spis treści artykuły orzecznictwo dylematy sprawozdania


spis treści artykuły orzecznictwo dylematy sprawozdania
Jerzy Regulski
Samorządność i społeczeństwo obywatelskie – kilka pytań i wiele wątpliwości ...................... 5
Katarzyna Zajda
Władza lokalna, organizacje pozarządowe i przedsiębiorcy – współdziałanie na rzecz
rozwoju wsi. Studium przypadku gmin wiejskich powiatu radomszczańskiego .................... 10
Grażyna Piechota
Jednostki pomocnicze w strukturach zarządzania polską gminą (analiza funkcjonowania
jednostek pomocniczych w śląskich miastach na prawach powiatu) ..................................... 21
Jan Gola, Grzegorz Klich
Pojęcie mienia publicznego – dylematy ................................................................................ 36
Joanna Uliasz
Prawo do prywatności osób pełniących funkcje publiczne ................................................... 51
Dawid Sześciło
Wyrok Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej z 19 grudnia 2012 r.
w sprawie C-159/11, Azienda Sanitaria Locale di Lecce, Università del Salento
v. Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Lecce i in. ......................................................... 63
Jarosław Olesiak, Łukasz Pajor
Wyrok Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego z 8 maja 2012 r. (II OSK 401/12),
glosa częściowo aprobująca .................................................................................................. 66
Antoni Jeżowski
Litera prawa ......................................................................................................................... 75
Jakub Kociubiński, Bartosz Olszewski
Konferencja naukowa „Mediacje w społeczeństwie otwartym. Prawne, społeczne
i ekonomiczne aspekty prowadzenia mediacji w obszarze działania władz publicznych”,
Wrocław, 21–22 października 2011 r. .................................................................................. 85
Samorząd Terytorialny 3/2013
Opracowała Justyna Przedańska ...........................................................................................89
Table of Contents & Abstracts .............................................................................................92
Redakcja przyjmuje teksty oryginalne o objętości 30–50 tys. znaków, z wyraźnie zaznaczonym tytułem, podziałem na podrozdziały, podsumowaniem, przypisami, krótką notką o autorze oraz adresem
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Samorząd Terytorialny 3/2013
Territorial Self-Government
Scientific and Professional Monthly
Jerzy Regulski
Self-governance and the civic society – a few questions and numerous doubts..................................5
Is a civic society the ability of citizens to manage their own State, or the ability to handle their own affairs outside its structures? Are civic activities only those which are undertaken by NGOs? Therefore, is involvement in self-government a civic activity? What do the differences between
holding an office in local authorities and NGOs involve? According to the author, we need to respond to precisely such questions if we want to
increase the involvement of citizens in public activity and if we want our self-government to assume a more “civic” nature.
Katarzyna Zajda
Local authorities, NGOs and entrepreneurs – cooperation in rural development.
Case study of rural municipalities in the Radomszczański County........................................................10
Representatives of local authorities, NGOs and entrepreneurs can work together within a partnership. Examples, which are reasonably commonly
encountered in rural areas, are local action groups. They support territorial self-government units in such areas as narrowing the socio-economic
problems of rural areas. Nevertheless, there are areas which are not encompassed by their support – an example is the Radomszczański County in
the Łódź Voivodship. In this article, the authoress presents the relationship between the local authorities of rural municipalities, entrepreneurs and
NGOs in this area and assesses their chances of partnership cooperation in rural development.
Grażyna Piechota
Auxiliary units in the management structures of the Polish municipality
(analysis of the functioning of auxiliary units in Silesian cities on the rights of a county) ............... 21
In the article, the authoress examines the involvement of auxiliary units in the process of managing the municipality based on the results of studies
in which she was involved in 2011 at selected cities of the Silesian Voivodship. She describes the functioning of auxiliary units (districts and estates),
taking into account the processes in which they communicate with the local community, citing opinions of community leaders directly involved
in the functioning of the units, both on the practical operation of the units and the suggested changes which would enable the more effective
management of the units and the reinforcement of their role in the self-government structures.
Jan Gola, Grzegorz Klich
The notion of public property – dilemmas ................................................................................................ 36
The article describes public property, which has a specific, instrumental nature which depends on public interest. It discusses the differences between ownership, property and assets, indicates the basic features of State property, self-government (municipal) property and private property
and subdivides public property in the subjective and objective sense, while referring to the functional criterion. The authors also present three categories of public property, universal, administrative and fiscal, and analyse the principle of divisibility and indivisibility of public property, thereby
describing the aspects of the principles of correct management of public property.
Samorząd Terytorialny 3/2013
Joanna Uliasz
The right to privacy of people holding public posts ................................................................................. 51
The main subject of the article is the relationship between two rights guaranteed by the Polish Constitution: the right to privacy of people holding
public posts and the citizen’s personal right of access to information. The authoress discusses the extent to which privacy is protected, the absence
from the legislation of a single legal definition of a person holding a public post and dilemmas appearing in the determination of the priority of these competing constitutional rights. In her analysis of the case law of the Constitutional Tribunal and the common courts, she also makes a number
of comments to clarify the conditions for justified interference in the privacy of people holding public posts.
David Sześciło
Ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 19 December 2012 in case C-159/11,
Azienda Sanitaria Locale di Lecce, Università del Salento v. Ordine degli Ingegneri della
Provincia di Lecce et al. .................................................................................................................................. 63
European Union public procurement law precludes national legislation which authorises the conclusion, without an invitation to tender, of a contract by which public entities establish cooperation among each other where the purpose of such a contract is not to ensure that a public task
that those entities all have to perform is carried out, where that contract is not governed solely by considerations and requirements relating to
the pursuit of objectives in the public interest or where it is such as to place a private provider of services in a position of advantage vis-à-vis his
Jarosław Olesiak, Łukasz Pajor
Ruling of the Supreme Administrative Court of 8 May 2012 (II OSK 401/12),
partially approving commentary ................................................................................................................. 66
1. The refusal of the ability for councillors to withdraw a statement of will, which has serious defects, in the absence of an appropriate public law
regulation would be a solution which places councillors in a worse situation than the situation of persons making civil law statements of will.
2. The importance of electoral legislation means that the possible withdrawal of a statement of will on stepping down from office cannot be free;
it can only take place in specific circumstances and only before the authority adopts a resolution confirming the expiry of the mandate. The
assessment as to whether such exceptional circumstances justifying – because of the serious defect in the statement of will – the admissibility of
withdrawing it rests with the authority, which should apply the provisions of the Civil Code (Articles 61 and Article 82-88) as support.
Antoni Jeżowski
The letter of the law ........................................................................................................................................75
Every profession, everyone working in any occupation has a unique language, sometimes referred to as jargon. This is also the case among lawyers.
But this is not always a code interpreted in ‘normal conditions’. It transpires that – according to the author – the language of the law is not always
the language of lawyers. This is frequently due to the excessively rapidly changing Polish law – even its most ardent followers cannot keep up with
the changes taking place in it; sometimes this is the effect of ignorance and disregard of matters such as how the language of the law calls them.
The article constitutes an excellent background for pausing for a moment and considering whether the institutions appointed to safeguard the
letter of the law are/should be limitlessly faithful to it.
Jakub Kociubiński, Bartosz Olszewski
Scientific Conference “Mediation in an open society. Legal, social and economic aspects
of mediation in the area of operation of public authorities,” Wrocław, 21–22 October 2011 ........ 85
Prepared by Justyna Przedańska ............................................................................................................... 89
Samorząd Terytorialny 3/2013