Sophie-Charlotte Schippmann “Höchst unerwünschte Ausländer


Sophie-Charlotte Schippmann “Höchst unerwünschte Ausländer
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 41 – Abstracts
Sophie-Charlotte Schippmann
“Höchst unerwünschte Ausländer”:
The fate of ethnic German expellees in post-war Austria
The large influx of ethnic Germans from the East into Germany at the end of the
Second World War is a well-known and researched fact. However, there were also
about 300.000-632.000 expellees that ended up in post-war Austria. In contrast to
Germany, Austria was not required by the Potsdam Agreement to take them in and
consequently advocated their deportation. It was not only the financial burden associated with the expellees but also Austria’s aim to convince the allies of the “victim
myth” that motivated Austria to favour deportation over integration. Taking in ethnic German expellees would highlight Austria’s close past with Germany and could
even be perceived as an acceptance of legal succession of the Third Reich. The allies
initially supported Austria’s decision but except for a large number of deportations
in 1946 the plan was not carried to its conclusion. Around 350.000 expellees were
able to remain in Austria. However, the fact that they were not granted equal rights
in all areas until 1971 shows they were not welcome in Austria for a long time.
Keywords: Austria, German expellees, Heimatvertriebene, integration, post-war period, Opfermythos
„Höchst unerwünschte Ausländer”:
Los przesiedlonej ludności niemieckiej w powojennej Austrii
Fakt, że pod koniec II wojny światowej do Niemiec licznie napływali ze wschodu etniczni Niemcy jest dobrze znany i zbadany. Jednak od około 300 000 do 632 000
przesiedlonych trafiło także do powojennej Austrii. Na Austrii, inaczej niż na Niemczech, nie ciążył nałożony w tzw. deklaracji poczdamskiej obowiązek ich przyjęcia,
wobec czego Austria opowiedziała się za ich deportacją. Z przyjęciem przesiedleńców
wiązały się dla niej ciężary finansowe, ale nie tylko: Austria chciała też przekonać
aliantów do swego „mitu ofiary”. Austriacy przychylali się raczej do deportacji, a
nie do integracji. Przyjęcie niemieckich przesiedlonych rzucałoby nowe światło na
ścisłe związki Austrii z Niemcami w przeszłości, a nawet mogłoby być postrzegane
jako akceptacja sukcesji prawnej po Trzeciej Rzeszy. Alianci początkowo popierali
stanowisko Austrii w tej sprawie. Jednak pominąwszy liczniejsze deportacje, jakie
miały miejsce w roku 1946, plany nie zostały urzeczywistnione. Około 350 000 przesiedlonych pozwolono pozostać w Austrii. Niemniej fakt, że nie przyznawano im
równych praw we wszystkich sferach życia aż do roku 1971 świadczy o tym, iż przez
długi czas nie byli oni w tym kraju dobrze widziani.
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 41 – Abstracts
Bohdan Dziemidok
Teoretyczne i praktyczne kłopoty z tożsamością narodową
Theoretical and practical troubles with national identity
National identity is one of the basic and most stable forms of collective identity.
For many people it is a core value because it fulfills three important needs of man:
the need to belong (rootedness), the need of axiological orientation and the need of
respect due to any member of a respected community such as a nation. Two troubles
are connected with national identity in present times. First, a strong sense of national identity can lead to ethno-nationalism, xenophobia and conflicts among nations.
On the other hand, we are living in an epoch of globalization and international integration, which - in the opinion of many authors - endangers national identity and
in effect may cause its loss and replacement with a cosmopolitan identity. The author
undermines such views. He believes that strong national identity does not necessarily cause aggressive nationalism and xenophobia. Moreover, he does not agree with
the view that globalization processes and integration tendencies will soon change
national identity into cosmopolitan identity.
Keywords: national identity, xenophobia, nationalism
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 41 – Abstracts
Ryszard Radzik
Białorusini na tle procesów narodotwórczych
społeczeństw Europy środkowo-wschodniej
Belarus vis a vis nation-building processes
in Central and East European communities
The text explores the nation-building factors that determined the intensity with
which certain nations in Central and East Europe were formed in the 19th century
and at the beginning of the 20th century – with some reference to their contemporary situation, especially of today’s Belarus. In addition to Belarus, the analyses also
briefly cover nation-building processes in Ukraine (Galicia and Dnieper Ukraine),
Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Three categories of factors that are crucial for the
processes under discussion have already been distinguished – namely civilization,
culture and politics. All three types decisively benefited the Czechs, who succeeded
in developing nation-building processes the soonest; the Czechs, among all the other
nations in the region, thus first acquired a national awareness at the popular level.
On the contrary, the above-mentioned factors did not work to the benefit of the Belarussians and Dnieper Ukrainians. The territories they inhabited were very weakly
industrialized and urbanized, while their languages differed from Russian and Polish much less than was the case, on the one hand, of the Slovaks and Czechs, and
on the other, of the Hungarians and Austrians (Germans). At the same time, Russian policies obviously hampered the formation of the Belarussian and Ukrainian
nations. This article shows the strength with which objective conditions exerted an
influence on nation-building processes in our part of the continent.
Keywords: Belarus, nation-building processes, Central and East Europe
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 41 – Abstracts
Grzegorz Bonusiak
Regionalne uniwersum symboliczne Wysp Alandzkich
Regional symbolic universum of the Aland Islands
The author argues that the inhabitants of the Aland Islands exhibit a separate
island identity. He describes the specific historical, geographical, social, political and
legal situation of this region on the basis of the elements that constitute the local/
regional symbolic universum. He points out that as a result of decades-long manifestations of a sense of separateness and of struggle to preserve and maintain this
separateness, a regional culture has come into being, unique and specific to these
Islands only. He claims that, based on this regional culture, a distinct ethnic identity
has been constructed, that manifests itself as a strong collective WE, a sense that the
inhabitants identify with the category “Aland Islander,” yet without establishing a
national identity, and with no aspirations for an independent sovereign state.
Keywords: the Aland Islands, Alander identity, regional culture
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 41 – Abstracts
Marcin Dębicki
Piwo i gospoda w kulturze czeskiej – polskie widzenie zjawiska
Beer and local pub in the Czech culture from a Polish perspective
The article aims at outlining the most distinctive features of two elements of the
Czech national culture: beer and the places where it is customary consumed. Specifically, the text focuses on characteristics of the position which beer occupies among
Czechs, as well as on a social dimension of the “traditional” provincial and village
local pubs (specific ambience, a type of service, guests, etc.), which makes the article
embedded in the cultural context. A special attention was paid to the restaurants located at the Czech railway stations, too. The analysis was carried out from the Polish
perspective, that is why the article includes a range of references to the peculiarities
of the Polish culture of drinking. Additionally, the observations were gathered during a number of visits the author paid in the Czech Republic. It all means that the
selection of the phenomena presented in the text and the way they were valued might
be different if some other national approach were employed here.
Keywords: the Czech Republic, beer, pub, culture of drinking
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 41 – Abstracts
Łukasz Lewkowicz
Pogranicze polsko-słowackie – analiza społeczno-gospodarcza
Polish-Slovak borderland: a socio-economic analysis
The aim of this article is to analyze the Polish-Slovak borderland environment
in a multifaceted matter. The geographical and social aspects of this analysis were
discussed in the beginning. A detailed characteristics of a demographic and ethnic
structure of inhabitants settled in the region was in­cluded. Local scientific centers as
well as cultural potential of the borderland were also presented there. Subsequently,
the subject of economic capability of the region was described. This information
regarded local industry and communication infrastructure. Careful attention was
paid to dynamic development of tourism, including trans-frontier tourism. The conclusions were compiled in the form of SWOT analysis, which gave an opportunity to
assess weaknesses and strengths of the region, and hence, to present the perspectives
of its development.
Keywords: borderland, trans-frontier cooperation, ethnic minorities, tourism
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 41 – Abstracts
Nicole Dołowy-Rybińska
Néo-bretonnants – konstruowanie tożsamości językowej
przez młode pokolenie osób bretońskojęzycznych
Néo-bretonnants: the construction of linguistic identity
by the young generation of Breton-speaking people
According to statistics there are today only about 200,000 people who know the
Breton language, but 70% of them are over 60 years old. However, every year more
than a thousand young Bretons learn the language in schools and another several
thousand adults attend language courses. It seems that in a dozen years or so the
Breton language will be known almost only as a second/learned language. This paper is based on open interviews and conducted with pupils in the Diwanimmersion
High School, students of the Faculty of Breton at Rennes University and Breton language learners (age of 16-25). A large majority of them come from families who have
not used Breton for two generations. The reason why these young people have decided to learn the language of their ancestors and their relation to the language are
studied. The Breton identity of today is not based on knowledge of the language but
on the strong emotional relation to it. The relation between their Breton identity and
the language is interesting. Speaking Breton is their conscious choice. It is not their
first language, in which they think and feel. The central question of the paper is concerned about to what extent the identity of néo-bretonnants is based on the relation
with the language as a distinguishing feature of cultural membership, and to what
extent the Breton language is the medium of enforcing this selected and consciously
created identity.
Keywords: néo-bretonnants (new Breton speakers), linguistic identity, constructed
identity, minority language, community
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 41 – Abstracts
Marcin Wakar
Polskie środowisko naukowe w Republice Litewskiej
Polish academic community in the Republic of Lithuania
In this article the author presents results of his research during a research scholarship in the Lithuanian Institute of History in Vilnius in autumn 2011. The article
describes the activity of the Polish scientific community in Lithuania, centered primarily in the Association of Polish Scientists in Lithuania and in several academic
centers of Vilnius.
The author discusses academic initiatives of the Polish scientific community,
such as the establishment of the Polish University in Vilnius or the creation of a subsidiary of the University of Bialy­stok. In addition, he focuses on the role of the University of Vilnius and the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences.
The author utilizes books, scientific periodicals and the Polish-language press
in Lithuania as well as in-depth interviews with a number of representatives of the
Polish scientific community in Lithuania.
Keywords: Lithuania, Vilnius, Polish academic institutions
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 41 – Abstracts
Joanna Szczepanik
Od przestrzeni do transmigracji. Tożsamość narodowa
w zwierciadle kultury artystycznej na przykładzie twórczości
kolektywu Neue Slowenische Kunst
From space to transmigration. National identity in the mirror
of the artistic culture on the example of collective
Neue Slowenische Kunst creativity
“The end of geography” was postulated two decades ago by Richard O’Brien.
This article tries to refer it to the Slovenes, the nation which only for two decades has
its own state and its own geography. The case study of the artist, the ideal transmigrant, as Marta Bucholc would say, gives us the possibility to understand the nature
of the contemporary world in the best way. That is why the object of an analysis in
this article is the collective Neue Slowenische Kunst, one of the most important cultural and social phenomena of the1980s in Slovenia.
This article presents very briefly the history of the state of Slovenia and the development of culture of this country, especially in the late 1980s and in the 1990s
when very important changes on the map occurred. As a consequence, NSK’s artists
decided to detach their projects from space and situate them in time, but it was not
a gesture of including themselves in the so-called “global trend.” On the contrary, it
was a very serious proposition of the revision of their national and artistic, Slovenian
and Eastern European, identity.
Slavoj Žižek probably was right that this part of Europe requires a separate study,
without automatically entering it into the framework of the ideology of globalization.
Keywords: transmigration, identity, culture, globalization, contemporary art, Eastern Europe, Slovenia, Neue Slowenische Kunst
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 41 – Abstracts
Bartosz Prabucki
Między tożsamością etniczną a marką globalną. Antropologiczna analiza
klubu FC Barcelona jako katalońskiej marki etnicznej
Between ethnic identity and global brand.
Anthropological analysis of FC Barcelona as an Catalan ethnic brand
The article describes a very interesting phenomenon: connections between
identity, ethnicity, sport (especially football) and marketing – being used to create
an ethnic brand in the contemporary global world. The author examines the example of the “nation without a state,” Catalans, and their famous football club, FC
Barcelona, to indicate how they use their ethnic and cultural heritage to make an
interesting market “product,” binding local features with global openness. Contemporary reality seems to put ethnic identity in danger. However, the case of Catalans
and FC Barcelona shows that it is possible to link identity and culture with global
market’s needs.
Keywords: ethnic identity, football, ethnic brand, Catalonia
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 41 – Abstracts
Nartsiss Shukuralieva
Xi Chan Kirgistanu. Kurmanbek Bakijew,
rządy rodzinne i heroizacja przeszłości
Xi Khan of Kyrgyzstan: Kurmanbek Bakiyev,
family rule and heroization of the past
The aim of the article is to highlight mechanisms of the construction of the national past. The pre-communist and communist times, period of independence and
the events of March 2005 were used to design the narration on the almost mythical
heroism of current authorities and their predecessors. The paper also attempts to reveal strategies of legitimization through the commemoration of the Tulip revolution.
Additionally, it tries to reconstruct and critically comment upon main arguments used in public speeches by the head of state, by his family and ideologues
of the regime. The aim, however, is not to present the coherent structure of official
thinking similar to ideology. Ambiguities, inconsistencies and ad hoc reactions constituted very important part of the regime’s official rhetoric. That is why the paper
emphasizes strong tension between authoritarian and democratic strands of official
discourse used accordingly to the ever-changing context in which Bakijev’s regime
Keywords: Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan, authoritarianism, nationalism, legitimization
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 41 – Abstracts
Adam Pawłowski
„Emirat Kaukaski” – wielki potencjał czy złudzenie siły?
The “Caucasian Emirate”: great potential or illusion of power
The article discusses current problems of many years of fighting in the North
Caucasus between Islamic militants of the armed underground, and the troops of
the Russian Federation and its constituent republics of the Caucasus. The Mujahideen, led by Dokka Umarov, strive to gain liberation from the domination of Moscow and create their own Koranic state called the “Caucasus Emirate.” In the text
the author considers to what extend it is possible to separate the North Caucasus
from Russia and turn the area into an independent state. For this purpose, the four
elements that make up the state of potential “Emirate” were described: the structure,
number of members declared and supporters loosely associated with the organisation of, finance and weapons as well as means of acquiring them. On the basis of the
above elements, the author presents the Armed Islamic underground of the Caucasus militants.
Keywords: “Caucasian Emirate”, Dokka Umarov, Armed Islamic underground in
the Caucasus, North Caucasus, Russia
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 41 – Abstracts
Konrad Sebastian Morawski
Ukryty fragment czarnogórskiej historii: przyłączenie Czarnogóry
do Serbii w 1918 roku
A Concealed fragment of the history of Montenegro:
the incorporation of Montenegro into Serbia in 1918
The circumstances accompanying the incorporation of Montenegro into Serbia
in November 1918 were marked by an internal conflict in the Montenegrin nation,
which, to be specific, was the conflict between King Nicholas I and his supporters on
the one side and the group of pro-Serbian former ministers in Montenegrin governments on the other side. The royal camp aimed at maintaining independence of the
Kingdom of Montenegro while the pro-Serbian camp’s aspiration was unconditional
incorporation of the country into the borders of the Kingdom of Serbia and later into
the unified South Slavic Kingdom. The pro-Serbian camp tipped the scales in its favour as it organised the illegal National Assembly on the territory of Montenegro,
which decided about the unification of Montenegro and Serbia and the dethronement of King Nicholas I. The consequences of this state of affairs led to a significant
number of uprisings of the Montenegrins allied with the royal camp. Out of these,
the Christmas Uprising gained a rank of a symbol. Montenegrin-Montenegrin and
Montenegrin-Serbian fights involved considerable losses on the part of the people of
Montenegro and the country’s architectural wealth, yet they solidified the national
awareness of the Montenegrins, and the cult of this awareness made it possible to regain independence after 88 years of strong bonds with Serbia.
Keywords: Montenegro, Serbia, independence aspirations
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 41 – Abstracts
Anna Jagiełło-Szostak
Nacjonalizm w przemówieniach Slobodana Miloševicia
Nationalism in Slobodan Milošević’s speeches
The fall of Yugoslavia showed economical, national, ideological and political
problems. Thus, there was a strong rise of hidden nationalisms among nations living
on the same territory, such as Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Montenegrin
and Macedonian from 1980’.
The aim of the article is to show how Slobodan Milošević’s nationalism was raising in his speeches in the period between 1988 (when he came to power) and 1992
(the new constitution of FRY was established). The author analyzed eleven speeches
made during the debates in the Serbian Parliament, during sessions of the Socialist
Party of Serbia and during meetings with people in such cities as Gazimstan, Belgrade, Novi Sad, Bor and Niš. In his speeches Milošević raised such subjects as the
question of Yugoslavia, the question of Serbian nation living on the whole territory
of Yugoslavia, the role of Serbia in the creation of Yugoslavia. Additionally, he was
blaming “enemies” (such as Slovenia, Croatia, Albanians from Kosovo) for collapse
of Yugoslavia and the war in the 1990’. He was using a language of populism and
propaganda to enhance his goals and tried to be emotionally close to his nation.
Keywords: Slobodan Milošević, hidden nationalisms, Yugoslavia, language of populism and propaganda

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