially (linolic and linolenic)
fatty acids in milk fat.
Słowa kluczowe: krowy, laktacja, żywienie, olej roślinny, wydajność mleczna, jakość mleka.
Key words: lactating cows, feeding, plant oils, milk performance and quality.