New w Acquisition Books ns – July 201 16


New w Acquisition Books ns – July 201 16
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
16 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry B
Books EElectronic publications p. 1‐6 p. 7‐13 Books C
Call No Author 42385 Maddyy‐Weitzman, Brucee 42449 Schulzee, Ilona ; Schulze, Wolfgang 42425 Hosking, Geoffrey A. 42407 Tosiek,, Piotr 42453 Raich, Lola 42454 Babayaan, Anahit 42394 Gel'maan, Vladimir 42396 Bassin, Mark ; Glebov, Sergeĭ ; Laruelle, Marlène (eds.) Wanat,, Ewa 42440 Wenar, Leif 42431 Title Date of publ.//Publisher olitics : from the A
Arab Revolt A century of Arab po
to tthe Arab Spring Handbook of the M
Minorities of Armenia : A A H
Socciocultural and So
ociolinguistic Survey A H
History of the Soviiet Union 1917‐19
991 Adm
ministracja rządow
wa państwa człon
nkowskiego w o
organach przygoto
owawczych Rady Unii Eurropejskiej : perspeektywa politologicczna Afrrica in 21st centurry US and EU agen
ndas : a com
mparative analysis. Case studies : U
d JAES P&S Arm
menia on the horizon of Europe : su
uccesses and sho
ortcomings of dem
mocratization effo
orts by Eurropean organizations in a post‐Soviet state Autthoritarian Russiaa : Analyzing Post‐‐Soviet Reggime Changes Bettween Europe and
d Asia : the origins, theories, and
d legacies of Russian Eurasianism Biało‐czarna Blo
ood oil : tyrants, violence, and the rrules that run thee world 1 ISBN 20
016 Rowman & Liittlefield 9781442236929 9
016 Verlag Dr. Kovac 20
9783830087366 9
992 Fontana Press, an imprint 19
off HarperCollins 016 Wydawnictwo 20
Uniwersytetu Mariii Curie‐
Skkłodowskiej 000686287X 0
9788377847770 9
016 Peter Lang 9783631672471 9
016 Peter Lang 9783631660355 9
015 University of Pittsburgh Prress 20
015 University of Pittsburgh Prress 20
016 Wielka Litera 20
016 Oxford Univeersity Press 9780822963684 9
9780822963660 9
9788380321052 9
9780190262921 9
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
16 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author Title Date of publ.//Publisher 42435 McDon
nald‐Gibson, Charlotte 42455 Pais, So
ofia Oliveira 42456 Santander, Sebastian (dir.) 42433 Cartled
dge, Paul Rijavecc, Vesna ; Kerestešš, Tomaž ; Ivanc, TTjaša (ed.) of Survival from Europe's Casst Away : Stories o
Reffugee Crisis Com
mpetition Law Challenges in the Ne
ext Decade ncurrences région
nales dans un mon
nde Con
ultipolaire émergeent Dem
mocracy : A Life Dim
mensions of evideence in European civil pro
ocedure 42419 Pikettyy, Thomas Eko
onomia nierówności 42373 Raptop
poulou, Kyriaki‐Ko
orina 42441 Lenaerts, Koen ; Maseliss, Ignace ; Gutman, Kathleen 42450 Ossegee, Christoph 42408 Firlit‐Feesnak, Grażyna ; ŁŁotocki, Wiktorr ; Zawadzki, Piotr W. (red.) 42446 Buchan
n, David ; Keay, M
Malcolm 42424 Winsto
one, Martin 42409 Furier, Andrzej Gru
uzja niepodległa : od monarchii do republiki 42432 Melam
med, Avi Inside the Middle Eaast : Making Sense
e of the Most 016 Skyhorse Pub
blishing 20
ngerous and Com
mplicated Region o
on Earth 42375 20
016 Portobello Bo
ooks 9781846276156 9
016 Peter Lang 9782875743282 9
016 P.I.E. Peter Laang 9782875743480 9
016 Oxford Univeersity Press 20
016 Wolters Kluw
wer : Kluwer Laaw International
015 Wydawnictwo Krytyki Po
olitycznej 9780199697670 9
EU law and healthcaare services : norm
mative app
proaches to publicc health systems
015 Kluwer Law In
nternational 20
9789041150134 9
EU Procedural Law 20
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 9780198707349 9
016 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137517890 9
016 Aspra‐JR 9788375456813 9
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 9780198753308 9
015 Dom Wydawniczy REBIS 9788378185505 9
015 Wydawnictwo Naukowe 20
Wydziału Humanistycznego US W
MINERWA 9788364277559 9
Eurropean regulatoryy agencies in EU d
making : between exxpertise and influence Eurropejskie polityki imigracyjne : starre dylematy, now
we wydarzenia ds an energy Eurrope's long energyy journey : toward
uniion? Gen
neralne Gubernattorstwo : mroczne
e serce Eurropy Hitlera 2 ISBN 9789041166623 9
9788364682520 9
9781634505727 9
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
16 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No 42410 42411 42428 42457 42430 42444 42397 42387 42395 Author Title Date of publ.//Publisher wać bank oraz 131 innych Kiedy warto obrabow
Levitt, Steven D. ; Dubneer, Stephen zakkręconych pomysłłów i napadów po
ozytywnego J. bełłkotu mokracji w Europiie i próby Kryyzys liberalnej dem
Ossowsski, Szymon (red.)) jego zażegnania democracia en la nueva gobernanzza La d
onómica de la Uniión Europea = Democracy in Garzón
n Clarina, Gregorio
o (ed.) thee new economic ggovernance of the European Union = La democràcia a la nova gove
ernança eco
onòmica de la Uniió Europea Lab
bour protest in Po
oland : trade union
ns and Wenzeel, Michał em
mployee interest articulation after socialism Less procédures budggétaires de L'Unio
on eurropéenne de 2012
2 à 2014 : Le passage du cadre Saarilahti, Ilkka finaancier 2007‐2013 au nouveau cadrre financier 201
14‐2020 Kalyvass, Stathis N. Mo
odern Greece : wh
hat everyone need
ds to know Mó
ów jak TED : 9 spo
osobów na dobrą prezentację Gallo, C
Carmine według wybitnych m
mówców Gerrits, André Nattionalism in Europ
pe since 1945 Now
wa Huta : Generaations of Change in a Model Pozniakk, Kinga Soccialist Town 42427 Krzyszttof Stopka et al. Orm
miańska Warszaw
wa = Armenian Wa
arsaw 42412 Kawaleec, Stefan ; Pytlarcczyk, Ernest wyjść z pułapki wsspólnej Parradoks euro : jak w
waluty? 3 ISBN 20
016 MT Biznes 9788380870604 9
015 Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek M
9788380193819 9
015 Ediciones Juríídicas y 20
ociales ; Marcial P
Pons ; Universitat Autono
oma de Baarcelon 9788416402892 9
016 Peter Lang 9783631668924 9
015 European Preess Academic 20
ublishing 9788883980800 9
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 9780199948796 9
016 Buchmann 9788328024861 9
016 Palgrave Maccmillan 20
014 University of Pittsburgh Prress 012 Fundacja Kulttury i 20
Dziedzictwa Ormian Polskich 9781137337870 9
016 Poltext 9788375616217 9
9780822963189 9
9788392664512 9
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
16 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No 42400 Author Pamsau
uer, Petra 42429 Tomaszzewska, Ewa (red). ; Parlam
ment Europejski 42458 ńska‐Gross, Irena ; Grudziń
Nawrocki, Iwa (eds.) 42413 Strus, D
Dorota 42401 Kissinger, Henry Grzeszcczak, Robert ; Szczerba‐
Zawadaa, Aleksandra (red
d.) Koschin
nka, Torsten Frank ; Leanza, Piero 42414 42374 42415 42443 42459 42451 Title Date of publ.//Publisher Pokkolenie dżihadu : Europo czeka cię apokalipsa Poland : the heritagee of parliamentarism until 179
91 : exhibition at tthe European Parrliament ‐ Bru
ussels 2009 = Polo
ogne : traditions d
du parrlementarisme jussqu'à 1791 : exposition au Parrlement Européen
n ‐ Bruxelles 2009 = [...] Poland and Polin : New Interpretation
ns in Polish‐
wish Studies Polityka ekologicznaa Polski po akcesji do Unii Eurropejskiej Porrządek światowy
Praawo administracyjjne Unii Europejskkiej Preeliminary Injunctio
ons : Germany, Enggland/Wales, Italyy and France Przzepływ osób, usługg, towarów i kapittału w Daulen
nov, Miras um
mowach międzynarodowych Unii Eu
uropejskiej Bew, Jo
ohn Reaalpolitik : a historyy matie : Sociabilitéss, réseaux et Réinventer la diplom
ques en Europe depuis 1919 = praatiques diplomatiq
Genin, Vincent ; Osmontt, Matthieu Resshaping Diplomaccy : Networks, Pra
actices and ; Raineau, Thomas (dir.) Dyn
namics of Socializzation in European
n Diplomacy sincce 1919 Rem
membering occup
pied Warsaw : Pollish Tucker,, Erica L. narrratives of World War II 4 ISBN 016 Warszawskie 20
9788328704558 9
Wydawnictwo Lite
rackie "Muza" 20
008 DjaF 9788392210009 9
016 Peter Lang 9783631666661 9
016 Oficyna Wydaawnicza Asspra‐JR 20
016 Wydawnictwo Czarne 20
016 Instytut Wydaawniczy Eu
uroPrawo 20
015 Wolters Kluw
wer 016 Wydawnictwo Adam 20
Marszałek 20
016 Oxford Univeersity Press 9788375456868 9
9788380493018 9
9788376271323 9
9789041158338 9
9788380192928 9
9780199331932 9
016 Peter Lang 20
9782875743541 9
011 NIU Press 9780875806556 9
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
16 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author 42381 Le Cach
heux, Jacques ; Laaurent, Éloi Title Date of publ.//Publisher 42439 n, Thierry ; Foucheer, Michel ; Chopin
Robert Schuman Foudattion Merrittt, Giles 42399 Stempiin, Arkadiusz 42437 Khlevniuk, O. V. port on the State of the European Union. Vol. Rep
4, Is Europe Sustainaable? human Report on Europe : State of the Union Sch
16 Slip
ppery Slope : Euro
ope's Troubled Future Sojusznicy : od Frydeeryka i Katarzyny Wielkiej do Meerkel i Putina Stalin : New Biograp
phy of a Dictator 42426 De Búrca, Gráinne ; Weiler, J.H.H. Świat europejskich kkonstytucjonalizm
mów 42447 Gelvin, James L. Thee Arab Uprisings : What Everyone N
Needs to Kno
ow 015 Oxford Univeersity Press 20
9780190222758 9
42460 Hauserr, Roman ; Zirk‐Sadowski, Marek ; Wojciechowski, Bartosz (eds.)
Thee common Europeean constitutional culture : its sou
urces, limits, and iidentity 20
016 Peter Lang 9783631659915 9
42445 Yekelch
hyk, Serhy 20
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 9780190237288 9
42461 Aguilerra de Prat, Cesareeo R. 20
016 Peter Lang 9782875743633 9
Thee European Union
n : how does it wo
ork? 20
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 9780199685370 9
Thee Habsburg Empirre : A New Historyy old War : Perspecttives on Thee Legacy of the Co
Seccurity, Cooperatio
on, and Conflict Thee new odyssey : th
he story of Europe
e's refugee crissis 20
016 Harvard Univversity Press 9780674047761 9
014 Lexington Books 9780739194911 9
016 Guardian Boo
oks 9781783351053 9
42391 42436 on, John ; Kenealy, Daniel ; Peterso
Corbett, Richard (eds.) Judson, Pieter M. 42386 Mastnyy, Vojtech ; Liqun,, Zhu (eds.) 42434 Kingsleey, Patrick 42442 Thee conflict in Ukraine : what everyon
ne needs to kno
ow ocratic Deficit : The Response Thee European Demo
of tthe Parties in the 2014 Elections 5 ISBN 20
015 Palgrave Maccmillan 9781137451071 9
016 Linges de Rep
pères 9782366090369 9
016 Oxford Univeersity Press 9780198757863 9
016 Agora 9788326823787 9
016 Yale Universitty Press 20
014 Centrum Euro
opejskie Natolin 9780300219784 9
9788364118173 9
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
16 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry C
Call No 42438 42448 Author Gorbacchev, Mikhail Serggeevich Arnull, Anthony ; Chalmers, Damian
n (eds.) 42462 Bachmann, Klaus ; Gieseeke, Jens (eds.)
42423 Wolszaa, Tadeusz 42422 42452 Balcero
owicz, Leszek bis‐Romanowska, Dagmara Kornob
(red.) Weeks,, Theodore R. 42390 Bergen
n, Doris L. 42416 42420 42417 42398 Title Date of publ.//Publisher Thee new Russia 20
016 Polity 9781509503872 9
Thee Oxford Handboo
ok of European Union Law 20
015 Oxford Univeersity Press 9780199672646 9
016 Peter Lang 9783631666685 9
015 Instutut Histo
orii PAN 9788375433883 9
016 Czerwone i Czarne 9788377002186 9
016 Currenda 9788360833704 9
015 NIU Press 9780875807300 9
016 Rowman & Liittlefield 9781442242289 9
015 Wydawnictwo Rambler 9788362751433 9
016 Dom WYdawniczy Elipsa 9788380170957 9
016 Wydawnictwo Czarne 9788380492714 9
n communist and post‐
Thee silent majority in
mmunist states : o
opinion polling in Eastern and Sou
uth‐Eastern Europ
pe To co widziałem przeekracza swą grozą
ą najśmielsze fan
ntazje : wojenne i powojenne losy P
Polaków wizzytujących Katyń w
w 1943 roku Trzeba się bić z PiS o
o Polskę Unia Europejska w roli gwaranta i pro
omotora praaw podstawowych
h Viln
nius between nations : 1795‐2000
Waar and genocide : a concise history of the holocaust Gędek,, Stanisław ... [et aal.] ; Ruszel, Wsspólny rynek gazu Unii Europejskiejj Mariussz ; Zajdler, Robertt (red.) praca w Unii Europejskiej : Wzzmocniona współp
Sapieżkko‐Samordak, Joaanna kon
ncepcja doktryna praktyka wicz, Kwiatkowska‐Moskalew
bić smoka : ukraiń
ńskie rewolucje Katarzyyna 42418 Wojcieechowska, Maja Zarrządzanie zasobam
mi niematerialnym
mi bibliotek w sspołeczeństwie wiedzy 42421 Hall, Alleksander Zła zmiana 6 ISBN 016 Wydawnictwo 20
Sttowarzyszenia Bib
bliotekarzy Po
olskich 20
016 Wydawnictwo ARCHE 9788364203640 9
9788388445569 9
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
16 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Electrronic publica
ations AUTHOR
Balázs Trencsényi, M
Maciej Janowski, M
Monika A historry of modern polittical thought in Eaast Central B
Baár, Maria Falina and Europe [electronic resource] M
Michal Kopeček. Afghan history through A
Afghan eyes [electtronic N
Nile Green. resourcce] All the ffacts [electronic resource] : a history of Jaames W. Cortada.. informaation in the United
d States since 187
70 Allocating the earth [elecctronic resource] : a B
Breena Holland. utional frameworkk for protecting caapabilities in distribu
nmental law and p
policy ows in the Analysiss of developmentts in EU capital flo
Zsolt Darvas ... [et al.]. global ccontext [electronic resource] que et critique Bayle, Jurieu, and the Dicctionnaire historiq
Mara van der Lugtt. [electro
onic resource] Beyond melancholy [elecctronic resource] : sadness and Erin Sullivan. selfhood in Renaissance England Carnagee and connectivityy [electronic resource] : D
David Betz. landmarks in the decline of conventional m
military power Challenging prospects for roam like at hom
me [electronic b
by Georgios Petrop
poulos resourcce] and J. Scott Marcu
us. Commo
on writing [electro
onic resource] : esssays on Sttefan Collini. literary culture and publiic debate 7 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL.. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Bruegel, 20
016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Bruegel Workingg Paper Bruegel, 20
016. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. New
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
16 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
Susan V. Spellman. Philippe‐N. Marcaiillou. Jo
osé María Maravaall. M
Martin Andersson and TTobias Axelsson. b
by Georg Zachman
nn. Sumit Ganguly. Jaan Joel Andersson
n ... [et al.]. [ccoordinated by Th
hierry TTardy]. b
by Dirk Schoenmakker and Nicolas Véron. Lo
ori Clune. R
Ryan Gingeras. Erik R. Scott. TITLE SERIES Cornering the market [electronic resourcee] : indepen
ndent grocers and
d innovation in Am
merican small Oxford scholarsh
hip online businesss d benefit pension schemes in the U
United Kingdom Defined
Oxford scholarsh
hip online [electro
onic resource] : assset and liability m
management Demand
ds on democracy
Oxford scholarsh
hip online Diverse development patths and structural transforrmation in the esccape from poverty [electronic resourcce] Electricity without bordeers [electronic resource] : a plan to makee the internal marrket work Engagin
ng the world [elecctronic resource] :: Indian foreign policy since 1947 Envision
ning European defence [electronic resource] : Five futures pean Security [electronic EUISS Yearbook of Europ
resourcce] : YES 2016 : Po
olicies, Instrumentts, Facts, Figures,, Maps, Documen
nts, 2015 Europeaan banking supervvision [electronic resource] : the first eighteen months Executin
ng the Rosenberggs [electronic reso
ource] : death and diplomacy in a Cold W
War world Fall of the Sultanate [elecctronic resource] : the Great War and
d the end of the O
Ottoman Empire 1
1908‐1922 Familiarr strangers [electrronic resource] : tthe Georgian diaspora and the evolutio
on of Soviet empiire 8 PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL.. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Bruegel Blueprint Series Bruegel, 20
013. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Chaillot papers, n
nr 137 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Institute for Security Studiess, 2016. Institute for Security Studiess, 2016. Bruegel Blueprint Series Bruegel, 20
016. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. New
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
16 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
Gerard Keown. First of the small nationss [electronic resou
urce] : the beginnings of Irish foreiggn policy in the intter‐war years, 1919‐19
932 Oxford scholarsh
hip online K
Katharine Gelber.
Free speeech after 9/11 [eelectronic resourcce] Oxford scholarsh
hip online D
Dustin Ells Howes. Freedom
m without violencce [electronic reso
ource] Oxford scholarsh
hip online K
Kent Greenawalt.
From th
he bottom up [eleectronic resource] : selected essays Oxford scholarsh
hip online edited by Channing A
Arndt, Andy McKayy, and Finn Tarp. Growth and poverty in su
ub‐Saharan Africaa [electronic resourcce] Oxford scholarsh
hip online Jaames Kirby. edited by Mónica FFerrín and Hanspeter Krieesi. D
Despina Alexiadou
u. M
Mattias Åhrén. D
David Brundage. Historiaans and the Churcch of England [electronic resourcce] : religion and h
historical scholarship, 1870‐1920
d evaluate democcracy How Europeans view and
onic resource] nd loyalists [electrronic resource] Ideologues, partisans, an
: ministers and policy‐maaking in parliamen
ntary cabinets Indigenous peoples' status in the international legal system [electronic resource] Irish Nationalists in Amerrica [electronic reesource] : the politics of exile, 1798‐199
98 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online edited by Gangeyaa M
Mukherji. Learning non‐violence [eelectronic resource] Oxford scholarsh
hip online Jeeffry Frieden. Lessonss for the euro from
m early US monettary and financiaal history [electron
nic resource] Bruegel Essay and Lecture Series
9 PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL.. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Bruegel, 20
016. New
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
16 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
edited by Ted Hop
pf and B
Bentley B. Allan. edited by Reinhildee V
Veugelers. b
by Davide Castellani and A
Andreas Koch. edited by Carlo A
Altomonte and Gábor B
Békés. Liesbet Hooghe ... [et al.]. Jeeffrey James Byrn
ne. TITLE SERIES Making identity count [electronic resourcee] : building a national identity databasse Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Manufaacturing Europe's future [electronicc resource] Bruegel Blueprint Series Bruegel, 20
013. Mappin
ng competitivenesss with European data [electro
onic resource] Bruegel Blueprint Series Bruegel, 20
015. Measurring competitiveness in Europe [eleectronic resourcce] : resource alloccation, granularityy and trade Bruegel Blueprint Series Bruegel, 20
015. Measurring regional authority [electronic rresource] : a postfun
nctionalist theory of governance Mecca o
of revolution [electronic resource] : Algeria, decolon
nization, and the TThird World orderr N
Norrin M. Ripsman
n, Neoclasssical realist theorry of international politics Jeeffrey W. Taliaferro, and [electro
onic resource] Stteven E. Lobell. Offend, shock or disturb [electronic resource] : free G
Gautam Bhatia. speech under the Indian constitution ormation and political order in con
nflict affected Peace fo
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d. societiees [electronic reso
ource] People on the move [electronic resource] : The new R
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olini, Ennio Bilancini, Luigino Policies for happiness [ellectronic resourcee] B
Bruni, Pier Luigi Po
orta Post sovvereign constitutiion making [electrronic resource] A
Andrew Arato. : learnin
ng and legitimacy
10 PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL.. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Chaillot papers, 1
138 Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Institute for Security Studiess, 2016. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. New
w Acquisition
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16 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
TITLE SERIES Private regulation and th
he internal markett [electronic resourcce] : sports, legal sservices, and standard setting in Oxford scholarsh
Mislav Mataija. hip online EU econ
nomic law Protecting civilians in waar [electronic reso
ource] : the ICRC, UNHCR, and their limitations in internal armed M
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hip online resourcce] edited by Nicu Pop
pescu, Report (Institute for Security nic resource] : horrizon 2025 Russian futures [electron
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hip online and Jacqui True. and thee politics of financcial crises Sense and sensibility [eleectronic resource]] : Addressing Report (Institute for Security edited by Eva Pejso
ova. Studies). 28 the South China Sea disp
putes H
H. Jefferson Powelll and Targetin
ng Americans [eleectronic resource]] : the Oxford scholarsh
hip online Philip C. Bobbitt. constitu
utionality of the U
U.S. drone war The access regime [electronic resource] : patent law Feroz Ali. Oxford scholarsh
hip online reformss for affordable m
medicines The Agaartala doctrine [ellectronic resourcee] : a proactive edited by Subir Bhaumik. Oxford scholarsh
hip online northeaast in Indian foreiggn policy M
Michael Kerr and C
Craig The Alawis of Syria [electtronic resource] : war, faith and Oxford scholarsh
hip online politics in the Levant Laarkin. Qaeda franchise [eelectronic resourcce] : the The al‐Q
Barak Mendelsohn
n. Oxford scholarsh
hip online expansion of al‐Qaeda an
nd its consequencces nning of rights [eleectronic resource] : law, life, The cun
Rajshree Chandra. Oxford scholarsh
hip online biocultu
ures 11 PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL.. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. EU Institute
e for Security Studies, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Institute for Security Studiess, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. New
w Acquisition
ns – July 201
16 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
Kristina Spohr. b
by Giorgio Barba N
Navaretti … [et al.]]. Lisa L. Miller. C
Christophe Jaffrelo
ot. edited by James A. C
Caporaso and Marrtin R
Rhodes. A
Alice Taylor. H
Hwy‐Chang Moon.. Lung‐chu Chen. TITLE SERIES The global chancellor [eleectronic resourcee] : Helmut Schmidtt and the reshapin
ng of the internattional order The global operations of European firms [electronic resourcce] : The second EFIGE policy report The mytth of mob rule [ellectronic resourcee] : violent crime and democratic po
olitics The Pakkistan paradox [electronic resourcee] : instability and resilience mic dynamics of th
he Eurozone The political and econom
crisis [electronic resourcee] The shaape of the state in
n medieval Scotlan
nd, 1124‐1290 [electro
onic resource] The straategy for Korea's eeconomic successs [electronic resourcce] The U.SS.‐Taiwan‐China reelationship in inteernational law and policy [electronic ressource] Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2016. Bruegel Blueprint Series Bruegel, 20
011. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online L.W.B. Brockliss. The Uniiversity of Oxford [electronic resou
urce] : a history Oxford scholarsh
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