National cultural rlements„ and advertising the international tourism


National cultural rlements„ and advertising the international tourism
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 36 – Abstracts
Sergei Zhuk
„National cultural rlements„ and advertising the international tourism
in the Soviet tourist agencies during the Brezhnev era 1964-1984
Using the archival documents and personal interviews as historical sources, this
essay analyzes the ideological problems of advertising international tourism in the
main travel agencies of the Soviet Union during the Brezhnev era, 1964-84. These
agencies, Inturist, a Tourist Department of the Soviet Trade Unions and a Communist Youth League’s organization Sputnik, encountered problems with advertising from the early beginning of their history. In the 1960s and the 70s they created
special departments responsible for propaganda and advertising or advertising and
mass media in Inturist. On the one hand, these tourist agencies had to provide interesting information to attract more Soviet and foreign tourists and more financial
sources. On the other hand, the most attractive elements in advertising Soviet tourism were various national elements of different Soviet nationalities, including their
costumes, music and handicrafts. As a result, such efforts exposed the limits of Soviet cultural homogenization project during the stage of developed socialism. In practice, it led to serious problems for the representatives of the Soviet tourist agencies in
foreign countries. The most dangerous problem was nationalism.
The essay explores how the problems of national identity were tied to advertising
Soviet Union travel to foreign tourists as a new strategy of the Soviet tourist agencies
during late socialism before perestroika. Despite strict KGB and ideological regulations, new “national” forms of advertising such as folk music survived after 1984 and
contributed to expansion of tourism, which brought increased profits and influence
to the leaders of the local tourist agencies.
Keywords: cultural consumption, socialism, identity, tourism, nationalism, rock
music, folk music
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 36 – Abstracts
„Elementy kultury narodowej” a reklama turystyki zagranicznej
w radzieckich biurach podróży w epoce Breżniewa, 1964-1984
W oparciu o dokumenty archiwalne i wywiady osobiste jako materiały do
badań historycznych autor artykułu analizuje zagadnienia ideologii reklamowania
turystyki zagranicznej przez czołowe radzieckie biura podróży za czasów Leonida
Breżniewa, tj. w latach 1964-1984. Owe biura podróży, Inturist, Wydział Turystyki Związków Zawodowych ZSSR oraz organizacja Ligi Młodzieży Komunistycznej
„Sputnik” od samego początku swej działalności napotykały trudności w reklamowaniu swoich usług. W latach sześćdziesiątych i siedemdziesiątych XX wieku
powstały specjalne wydziały odpowiedzialne za propagandę i reklamę bądź, jak w
Inturiście, za reklamę i środki masowego przekazu. Z jednej strony biura podróży
zobligowane były do podawania interesujących informacji, aby zwrócić uwagę
większej liczby turystów krajowych i zagranicznych, jak też zwiększyć wpływy finansowe z turystyki. Z drugiej strony te najatrakcyjniejsze elementy w materiałach
reklamujących podróże do ZSRR to były rozmaite elementy kultury poszczególnych
narodowości zamieszkujących ZSRR, takie jak strój, muzyka i rzemiosło ludowe. W
rezultacie podejmowane w zakresie reklamy wysiłki obnażały granice kulturowej
homogenizacji dokonującej się na sposób sowiecki na etapie rozwiniętego socjalizmu. Stąd też w swej codziennej praktyce przedstawiciele radzieckich biur podróży
za granicą borykali się z poważnymi trudnościami. Najbardziej niebezpieczny stał
się problem nacjonalizmu.
Autor artykułu docieka, w jaki sposób kwestia tożsamości narodowej została
powiązana z reklamowaniem podróży do ZSRR jako nowa strategia radzieckich biur
podróży w schyłkowym okresie socjalizmu, przed pierestrojką. Pomimo ścisłych
wymogów ideologicznych i działań podejmowanych przez KGB, nowe formy reklamy o treściach „narodowych”, takie jak muzyka ludowa, przetrwały w okresie
po roku 1984, przyczyniając się do rozwoju turystyki i przynosząc szefom lokalnych
biur podróży coraz większe dochody i wpływy.
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 36 – Abstracts
Marek Pawlak
„Norway is like a hospital” vehicles for (re-)constructing the nationhood
among polish immigrants in Oslo
The article is a general anthropological survey of the complex issues of Polish
diaspora in Norway. The reflections and interpretations are based on the fieldwork
conducted by the author among Polish economic immigrants in Oslo during the
summer of 2009 for the interdisciplinary academic project CULCOM (‘Cultural
Complexity in the New Norway’). The main goal of the fieldwork was to examine the
tools for reconstructing the nationhood in immigrants’ everyday life, as well as the
particular nationalism shaped via social and economic class, gender relations and
particular cultural background. The present article, however, focuses only on the
first issue. Therefore, it deals with the most banal aspects of immigrants’ daily routine which at the first glance seem to be irrelevant and less important. Yet, by using
anthropological perspective one may observe that the same daily practices involve
various and complex moments of national Identification. As a result, the article describes and analyzes the national praxis of Polish immigrant workers living in one of
the Oslo districts. What seems to be interesting is the specific process of constructing the hermetic and national space by the immigrants in the context of Norwegian
reality. This process, in turn, includes various tools for banal nationalism.
Keywords: banal nationalism, immigrants, Polish diaspora, Oslo, Norway
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 36 – Abstracts
„Norwegia jest jak szpital”. (re-)konstrukcja tożsamości narodowej
polskich imigrantów w Oslo
Artykuł jest ogólnym spojrzeniem na problematykę polskiej diaspory w Norwegii. Podstawą refleksji są badania antropologiczne przeprowadzone przez autora
wśród polskich imigrantów ekonomicznych w Oslo latem 2009 roku w ramach interdyscyplinarnego projektu CULCOM („Cultural Com-plexity in the New Norway”).
Głównym celem badań terenowych była zarówno analiza procesów rekonstrukcji
tożsamości narodowej w życiu codziennym imigrantów, jak i próba spojrzenia na
fenomen nacjonalizmu w kontekście kategorii społeczno-kulturowych (takich, jak
klasa społeczna, gender itd.).
Sam artykuł natomiast podejmuje różne, banalne wręcz kwestie codzienności
polskich imigrantów, które jednak po dokładniejszej analizie ukazują wielość i złożoność procesów tożsamościowych. W konsekwencji, opisana i zinterpretowana została tu narodowa praxis polskich robotników budowlanych zamieszkujących jedną
z dzielnic Oslo. Istotne wydaje się tutaj tworzenie przez moich informatorów hermetycznej, narodowej przestrzeni w kontekście norweskiej rzeczywistości, w której
można zauważyć wiele narzędzi i praktyk banalnego nacjonalizmu.
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 36 – Abstracts
Stefan Dudra
Metropolitan Dionysius on the nationality question in the Orthodox
Church in interwar Poland
Metropolitan Dionysius took over management of the Orthodox Church in
1923. He managed the Orthodox Church in the difficult period of the Second Polish Republic. At that time the Orthodox Church was identified with the Russian
invader, and seen as a symbol of the partitions as well as of the religious and ethnic oppression of Poles. At the same time it was the largest religious association in
Poland, apart from the Roman Catholic Church. During this period, the Orthodox Church embraced several different nationalities among the faithful (including
Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians and others). This posed a significant problem in
both the Church’s internal relations and in its relations with the Polish state. Some
political minority groups tried to make the Orthodox religion an element of national
separatism. On the other hand, for the state authorities, the Orthodox Church was
an institution which carried out the Church’s policy and objectives for the benefit
of a particular ethnic minority. Throughout the period of Metropolitan Dionysius’
management he had to guide the church in such a way as to meet the needs of ethnically diverse believers, in spite of the basically unfriendly or even hostile attitude
of the Polish state towards the Orthodox Church. He had to take into account the
tendency of the faithful of Ukrainian, Russian, Belarusian and Polish origins to deal
separately with the various political forces existing within the Orthodox Church,
while seeking to provide the Church with an appropriate system and a specific political function.
Keywords: Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Dionysius, national minorities
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 36 – Abstracts
Robert Szwed
Culture and Identity in Poland’s eastern borderland
The article deals with the compound nature as well as the territorial, political
and cultural diversity of eastern Poland. Particular emphasis is put first on the historical rivalry of the Poles and the Russians, who both had strong national cultures
and the will to exert great influence on the identity assumed by the population of
eastern Poland. This political rivalry was accompanied by cultural rivalry. It was all
later summed up in the unique cultural heritage and social and cultural separateness of the region.
Today this region is composed of compact settlements of Lithuanians, Belarusians, and Ukrainians. The author discusses in detail the specific designates of the
area still existing in its architecture, and in the languages and ethnic identity of the
local people. His conclusion is that what we have here is not just one borderland of
eastern Poland, but several different borderlands. Local buildings, dialects and local
feelings of identity cannot be currently understood without narrations about their
past, as well as a cultural revitalisation. Only then can the culture and identity be
regained in the eastern region of Poland.
Keywords: culture, identity, eastern Poland, borderland
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 36 – Abstracts
Valentin Mihaylov
The civilisational identity of the Bulgarians:traditional
and contemporary dilemmas
The article deals with the civilisational identity of the Bulgarian people, and the
place of the Bulgarians on the civilisation map of Europe. The main problem here is
the nature of their civilisational identity: they do not have precise geographical coordinates but they are the result of subjective human perception. In addition, the issue
of civilisational identity is a matter of political propaganda.
From their historical traditions, the Bulgarians inherited several macro cultural
elements, (proto)Bulgarian, Slavonic, Orthodox, Balkanic and European. Considered separately, each of them can form the base required to construct a framework of
contemporary Bulgarian identity and its cultural relationship with other nations in
Europe. Some of these elements form strong spiritual foci around which are formed
their own cultural and civilisational circles. On this basis, the Bulgarian nation enters into various spatial and cultural-historical configurations. Among them, there
is a hierarchy, which in today’s open society primarily depends on the value and selfdetermination of each person. On the other hand, the interwoven cultural elements
on the Bulgarian territory enable some researchers to talk about transitional identity structures – Bulgarian-Slavic, Slavic-Orthodox, Balkan-Slavic, Balkan-European
and others.
The author also investigates the geopolitical concept of the „civilisational
choice,” which is supposed to determine the place of Bulgaria and the Bulgarians in
Europe and in the world: is it in the West Euro-Atlantic sphere or in Eurasia?
Keywords: Bulgarians, Slavs, civilization, national identity
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 36 – Abstracts
Michał Jarnecki
Political fantasy or necessity? Polish colonial plans in Portuguese Africa,
Nicaragua, Bolivia and Ecuador
In interwar Poland some institutions intended to solve part of the country’s economic and ethnic problems by acquiring colonies abroad. Accordingly, the Polish
Foreign Ministry as well as special institutions such as The Union of Colonial Pioneers and The Sea and Colonial League undertook some projects. Poland, a member of the victorious Ententa, was supposedly entitled to ca. 10% of the area of the
former German colonies, e.g. in Cameroon or Togo, or in another condominium
belonging to one of the colonial powers. These plans were made more specific in the
Argentina and Brazil, as well as Madagascar, were considered as natural goals
of Polish emigration policies. Then Poland became interested in settlements in the
colonial dominions of Portugal in Africa, i.e. Angola and Mozambique, and some
time later, also in some countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. As for Bolivia, the aim was to send as many Ukrainians as possible to the mountainous area
of Todos dos Santos (Province of Cochabamba). Other places in the vicinity of the
town of Ibera in Ecuador were also considered by the Polish authorities as suitable
for settlers, predominantly from Poland’s eastern borderlands. In the region of Encarnacion in Paraguay, a colony „Fram” was established in the 1930s. Nicaragua,
too, was considered a convenient place for Polish colonisation, the result of an effort
undertaken by the Polish businessmen Stanisław Czarnocki, who was a personal acquaintance of the local dictator, the famous Anastasio Somoza senior. For their part,
according to some completely incredible gossip, Dominica was supposedly ready to
accept some hundreds of thousands of Polish Jews.
All in all, these Polish colonial ambitions were unsuccessful, mainly due to the
lack of sufficient Polish state power to make them into reality.
Keywords: colonial ambitions, interwar Poland; The Sea and Colonial League, Latin
America: Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Nicaragua, Dominica; Portuguese Africa: Mozambique and Angola
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 36 – Abstracts
Nicole Dołowy–Rybińska
Cultural and linguistic minorities in the modern world –
– towards the cultural animation
The situation of cultural and linguistic minorities in 21st century demands reflection about their status and the way of existing in relation to dominant cultures.
Even defining the criteria of belonging to the minority is problematic. The objective
criteria, i.e. the usage of the ethnic language, the way of dressing, the lifestyle – are
now insufficient. Nowadays, to survive in the modern world the minorities adapt the
techniques elaborated by the dominant cultures. The obliteration of the cultural differences does not have to mean disappearance of minority cultures. They can find for
themselves such niches where they have a chance to exist and to develop. But not all
of the cultural activists accept the modernization of such cultures. They are afraid
that they would lose their character and uniqueness. It seems, nevertheless, that the
process is inevitable, yet it does not have to have negative consequences. In order to
secure their existence the minority cultures need specific actions aimed at their survival. The financial and institutional help from the state seems not to be sufficient to
mobilize ordinary people to become involved in the culture of their ancestors. The
most efficient way – because directed at the needs and desires of people – is cultural
animation. Thanks to the work of cultural animators many people can arouse in
themselves the need and wish to join the struggle for survival of minority cultures
and languages in the modern world.
Key words: cultural minorities, linguistic minorities, cultural animation
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 36 – Abstracts
Wojciech Stankiewicz
Incorporating Muslim migrants in the West:
the French model of integration
The Muslim emigration to France is connected with many social, religious and
political problems. The worshippers of Islam were admitted to settle, but not to integrate with French society and the national economy. Although, according to the
French scheme of integration, all people are equal before the law and it is unlawful to
emphasize differences, life in France does not reflect the Republican idea any more,
and instead of creating the French nation as one community, a multicultural society
unable to assimilate newcomers is being born.
There are numerous stereotypes in French society that push aside Algerians and
Moroccans, especially those living in the suburbs, and put them in conflict with the
French legal system. This approach should change and the French must cease perceiving Muslims as strangers and realise they are lawful citizens, an inseparable part
of their everyday life. The successive generations of Muslim immigrants should no
longer be pushed to the margins of social life because of their ethnic origin, name,
religion, and culture.
The violent riots in France in 2005 and 2007, however, were caused not only by
cultural conflict but also by the recession of the French economy. The main problem
in the French suburbs is the high level of unemployment (40%) caused by the numerous meanders of the immigration policy. Instead of facilitating employment for immigrants, the government demands special professional training even for jobs which
do not require such qualifications.
Keywords: Muslims, France, immigration policy, assimilation, suburbs
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 36 – Abstracts
Ewelina Malinowska
Cultural tourism: otherness tamed?
The article is an attempt to describe two major aspects of cultural tourism,
which is becoming a prominent feature of travel in the contemporary world. One aspect relates to the strategies whereby a tourist can become acquainted with a culture
different from his/her own, while the other aspect is how increased cultural tourism
can influence the tourist’s own national and social identity as well as his/her way of
belonging to a particular culture.
The author discusses the terminology of cultural tourism, especially important
in the context of ethnic groups and nationalities. She also reflects on the anthropology of global tourism, e.g. the theory of visitor—resident relations. Thus, tourism
development can lead to the creation of images of various groups in the eyes of the
tourist, an experience which frequently does not demonstrate a true situation, e.g. in
exotic tourist destinations he visits as an observer of culture.
Keywords: cultural tourism, culture, identity
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 36 – Abstracts
Olga Barbasiewicz
Consul Sugihara Chiune and the Polish Jews in Kaunas, Lithuania
in 1939-1940
The main subject of this article is the life and career of Sugihara Chiune, viewed
in the context of the fate of European Jews during their stay in the Lithuanian capital, Kaunas, while they were escaping from Nazi-occupied Europe in 1939 and 1940.
The author investigates how the Japanese consul helped them obtain visas and thus
saved their lives. She also deals with his private and professional life, including the
turns of his diplomatic career in pre-war Lithuania, and his views on crucial issues
involving his activities connected with saving the Polish Jews - even at the risk of
his own life and the life of his family. Sugihara continued to hand out transit visas
even after he was forbidden to do so by his superiors from the Japanese Foreign Ministry. Thus the war influenced his later life as a diplomat, not always in a beneficial
way. However, today Consul Sugihara is considered a hero and is commemorated in
many ways, both in his native Japan and in Lithuania.
Keywords: Sugihara Chiune, Kaunas, Jews, Japan, World War II
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 36 – Abstracts
Helena Krasowska
The ethnic structure of the territories of South-Eastern Ukraine
In her article the author analyses ethnic differentiation in the Donetsk and
Zaporozhe regions in South-Eastern Ukraine. These areas first were a target of colonisation in order to establish a new fuel-metallurgical basis for the Russian Empire
by developing the Donetsk coal industry and strengthening agriculture by colonising the steppes near the Black and Azov Seas. An important stage in the settlement
of these areas occurred at the beginning of the 16th century, when early settlers,
mainly Ukrainian manufacturers, Cossacks and peasants-refugees, arrived. The
next step came in the 16-18th centuries, when the defence of the southern borderland from Tartar invasions took place. From the 18th century onwards foreign newcomers contributed to the cultural and industrial development of this region. They
settled mainly in compact groups. The characteristics of settlement and development of such groups as Bulgarians, Germans, Jews, Czechs, Tartars, Poles, and Armenians are analysed in this article, too. The population censuses of the years 1959,
1989, 2001 are taken into account.
The industrialisation and later „Stalinisation” of the region led to the liquidation of part of some ethnic groups and to their enforced assimilation, in an effort
which was supposed to create a homogeneous Soviet people. However, as a result of
political changes since 1991, the region is becoming multicultural again.
Keywords: Ukraine, ethnic minorities, assimilation, multiculturalism
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 36 – Abstracts
Anna Jagiełło-Szostak
The Position of National Minorities in Serbia –
their legal protection and conflicts
National minorities constitute almost fourteen percent of the population of the
Republic of Serbia. The main aim of the article is to present the mechanism for the
protection of minority rights in Serbia. The author also compares them with the corresponding European standards. Moreover, she discusses in detail some of the major political, cultural, educational, linguistic, and social problems of the minorities
living in this territory.
The article thus deals with the following minorities: Albanians who live in
southern Serbia, Muslims from Sanjak, Hungarians from Vojvodina (the second biggest minority in Serbia), as well as the Vlahos, Romanians and Roma people, who
are scattered all over the country. All of these ethnic minorities are indeed strongly
demanding legal protection from the state. The issues of their distribution and status
in the light of their ethnicity versus the global society are also tackled in the article.
Keywords: Serbia, national minority, protection of minority rights
Sprawy Narodowościowe. Seria nowa, 36 – Abstracts
Łukasz Lewkowicz
Tatra Euroregion – a new quality in the Polish-Slovak cooperation
The Tatra Euroregion is a non-governmental organization which has actively
and professionally implemented various trans-frontier operations in the shared Polish-Slovak borderland for the last 15 years. The Euroregion has well-functioning organizational structures. Since 1999, the Euroregion has managed European funds
for the development of the Polish-Slovak borderland, enabling the implementation
of the constitutional aims and assignments of the Euroregion. Cooperation in social
and cultural fields is constantly among the prominent activities of the organization.
This kind of collaboration is crucial for the borderland’s evolution. It provides an effective environment for economic growth and pro-ecological activities, which are
still not sufficiently developed here. An important step in the modernization of the
Euroregions is the establishment of the 2008-2015 strategy. An organizational transition into the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation is planned for the near
Keywords: Tatra Euroregion, Poland, Slovakia, trans-frontier cooperation,

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