ns – May 20 - Natolin Library


ns – May 20 - Natolin Library
w Acquisition
ns – May 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry B
Books EElectronic publications p. 1‐6 p. 7‐9 Books C
Call No Author nikov, Grigorij ; Gyarfasova, Mesezn
Olga ; B
Butorova, Zora (ed.) Title Alteernative Politics? : The Rise of New
w Political Parrties in Central Europe 41292 Robertson, Geoffrey 41295 41307 41275 9788089345373 9
An inconvenient gen
nocide : who now remembers thee Armenians? 20
014 Biteback Publishing 9781849547789 9
Corbin,, Juliet ; Strauss, A
Anselm niques and Bassics of Qualitativee Research : Techn
ocedures for Deveeloping Grounded Theory 20
015 SAGE 9781412997461 9
der, Peter Berrlin Now : The Rise of the City and tthe Fall of thee Wall 20
014 Penguin Bookks 9780241970836 9
013 John Murray
9781848547926 9
015 I.B.Tauris & C
Co Ltd 9781784533137 9
41320 41285 Zimbalist, Andrew S. 41298 Miliban
nd, Ralph von der Groeben, Hans ;; Schwarze, Eurropäisches Unionssrecht. Band 1 Jürgen ; Hatje, Armin 41269 41270 Bigg Data : A Revolutiion That Will Tran
nsform How Wee Live, Work and TThink Breexit : How Britain Will Leave Europe
e Circcus maximus : thee economic gamble behind hossting the Olympics and the World C
Cup Class War Conservattism : And Other E
Essays von der Groeben, Hans ;; Schwarze, Eurropäisches Unionssrecht. Band 2 Jürgen ; Hatje, Armin 1 ISBN 20
013 Institute for P
Public Affairs Mayer‐‐Schönberger, Vikktor ; Cukier,, Kenneth MacShane, Denis 41296 Date of publ.//Publisher 015 Brookings Insstitution Press 9780815726517 9
015 Verso 9781781687703 9
014 Nomos 9783832960193 9
014 Nomos 9783832960193 9
w Acquisition
ns – May 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No 41271 Author Title von der Groeben, Hans ;; Schwarze, Eurropäisches Unionssrecht. Band 3 Jürgen ; Hatje, Armin 41272 von der Groeben, Hans ;; Schwarze, Eurropäisches Unionssrecht. Band 4 Jürgen ; Hatje, Armin 41305 Lendman, Stephen (ed.) 41299 Hobsbaawm, Eric 41309 MacGregor, Neil 41291 Hudson
n, Michael 41381 Flasshpoint in Ukraine : How the US Drrive for Heggemony Risks Wo
orld War III ISBN 20
014 Nomos 9783832960193 9
014 Nomos 9783832960193 9
014 Clarity Press
9780986073144 9
Fraactured Times : Cu
ulture and Societyy in the Twentieth Century Gerrmany : memories of a nation Glo
obal fracture : thee new internationa
al economic ord
der 20
014 Abcus 9780349139098 9
014 Allen Lane 9780241008331 9
005 Pluto Press 0745323944 0
Billingtton, James H. Icon and the Axe : An Interpretive Hisstory of Russsian Culture 19
970 Vintage Bookks 9780394708461 9
41359 Marchii Balossi‐Restelli, Ludovica ; Whitman, Richard G. ; Edwards, Geoffreey (ed.) Itally's foreign policy in the twenty‐firsst century : a 20
015 Routledge con
ntested nature? 41313 Kappeler, Andreas 41416 Packer,, George 41273 Catala, Michel 41274 n, Michel ; Bussièrre, Eric ; Dumoulin
Teichovva, Alice Kleine Geschichte deer Ukraine Kryyzys wolnego rynkku? : amerykański portret wewnętrzny 9780415538343 9
014 C.H. Beck 9783406670190 9
015 Świat Książki
9788379437269 9
La FFrance, l'Espagne et l'indépendancce du Maroc : 20
015 Indes savantees 195
51‐1958 19
998 Institut d'études L'Eu
urope centrale ett orientale en rech
herche eu
uropéennes d'in
ntégration économ
mique : 1900‐1950 2 Date of publ.//Publisher 9782846543668 9
2874040037 2
w Acquisition
ns – May 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author Title Meemory Unearthed : The Lodz Ghetto
o Pho
otographs of Henryk Ross 41289 Ross, H
Henryk 41314 ova, Tanya ; Kahl, Thede Dimitro
41315 Malloyy, Tove H. (ed.) 41310 41288 41276 Short, P
Philip Hill, Fio
ona ; Gaddy, Cliffo
ord G. Aitken,, Jonathan 41322 Qurie, Ahmed ('Abu Ala'') 41267 Małuszzyńska, Ewa ; Mazzur, Polska ‐ 10 lat członkkostwa w Unii Eurropejskiej Grzego
orz ; Musiałkowskaa, Ida (red.) 41293 Burnelll, Peter J. 41294 Hartogg, François 41323 Lloyd, JJohn ; Marconi, Cristina 41286 Bastasiin, Carlo 41316 Figes, O
Orlando Miggration from and towards Bulgaria 1989–2011 Min
nority Issues in Eu
urope : Rights, Concepts, Policy Mittterrand : A Studyy in Ambiguity Mr. Putin : Operativee in the Kremlin Nazzarbayev and the making of Kazakh
hstan m the Second Peaace negotiations in Palestine : From
Intiifada to the Roadmap ISBN 20
015 Yale Universitty Press 9780300207224 9
014 Frank & Timm
me 9783865965202 9
013 Frank & Timm
me 9783865965431 9
014 Vintage 9780099597896 9
015 Brookings Insstitution Press 9780815726173 9
009 Continuum 9781441153814 9
015 I.B. Tauris 9781780760933 9
015 Wydawnictwo 20
Uniwersytetu Ekon
nomicznego 9788374178419 9
omoting democracy abroad : policyy and perrformance 20
011 Transaction P
Publishers 9781412818421 9
Reggimes of historicitty : presentism an
nd exp
periences of time
015 Columbia University Press 9780231163767 9
014 I.B. Tauris 9781784530655 9
porting the EU : N
News, Media and tthe Rep
Eurropean Institution
ns Savving Europe : Anattomy of a Dream
hick einen Gruß, zuweilen durch die
e Sterne : Eine Geschichte von Liebe und Überle
eben in Zeitten des Terrors 3 Date of publ.//Publisher 20
015 Brookings Insstitution Press 9780815726135 9
015 Deutscher Taschenbuch 20
Veerlag 9783423348430 9
w Acquisition
ns – May 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author n, Thierry ; Foucheer, Michel Chopin
(ed.) Title Sch
human Report on Europe : State of the Union 201
15 41317 Friess, Dennis ; Jax, Juliaa ; Michalski, Anna (Hg.) 41324 ISBN 20
015 Lignes de Rep
pères 9782366090253 9
Sprrechen Sie EU? : D
Das kommunikativve Versagen einer großen Idee 20
014 Frank & Timm
me 9783732900060 9
Capusssela, Andrea Loren
nzo State‐Building in Kossovo : Democracyy, Corruption d the EU in the Baalkans and
015 I.B. Tauris 9781780769158 9
41279 Żelicho
owski, Ryszard Sto
osunki polsko‐holeenderskie w Europ
pie pojjałtańskiej 014 Instytut Studiiów 20
olitycznych Polskiiej Akademii Nauk 9788364091223 9
41281 Fiszer, Józef et al. Sysstem euroatlantyccki w wielobiegunowym świiecie : próba proggnozy 014 Instytut Studiiów 20
olitycznych Polskiiej Akademii Nauk : Dom Wydaw
wniczy Elipsa 9788364091339 9
014 Instytut Studiiów 20
olitycznych PAN ; Ośrodek M
Myśli Politycznej 9788364753138 9
015 Columbia University Press 9780231173155 9
015 Vintage 9780099546078 9
014 Columbia University Press 9780231158855 9
014 The Bodley Head 9781847922052 9
005 Wolf Legal Pu
ublishers 9789058501158 9
41312 41282 Burako
owski, Adam Sysstem polityczny w
współczesnej Rumu
unii 41301 Sachs, JJeffrey 41304 Booth, Michael Thee age of sustainab
ble development
Thee Almost Nearly P
Perfect People : Be
ehind the Myyth of the Scandin
navian Utopia 41306 Lynch, Marc (ed.) 41308 Moorhouse, Roger 41277 Jacobs,, A. T. J. M. Thee Arab Uprisings EExplained : New C
Contentious Politics in the Middlee East Thee Devils' Alliance :: Hitler's Pact with
h Stalin, 193
39–1941 Thee European Consttitution : How it w
was created, what it will change
4 Date of publ.//Publisher New
w Acquisition
ns – May 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No 41201 41325 41265 Author Title Date of publ.//Publisher Balfourr, Rosa ; Carta, Caaterina ; Raik, Kaatri (ed.) Thee European extern
nal action service and national 20
015 Ashgate foreign ministries : cconvergence or divergence? Cornerr, Mark Bacon, Paul ; Mayer, Hartmut ; mura, Hidetoshi (ed
d.) Nakam
Thee European Union
n : An Introduction
n 20
014 I.B. Tauris Thee European Union
n and Japan : a new chapter in 20
015 Ashgate civiilian power coopeeration? Thee Holocaust Sites of Europe : An Historical Guiide Thee Islamic State : a brief introduction
n Thee Rise of Islamic SState : ISIS and the
e new Sunni Revvolution 9781472446442 9
9781780766850 9
9781472457493 9
41326 Winsto
one, Martin 41284 Lister, C
Charles R. 41300 Cockbu
urn, Patrick 41290 Wolf, M
Martin Thee Shifts and the Sh
hocks : What we'vve learned ‐ and
d have still to learrn ‐ from the finan
ncial crisis 41283 Smith, Hanna (ed.) Thee Two‐level game : Russia's relation
ns with Great 20
006 Aleksanteri In
nstitute Brittain, Finland and the European Union 9521030615 9
41266 Minken
nberg, Michael (ed.) he East Traansforming the traansformation? : th
Eurropean radical right in the political process 20
015 Routledge 9781138831834 9
41318 Tyulenev, Sergey Traanslation and the Westernization of Eighteenth‐
ntury Russia. A So
ocial‐Systemic Perrspective 012 Frank & Timm
me 20
9783865964724 9
41287 Wilson, Andrew Ukrraine crisis : whatt it means for the west 20
014 Yale Universitty Press 9780300211597 9
41268 Unia Europejska 10 llat po największym Małuszzyńska, Ewa ; Mazzur, rozzszerzeniu : perspeektywa nowych p
państw Grzego
orz ; Musiałkowskaa, Ida (red.) czło
onkowskich 015 Wydawnictwo 20
Uniwersytetu Ekon
nomicznego 9788374178433 9
5 20
015 I.B. Tauris ISBN 9781780769998 9
015 Brookings Insstitution Press 9780815726678 9
015 Verso 9781784780401 9
014 Allen Lane 20
9781846146978 9
w Acquisition
ns – May 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry C
Call No Author opoulos, Georgioss A. ; Antono
Papanicolaou, Georgios Title Unlicensed capitalism
m, Greek style : illegal markets and 'organised crime' in Gree
ece 41311 al‐Saleh
h, Asaad Voiices of the Arab Spring : personal stories of the Araab revolutions 41302 Žižek, SSlavoj ; Horvat, Srećko 41297 Judt, To
ony 41303 Kissinger, Henry 41280 Żelicho
owski, Ryszard (red.) 41278 hat does Europe w
want? : the Union and its Wh
disccontents Wh
hen the facts chan
nge : essays, 1995
5‐2010 Wo
orld Order : Reflecctions on the Character of Nattions and the Cou
urse of History Wyyspy Unii Europejsskiej : bogactwo cczy balast? 6 Date of publ.//Publisher ISBN 014 Wolf Legal Pu
ublishers 20
9789462401464 9
015 Columbia University Press 9780231163194 9
013 Istros Books
9781908236166 9
015 William Heineemann 9780434023080 9
014 Penguin Bookks 9780241004265 9
014 Instytut Studiiów 20
olitycznych Polskiiej Akademii Nauk 9788364091247 9
College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry New
w Acquisition
ns – May 2015 Electrronic publica
ations Autho
or K
Kat Hill. edited by Malcolm
m Evans, Peter n Rivers. Petkoff, and Julian
edited by Jon R. Lin
ndsay, Tai M
Ming Cheung, and Derek S. R
Reveron. M
Miles Jackson. W
Wadie E. Said. A
Agustina Giraudy.
edited by Ben Boer. D
David French. M
Marshall J. Breger and Gary J. Edles. European Partnersship for D
Democracy. Title
Baptism, brotherrhood, and belief in Reformation G
Germany [electronic resou
urce] : Anabaptism
m and Lutheranism
m, 1525‐
1585 Changing nature of religious rightss under internatio
onal law urce] [electronic resou
China and cyberssecurity [electronic resource] : espionage, strategy, and pollitics in the digitall domain Complicity in inteernational law [electronic resource
e] Publisher / D
Date of publicatio
on ord scholarship Oxfo
online Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. Oxfo
ord scholarship online Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. Oxfo
ord scholarship online Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. ord scholarship Oxfo
online Oxfo
ord scholarship online Crimes of terror [electronic resource] : the legal and political implications of feederal terrorism p
prosecutions Democrats and aautocrats [electronic resource] : pathways of ord scholarship Oxfo
subnational undeemocratic regimee continuity within
n online democratic coun
ntries Environmental laaw dimensions of human rights [ele
ectronic Oxfo
ord scholarship resource] online Fighting EOKA [eelectronic resource] : the British counter‐
ord scholarship insurgency camp
paign on Cyprus, 1
1955‐1959 online Independent ageencies in the Uniteed States [electro
onic Oxfo
ord scholarship resource] : law, sstructure, and pollitics online Inspiring democrracy [electronic reesource] : operating model for inclu
usive and participatory policy dialogue 7 Series Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. European Partnership for Democracy, 2015. New
w Acquisition
ns – May 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Autho
or Title
International law
w in the U.S. legal system [electronic C
Curtis A. Bradley.
resource] Mapping the Gerrmans [electronicc resource] statistical Jaason D. Hansen. science, cartograaphy, and the visu
ualization of the G
German nation, 1848‐191
14 ed. by Thomas Hip
ppler and Miloš Paradoxes of peaace in nineteenth century Europe [[electronic V
Vec. resource] edited by Cecilia M
Marcela Bailliet Promoting peacee through internattional law [electro
onic and Kjetil Mujezino
ović Larsen. resource] Purging the Empire [electronic ressource] : mass exp
pulsions in M
Matthew P. Fitzpatrick. Germany, 1871‐1
1914 Redbrick [electro
onic resource] : a social and archite
ectural W
William Whyte. history of Britain
n's civic universitiees Render unto the Sultan [electronic resource] : power, authority, and th
TTom Papademetrio
ou. he Greek Orthodo
ox Church in the early Ottoman centuriies The business of A
America is lobbyin
ng [electronic reso
ource] : Leee Drutman. how corporation
ns became politicized and politics b
became more corporate
The color factor [electronic resourrce] : the econom
mics of H
Howard Bodenhorrn. n well‐being in the nineteenth‐century South African‐American
Michael R. Watts.
Robert Diab. Patrick Lantschnerr. The dissenters [eelectronic resourcce] The harbinger theory [electronic rresource] : how th
he post‐
9/11 emergency became permaneent and the case ffor reform The logic of polittical conflict in meedieval cities [elecctronic resource] : Italy aand the Southern Low Countries, 1
1370‐1440 8 Series Oxfo
ord scholarship online ord scholarship Oxfo
online Oxfo
ord scholarship online Oxfo
ord scholarship online Oxfo
ord scholarship online Oxfo
ord scholarship online Publisher / D
Date of publicatio
on Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. ord scholarship Oxfo
online Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. ord scholarship Oxfo
online Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. Oxfo
ord scholarship online Oxfo
ord scholarship online ord scholarship Oxfo
online ord scholarship Oxfo
online Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. New
w Acquisition
ns – May 2015 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Autho
or ed. by Arvind Panaagariya and M. G
Govinda Rao. M
Michael F. Harsch. edited by Saitya Brrata Das and udhury. Soumyabrata Chou
TT. Markus Funk. ed. by Christopherr S. Gibson, TTrevor M. Rajah, and Timothy J. Feighery. Title
The making of m
miracles in Indian sstates [electronic resource] : Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, and Gujaraat The power of dependence [electro
onic resource] : N
NATO‐UN cooperation in crrisis managementt The weight of vio
olence [electronicc resource] : religion, language, politicss Victims' rights an
nd advocacy at the International Crriminal Court [electronicc resource] Series Oxfo
ord scholarship online Oxfo
ord scholarship online Oxfo
ord scholarship online Oxfo
ord scholarship online War reparations and the UN Compensation Commission [electronic resou
urce] : designing ccompensation afte
er conflict ord scholarship Oxfo
online 9 Publisher / D
Date of publicatio
on Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015. Oxford Unive
ersity Press, 2015.