Saint Joseph Basilica


Saint Joseph Basilica
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith,
by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization
and nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal
growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values
and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
Sunday Vigil:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
Holy Day Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for
individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in
need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious
Education Office.
BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call
to make arrangements. Parents are required to
receive orientation.
MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage
requires one year’s notice. Please contact the
rectory for appointment.
Holy Day
6:30 a.m.; 8:30 a.m.;
5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. (Polish)
MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to
arrange visitation.
6:30 a.m. (m-f); 7:00 a.m. (w, f, sat)
PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to
become part of St. Joseph Parish Family,
please call the rectory.
Eve of Holy Days:
Thurs. before First Friday
First Friday:
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby
ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok
przed datą ślubu.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector: .............. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor .... Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Weekend assistance…..Rev. Charles Borowski
Financial Secretary ........................ Ewa Mamro
Secretaries:Virginia Woznicki&Elizabeth Sabaj
Organist: ..................................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristan ........................................ Joseph Ziak
53 Whitcomb Street,
Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467
Fax: 508-943-0808
e-mail: [email protected]
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną
posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy
przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster
Phone: 508-943-0378
Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal ........... Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary ...........Mrs. Cynthia Belanger
Phone: 508-943-0467 ext.: 115
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 508-943-2228
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November 30, 2014
Masses for the week—Msze Św. w Tygodniu
Sunday Vigil
4:00pm r.s. Leon Lenkiewicz (27th anniv.)
- int. Son, daughters and family
Sunday - November 30
7:00 ś.p. Zofia i Tadeusz Tomas - córka
8:15 O zdrowie i błogosławienstwo dla Stefani Mietelskiej
- int. syn z rodziną
9:30 r.s. Madeline Canty - int. Family
11:00 ś.p. Jan Bożek (11r .śm.) - int. córka z rodziną
Monday - December 1
6:30 r.s. Loretta Kwasniewski
- int. Lorraine Brissette and Al Landry
2:00m Christopher Heights
Tuesday– December 2
6:30 r.s. Inge Lilla - int. Michael and Frances Lilla
7:00 r.s. Swierzbin and Moskal families
Wednesday - December 3
6:30 r.s. John (anniv.) and Joseph Czechowski
- int. Niece, Joan A. Comeau
7:00pm - For all participants in the Novena and Devotion to
St. Joseph
Thursday - December 4
6:30 Za wypominki
Friday - December 5 - First Friday
6:30 .r.s. Robert Auger - int. Warren & Dian Rekowski
7:00 Sacred Heart Society - Living members
8:30 r.s. Tadeusz Stasior - int. Wife and children
7:00pm s.p. Jan Piwowarczyk - int. Brat Franćiszek z rodziną
Saturday - December 6
7:00 r.s. Joseph Augustynski (20th anniv.)
- int. Wife Rita
Sunday Vigil
4:00 r.s. Joseph T. Ostrokolowicz, Bessie T.
(Ostrokolowicz) Kozub, Genevieve A.
(Ostrokolowicz) McNamara and Chester
Ostrokolowicz - int. Peter P. Ostrokolowicz
Sunday - December 7
7:00 Za wypominki
8:15 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
9:30 r.s. Teresa and Jan Zdziarski - int. Sister
11:00 ś.p. Bolesława Antos (1r .śm.) - int. dzieci i wnuczki
5:00 Vigil Mass - Immaculate Conception
r.s. Mary Ann Marshalkowski - int. Parents
I-25 Club Winner for 10th week
#177—Robert Lavallee
Weekly $5394.72 (including $315.72); Diocesan Obligations
$115; Fuel $180; Catholic Campaign for Human Dev. $780.15
(including $121.15 in loose money);
Weekly Budget $7000 - $1510.28 under
Stewardship Note: We are the servants of God, each with his
or her own task. We will be judged good stewards if, at His
coming, He finds us ready and conscientiously pursuing the
tasks to which we have been called.
30 listopada 2014r.
November 30, 2014
Be watchful! Be alert!
You do not know when the time will come. - Mark 13:33
“Watch!” This word occurs three times
in today’s Gospel passage. Moreover, it is
placed at significant points: the beginning,
the center and the end. Though this is technically a parable, it is quite short (four
verses). The threefold repetition of “watch” leaves no doubt as
to what the story is about.
We often think of Advent as a time of waiting, but it truly is
a season of watchfulness, a very active form of waiting for the
coming Day of the Lord. It is that day, more than Christmas
day, that the Christian community faithfully expects, using all
of our gifts and talents for this purpose, as Paul reminds us in
the Letter to the Corinthians. When we use these gifts in faithful watching and expectation, we become like the servants of
the parable, set to their tasks, not waiting around idly, but engaged in the master’s work until his return. May our Advent be
a time when we return or rededicate our lives and our communities to this work—the active and diligent faithfulness that the
Lord will expect to find.
The second collection next week is designated
for the Parish Obligation to the Diocese.
First Sunday of Advent Prayer - May God help us with his
grace, so that we may start Advent with enthusiasm and good
will by going to meet Christ, our Redeemer, with good works.
May Mary, the Daughter of Zion chosen by God to be the
Mother of the Redeemer, guide and accompany us and make
our preparation for Christmas rich in joy and good fruit.
Praised by Jesus Christ! Amen.
- Pope St. John Paul II
The Christmas wafers were first associated with the Nativity
of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world and constitute an essential element of the family Christmas vigil supper. This custom
is celebrated by millions of people and is continually growing
because it symbolizes the Blessed Sacrament and Jesus who is
forever the Bread of Life. Sharing the opłatek with members of
your family means sharing life, difficulties, joy and peace
throughout the year. It is a brief ritual of the breaking of the
opłatek which is explained on the outer packet.
Opłatki will be blessed on Saturday, November 29th at
4:00pm Mass and are available in the sacristy. A donation of
$3.00 is appreciated.
FIRST FRIDAY - adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will
begin after the 7:00am Mass which is designated for the Living
Members of the Sacred Heart Society and conclude at 3:00m
with the Chaplet to the Divine Mercy followed by benediction.
Adorers are asked to attend at their scheduled time.
Mass will also be celebrated at 7:00pm.
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Great saints have assured us that St. Joseph can assist us in
needs of every kind. Nevertheless, he is particularly known for
help in family problems, financial needs, protection of purity,
defense against dangers, matters involving work or housing and
as Patron of a Happy Death. If you feel the need of obtaining
great favors from God through St. Joseph’s powerful intercession, please join us on Wednesday, December 3rd at 7:00pm.
Members of the Holy Rosary Sodality will carry our patron’s
statue from the Chapel of Our Lady of Czestochowa to the
We are grateful for the graces requested and offerings you
submit in the petition box. As you probably noticed the 7:00pm
Mass on Wednesday is offered for all the intentions you write
on the available form.
On Saturday, December 6th, during the Family Mass, the St.
Joseph School Community with parents and grandparents will
participate in the Advent Liturgical service called Rorate Mass
at 4:00pm. We invite the children to join us for a candlelight
procession to the altar.
The blessing and lighting of the Christmas Tree will take
place after this Mass followed by hot chocolate, hot and cold
hor d’ouvres and a variety of pastries to be served in the school
We would appreciate our parishioners to share their special
holiday treats for this special occasion.
MEGA RAFFLE - Last week to buy your tickets - Tickets are $25 each or 3 for $50: First prize-$4,000; Second
prize $300; Third prize $200.
Drawing will be held on Saturday, December 6 after tree
lighting and during reception to be held in the school cafeteria.
All income generated from this fundraiser will be applied to our
Parish Obligations to the Diocese. Thank you for your support.
The Angel Giving Tree in the sanctuary and at the front entrance of the Basilica gives us the opportunity to exercise our
Christmas spirit during the Advent Season. We ask you to take
an “angel” and make it part of your Christmas giving. By providing assistance to children and elderly you are becoming an
angel of charity (food and fuel) , wisdom and education to
brighten the season of Christmas for those in need. There is a
great need for tuition assistance for families who want their
children to attend St. Joseph School but are having a difficult
time meeting expenses in these economic times.
Please place your chosen angel on your gift and place it under the tree in the sanctuary before Monday, December 15th to
allow time for distribution. If you prefer to donate a monetary
gift, please bring it to the sacristy or to the rectory.
Your gifts will put smiles on the faces of the needy, especially
the children.
be observed on Monday, Dec. 8th. Although it is not a day of
obligation we should participate in Mass. The schedule will be
listed in next week’s bulletin.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS–will hold an open house for
prospective members on Wednesday, Dec. 3rd at 6:30pm in the
St. Joseph School Conference Room. We invite men to join
this largest fraternal organization in the country who do so
much for the Church, seminarians and the needy in this country
and abroad.
Our local Chapter #12980 is helping St. Joseph School and
the parish. We witness the renaissance of interest across our
land and the world about this organization. We invite all interested to join to be introduced to the First Degree Ceremony
within the next month. Literature will be available for those
who would like to learn more about this distinguished organization. We look forward to seeing you on December 3rd.
THANK YOU! On behalf of the Knights of Columbus,
we wish to thank everyone who participated in this year’s
Turkey Drive. Working with Market Basket we were able
to feed 168 families. God Bless You! for your goodness
and generosity.
-Ron Ducharme, Grand Knight
Next Sunday, December 7th, we will celebrate the merciful
love of Jesus Christ as we pray for special graces needed in our
lives and in the world. Jesus said to Sr. Faustina, “Through the
Chaplet you will obtain everything, if what you ask for will be
compatible with my will”. Please make an effort to spend an
hour with Jesus by joining us in this meaningful devotion to the
Divine Mercy and Benediction.
BINGO in the St. Joseph School Cafeteria. Doors open at
5:00pm, games begin at 6:45PM. Door prizes-food available and free coffee. Proceeds benefit the parish and school.
We invite parishioners to join us on Friday, December 5th
and experience meeting new friends, the camaraderie and the
opportunity to win some extra cash to share with your loved
ones during this special time of the year.
We ask members of the St. Joseph Polish Women’s Club to
assist us in selling packets.
Christmas Pageant– rehearsals are under way. Our students
are practicing diligently for their performance on Sun. Dec.
14th at 3:00pm at Bartlett High School. Tickets adults $5; Sr.
citizens over 60 $3; students 6-12 $3; children under 5 FREE.
Winter Sports Season - begins on Sat., Dec. 7th versus St.
Joseph of N. Grosvenordale, CT -JVG 1:00pm; VB at 3:00pm.
St. Joseph Polish Women’s Club- will be hosting a special
magic show in the school cafeteria on Wed., Dec. 17 from 1:00
- 2:00pm.
Catholic Schools Week - will be observed from Sun., Jan.
25th thru Sat., Jan. 30, 2015. Plans are being prepared by faculty, staff, students and HSA.
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Nov. 23 - $100, Jane O’Leary, (second time winner),
Webster; Nov. 24 - $50, Ann Marie Canty, Webster; Nov. 25. $50, Frederick Kitka, Sr., Webster; Nov. 26 - $50, Rose
Rekowski, Webster; Nov. 27 - $50, Jean Duclos, Thompson;
Nov. 28 - $75, Sylwia Kohut, Webster; Nov. 29 - $50, Ellie
Noga, Webster.
The cash calendars for the month of January - are now on
sale just in time for the perfect Christmas gift, birthday gift or a
special remembrance. In addition, the income from this fund
raiser is directed to paying the parish obligations to the Diocese.
This is the best investment of $10 that you can make because
you can win money every day, multiple times during the month.
(from $50 to the grand prize of $500). Look for our dedicated
volunteers, Pat Parslow, Dottie Kasierski and Barbara West at
the entrances to our Basilica after the Masses next weekend or
contact your favorite seller. The success of this campaign
depends on those who patronize this fundraiser.
Happy Birthday! - to our parishioners who are celebrating
special birthdays this month: Antoinette Bembenek, Harriet
Bomba, Edward Mrzyglod, Peter Omilnowicz, Marion
Ushinski and Francis Walkowiak.
The entire St. Joseph Parish Family wish each one of you
much pleasure and joy in this season of expectation and sharing
your birthday with Jesus.
The Annual Christmas party will be held on Tuesday,
December 9th at the PAV. Cocktails at 6:00pm and dinner at
6:30pm. Tickets are $20pp and may be obtained from Jo-Ann
Canty at (508)943-8587 or Jill Manak at (508)943-1810. A
buffet of a “Wrights” style chicken dinner will be catered by
Michelle Donovan of Tastefully Michelle catering.
The advent Season is associated with preparations for
Christmas by receiving the Sacrament of Penance, traditionally
known as confession. On Mon., Dec. 22 at 6:00pm we will
hold a Reconciliation Service for parishioners including all the
youngsters who participate in our Religious Education Program
together with their parents.
An ample number of visiting
clergy will assist for your convenience.
Traditionally the Christmas eve meal is a meatless meal and
consists of twelve courses. One of the most important parts of
the menu is cabbage and cheese pierogi.
Homemade pierogi, prepared on site, will be available on the
weekend of December 20-21 at $16 per dozen at the school
cafeteria after Masses on Saturday and Sunday. You may place
your order by using the enclosed flyer or calling the rectory.
St. Joseph Basilica - $100 in memory of Thomas Hughes,
given by Ron and Judy Tryba.
The Christmas season is always connected with Christmas
Carols. Last year we produced a new Christmas CD which sold
out. This year we ordered 200 more which will be available in
the Sacristy for a donation of $10. For this Christmas we are
preparing a bilingual CD by the children’s choirs which should
be available by the 21st of December. The process is tedious
and takes an enormous amount of time and should be available
for Christmas. We are most grateful to organist, Mr. Robert
Wojcik for his leadership and expertise and the children who
spent much time and effort for making this Polish/English recording.
Christmas Day at St. Joseph Basilica is attended by a multitude of people from various places to relive the true Christmas
spirit. Therefore, the Parish Council members suggested to
keep the Liturgy on Christmas Day solemn and accompanied by
professional musicians. We are most grateful to a couple of
individuals who have already donated $400 toward this purpose. It is a most meaningful time of the year and the Liturgy
should amplify the importance of the day.
No religious education classes on Mon., December 1st .
Reminder - Monday, Dec. 8th the second parent/student
session for First Reconciliation students (includes Grade 2
students of St. Joseph School) will be held 5:30– 6:30 in the
Confirmation– next session will meet on Sunday, Nov. 30 at
the rectory. We remind parents that it is a sacred obligation,
promised on the day of Baptism to participate in Divine Worship on every Sunday.
R.C.I.A.- program for those who wish to be baptized or return to the communion of the Catholic Church will be held on
Sundays. If interested, please call the rectory for details.
“Reflections on the Prophets” - adult discussion of Holy
Scripture at St. Louis Church Hall, Webster, MA on Dec., 4 and
Dec. 18 at 6:30PM. There is no fee. Please bring a bible and a
friend. Light refreshments will be available.
Living Waters Coffeehouse Ministry– Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Webster on Friday, Dec., 12th from 7-9:00pm in the
parish hall. All are welcome to this free event.
St. Andrew Bobola Parish - trip to La Salette Shrine on
Sunday, Dec. 14th at 1:00pm. The cost is $30pp to cover the
bus fee. As space is limited, please call (508) 943-5633 if interested.
Men’s Cursillo Weekend - to be held Dec., 18-21 at the
Prindle Pond Conference Center in Charlton. Applications
available at entrances to Basilica. For more information please
contact Carolyn Galgano at (508)847-7005.
March for Life-to be held on Thursday, Jan. 22 in Washington, DC. Registration information is available. Buses will
leave St. Paul’s Cathedral on Jan. 21, travel to DC and return on
Jan. 23. Cost is $70 per seat for registrations postmarked by
Dec. 31 and $85 thereafter. Details will be forthcoming.
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30 listopada 2014
„Uważajcie, czuwajcie, bo nie wiecie,
kiedy czas ten nadejdzie.” (Mk 13, 33)
Czasem spada na nas nagle, czasem dojrzewa
powoli, wspomagane kaprysami losu albo kolejnym
fiaskiem naszych dobrych chęci – poczucie, że
wszystko dzieje się tak, jakby Boga nie było. Mamy
wrażenie, jakbyśmy błąkali się po wielkim domu, który nam zostawił,
wyjeżdżając w daleką podróż. Czy rzeczywiście tu był? Czy powróci
kiedyś? Skąd tyle zła? Jak długo jeszcze? Zgiełk pytań, na które nie
możemy znaleźć odpowiedzi. A może przestaliśmy już pytać? Dziś
zaczyna się Adwent – czas powrotu do zapomnianych pytań, czas
spodziewania się, czas nadziei.
Tradycja opłatka wywodzi się od pierwszych chrześcijan, którzy
dzielili się chlebem na znak, że są wspólnotą. Przełamując się
opłatkiem, dzielimy się radością, pokojem i miłością.
Opłatki były nie tylko białe, ale i kolorowe. Te kolorowe
przeznaczone były dla zwierząt, głównie bydła. Znaczyło to też, że
ludzie pragną pokoju z całym stworzeniem.
Błogosławieństwo opłatków odbędzie się w sobotę, 30 listopada na
Mszy o godz. 16:00. Poświęcone opłatki będą dostępne w zakrystii.
Ofiara $3 mile widziana.
Adoracja Najświętszego Sakramentu rozpocznie się po Mszy św. o
godz. 7:00, która będzie ofiarowana za żyjących członków Sacred
Heart Society. Zakończenie adoracji o godz. 15:00 Koronką do
Msza św. po polsku o godz. 19:00. Pół godziny przed Mszą
możliwość spowiedzi.
Wszyscy wielcy święci zapewniają nas, że św. Józef może nam
pomóc w każdej potrzebie. Jest on jednak szczególnie patronem w
problemach rodzinnych, potrzebach finansowych, w ochrony
czystości, w ochronie przed zagrożeniami, w sprawach dotyczących
pracy lub mieszkania oraz jako patron szczęśliwej śmierci. Jeśli
czujesz potrzebę uzyskania łask od Boga przez wstawiennictwo św.
Józefa, dołącz do nas w środę, 3 grudnia o godz. 19:00.
W procesji na rozpoczęcie i zakończenie nabożeństwa idą
członkowie Holy Rosary Sodality.
W sobotę, 6 grudnia podczas Mszy św. rodzinnej, uczniowie naszej
szkoły wraz z rodzicami i członkami rodzin będą uczestniczyć w
uroczystej liturgii o godz. 16:00. Zapraszamy dzieci, aby dołączyły do
nas w ze świecami procesji do ołtarza.
Błogosławieństwo i uroczyste zapalenie choinki odbędzie się po
Mszy. Następnie wszyscy spotkamy się na niewielkim poczęstunku w
szkolnej stołówce.
Druga kolekta w przyszłą niedzielę będzie przeznaczona
na Zobowiązania Diecezjalne.
W najbliższą niedzielę, 7 grudnia będziemy obchodzić dzień
miłosiernej miłości Jezusa Chrystusa, i będziemy modlić się o
szczególne łaski potrzebne w naszym życiu osobistym i dla całego
kościoła powszechnego. Jezus powiedział do Siostry Faustyny:
"Poprzez Koronkę uprosisz wszystko, jeżeli to, co prosisz będzie
zgodne z moją wolą". Dołóżmy starań, aby spędzić godzinę z Jezusem
i otrzymać Jego błogosławieństwo.
Angel Giving Tree znajdują się przy prezbiterium, i przy wejściach
do Bazyliki daje nam możliwość podzielenia się duchem Bożego
Narodzenia w Adwentu. Bardzo prosimy o zabieranie aniołków i
zamienianie ich prezenty, które będą przekazywane potrzebującym.
Poprzez udzielanie pomocy dzieciom i starszych stajemy się aniołami
mądrości, edukacji i miłości, czyniąc okres Bożego Narodzenia
szczęśliwszym dla tych, którzy potrzebują wsparcia. Istnieje wielka
potrzeba wsparcia w opłacie za szkołę dla rodzin, które chcą, by ich
dzieci uczęszczały do naszej szkoły, ale mają trudności finansowe.
Prosimy umieszczać prezenty pod drzewem w prezbiterium do 15
grudnia, aby mogły one dotrzeć potrzebujących przed Świętami.
Prezenty pieniężne prosimy składać na plebanii.
Przygotowanie do dobrego przeżycia świąt Bożego Narodzenia
obejmuje również odbycie sakramentalnej spowiedzi. Nasi parafianie
będą mieli możliwość skorzystania ze spowiedzi w poniedziałek, 22
grudnia o godz. 18:00. W tym dniu do spowiedzi przystąpią również
dzieci uczęszczające na katechezę.
Tradycyjna Wigilia jest posiłkiem postnym i składa się z dwunastu
dań. Pośród nich powinny znaleźć się kapusta i pierogi. Domowe
pierogi, będą dostępne w weekend 20-21 grudnia w cenie $16 za tuzin.
Pierogi będzie można odebrać w szkolnej stołówce po mszach w
sobotę i niedzielę. Zamówienia można składać przy pomocy
załączonych formularzy lub dzwoniąc na plebanię.
To już ostatni tydzień, aby kupić kupony na Mega Loterię w cenie 1
za $25 lub 3 za 50 $ Pierwsza wygrana - $4000; druga nagroda - $300;
trzecia nagroda - $200.
Losowanie odbędzie się w sobotę, 6 grudnia, w trakcie spotkania po
zapaleniu choinki w szkolnej stołówce. Wszystkie dochody z tej
zbiórki pieniędzy będą przeznaczone Zobowiązania Diecezjalne naszej
parafii. Dziękujemy za wsparcie.
Zapraszamy wszystkich parafian i przyjaciół na Bingo, które odbywa
się w stołówce Szkoły Świętego Józefa w każdy piątek. Dołącz do nas
w dniu 21 listopada w czasie przyjemnego wieczoru z jednoczesną
możliwością wygrania ponad $1700 plus Door Prize. Drzwi otwarte o
godz. 18:00, rozpoczęcie gry o 18:45.
Parafia Świętego Andrzeja Boboli w Dudley organizuje pielgrzymkę
do Sanktuarium w La Salette w niedzielę, 14 grudnia o godzinie 13:00.
Koszt biletu: $30 od osoby. Zainteresowanych prosimy o kontakt
telefoniczny: 508 943-5633.
Zajęcia katechetyczne w poniedziałek, 1 grudnia o 17:30 w szkole.
I Komunia – druga sesja dla rodziców i dzieci
pierwszokomunijnych odbędzie się 8 grudnia o godz. 17:30 w szkole.
Bierzmowanie – najbliższe spotkanie dziś, w niedzielę, 30 listopada
o godzinie 08:15 w plebanii.
St. Joseph Basilica #511990
53 Whitcomb Street
Webster, MA 01570
508 943-0467
Fr. Gregory Chodkowski
508 612 8526
EMAIL: [email protected]
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