Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith,
by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization
and nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal
growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values
and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
Sunday Vigil:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
Holy Day Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for
individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in
need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious
Education Office.
BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call
to make arrangements. Parents are required to
receive orientation.
MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage
requires one year’s notice. Please contact the
rectory for appointment.
Holy Day
7:00 a.m.; 8:15 a.m.(Polish);
9:30 a.m., 7:00 p.m. (Bilingual)
MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to
arrange visitation.
6:30 a.m. (m-f); 7:00 a.m. (w, f, sat)
PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to
become part of St. Joseph Parish Family,
please call the rectory.
Eve of Holy Days:
Thurs. before First Friday
First Friday:
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby
ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok
przed datą ślubu.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector: .............. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor .... Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Weekend assistance…..Rev. Charles Borowski
Financial Secretary ........................ Ewa Mamro
Secretaries:Virginia Woznicki&Elizabeth Sabaj
Organist: ..................................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristan ........................................ Joseph Ziak
53 Whitcomb Street,
Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467
Fax: 508-943-0808
e-mail: [email protected]
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną
posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy
przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster
Phone: 508-943-0467 ext.: 3
Phone: 508-943-0378
[email protected]
Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal ........... Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary ............ Mrs. Jennifer Mahlert
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March 10, 2013 - 10 marca 2013r.
Masses for the week—Msze Św. w Tygodniu
Sunday Vigil—English Retreat
4:00 r.s. James Kokernak (7th anniv.) - int. wife & family
Sunday - March 10
7:00 s.p. Anna Wojcik (rocz) - int. Wladyslaw z rodzina
8:15 r.s. Joan Kubiak (month’s mind) - int. family
9:30 r.s. Lucien Gaudreau - int. family
11:00 s.p. Franciszek Turowski - int. zona
3:00pm Gorzkie Zale
Monday - March 11
6:30 r.s. Bernard & Jane Kozik (anniv.)
- int. family & friends
7:00 For the parishioners of Saint Joseph Basilica
2:00 Oakwood Nursing Home
6:30pm English Retreat
Tuesday-March 12
6:30 r.s. Stasia A. Murzycki
- int. Rose M. Rekowski & family
7:00 Za wypominki
6:30pm English Retreat
Wednesday - March 13
6:30 Asking for good health for Patrick Murray through the
intercession of our Patron, St. Joseph
–int. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
7:00 s.p. Stanislaw Nocon, Agata Blaut & Jozef Palka
- int. Agata Palka
6:30pm For parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
Conclusion of English Retreat
Thursday - March 14
6:30 r.s. Annmarie Poulin - int. Holy Rosary Sodality
Friday - March 15
6:30 r.s. Alice Skarbek (1st anniv.)
- int. Louise & John Hester
7:00 s.p. Wladyslaw i Alfreda Kilian (1 rocz)
- int. Kicilinska rodzina
1:30pm Stations of the Cross (English)
7:00pm Stations of the Cross with Mary (English)
Saturday—March 16
7:00 r.s. Emily Kulpan - int. Charlotte Kulpan
Sunday Vigil
r.s. Bruno & Helen Bembenek
- int. Jim & JoAnn Canty & family
Sunday - March 17
7:00 For the parishioners of Saint Joseph Basilica
8:15 St. Joseph Polish Women’s Club
Annual Communion Mass
9:30 r.s. Jennie Rzeszutko
- int. Laurie, Paul & Katie Joseph
11:00 s.p. Stefan Bezak - int. corka Alicja z rodzina
1:00pm Baptism—Anthony Penta
3:00pm Gorzkie Zale
Weekly $5800.50 (including $369.50 in loose money)
Diocesan Obligations $1630.50 (including $102.50 in loose
money); Church in Latin America $57; Fuel $127;
Weekly Budget $7500
I-25 Club Winner for 25th week-#115– Dottie Kasierski
Stewardship Note: “He said in reply to his father: ‘For years
now I have slaved for you. . .yet you never gave me so much as
a kid goat to celebrate with my friends. Then, when this son of
yours returns after having gone through your property with
loose women, you kill the fatted calf for him.”’The father practiced God’s version of generosity-unearned and unconditional.
A steward sees a need and responds without asking questions
concerning whether it is deserved or not.
March 10, 2013
Whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have
passed away; behold, new things have come.
—2 Corinthians 5:17
From March 10 through March 16, 2013
Main Altar—Candle I
In Memory of Robert Piechocki
Given by family
The point of today’s first reading is fulfillment. The forty-year trek of the Israelites is
over; they now camp in the Promised Land
and celebrate the Passover. The manna that
has sustained them in the desert ends; from
now on they will eat of the produce of the
land. Our Eucharist—the manna of our journey—will end when we enter heaven.
Paul, in the second reading speaks of change. The old order
has passed away: all is new. Reconciliation has been secured
in Christ. The message has to be proclaimed everywhere by
the ambassadors for Christ.
The beautiful parable of the prodigal son is given to us by
Christ in answer to the criticism of the Pharisees, “This man
welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Jesus tells the story not
to illustrate some vague human ideal of being broadminded or
tolerant. He wants us to identify the father with God—a God
who reaches out across rules, regulations, and even common
sense to embrace and to forgive.
Second collection this week is for Catholic Relief Services
to benefit our brothers and sisters around the world.
Retreat Master—Rev. Charles Borowski
Saturday, March 9—4:00pm Mass
March 10—All Masses - 3:00pm Gorzkie Zale
March 11—Mass 6:30pm (bilingual)
March 12—Liturgy of the Word 6:30pm
March 13– Mass 6:30pm—Conclusion of Retreat
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This weekend, at 4:00pm Mass we begin our retreat at the
Basilica in the English language. Retreat Master Rev. Charles
Borowski, will preach at all English Masses on Saturday and
On Monday and Tuesday the retreat will continue at 6:30pm
with a homily and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Novena to St. Joseph and Benediction. The nine-day Novena to
St. Joseph will continue after 6:30am Masses. You can participate by praying in your home and by naming your special intention.
On Wednesday we will conclude the retreat with Solemn
Mass at 6:30.
I encourage parishioners to set aside these days for meditation, reflection and join us in this retreat and remember our Retreat Master, Rev. Borowski in your prayers. May the Holy
Spirit’s ever presence in our Church and in our life inspire us to
fulfill our mission.
On Tuesday, March 19 we will celebrate the Feast of our Patron St. Joseph. This is called Odpust in the Polish language.
The Solemn bilingual Mass will be concelebrated by clergy at
7:00pm. Since this festivity is so close to Easter, we will have
confessions at 6:00pm. There will be clergy from other parishes for your convenience to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. St. Joseph Feast is a day designated for plenary and
partial indulgences.
The confessions on March 19th will be in place of our traditional Holy Week confessions.
During these difficult times in our economy and the meaningful season of Lent we are called to reassess our priorities. God
should always take precedence. Through your support the local
churches of the Diocese of Worcester are united as one in faith,
hope and in charity for the greater glory of God and for the
good of our brothers and sisters in need of the Good News.
Last weekend our parishioners were began making their gift
to the Annual Partners in Charity Appeal. Thus far, we raised
$9826 toward our parish goal of $25,000. Those who have not
made their gift yet, please do so today. Pledge envelopes are
available in each pew. Some companies such as Cranston Print
Works will match gift donations of $25 or more.
We are grateful to our Chairpersons, Betty Sabaj and Carolyn Swierzbin for all their time spent in directing this appeal.
Our Safe-Environment Coordinator, Karen Lefebvre recently
relinquished her assignment because of her many other obligations and duties at St. Joseph School. We are grateful to Karen
for her many years of dedication and hours spent in this important ministry.
We welcome our new Coordinator, Pam Trites, presently chef
and manager of Saint Joseph School cafeteria. She has been
active for many years working in the catholic education area in
the State of Ct. and in 2010 joined the staff of our school. I
know that our faculty and parents will work with Pam to make
sure that our students are safe and feel secure at our school.
Several days ago the children from Kindergarten celebrated
their 100th day of school. They observed this day with a variety
of projects displayed on the walls. Each project contained one
hundred pieces. They were asked to collect one hundred items
and arrange them in a creative way. Some examples were a dog
with 100 spots, a cloud made of 100 cotton balls, and a Lego
model built with 100 pieces. They also accomplished their goal
of ordinary counting to one hundred.
Some of the strategies
they have learned in class are counting by increments. They also
participated in many hands-on activities to remember this special
day in the future. Through the experienced team of Cassandra
Raszka and Sister Valenta the children expand their minds and
form their hearts.
The majority of them already read fluently and have developed social skills. Their room in school is located in a cozy area
with books, games and puzzles for their learning and enjoyment.
The children are working diligently on learning their prayers,
exploring the Lenten Season and Easter and reading Bible stories. Since there is a large Pre-K class, and spaces for next years
Kindergarten class are limited. If you are considering our Kindergarten program for your child, we suggest you register as soon as
St. Joseph School-is seeking an individual to serve as a volunteer Librarian on Mondays to share time with our inquisitive and
scholarly students. Your help is greatly appreciated and needed.
Interested persons should call the school office for details.
St. Joseph School Annual Auction
and Beer/Wine Tasting
With a Western theme
Saturday, April 27, 2013
200 Sportsmans Club—5pm - ??
Tickets are $15.00 per person
5:00-7:30 – hors d’oeuvres, beer/wine tasting
6:00 – Buffet style dinner is served – chicken,
beans, cole slaw, corn bread
8:15 LIVE Bidding begins
Please contact Heidi at 774-230-4300
or [email protected] for tickets
Donations of items, services, or monetary are requested!!
On Sunday, March 17 we will welcome pilgrims from New
Britain and the Archdiocese of Hartford area making their traditional annual pilgrimage to St. Joseph Basilica. The theme of the
Pilgrimage is “Lord Increase Our Faith” . Confessions for our
guests will be at 10:30 am. Then, they will participate in
11:00am Mass, Adoration at 2:00pm followed by Gorzkie Zale at
3:00pm with pilgrim’s benediction.
In the meantime, they will be offered a meal in the school cafeteria. I kindly ask parishioners to assist us by baking pastries for
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We are planning a spiritual journey to the National Shrine of
Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, MA on Saturday, March 23. We
will leave around noon and return about 8:00pm. The cost is
$15 for adults, $10 youth ages 12+ and $5 for children. If you
are planning to take advantage of this pilgrimage, please
contact the rectory as soon as possible so we may proceed with
Knights of Columbus, St. Joseph Basilica Council #12980–
50/50 Raffle -will be held during the month of March. The
tickets are (1) one for $5 or (3) three for $10. The average
payout for the past raffles has been over $1,000. The tickets
can be purchased at all entrances of the Basilica. As of last
week $90 has been collected. Thank you to all who have
supported the Knights!
JoAnn & Jim Canty, Webster; March 2-$50, Christine Dudek,
Webster; March 3-$100, Marzena Lachcik, Dudley; March 4$50 Joanne E. Minarik, Webster; March 5-$75, Reine & Tom
Gorski, Webster; March 6-$50 Lorraine H. Brezniak, Putnam,
CT; March 7-$50 Dian Rekowski, Webster; March 8-$50,
Harriett Bomba, Webster; March 9-$50, Elaine Falke, Webster.
St. Joseph Polish Women’s Club will meet on Tues. March
12th at 7:00pm in the cafeteria. Following the business
meeting, members will be treated to a demonstration and tasting
of Tastefully Simple products. Hostesses for the evening are
Sylvia Kitka and Felicia Kolodziejczak.
Annual Communion Breakfast will take place after the
8:15am Mass on Sun., Mar. 17th at the Colonial Restaurant.
Tickets at $12pp will be available at Tuesday’s meeting—or
contact Cindi Gardner (508)461-9054; Jo-Ann Canty (508)9438587; Carrie’s Beauty Shoppe (508)943-0318. Deadline to
purchase tickets is Mar. 12th.
Home School Association-will meet on Thurs., March 14 at
6:30pm in the school cafeteria. Students whose parents attend
this meeting will have a special out of school uniform day on
Mon., Mar. 18th.
Religious Education– classes to be held on Monday, March
11th from 5:30-6:30pm in the school.
Confirmation Class -will meet during the month of March
on Sunday March 10 and 24 at 8:30am in the school followed
by participation in the Liturgy at 9:30am Mass.
Annual Stations of the Cross with Mary-join the Holy
Rosary Sodality pray The Stations of the Cross with Mary the
Mother of Jesus on Fri., Mar. 15 at 7:00pm at our Basilica.
Old Testament Lecture Course-published by The Great
Courses is being offered at St. Anthony of Padua on Monday,
Mar. 24th at 9:30am. There are 17 sessions and you can choose
which you prefer to attend. There is no cost. If interested,
please call Linda Brink at (508) 949-0335.
“Reflections on the Letters of Paul”- discussion of Holy
Scripture will be held at St. Louis Church Hall on Thurs., Mar.
21st at 6:30pm and continuing every two weeks. There is no
fee. Bring a bible & a friend. Light refreshments will be
Society of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton-of St. Anthony of Padua
invites you to attend the Rosaries on Tuesdays, Mar., 12th and
19th at 6:30pm
13th Annual Diocesan Catholic Men’s Conference-is
scheduled for Worcester’s DCU Center on Saturday, Mar. 16th,
with outstanding Catholic leaders such as: Father James Martin, SJ; Father Sammie L. Maletta; Kerry Fraser and Joe
McClane. Bishop McManus will offer the conference Mass
and diocesan and religious priests will hear confessions. Thousands of young men participate in this one day retreat and we
encourage you to register as soon as possible. Conference brochures & registration forms are at the Basilica entrances, call
(508)929-4345 or visit our
You may also contact Peter Kusek at (508) 943-9472 or Warren
Rekowski at (508) 943-3732 for more information.
St. Anthony-The Journey, Adult Education– will be starting “The Short Journey Through the Bible on Wed., Mar., 13th
at 6:30pm. Accompanying packet is $10. Please call Linda
Brink at (508)949-0335 to register.
St. Andrew Bobola’s Holy Rosary Sodality -Pierogi (cheese
& cabbage) -half– doz. $9—doz. $18 & Kielbasa (fresh &
smoked) -$5.49 per pound on Sat., Mar. 23rd in the church hall.
from 10am till noon. First come, first served, while they last.
For more information call Nancy Vajcovec at (508)943-4850.
Mar. 17th-Youth Group Mass 6:00pm at Sacred Heart
Church (following Passion Play practice)
Passion Play-Practices will be on Mar. 10th - 1-4:00pm,
17th-2-5:00pm, 24th-1-4:00pm, and 29th-9:00am—12:00pm
The Passion Play will be presented on Good Friday, Mar. 29th
at 12p.m. For more information, please call Mrs. Ralph at
(508) 635-4222. Sign up sheets for the YG Passion Play are
available at the entrances to our Basilica.
Youth group Soup Dinner-Sunday, April 14th from
Youth Group Mass-Sunday, April 21st at 11:00am at St.
Louis Church.
SAVE THE DATES-May 18-19 YG Weekend—June 8th,
Maine Beach Day Trip.
10 marca 2013
„Jeżeli więc ktoś pozostaje w Chrystusie, jest nowym stworzeniem. To,
co dawne, minęło, a oto stało się nowe”. (2Kor 5, 17)
„Oto wszystko stało się nowe”, więc „trzeba
się weselić i cieszyć”. Dzisiaj liturgia
Kościoła zaprasza nas do radości. To, co było
umarłe, ożyło. Nie spodziewaliśmy się, że
jesteśmy zdolni do dobra, do współczucia,
zrozumienia drugiego człowieka. Nie
wierzyliśmy, że umiemy płakać i śmiać się
dla kogoś. Ta zmiana zaskakuje nas samych.
Takie są owoce pokuty i nawrócenia. Wielkanoc już nadchodzi.
Prawdziwie nowe życie jest już blisko.
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Druga kolekta dzisiejszej niedzieli jest przeznaczona na Catholic Relief Service wspierający katolików na całym świecie.
(po angielsku)
Rekolekcjonista – ks. Charlie Borowski
Sobota, 9 marca – Msza św. o godz. 16: 00
Niedziela, 10 marca – Msze po angielsku
o godz. 8: 15 i 9: 30
Poniedziałek, 11 marca – Msza
o godz. 18: 30 (dwujęzyczna)
Wtorek, 12 marca – Nabożeństwo Liturgii Słowa
o godz. 18:30
Środa, 13 marca – Zakończenie rekolekcji
– Msza o godz. 18: 30
Przeżywanie Wielkiego Postu jest zawsze powiązane z
rekolekcjami, misjami. Wielu katolików wiedzionych
potrzebą sumienia, korzysta z tego duchowego
przewodnictwa dla wzrostu pobożności oraz w celu
przygotowania się na godne przeżycie Wielkanocy, ale
przede wszystkim z myślą o swojej wieczności.
Rekolekcje w języku polskim rozpoczną się w niedzielę
17 marca i potrwają do środy 20 marca. Rekolekcjonistą
będzie ks. Marek Wójcik, polski misjonarz pracujący na
Ukrainie. Bardzo prosimy już teraz zarezerwować sobie
czas na te szczególne dni ćwiczeń duchowych.
Jest już tradycją, że z okazji Uroczystości św., Józefa
przybywa do nas grupa pielgrzymów z New Britain i
archidiecezji Hartford. W tym roku odwiedzą nas w
niedzielę, 17 marca. Spowiedź dla pielgrzymów
rozpocznie się o godz. 10: 30 po czym pielgrzymi wezmą
udział Mszy św. o godz. 11: 00, adoracji Najświętszego
Sakramentu o godz. 14:00 i nabożeństwie Gorzkich Żali o
godz. 15: 00.
Bardzo prosimy parafian o przyniesienie ciasta na
poczęstunek dla naszych gości.
We wtorek, 19 marca, będziemy obchodzili odpust
parafialny. Uroczysta Msza św. zostanie odprawiona o
godz. 19:00 z udziałem zaproszonych księży.
W związku z tym, że uroczystości odpustowe
przypadają w tym roku bardzo blisko Wielkanocy,
obchody odpustu zostały połączone ze spowiedzią
wielkopostną, która rozpocznie się o godz. 18:00 .
Tym, którzy jeszcze tego nie uczynili przypominamy że
dzisiejszej nocy, z soboty na niedzielę, przeszlismy na
czas letni i powinnismy przesunąć wskazówki zegarków o
godzinę do przodu.
Spotkanie St. Joseph Polish Women’s Club obędzie
się we wtorek, 12 marca, w szkolnej kafeterii. Po
zakończeniu części oficjalnej uczestnicy spotkania są
zaproszeni na poczęstunek przygotowany przez Sylvię
Kitka i Felicię Kołodziejczyk.
Doroczne Śniadanie Wspólnotowe odbędzie się w
niedzielę 17 marca, po Mszy św. o godz. 8:15 w Colonial
Resteurant. Bilety w cenie 12 dolarów od osoby będą
dostępne na wtorkowym spotkaniu lub u Cindi Gardner
508 416 90 54, JoAnn Canty 508 943 8587, Carries
Beauty Shop 508 943 0318. Bilety możan zakupować do
12 marca.
Home School Associacion spotyka się w czwartek, 14
marca o 18: 30 w szkolnej kafeterii. Dzieci, których
rodzice wezmą udział w tym spotkaniu, będą miały dzień
bez stroju szkolnego w poniedziałek 18 marca.
Bardzo serdecznie zapraszamy na pielgrzymkę
autokarową, która planujemy odbyć w 23 marca (sobota
przed Niedzielą Palmową) do Sanktuarium Miłosierdzia
Bożego w Stockbridge. Chętnych prosimy o kontakt z
księdzem Grzegorzem. Więcej szczegółów w kolejnych
W obecnych trudnych ekonomicznie czasach wielu
ludzi zmaga się z bardzo poważnymi problemami. W
okresie wielkiego postu warto zastanowić się na tym, czy
nasze umartwienia i wyrzeczenia nie mogłyby wesprzeć
tych, którzy są w wielkiej potrzebie, którzy oczekują na
Dobrą Nowinę przekazaną przez dobrych ludzi.
W ubiegła niedzielę w naszej parafii rozpoczęliśmy
zbiórkę na Partners in Charity. Do tej pory zebraliśmy
9826 dolarów. Wszystkim ofiarodawcom składamy
serdeczne Bóg zapłać. Tym, którzy jeszcze nie złożyli
swoich ofiar lub zobowiązań zachęcamy i zapraszamy to
uczynienia tego w dzisiejsza niedzielę, bądź w
najbliższym czasie. Specjalne koperty są dostępne w
ławkach, które po wypisaniu należy umieścić w koszyku
z kolektą.
Przy okazji serdecznie dziękujemy Betty Sabaj i
Caroline Świerzbin za ich wkład i poświęcenie w
koordynowanie tej akcji w naszej parafii.
Już dziś zapraszamy na coroczną Aukję oraz Degustację
Wina i Piwa, która odbędzie się 27 kwietnia w 200
Sprotsman Club. W palnie różnorodne loterie i
oczywiście wielka aukcja. Osoby chętne mogą już teraz
ofiarowywać fanty, usługi bądź ofiary pieniężne na
poczet aukcji. Dziękujemy i zapraszamy.

Podobne dokumenty