4 - Czytelnia Czasopism on-line


4 - Czytelnia Czasopism on-line
spis treści
4/2008 (208)
Paweł Swianiewicz
Portret radnego 2007 .................................................................................................................................................5
Marek Jarentowski, Artur Celiński
Wpływ nowelizacji samorządowej ordynacji wyborczej na wyniki wyborów
do sejmików województw w 2006 roku . ..........................................................................................................17
Wojciech Federczyk
Wybrane problemy ochrony praw lokatora i gospodarki mieszkaniowej gmin w Polsce ................. 30
Aleksandra Olszewska
Bezstronność organu administracji publicznej w świetle art. 24 § 3 kodeksu
postępowania administracyjnego w odniesieniu do zasad ogólnych tego kodeksu ............................ 44
Beata Jeżyńska
Postępowanie rejestrowe grup i organizacji producentów rolnych jako przedsiębiorców
branżowej organizacji rynków rolnych ............................................................................................................. 59
Magdalena Dłużyk, Witold Kabański
Perspektywy rozwoju regionów – Kraju Basków i Katalonii w kontekście ustrojowym
niepodzielnego państwa hiszpańskiego ............................................................................................................ 72
Z orzecznictwa trybunałów europejskich
Dawid Sześciło
Wyrok Europejskiego Trybunału Sprawiedliwości z 6 grudnia 2007 r.
w połączonych sprawach C-463/04 i C-464/04 Federoconsumatori, Adiconsum,
ADOC, Ercole Pietro Zucca i inni przeciwko Comune di Milano .......................................................... 83
spis treści
4/2008 (208)
Z orzecznictwa sądów administracyjnych
Krzysztof Gruszecki
Glosa do wyroku Wojewódzkiego Sądu Administracyjnego w Warszawie z 14 maja 2007 r.
(IV SA/Wa 304/07) ............................................................................................................................................... 88
Table of Contents & Abstracts .......................................................................................................................... 92
Redakcja przyjmuje oryginalne teksty, o objętości nie większej niż 50 tys. znaków, z wyraźnie zaznaczonym tytułem, podziałem na podrozdziały, podsumowaniem oraz krótką notką o autorze. Materiały większe lub już publikowane wymagają
osobnej zgody Redaktora Naczelnego i Wydawcy. Tekst należy również zaopatrzyć w abstrakt w języku polskim, o objętości nie większej niż 500 znaków, z tym że autor może zaproponować tłumaczenie na język angielski tytułu tekstu oraz
abstraktu. Przypisy powinny być opracowane w tradycyjny sposób – na dole strony. Dopuszczalny jest również wykaz
wykorzystanej w tekście literatury. Materiały wraz z danymi autora (stanowisko, adres, numer telefonu) i ewentualnym
listem polecającym prosimy przysyłać pocztą elektroniczną lub zwykłą, z załączoną dyskietką albo płytą CD. Przekazując
tekst do redakcji, autor przenosi na Wydawcę wyłączne prawo do jego publikacji. Redakcja zastrzega sobie prawo skracania tekstów, zmiany tytułów, śródtytułów oraz poprawek merytorycznych i stylistycznych, również w wersji angielskiej.
Materiałów niezamówionych nie zwracamy.
TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S & abst r acts
4/2008 (208)
Territorial Self-Government
Scientific and Professional Monthly
Paweł Swianiewicz
Profile of a Polish Councillor 2007 ................................................................................................................... 5
The paper presents a profile of a typical municipal councillor elected in 2006. It is based on data from the General Electoral Committee (PKW)
and a survey of 330 councillors in municipalities with more than 10,000 inhabitants, conducted within the framework of the international MAELG
research project. The profile consists of the following dimensions: (1) the demographic profile, (2) the political views and affiliation with national
political parties, (3) the political career (since when he has held his post and what he intends to do after his term of office), (4) types of activities of
councillors, (5) opinions on local policies and politics (perceived role of various actors in local decision-making, opinions on the role of the council
and the tasks of local government). Recent years have brought increasing stability among local political elites. Polish councillors remain unique
(in European comparisons) in their loose connections with national political parties. The demographic profile of a typical councillor is changing very
slowly – there has been a very slight increase in the share of female councillors, as well as an increase in their level of education.
Marek Jarentowski, Artur Celiński
Influence of the local government electoral law on the results of elections
to regional assemblies in 2006 ....................................................................................................................... 17
The article presents a politological analysis of the influence of the Local Government Electoral Act, as amended in 2006, on the results of elections to
regional assemblies in 2006. The main area of interest of the authors is the impact of the institution of the candidate list group. The analysis is based on
a comparison of the actual results of the elections with a simulation of the spread of seats in accordance with the law before the amendment. The amendment resulted in parties, which were not in any groups, losing most. However, groups as a whole gained. The amendment was positive for small parties
within groups – they won seats at the expense of their larger partners. The new law did not help strong and stable majorities emerge. This is demonstrated by the value of the Gallagher index. Despite the intentions of the applicants, fragmentation in the membership of regional assemblies increased.
Another result of the amendment was the appearance of cases of inequality and disproportionality in the spread of seats in many voivodships.
Wojciech Federczyk
The protection of the tenant’s rights and municipal housing management in Poland
– selected issues ............................................................................................................................................... 30
Housing law and the protection of the tenant is an important matter in Poland, if only from the point of view of the inadequate quantity of housing
compared with the population. The Parliament has been trying to develop the protection of the rights of tenants as well as possible for a dozen or
so years. This is particularly difficult because of the administrative method of regulating tenancy, which has been in force for almost 50 years. This
is one of the most popular titles for the use of housing. The article presents a standard model of protection of the tenant, as well as the municipal
tasks in this respect. Practical problems have been raised which appear during the fulfilment by the municipality of its housing tasks, together with
propositions of their solutions.
Aleksandra Olszewska
The impartiality of the body of state administration in the light of article 24 § 3
of the Administrative Procedures Code with reference to the general principles of this code ......... 44
Impartiality is strictly related to the need for the reliable and diligent performance by civil service employees of their duties and, in effect, making objectively substantiated administrative decisions. When attempting to answer the question of what the general principles of administrative proceedings
are and what their connection with impartiality is, it should be demonstrated that the use of the term alone, as well as the administrative duty to act impartially, suggests that there is a need to establish relatively permanent and coherent rules of administrative proceedings. Among these rules, because
of their nature and importance, attention should firstly be drawn to the duty of the civil service to refrain from any arbitrary actions which could have
a negative impact on an objective decision which should be made in the case under review and, secondly, to the principles regarding the need of the civil
service to refrain from favouring any of the parties, i.e. participants of the proceedings, regardless of the motive of such conduct.
T e r r ito r ial S elf - G o v e r nment
Scientific and Professional Monthly
Beata Jeżyńska
Proceedings for registering groups and organisations of agricultural producers as entrepreneurs
in a sectoral organisation of agricultural markets . .....................................................................................59
The laws constituting the grounds for the functioning of agricultural markets form the business status of agricultural producer associations in a unique
manner. These associations, known as organisations or groups of producers, can be authorised to administer the mechanisms of an EU common agricultural market. A decision of the Head of the Board of the respective Voivodship is of constitutive significance, which creates the rights and duties of the
group in this respect. This decision is appropriate to the EU formula of recognition, i.e. the confirmation of whether the association of producers satisfies
the statutory requirements and is capable of participating in the achievement of the objectives of the EU common agricultural market.
Magdalena Dłużyk, Witold Kabański
Perspectives for the development of regions – the Basque Country and Catalonia
in the context of the structural indivisibility of Spain ................................................................................72
The Spanish model of decentalisation, which is based on the principle of solidarity between the regions, can be considered weakened and destabilised through separatist tendencies, which are generally attributed, in particular, to the Basques and Catalonians. A detailed analysis of the regional
legal acts and administrative law practices in the individual autonomies does not provide the grounds for justifying this view. The Basque community
has discredited separatist groups, treating their activities as a threat to the economic development of their own region, as well as their image. Similarly, Catalonia is not heading towards a breach of Spain’s structural and territorial integrity. The New Statute of this Autonomy – despite reflecting
an institutional order worthy of an independent state, presents the will to coexist within the framework of the Crown.
From case law of European courts
Dawid Sześciło – Ruling of the European Court of Justice of 6 December 2007
in combined cases C-463/04 and C-464/04 Federoconsumatori, Adiconsum, ADOC,
Ercole Pietro Zucca et al. v. Comune di Milano . ......................................................................................... 83
Key statement of the rulings: Article 56 of the EC Treaty obstructs the national regulation under which the articles of association of a joint stock
company can award a state entity (e.g., a territorial self-government unit) having a share of this company’s capital the right to directly appoint at least
one member of the management board, which, independently or in connection with another regulation is capable of enabling this entity to exercise
a controlling right which is disproportionate to its share in this company’s share capital.
From case law of the administrative courts
Krzysztof Gruszecki – Commentary on the ruling of the Voivodship Administrative Court
in Warsaw of 14 May 2007 (IV SA/Wa 304/07) ......................................................................................... 88
Key statement of the ruling: The association obtained the status of a participant with the rights of a party in proceedings on the environmental
conditions for consent to fulfil a project, by presenting its reservations in these proceedings. The circumstance of whether the complaining association observed the deadline referred to in article 32 of the environmental protection law is a secondary issue – the 21-day deadline is essentially only
a guideline instead of a final date.
Translated by R. Wojtasz

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