Saint Joseph Basilica


Saint Joseph Basilica
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith,
by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization
and nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal
growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values
and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
Sunday Vigil:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
Holy Day Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for
individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in
need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious
Education Office.
BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call
to make arrangements. Parents are required to
receive orientation.
MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage
requires one year’s notice. Please contact the
rectory for appointment.
Holy Day
6:30 a.m.; 8:30 a.m.;
5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. (Polish)
MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to
arrange visitation.
6:30 a.m. (m-f); 7:00 a.m. (w, f, sat)
PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to
become part of St. Joseph Parish Family,
please call the rectory.
Eve of Holy Days:
Thurs. before First Friday
First Friday:
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby
ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok
przed datą ślubu.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector: .............. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor .... Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Weekend assistance…..Rev. Charles Borowski
Financial Secretary ........................ Ewa Mamro
Secretaries:Virginia Woznicki&Elizabeth Sabaj
Organist: ..................................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristan ........................................ Joseph Ziak
53 Whitcomb Street,
Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467
Fax: 508-943-0808
e-mail: [email protected]
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną
posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy
przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster
Phone: 508-943-0378
Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal ........... Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary ...........Mrs. Cynthia Belanger
Phone: 508-943-0467 ext.: 115
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 508-943-2228
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September 14, 2014
Masses for the week—Msze Św. w Tygodniu
Sunday Vigil
4:00pm r.s. Robert Gardner - int. Wife and children
Sunday - September 14
7:00 za wypominki
8:15 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
9:30 r.s. Franciszek Turowski - int. córka Ewa
11:00 s.p. Edward i Władysław Parzych - int. Teresa
Monday - September 15
6:30 r.s. Robert Dumas - int. Williams family
2:15pm Lanessa Nursing Home
Tuesday-September 16
6:30 r.s. Walter and Helen Baron - int. Daughter Jane
Wednesday - September 17
6:30 r.s. Nora B. Coyle (anniv.) - int. Family
7:00pm For all intentions placed in the petition box praying
God’s favors through the intercession of St. Joseph
Thursday - September 18
6:30 r.s. Florence Chrzanowski - int. Robert Walkowiak
Friday - September 19
6:30 .r.s. Thomas Bayuk - int. Edward & Dorothy Suleski
Saturday –September 20
7:00 r.s. Robert Joseph Cusson
- int. Theodore and Helen Dawicki
Sunday Vigil
4:00 r.s. Jerome Groh (anniv.) - int. Daughters and family
Sunday - September 21
7:00 r.s. Alice Richard (9th anniv.) - int. Husband & family
8:15 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
9:30 r.s. Joseph, Sophie, Edward & Josephine Skarbek &
Francis & Gladys Hanieski
- int. Margaret & Louise Skarbek
11:00 s.p. Alina Lach - int. Maria, Jerzy i Dorota Debski
1:00pm Baptisms: Julianna Androlewicz
Natalia Androlewicz
Felix Mozdzierz
This week’s second collection is for Higher Energy and Fuel
Next weekend’s second collection is designated for the
Religious Education program to provide text books, audio
visual materials for our students and various expenses for the
mandatory retreats including our confirmation class.
I-25 Club Winner for 25th week
#13 Rachel D. Wagner
Weekly $4728.81 (including $208.81 in loose money);
(Diocesan Obligations $1682.15 (including $146.15 in loose
money; Fuel $131; Electronic giving $304
Weekly Budget $7000 - under $154.04
14 wrzesnia 2014r.
Stewardship Note: Even though the Lord led them out of
Egypt and provided for their every need, the people in today’s
first reading were complaining and ungrateful. Does my stewardship of God’s gifts show that I know from Whom they came
and am grateful?
Christ Jesus emptied himself, taking the form of a slave,
coming in human likeness.
- Philippians 2:7
In today’s Gospel, Jesus reminds Nicodemus how Moses had
“lifted up the serpent in the desert.” Then Jesus says, “So must
the Son of Man be lifted up, that all who believe may have eternal life in him.” The evangelist clearly saw this “lifting up” of
Jesus to mean his crucifixion.
That “lifting up” of the serpent by Moses is described in today’s first reading. The people were attacked by “seraph serpents,” and many died. God had Moses make an image of the
serpent and put it on a pole and lift it up. The people who had
been bitten looked at it and recovered.
Jesus “emptied himself, taking the form of a slave.” Lifted
up on the cross, he was despised and seemed the most abject of
people. But it was in embracing this disgrace and painful death
that he became the bearer of eternal life for all of us. His
“lifting up” in shame was also his “lifting up” in glory and triumph.
The Parish Council met on Tuesday, Sept. 9th and many issues were discussed:
A Parish Enrichment Program will be developed based most
likely on the teaching of St. John Paul II’s topics of his encyclicals pertinent to his life and ministry as a Supreme Pastor of the
Universal Church.
To raise additional income for the Diocesan Obligations we
are planning monthly dinners beginning October 18th after
4:00pm Mass. The November dinner will be held on
Nov. 15th.
A day of John Paul II will be celebrated on Oct. 19 at our
Basilica Some countries celebrate in May but the majority in
Oct. when he was elevated to the Chair of Peter.
Church Open Doors means Hospitality Day for all those
who do not participate regularly in Divine Worship and separate themselves from the Church or drifted away from the
meaning of Sunday Liturgy. We invite all those for Mass on
Oct. 12 at 8:15 or 9:30am followed by coffee and in the cafeteria. Members of organizations will be asked to assist.
Super Mega Raffle - sponsored by the Parish Council to
supplement our weekly collections will be held on St. Nicholas
Day, Dec. 6. Tickets will be mailed to parishioners soon.
To avoid conflicts with fund raising activities, each organization can have one major event during the year. Please contact
the rectory to set a schedule of events.
It is inappropriate to have two events scheduled at the same
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We ask parishioners and friends to join us on Wednesday,
Sept. 17 for the Novena and Devotion to St. Joseph. As we live
in a stressful time with many world wide conflicts this is an
opportune time to ask through the intercession of our Patron for
security and protection from evil. You may also note needed
personal favors on the petitions slips available in the Chapel.
Kindly join our Lectors who will assist in carrying St. Joseph’s statue from the Our Lady of Czestochowa Chapel to the
On Tuesday, October 14th, we will “Celebrate Priesthood”
at Mechanics Hall from 5:30—7:30pm in part to raise money
for the Priests’ Retirement Fund. The fund needs assistance
beyond what we can do through Partners in Charity or other
ordinary diocesan funding sources. We want to publicly recognize the good that priests do and the impact they have on people’s lives by virtue of their priestly vocation.
For a donation of $100 per person (advanced registration)
you will enjoy Hors d’oeuvres, refreshments, cash bar and live
music. This may be expensive for many parishioners, but you
may make a donation of any amount to support this fund to help
assure a dignified retirement for priests who have dedicated
their lives in service to our parishioners.
Attendance forms are at the entrances to the Basilica.
We are looking for a part-time worker to perform cemetery
duties. Great opportunity for an early retired man with the
sense of responsibility and dedication. If you are interested,
please call the rectory as soon as possible.
St. Joseph Basilica - donation of $25 in memory of Lena Babula, given by M/M Eugene Stec.
We welcome returning Administration/Faculty and Staff
as well as newcomers for the 2014-2015 academic year:
Principal - Donald Cushing; Dean of Students/Science Teacher
Richard Skrocki; School Secretary- Cynthia Belanger
Teachers: Pre K 2 and Pre K 3 - Ursula Zdrok; Aide - Joanna
Durda; Pre K 5 - Robyn Dodge; Aide - Justyna Moniak;
Kindergarten - Rebecca Comeau; Aide - Sister Mary Valenta;
Grade 1 - Lisa Boguszewski; Grade 2 - Nancy Bush; Grade 3 Donna Recko; Grade 4 - Sister Jeanne Marie; Grade 5 - Kelly
Bailey; Grade 6 - Sister Mary Ann; Grade 7 - Karen Lefebvre;
Grade 8 - Mary Ann Weaver; Computer Room Teacher Karen Matyczynski; Music Director - Derek Sylvester; Reading Specialist - Jacqueline Skrocki; Math Instructor - William
Steglitz; Band Instructor - Charlie Cook; Spanish Teacher Sheryl Bergeron; Polish Teacher - Justyna Moniak; Library
Volunteer - Tammy Duval; Choir Instructor - Robert Wojcik;
French Teacher - Father Gregory; Guidance Counselor - Kenneth Chauvin; Gym Teacher - Frank Nellenback; School
Nurse - Nancy Conlon RN; Volunteer School Nurses - Cindi
Gardner RN, Leah Pigeon RN, Deborah Ross RN; Cafeteria
Manager - Cynthia Bourbeau; After Care - Mildred Krogul.
Family Picnic - many students and their parents (over 150
people) enjoyed a perfect afternoon at Webster Memorial
Beach to share a fun filled day with good food and refreshments. Thank you to the members of the Home School Association for their assistance in planning this special family event.
Birthday of the Mother of God-School Event. On Monday,
Sept. 8th the entire school was involved in a catechesis and her
role in the life of every Catholic. The Kindergarten class participated in an unusual project. They obtained many balloons to
which they attached special prayer cards to the blessed Mother
and in view of the entire school they released these balloons to
the skies cheered on by all students on a beautiful sunny day.
All the students received beautifully designed holy cards
depicting the Virgin Mary and her Child Jesus. They were encouraged to be Marian missionaries and distribute these special
pictures to family members and friends.
Cheerleading News - The St. Joseph School Athletic Dept.
proudly congratulates the following cheerleaders who attended
a UCA Cheerleading Camp at Douglas High School this summer: Ava Edwards, Kaileigh Strong, Juliana Zalewski, Jessica
Gardner, Aleksandra Piascik, Ann Marie and Rachel Taylor and
Hannah Iozzo. Julianna, Jessica and Hannah were chosen as
“All American Cheerleaders” and have the opportunity to participate in the Thanksgiving Day Parade in Philadelphia.
Congratulations to all eight girls for a job well done!
Congratulations - Jillian Recko, a former SJS and Bartlett
High School cheerleader was named “All American Cheerleader” while attending a UCA Camp in Pine Forest, Pa. Jillian
will be able to join in the New Years Day Parade in London,
England and was chosen from hundreds to receive the “Pin It
Forward” award for her leadership, spirit, commitment to excellence, kindness and motivation. Thank You Jillian for displaying these qualities that were instilled in you at SJS, your
“Foundation for Life”.
Save your bottles and cans - as the cheerleaders will be
holding a bottle and can drive during the month of October.
Contact Cindi or Heidi to coordinate pick-up.
SAVE THE DATE - 15th Annual St. Joseph School Golf
Tournament to be held on Sat., Sept. 27th at Dudley Hill Golf
Club. We ask that you join us for a round of golf, followed by
dinner, or be a “Tee” Sponsor. We are accepting donations to
be used on the raffle table that may be brought to the school
office. Proceeds will benefit our sports program.
Soccer practice has begun at SJS - with 38 energetic varsity and JV youngsters ready for a winning season. Please
make an effort to attend games to offer encouragement to all
All who undertake to teach must be endowed with deep love,
the greatest patience and most of all, profound humility. The
Lord will find them worthy to become fellow workers with him
in the cause of truth.
- St. Joseph Calasanz
Page 4
Sept. 7 - $100, Alexandra Shore, Dudley, Sept. 8 - $50, Don
Meagher, Webster; Sept. 9 - $75, Jonathan Fairbanks,
Westboro; Sept. 10 - $50, Craig Mackowiak, Abington MD;
Sept. 11- $50, Janet Konkel, Dudley, Sept. 12 - $50, Stephen
Kohut, Webster; Sept. 13 - $50 Pamela Gulbrandsen.
Butter braid and cookie dough fund raiser for cheerleader’s
Philadelphia trip is continuing and orders will be taken after
masses this weekend and up until Sept. 16th. Delivery will be
Oct. 7th. You may contact Cindi Gardner (401)418-2242 or
Heidi Iozzo (774)230-4300 for more information.
Membership Drive is ongoing. Bring in a new member and
you and the new member will be the guest of the club at the
Annual Christmas party in December. Contact Jo Ann Canty at
508-943-8587 or Jane Place at 508-943-0887 for more
information. Installation will be held at the 8:15am Mass on
October 19th, followed by a coffee social.
Vendors wanted for A “SPLASH OF PANACHE” event to
be held on Sunday, November 9th at Point Breeze Restaurant.
General Chairwoman is Jane Wilk. Vendors will be under the
direction of Jackie Skrocki and Sheri Bergeron. Anyone
wishing to be a vendor, please contact them. The sponsorship
program booklet will be chaired by Theresa Levasseur and Sue
Werbecki, and tickets for the event will be chaired by Phyllis
Lottery Raffle Tickets - in conjunction with the vendor
event lottery raffle tickets are $10 and prizes to be awarded are:
1) Book of $5 MA scratch tickets; 2) Book of $2 MA scratch
tickets; 3) Book of $1 MA scratch tickets.
Chairpersons, Marlene Proulx (508)949-6091, JoAnn Canty
(508)943-8587 or Anna Kudron (508)943-5405 for more
As this is the club’s only MAJOR fundraiser, full
participation by members is expected in order to make this a
huge success. Proceeds from this fundraiser supports St. Joseph
School students and faculty.
Religious education classes begin Monday, Sept. 15 at
5:30pm in the Basilica. Parents and students are asked to attend
the first class. Registrations are still being accepted.
Registration forms for Confirmation classes are available in
the Sacristy or at the rectory. More information will be
RCIA - If you wish to be baptized or join the Catholic
Church you should participate in the RCIA program Please call
the rectory for more information.
Everyone is welcome at our Annual Youth Center Open
House on Sun., Sept. 21st from 12:30-2:00pm
Sept. 17th -7:30pm Advisory Board Meeting; Sept. 24th 6:15-7:30pm Wii Bowling at Christopher Heights for YG
members gr. 3-12.
Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass to be held Sun., Sept.
21st at 3:00pm at St. Paul’s Cathedral. If interested, please pre
-register before Sept. 15. Call the rectory for more information
or applications.
St. Louis Parish Fall Festival - will be held on Sat., Sept. 27
on the parish grounds, 14 Lake St., Webster from 11am—7pm.
Many attractions and games for everyone: Craft items; kiddie
attractions, favorite festival foods, vendor tables. Great raffle
prizes: Super Cash raffle (grand prize of $5000), Cape Cod
Bayside Resort raffle, sweepstakes, theme baskets and more!
NEW this year: BBQ Beef sandwiches, Spanish Wagon
(Empanadillas), Magic show and picture booth! Entertainment
all day long by DJ Mike and Adam.
Conference on Physician Assisted Suicide - entitled
“Death with Real Dignity: Protect the Vulnerable, Comfort the
Suffering” will take place at Assumption College on Sat., Oct.,
4th (9:00am to 12:00pm.) It is open to the public and there is
no cost. For more information, please refer to flyers at entrances to Basilica.
Knights of Columbus Museum, New Haven, CT - announces the opening of their newest exhibit” “Illuminating the
Word: The St. John’s Bible now through Nov. 2nd. For more
information, please call (203) 752-4630 or refer to flyers at
entrances of the Basilica.
Eucharistic Adoration - all are welcome on Tues. evenings
at 6pm in St.Ann’s Church, N. Oxford for celebration of Holy
Mass, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction.
Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered during the exposition.
Reflections on the Prophets” is designed for adult discussion
of this portion of Holy Scripture. Sessions will be held at St.
Louis Church Hall, Webster @ 6:30 pm Thurs., September
25th, October 9th and 23rd, November 6th and 20th, and December 4th and 18th. There is no fee. Please bring a bible and a
friend. Light refreshments will be available.
Adult Bible Study - The Adult Bible Study will meet on
Mondays at 9:30 am for the school year except for holidays and
school vacations. A new series titled The Dead Sea Scrolls,
will begin on September 22nd. Please contact Linda Brink for
any questions at either 508-949-0335 or [email protected].
Faith Walk for Hunger in Webster/Dudley - to support
those in need by St. Anthony Parish, St. Louis Parish, Sacred
Heart of Jesus Parish and the United Church of Christ on Sun.,
Oct. 5th at 12:30pm. Your support helps to feed many at the
soup kitchen, provide food and heat through the St. Vincent de
Paul Society and more.
World Youth Day in Poland 2016 - join with others from the
Worcester Diocese for World Youth Day in 2016. 11 days $3499. Payment plan available. Contact [email protected].
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Stewardship. Pomimo, że Pan Bóg wyprowadził swój lud z
ziemi egipskiej i zaspakajał ich potrzeby na pustyni, wielu z
nich, jak mówi dzisiejsze czytanie, narzekało i było
niewdzięcznymi. Czy mój stewardship darów Bożych jest
odzwierciedleniem swiadomosci, że wiem od kogo otrzymałem
dary i jestem za nie wdzięczny?
Cmentarz. Potrzebujemy energicznego mężczyznę w do pracy
na pół etatu na cmentarzu. Zainteresowanych prosimy o kontakt
z biurem parafialnym.
Rada Parafialna zebrała się w ubiegły wtorek, aby przedyskutować następujące sprawy:
• Program odnowy duchowej dla parafii na podstawie nauk
Jana Pawła II I jego encyklik
• Przywrócenie tradycji miesięcznych obiadów parafialnych w
soboty po Mszy sw. o 4-ej, jako źródła dodatkowych przychodów na spłatę zobowiązań diecezjalnych. Pierwszy obiad
będzie 18 października, a następny 15 listopada.
• 19.X. będziemy obchodzić dzień poswięcony Janowi Pawłowi II upamiętniając jego wyniesienie na stolicę apostolską
• “Drzwi Otwarte” koscioła dla tych, którzy nie uczęszczają
regularnie na Msze sw. Zapraszamy wszystkich, którzy
zatracili zanczenie wartosci Eucharystii na Mszę sw. 12 października o 8:15 lub 9:30 i na poczęstunek po Mszy sw. w
kafeterii. Prosimy organizacje parafialne o pomoc w zorganizowaniu tego ważnego wydarzenia.
• Jak co roku Rada Parfialna będzie sponsorować Mega Loterię, która będzie losowana w dniu Sw. Mikołaja 6-go grudnia.
Bilety będa wkrótce przesłane listownie do parafian.
• Każda organizacja parafialna może mieć w roku jeden
główny fundraiser, aby uniknąć nakładania się tych wydarzeń. Prosimy o sprawdzenie na plabanii, kiedy dana organizacja może ogłosić swój fundraiser.
Nowenna do sw. Józefa. Zapraszamy parafian i przyjaciół w
srodę, 17 wrzesnia na nabożeństwo do sw. Józefa połączone z
nowenną. Żyjemy w swiecie targanym przez różne konflikty i
wojny. Tempo naszego życia jest bardzo stresujące. Nabożeństwa do naszego patrona są doskonałą okazją do wypraszania
łaski pokoju, bezpieczeństwa i ochrony przed złem. Prywatne
intencje moża zostawiać wyraźnie wydrukowane na
karteczkach w kaplicy MB Częstochowskiej. Figurę sw. Józefa
wniosą do sanktuarium w tym tygodniu lektorzy.
Fundusz Emerytalny dla Kapłanów jest w wielkiej potrzebie
finansowej z racji tego, że coraz więcej księży przechodzi na
emeryturę. Koszty utrzymania księży emerytów są znacznie
większe niż specjalna kolekta dziecezjalna i częsć dochodu
wyznaczona z Partners in Charity. Dlatego diecejza zaprasza
na specjalny program “Uczcij Kapłaństwo”, który będzie w
Mechanics Hall w Worcster, 14 października od 5:30-7:30pm
podczas którego wyróżnieni zostaną księża za ich wkład w
ubogacenie życia wielu wiernych.
Wejsciówka $100 od osoby może się wydać wysoka za
skromne przyjęcie, ale zapewni godną opiekę nad księżmi,
którzy całe życie poswięcili na służbę bliźnim. Formy rejestracyjne można znaleźć przy wejsciu do bazyliki. Jeżeli ktos nie
może uczestniczyć w przyjęciu może złożyć dowolną ofiarę.
Nauka Religii dla uczniow publicznych szkoł podstawowych i
srednich rozpocznie się 15 wrzesnia o 5:30pm w Bazylice.
Prosimy aby zarówno rodzice jak i uczniowie uczestniczyli w
tych pierwszych zajęciach. Ciągle przyjmujemy zapisy.
Formy rejestracyjne na Bierzmowanie znajdują się w
zakrystii. Więcej informacji w przyszłych biuletynach.
RCIA. Jest to program dla dorosłych, którzy pragną przyjąć
wiarę katolicką. Chętnych prosimy o kontakt z biurem
Grupa Młodzieżowa działająca w ramach pięciu lokalnych
parafii z Webster i Dudley zaprasza na Dni Otwarte w
niedzielę, 21 wrzesnia o 12:30-2pm.
Wydarzenia lokalne są w angielskiej częsci biuletynu.
Szkoła sw. Józefa
• W ubiegłą niedzielę powitalismy na Mszy sw. o 9:30
uczniów, rodziców oraz kadrę nauczycielską i administrację,
którzy złożyli przysięgę wiernosci nauce koscioła w swojej
posłudze. Nazwiska są w angielskiej częsci biuletynu.
• Wielu uczniów z rodzicami (ponad 150 osbób) uczestniczyło
w ubiegły weekend w pikniku szkolnym nad jeziorem.
Dziękujemy Home & School Association za zorganizowanie
dobrej zabawy i jedzenia.
• Urodziny Matki Bożej wypadające 8 wrzesnia były dniem
specjalnej katechezy dla uczniów, kiedy uczyli się o
szczególnej roli Maryi w Kosciele i życiu każdego katolika.
Uczniowie otrzymali swięte obrazki z Matką Bożą i
Dzieciątkiem Jezus z zachętą, aby stali się misjonarzami
Maryi i przekazali te obrazki z modlitwą wstawienniczą dalej
do swoich rodzin i przyjaciów. Następnie dziecie wypusciły
“do nieba” balony z uczepionymi karteczkami z
personalnymi intencjami modlitewnymi.
• Cheerleading. Gratulujemy cheerleaderkom, które brały
udział w specjalnym obozie w wakacje w Douglas. Trzy
dziewczynki, Juliana Zalewski, Jessica Gardner i Hannah
Iozzo zostały wybrane jako “All American Cheerleaders” i
mają okazję reprezentowania szkoły w Thanksgiving Parade
w Philadelphii.
• Gratulujemy Jillian Recko, absolwentce naszej szkoły i byłej
cheerleaderce w St. Joseph i Bartlett High, za wyróżnienie
“All American Cheerleader” na obozie w Pine Forest, PA.
Dodatkowo Jilian zostałą wybrana sposród setek kandydatek
na nagrodę “Pin it Forward” za jej zdolnosci organizacyjne,
motywację, zachowanie i uprzejmosć. W nagrodę Jilian
będzie mogła uczestniczyć w Paradzie Noworocznej w
Londynie w Anglii. Dziękujemy Jillian za piękną prezentację
wartosci wyniesionych ze Szkoły sw. Józefa.
• Zbióka butelek i puszek będzie w październiku. Prosimy
parafian i przyjaciół do przyłączenia się do tej akcji.
• W sobotę, 27 wrzesnia będzie coroczny turniej golfowy.
Będziemy wdzięczni za donacje rzeczy, które będą mogły
być losowane w loterii.
• Piłka nożna. Rozpoczęlismy już kolejny sezon piłkarski. Aż
38 uczniów zapisało się do naszych drużyn, aby dumnie
reprezentować szkołę w lokalnych meczach. Zapraszamy
parafian i przyjaciół do kibicowania, aby dodać otuchy
zarówno nowym graczom jak i weteranom. Powodzenia!
St. Joseph Basilica #511990
53 Whitcomb Street
Webster, MA 01570
508 943-0467
Fr. Gregory Chodkowski
508 612 8526
EMAIL: [email protected]
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Adobe Acrobat 6
Windows XP
HP Laserjet 5P
Wednesday 11:00
November 13, 2011
1 through 6

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