Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith,
by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization
and nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal
growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values
and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for
individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in
need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious
Education Office.
BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call
to make arrangements. Parents are required to
receive orientation.
Sunday Vigil:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Bilingual); 9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish), 6:30 p.m.
Holy Day Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage
requires one year’s notice. Please contact the
rectory for appointment.
Holy Day
6:30 a.m.; 8:30 a.m.;
7:00 p.m. (Polish)
MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to
arrange visitation.
6:30 a.m. (mon-fri); 7:00 a.m. (tue, fri, sat)
Eve of Holy Days:
Thurs. before First Friday
First Friday:
PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to
become part of St. Joseph Parish Family,
please call the rectory.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby
ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok
przed datą ślubu.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector: .............. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor .... Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Weekend assistance…..Rev. Charles Borowski
Financial Secretary ........................ Ewa Mamro
Secretaries:Virginia Woznicki&Elizabeth Sabaj
Organist: ..................................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristan ........................................ Joseph Ziak
53 Whitcomb Street,
Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467
Fax: 508-943-0808
e-mail: [email protected]
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną
posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy
przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster
Phone: 508-943-0378
Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal............ Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary ...........Mrs. Cynthia Belanger
Phone: 508-943-0467 ext.: 115
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 508-943-2228
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August 2, 2015
Masses for the week—Msze Św. w Tygodniu
Sunday Vigil
4:00pm r.s. Rozalia and Jan Parzych - int. Daughter
Sunday - August 2
7:00 sp. Jan Wójcik w (29r. śmierci)
- int. syn Władysław z rodziną
9:00 sp. Bogusław Mielewski - int. Ks. A. Czarnecki
11:00 sp. Helena i Józef Suchanek - int. wnuczki Ewy
1:00pm Baptism - Tyler James Berard
6:30pm r.s. Claire Carlson (15th anniv.)
- int. Daughter Barbara West and family
Monday - August 3
6:30 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
2:00pm Christopher Heights
Tuesday-August 4
6:30 r.s. Roman and Antonia Murzycki and deceased
members of the Murzycki family
- int. Rose Rekowski and family
Wednesday - August 5
6:30 For God’s blessings through the intercession of St.
Joseph for the Kwapinski family
- int. Anna Kwapinski
7:00pm O błogosławieństwo Boże za wstawiennictwem św.
Józefa opiekuna rodzin dla Ewy i Michała Mamro z
okazji rocznicy ślubu
Thursday - August 6
6:30 r.s. Barry Waldron, Sharon LeClair, Joseph Camila
and Ben Savinsky - int. Family
Friday - August 7 - First Friday
6:30 r.s. Mary Nowacki (anniv.) - Family
7:00 Sacred Heart Society remembering deceased members
7:00pm sp. Jan Nagiel - int. Halina Ostaszewska
Saturday – August 8
7:00 r.s. Leon and Helen Klejna
- int. Dorothy Sabaj and family
Sunday Vigil
4:00 r.s. Adele and James Canty
- int. Jim, Jo-Ann and Tim Canty
Sunday - August 9
7:00 Za wypominki
9:00 r.s. Zigmund Zdrok - int. Carol and Joe Zdrok
11:00 sp. Jan Piwowarczyk - int. brat Franciszek z rodziną
6:30pm r.s. Ziggy Czernicki - Wife Doris and family
I-25 Club Winner for 19th week
#71 Felicia Kolodziejczak
Golabki will be sold after 4:00pm Mass on Saturday,
August 1st - Pkg. of 5 for $10
Weekly $5740.02 (including $341.02 in loose money);
Diocesan Obligations $618 (including $508 in special
collection); Fuel $105
Weekly budget $7,000
2 sierpnia - 2015r.
Stewardship Note: “Each day the people are to go out and
gather their daily portion; thus will I test them, to see whether
they follow my instructions or not.” When the Israelites gathered more than their daily portion of manna, the surplus became
wormy and rotten. In the same way today, God calls us to be
content with a fair portion and to be willing to share the rest.
For the week of August 2 through August 8
Blessed Mother Altar
Candle I
In loving memory of Claire Carlson
Given by daughter, Barbara West
Candle II
In loving memory of Claire Carlson
Given by her grandchildren, Jeremy West and Katie Scott
August 2, 2015
Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that
endures for eternal life
—John 6:27a
We are so busy! Most of us have more than one job to do
and we never seem to have enough time. We are workers,
volunteers, parents, friends and most of us are more than one
thing at a time. But which of these is the work of God?
We seldom view our ordinary work as being the work of
God. We may think that we have to be ministers or priests,
missionaries or charity workers, engaged full-time in works
formally identified as being “God’s work.” But everything
we do with a faithful heart and with love for others is God’s
work. We each have our own role to fill in the world and
many gifts are necessary. We cannot always see the direct
connection of our daily work to the plan of God. But we
trust and we believe that God leads us to do what is needed,
where it is needed. What is “God’s work?” This is the work
of God, that you believe in the one he sent”.
This week’s second collection is for Parish Obligations to the Diocese.
Next weekend’s second collection is designated for Higher
Utility and Energy Costs.
This Sunday, August 2nd at 3:00pm we ask parishioners
and acquaintances to join us for the singing of the Chaplet to
the Divine Mercy followed by Benediction. As we enjoy
summertime, we should also take an hour of our time to
gather at our Basilica to ask for God’s blessings on our families for us to continue to reap His benefits at this special time
of the year.
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We invite parishioners, their family and friends to join us for
the Novena and Devotion to be held on Wednesday, August 5th
at 7:00pm at our Basilica.
Our Patron is known for his constant obedience to God and
his life was based upon faithfulness and confidence. Participating in our weekly devotion allows us to follow St. Joseph’s
example to realize that we should be attuned to the will of God
and that to love is to share our goodness with others.
Members of our Parish Council will join us and carry our
Patron’s statue into the sanctuary. We ask that you note your
special intentions legibly on forms placed in Our Lady of
Czestochowa Chapel to be read during devotion. Thank you
for your offerings.
Save the date - Saturday, Sept. 26th is the SJS 16th Annual
Golf Tournament. Sign up your foursomes for a day of enjoyment outdoors with family and friends at the Dudley Golf
FIRST FRIDAY - we will observe First Friday of the month
on August 7th. Mass at 7:00am will be offered for the deceased
member of the Sacred Heart Society and we ask all members
and parishioners to take part in this traditional First Friday service. Scheduled adorers are asked to participate at their appointed time. Adoration will conclude at 3:00pm with the
Chaplet to the Divine Mercy and Benediction. Mass at 7:00pm
will be celebrated in the Polish language.
Parish Obligations to the Diocese - last weekend we announced the parish owes the Diocese a significant amount of
money for the current fiscal year 2014-2015. The monthly invoice of $5107 includes Cathedraticum tax (7.5%) - $2008,
Priest Retirement $271, Custodial Care $229, Liability Insurance $743, Property Insurance $699, Worker’s Compensation
$118, Equipment Maintenance Insurance $72, Parish Employees Pension Plan $967. On a separate monthly invoice the Diocese bills the health insurance for Fr. Gregory and the organist
for $1,444 for a total of $6,600 monthly or $79,000 annually.
On Friday, August 7th we ask you to join us for our weekly
bingo games featuring the “progressive” game. Parishioners
together with out of town friends gather for an evening of camaraderie and also many opportunities to win cash prizes.
You may partake in a light snack with some special sweet
treats and free coffee to satisfy your palate.
The Knights of Columbus, Chapter #12980 will be present to
assist our players. Proceeds benefit St. Joseph School.
We are pleased to announce that Msgr. Czarnecki together
with the School Educational Board selected Mr. Michael Hackenson to be the new Principal of St. Joseph School. Mr. Hackenson brings with him a long career in education, recently as
the Principal at Bartlett High School for thirteen years. We are
looking forward to work with him and lead the school in new
heights of education for the children and formation of their personalities. Mr. Hackenson was confirmed by the Superintendent of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Worcester, Dr. Delma Josephson. He begins his work on Monday, August 3rd.
The month of August has two birthstones, peridot and sardonyx; two signs of the Zodiac, Leo and Virgo and two flowers,
gladiolus and poppy; therefore, all who celebrate their birthdays
in August are twice-blessed. Best wishes to Gladys Markiewicz, Josephine Trojanowski, Bernice Werbecki.
We wish you God’s blessings for family, friends, sunshine
and happiness throughout the year. Happy Birthday!
OMISSION - we are pleased to announce that Ann Marie
Taylor, who completed 7th grade at SJS, earned a special place
in the Credit category with her peers on the Fourth Quarter
Honor Roll at SJS. Congratulations on your achievements during this past school year and continued success in the 8th
Calling all painters - it is time to prepare St. Joseph School
for the return of our students for the 2015-2016 academic year.
The library and corridors need to be repainted, therefore we ask
volunteers to join our crew on Wednesday through Friday, August 5th, 6th and 7th from 1:00—8:00pm to “spruce up’” our
classrooms. This is a wonderful opportunity for parents to earn
service hours and for parishioners to dedicate some time for the
benefit of the children.
The total of our collections designated towards these diocesan bills as of last weekend is $2,000 less than last year at that
time. Our Sunday ordinary collections are also lower by about
$11,000 therefore we cannot supplement payments of these
monthly bills from the operational budget like in the prior
years. For the past several years we were able to stay current
with our diocesan obligations, but this year we face a significant shortage. In the efforts to remedy this situation the board
of our Parish Council and Finance Board decided to hold additional collections designated towards diocesan obligations. We
are grateful for last weekends spontaneous collection which
amounted to $618. Additional collections will be on the weekends of Aug. 15/16 and Aug. 29/30.
Let us join together as God’s Family to show resolve and determination for the financially sound future of our parish. As
always we appreciate your generosity in the spirit of caring and
July 26 - $100, Jean Kondek, Dudley; July 27 - $75 - Jane
O’Leary, Webster; July 28 - $50, Diane Gajewski, Thompson,
CT; July 29 - $50 Charlotte Strzelewicz, Webster; July 30 $50, Lynne Haddad, Webster; July 31 - $500, Theresa Wagner,
Congratulations to all our winners — your support is appreciated.
Your name could be listed in our September winners list
(thirty names will be drawn)-with the purchase of a cash calendar for the nominal fee of $10. September calendars are
available this weekend at the entrance of our Basilica.
Look for Pat Parslow and Dottie Kasierski (also at 6:30pm
on Sunday) or contact your usual seller to buy a calendar as a
gift for a special person for a unique occasion. If you are interested in helping to promote this bi-monthly fund raiser, please
contact the rectory for more information.
Page 4
St. Joseph School - We gratefully acknowledge a
monetary gift of $29,918 from the estate of Albert and Joyce
(Gladue) Kullas formerly of Littleton, Colorado, to be used in
the best interest of the SJS. Mr. Kullas attributes his
successful career in the aerospace field to his early education at
our school. This is a true example of one’s sharing the fruits of
one’s success.
Gymnasium and Parish Center - monthly total from July
Gym/parish center envelopes is $2181. Your continued support
to re-start this project is appreciated.
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL MESSAGE - The Gospel tells us
“This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.” By “listening” we
are able to live the gospel. Gospel living is something so
simple as taking the time to listen to those who need to spill out
their hearts when seeking help.
Through your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul you
enable the members of the Society to become a “listening
heart” to the hungry, the homeless and the struggling poor.
For many years the Church in Central and Eastern Europe, as
well as parts of Asia, the aftermath of 70 years of Soviet rule is
still felt in the form of poverty, infrequent pastoral care and
lack of buildings in which the faithful can worship. Your
support is needed to strengthen the Church in this region
through grants that promote ministries for children and families,
create affordable housing and provide a cultural and spiritual
Envelopes in your monthly packet are designated for the
weekend of August 15/16. Please be generous.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Chapter #12980 - meeting
scheduled on Wednesday, August 5th at 7:00pm in the school
conference room.
Mark your calendar - our DOZYNKI HARVEST
FESTIVAL will be held on Saturday, August 15th with the
Blessing of the Harvest Wreath during 4:00pm Mass. After
Mass we will have a cookout, with hamburgers, hot dogs etc.
on school premises. Plan to come with family and friends and
celebrate this special day. Details to follow.
The Club will once again be taking part in the annual
Macy’s SHOP-for-a-CAUSE campaign on Saturday, August
29th. Tickets are $5 and all proceeds go to the Club. You have
a chance to save up to 30% all day, with an opportunity to win
a $500 Macy’s Gift Card. Contact Felicia Kolodziejczak at
(508)943-6591, President JoAnn Canty (508)943-8587 any
Executive Board Member or at the rectory
Reminder: Executive Board Meeting on Tuesday, August
4th at 6:30pm in the school Conference Room.
Renew Group - will meet on August 4th, 6-7pm - at the
Sacred Heart Guadeloupe Chapel for those entering grade 3 and
up. Food and beverages will be supplied so come hungry and
ready to have some fun, break open the faith and meet new
Outdoor Mass - Saturday, August 22nd from 10am—1pm at the
Dudley Knoll. Join us for an easy hike, bring a picnic lunch
and then celebrate Mass in nature with Fr. Adam from Sacred
Heart Church. A great way to end the summer!
Mass and Divine Mercy Devotions - every Wednesday Evening - at St. Andrew Bobola Church, Dudley, MA at 6:30pm.
Bernadette Circle No. 709, D. of I., - August 9th - Newport
Playhouse Show & Lobster Fest! Lobster “plus” Feast! - Terrific
“Flamingo Court” Show & Cabaret. Cost is $92. For more information call Janet Caouette at (508)887-2215.
St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Church & Shrine, 35 Dion
Dr., Harrisville, RI - Annual Feast Day Celebration on August
16—10am—4:30pm. Feast Mass at 3pm. For more information
call (401)568-0575
First St. Roch Parish Family Game Day - will be held on Sat.,
Aug. 22nd. Cornhole Tournament start time is 11:00am - limited
to 24 teams so sign up early ($25 entry fee for two person team).
Food fun, children’s activities and more . . .
Pilgrimage to Greece - In the footsteps of St. Paul - September 7
-18, 2015. Sponsored by Our Lady of Czestochowa Parish with Fr.
Peter Łabuda, Bible Study Professor from Tarnów. Few seats
available. For more information please call Christine Szymczak:
508-865-9390 or Fr. Richard Polek 508-410-8016 or check the
New England Retrouvaille Marriage Weekend - September
11-13. Call 800-470-2230 for more information.
Cursillo Day in October - The Diocese of Worcester presents:
„A Cursillo Day of Renewal - Love Your Catholic Faith” on
Saturday, Oct. 3 from 10am - 3:30pm at Our Lady of Mount
Carmel Italian Cultural Center, 24 Mulberry Street, Worcester. We
are featuring two dynamic & inspirational speakers, music, lunch
& raffles! Tickets are $15 before 9/21 and $20 after. All Are
Call Dave Tittle at (774) 230-3502 for more
niedzielę 2-go sierpnia o 3pm. Zapraszamy wszystkich do
wspólnego odmawiania tej bardzo efektywnej modlitwy
prosząc o łaski konieczne dla nas, naszych rodzin i przyjaciół.
PIERWSZY PIĄTEK MIESIĄCA wypada 7 sierpnia. Msza
św. o 7-ej rano będzie ofiarowana w intencji zmarłych
członków Stowarzyszenia Serca Pana Jezusa. Zaprszamy
wszystkich członków jak też parafian na to tradycyjne
Przypominamy, żeby osoby wyznaczone do czuwania
zgłosiły się o odpowiednim czasie od godz. 3pm. O 7-ej
wieczorem jak zwykle Msza św. w j. polskim.
Page 5
PRACA NA CHWAŁĘ BOŻĄ. Większosć z nas wykonuje
więcej niż jedną pracę i wyedaje się, że nigdy nie ma na nic
czasu. Jestesmy pracownikami, wolontariuszami, rodzicami,
przyjaciółmi, i najczęsciej pełnimy kilka tych ról w tym samym
czasie. Ale, które z tych zajęć są na chwałę Bożą?
Rzadko zastanawiamy się, czy wykonywane zajęcie jest na
chwałę Bożą. Może nam się nawet wydaje, że trzeba być do
tego księdzem albo misjonarzem. Ale tak nie jest. Wszystko co
robimy z wiarą i miłoscią do bliźniego jest pracą na chwałę
Bożą. Każdy z nas ma wyznaczoną rolę w tym swiecie i
posiada wiele koniecznych do tego talentów. Czasami nie
rozumiemy łącznosci naszej codziennej pracy z planem Bożym,
ale zaufajmy mu, że prowadzi nas, żeby zrobić co potrzeba i
gdzie potrzeba.
NOWENNA DO ŚW. JÓZEFA. Zaprszamy na tygodniową
Nowennę w środę o 7pm. Nasz patron jest znany z
posłuszeństwa Bogu przez co jego życie było wypełnione
wiernością i pewnością siebie. Podążając za jego przykładem
bądźmy wierni i wrażliwi na wolę Bożą dzieląc się dobrem i
miłością z innymi. Statuę wniosą do Sanktuarium członkowie
Rady Parafialnej.
BINGO. Jak zwykle w piątek 7-go sierpnia zapraszamy na
wieczór dobrej zabawy grając w Bingo. Możemy mile spędzić
czas a przy okazji, kto wie, może wygrać ładną sumkę.
NOWY DYREKTOR. Z przyjemnością zawiadamiamy, że ks.
Prałat Czarnecki wraz ze Szkolnym Zarządem wybrali
Michaela Hackensona na dyrektora Szkoły św. Józefa. Pan
Hackenson ma dużo doświadczenia na polu edukacyjnym jak
też administracyjnym i między innymi, jego ostatnią funkcją
była rola dyrektora Bartlett High School, którą pełnił przez 13
lat. Pan Hackenson dzieli nasze katolickie wartości, które
będzie przekazywał uczniom wraz z ambitnym programem
nauczania i już z niecierpliwością czekamy na rozpoczęcie
wspólnej pracy dla dobra uczniów i na chwałę Bożą.
zwykle wakacyjne miesiące są czasem odświeżenia i
przygotowania budnyku szkoły na nowy rok. Potrzebujemy
wymalować bibliotekę, korytarze i niektóre klasy. Zapraszamy
ochotników od środy do piątku od 13-ej do 20-ej. Jest to też
dobra okazja dla rodziców uczniów na zarobienie „service
hours”. Z góry dziękujemy za Waszą życzliwość i ducha
DOŹYNKI. Serdecznie zapraszamy społeczność parafialną na
tradycyjne uroczystości dożynkowe. Na Mszy św. O 16-ej
uroczyście wniesiemy I poświęcimy wieniec, a następnie
zapraszamy na piknik na parkingu szkolnym. Zaproście swoje
rodziny I przyjaciół do wzięcia udziału w tej wieloletniej polskiej tradycji, aby podzielić się jej pięknem z innymi.
przez diecezję na 15/16 sierpnia. Prosimy o szczodrość, Katolicy w krajach byłego związku radzieckiego są często przesladowani I nie mają możliwości wolno wyznawać swojej wiary. W
duchu braterskiej miłości wspomóźmy ich wysiłki szczodrą
OFIARA NA SZKOŁĘ. Dziękujemy państwu Joyce I Albert
Kullas, którzy w testamencie zostawili $29,918 na naszą szkołę.
Bardzo nam to pomoże w opłacaniu ciągle rosnących
rachunków. Jestesmy im bardzo wdzięczni za prawdziwy wyraz
wiary I wdzięcznosci za okazane łaski w duchu Stewardship.
weekend ks. Prałat tłumaczył, że w tym roku fiskalnym
zalegamy znaczną sumę do diecezji za kontrakty, które
negocjują dla wszystkich parafii. W skład miesięcznego
rachunku wchodzi 7.5% podatek od wszystkich kolekt (z wyj.
składki na Diocesan Obligations) - czyli $2,008 miesięcznie,
fundusz emerytalny księży - $271, opieka nad starszymi
księżmi - $229, ubezpieczenie od wypadków - $743,
ubezpieczenie budynków (kościół I plebania) - $699,
ubezpieczenie pracowników od wypadków, tzw. Worker’s
Comp - $118, ubezpieczenie urządzeń (np. Komputery,
kserokopiarki), - $72, wpłata na konto funduszu emerytalnego,
który został zamrożony w październiku 2013 roku, ale na który
trzeba zebrać wystarczojącą sumę zebraną przez wiele lat przez
pełnoetatowych pracowników parafii - $967 oraz ubezpieczenie
zdrowotne dla księdza Grzegorza i organisty - 1,443.57.
Miesięczny rachunek wynosi więc prawie $6,600 tylko dla
parafii. Szkołą I cmentarz mają oddzielne. Roczna kwota
wynosi więc prawie $79,000!
W tym roku zebraliśmy do teraz $33,200, czyli prawie $2,000
mniej niż w roku ubiegłym! Płacimy na bieżąco ubezpiecznie
zdrowotne, co jest wymogiem prawnym, czyli prawie $16,000
tys. z zebranych $33,200 poszło na ten cel. Z pozostałych
$16,000 zapłaciliśmy 3 miesiące pozostałych rachunków
diecezjanych ($5,107 miesięcznie), bo na tyle wystarczyło.
Następne 3 miesiące zobowiazań wobec dziecezji zapłaciliśmy
z budźetu operacyjnego prafaii, z którego jak co roku musimy
wypłacić różnicę. Niestety kolekta parafialna jest również
mniejsza niż rok wcześniej o ponad $7,000, a kolekty z okazji
różnych swiąt I na ogrzewanie mniejsze o co najmniej $2,000.
W sumie w tym roku fiskalnym zebraliśmy o $11,000 mniej
niż w ubiegłym roku, czyli jakby wartość dwóch tygodni
kolekt. Nie mieliśmy więc ekstra funduszów aby płacić
zobowiązania wobec diecezji, w związku z czym za ten rok te
rachunki nie są płacone od marca, czyli na kwotę $25,000.
Dojdzie do tego sierpień ($6,600) wieć w sumie ponad $30,000.
Przez ostatnie kilka lat byliśmy w stanie nie powiększyć
naszego starego długu w diecezji, ale niestety, o ile się
wspólnie nie postaramy, w tym roku ten stary dług powiekszy
się o $30,000. Dlatego z ciężkim sercem Zarząd Rady
Parafialnej zdecydował o przeprowadzeniu dodatkowych kolekt
w wyznaczone soboty. Rozpoczęlismy w ubiegły weekend.
Dodatkowe będą w weekend 15/16 sierpnia oraz 25-26 sierpnia.
Bardzo prosimy wszystkich parafian o otwartość serc I
wzgląd na potrzeby naszej rodziny parafialnej. Wypisując czek
bez koperty, proszę zaznaczyć, że na Diocesan Obligations.
Niech Wam dobry Bóg wynagrodzi za wszystko co robicie dla
Jego Chwały.

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