Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith,
by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization
and nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal
growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values
and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
Sunday Vigil:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
Holy Day Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for
individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in
need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious
Education Office.
BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call
to make arrangements. Parents are required to
receive orientation.
MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage
requires one year’s notice. Please contact the
rectory for appointment.
Holy Day
6:30 a.m.; 8:30 a.m.;
5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. (Polish)
MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to
arrange visitation.
6:30 a.m. (m-f); 7:00 a.m. (w, f, sat)
PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to
become part of St. Joseph Parish Family,
please call the rectory.
Eve of Holy Days:
Thurs. before First Friday
First Friday:
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby
ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok
przed datą ślubu.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector: .............. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor .... Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Weekend assistance…..Rev. Charles Borowski
Financial Secretary ........................ Ewa Mamro
Secretaries:Virginia Woznicki&Elizabeth Sabaj
Organist: ..................................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristan ........................................ Joseph Ziak
53 Whitcomb Street,
Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467
Fax: 508-943-0808
e-mail: [email protected]
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną
posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy
przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster
Phone: 508-943-0378
Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal ........... Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary ...........Mrs. Cynthia Belanger
Phone: 508-943-0467 ext.: 3
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 508-943-2228
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March 23, 2014 - 23 marca - 2014r.
Masses for the week—Msze Św. w Tygodniu
Sunday Vigil
4:00 r.s. James Kokernak (8th anniv.) - int. Wife & family
Sunday - March 23
7:00 ś.p. Stefan (2 r.śm.) i Józefa Bezak
- int. Córka Teresa z rodziną
8:15 For the parishioners of Saint Joseph Basilica
9:30 r.s. Joseph, Sophie, Edward & Josephine Skarbek &
Francis & Gladys Hanieski
-int. Margaret & Louis Skarbek
11:00 ś.p. Franciszek Turowski - int. Żona
Monday - March 24
6:30 For the deceased members of the Konieczny &
Gryncewicz families - int. Phyllis Gryncewicz
2:00 Webster Manor
Tuesday-March 25
6:30 r.s. Stasia A. Murzycki - int. Rose Rekowski & family
7:00 For special grace through the intercession of St. Joseph
- Anonymous intention
Wednesday - March 26
6:30 For special blessings through the intercession of
St. Joseph for all participants in the Pilgrimage from
New Britain - int. Msgr. Czarnecki
7:00pm For intentions placed in petition box praying God’s
favors through the intercession of St. Joseph
Thursday - March 27
6:30 r.s. Mae Spicer - int. Irene Sheehan
Friday - March 28
6:30 Za wypominki
7:00 ś.p. Zbigniew Żurek
Int - Jolanta Wojtarowicz
Saturday—March 29
7:00 For all souls in purgatory - int. Theresa Levasseur
Sunday Vigil
4:00 r.s. Constance M. Knych (anniv.) & Albert S. Knych
- int. Daughter, Jean, husband, Tom & family
Sunday - March 30
7:00 ś.p. Terry Miller - int. Elżbieta Wójcik
8:15 For the parishioners of Saint Joseph Basilica
9:30 r.s. Lucien Gaudreau - int. Family
11:00 ś.p. Monika, Józef i Wacław Nachilo
Reminder-we ask our children to bring their written good
deeds for the week to our Lenten Cross during the
offertory at 9:30am Mass on Sunday.
Final notice to subscribe to or renew your copy of the CFP.
The annual fee is $30. If you are interested, please call the
rectory as soon as possible.
Weekly $5008 (including $241 in loose money); Diocesan
Obligations $80; Fuel 286; Church in Latin America $519.15
(including $115.15 in loose money); Electronic Giving $235
Weekly Budget $7000-under $1391
Stewardship Note: “Everyone who drinks this water will be
thirsty again”. Jesus reminds us that material things, even
something as basic as water, can never satisfy us for long.
When we build our lives around material possessions we always want more. True satisfaction only comes when we follow
MARCH 23, 2014
While we were still sinners Christ died for us. - Romans 5:8
In today’s Gospel, Jesus is thirsty and goes to
the well for a drink of water. He meets a Samaritan woman, who expects him to treat her
like dirt. But surprise! He talks to her like a
fellow human being, treats her with respect and interest. And
what happens? Why, pretty soon the whole town turns out to
hear him.
Centuries earlier, the Israelites, wandering in the desert, were
thirsty. They had no water. All they had was an attitude problem. They growled at Moses, “Why did you ever make us
leave Egypt?” But surprise! God gave them water from the
rock. No questions asked.
All the peoples of Earth are travelers on this planet together,
all thirsting, all harboring our own fearful expectations of each
other. But God, as a loving parent, treats us all with generous
care and compassion. We are one family. We could surprise
each other. We could remember we are one.
This week’s second collection is for Partners in Charity.
Next weekend’s second collection is designated
for the Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern
Sunday—Singing of Gorzkie Żale at 3:00pm
Tuesday—Confessions from 7:00-8:00pm
Friday - Stations of the Cross 1:30pm (English)
at 7:00pm (Polish)
Confession - every day after 6:30am Mass
and Saturday 3:00pm
PILGRIMAGE/ARCHDIOCESE OF HARTFORD PARISHES-Today at 11:00am we welcome pilgrims from several
parishes from the Archdiocese of Hartford under the leadership
of Jane Krulicka of the Holy Rosary Sodality of Holy Cross
Church, New Britain, CT. We are pleased by the presence of
Pastor, Rev. Dariusz Gosciniak, spiritual leader of the pilgrimage, who will be the main celebrant.
We want to congratulate the parishioners of Holy Cross
Church, who every year undertake many pilgrimages to well
known Shrines in the region including St. Joseph Basilica.
Throughout the years, they have made several visits to our Basilica. May St. Joseph to whom they have a great devotion bestow upon them many blessings of God especially graces with
which they undertook this pilgrimage.
After Mass, our guests will enjoy lunch in the cafeteria and a
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We are pleased to announce that Betty Sabaj and Carolyn
Swierzbin have again graciously accepted to be our Chairpersons for this 2014 campaign.
Today is In-Pew Sunday for the Annual Partners in Charity
Appeal collection in our parish. During the Mass we will have
an opportunity to make a pledged gift to this vital annual appeal, a life-line of hope for thousands throughout our diocesan
family. Your gift, which enables us to bless many people in
Worcester County will make a major difference in the lives of
many who look to us for hope. Please pray to Blessed Pope
John XXIII & Blessed Pope John Paul II, the patrons of our
appeal, that we may be inspired by their special love for the
On Wed., Mar. 26 we will celebrate a votive mass through the
intercession of St. Joseph for the intentions included in the petition box at our Lady of Czestochowa chapel In the tradition of
the Catholic church, every Wed. is dedicated to St. Joseph, but
especially in the month of March which is filled with devotional services across the world. This practice is similar to the
months of May and Oct. when we honor our Blessed Mother.
Since our Basilica and school have the privilege to have St.
Joseph as our patron, we are obligated more than other parishes
to participate in this Novena and Devotion.
We invite all those who are experiencing difficulties or feel a
need to express gratitude to God to join us on Wed. evening.
We kindly ask all Eucharistic Ministers to be part of this devotion and have the honor to carry St. Joseph’s statue to the altar.
On Saturday, Mar. 29th we will begin a Retreat in English
and Polish for our Basilica Family.
Retreat in English will be preached by Fr. Jonathan Slavinskas, Associate Pastor of Blessed John Paul II Church in
Southbridge. Schedule is: Sat., Mar. 29th 4:00pm Mass; Sun.,
Mar. 30th 8:15 & 9:30am Masses; Tues., Apr. 1st Prayer Service and Homily at 6:00pm; Wed., Apr. 2nd at 7:00pm, Closing
of retreat with Mass and Homily with Papal Blessing.
Retreat in Polish will be conducted by Fr. Miroslaw Krol of
St. Teresa of the Child of Jesus Church, Linden, NJ. Schedule
is: Sun., Mar. 30th 7:00 and 11:00am Masses with Gorzkie
Zale at 3:00pm; Mon., Mar. 31st 7:00pm Mass & Homily;
Tues., Apr. 1st Mass at 7:00pm.
The solemn conclusion of the retreat in both languages will
be on Wed. , Apr. 2nd at 7:00pm Mass.
Consultative School Board - will next meet on Tuesday,
Mar. 25th at 6:30pm in the rectory.
Parish Council—meeting will be held on Wednesday, Mar.
26th at 6:30pm in the rectory. We ask all members to attend.
Alumni Author - Bette (Szwarc) Johnson, an alumnus of St.
Joseph School has written a book, “Admission Lottery” . Mrs.
Johnson will be at Booklovers’ Gourmet, located on East Main
St., Webster on Sat., April 12th from 2-4:00pm. Stop by to talk
to Bette about her book written for parents preparing their
children for college.
The Mass is the most beautiful act of worshiping God and a
precious treasure of the Catholic Church. For that reason, to be
a Catholic is to participate in Mass every Sunday, but especially
during the Lenten Season. In addition to Sunday, many people
participate every day or a couple times a week. Mass has its
origin with the Last Supper of Jesus Christ, a Passover Meal.
The Lord and the Apostles read sacred Scripture and then, for
the first time Jesus took bread and wine and pronounced the
words of consecration which became His body and blood—the
Bread of Life. This has to be understood in the context of the
Lord’s Passion, death and resurrection. Since that time the
Church has offered Mass which is rooted in the everlasting
reality of the Last Supper. Jesus’ words and teachings were
proven not only by his suffering and death on the cross, but
by his resurrection to life.
The three best references describing the Mass of the early
Church can be found in the teachings of the twelve Apostles
(Didache); Justin, the martyr in his first apology and St. Hippolytus who in the second century described the apostolic tradition of the Mass. These references verify the living tradition of
the Mass.
As our life goes on, all the riches and pleasures of the world
fail to satisfy the thirst of the human spirit. The Mass is the
living water which unites us with Jesus Christ who is the only
one who has the words of everlasting life.
St. Joseph School- a generous donation of $2,500 from the
1-25 Club to help defray the cost of heating the school. Thank
you to the major, the captains and all of the club’s supporters.
Also donations of $500 from John Gogolinski, $100 from
Jane Gogolinski and $25 from Helen Baldowski. We are
most grateful to our parishioners for their spirit of generosity
and concern to re-gift their 1-25 Club winnings to the school.
On behalf of our school children thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity.
Gym/Parish Center/Cafeteria - we are grateful to a dedicated parishioner for his magnanimous gesture and the spirit of
extra ordinary generosity for his gift of $100,000. His generous gift is a sign of his love for the children of St. Joseph
School and support of Catholic education in this time of need.
He certainly will make a difference in the life of children at
SJS. May his good deed be always remembered by the people
and rewarded by God.
We are also thankful to the many donors who have contributed several thousands of dollars by using their envelopes in
their monthly packets. Please indicate your pledge and your
payment in the appropriate space. Every donation is recorded
in a special book.
Friends of St. Joseph School Fund - in memory of Thomas
Gorski, Sr. and Norma (Starosta) Haggerty given by Shirley
Religious Education Classes- will meet on Mon., Mar. 24th
in school at 5:30pm.
Confirmation Class-next class scheduled for March 23rd at
8:30am in the rectory with Msgr. Czarnecki.
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Congratulations are in order to many SJS winter season athletes who
were recognized by the Rte.395 Athletic League for their efforts.
Awards were presented to: Ava Edwards, ”Miss 395 Spirit Award;
Alexandra Piascik and Hannah Iozzo, MVP Cheerleaders; Joseph
Starr and Brandon Goguen, Boys Varsity All Stars; Shauna Harney
and Jessica Gardner, Girls Varsity All Stars. Also, 4th Place Trophies
were awarded to the Boys Varsity and Girls JV Basketball Teams.
Congratulations to All!!
Mar. 16-$100, Richard Parslow, Webster; Mar. 17-$50, Joan
Comeau, Webster; Mar.18-$50, Theresa L. Wagner, Webster; Mar. 19$75, Dwayne Levasseur, Dudley; Mar. 20-$50, Robert Browning,
Webster; Mar. 21-$50, Norma Giroux, Webster and Mar. 22-$50,
Marlene Guenther, Webster.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR-JUNE 13, 14 & 15 is fast
approaching. Watch for many new and exciting events that the
committee is planning.
The Special Gifts Booth - for the Festival will gratefully accept cash
prizes or gifts. You may bring your gift to the rectory or place cash
gifts in an envelope labeled “Special Gifts Donation” and drop it in the
church collection basket. Please include your name and phone number
on your gift.
The deadline for listing gifts on the raffle ticket is April 14th.
Thank you for your support.
- Betty Sabaj, Special Gifts Booth-(508) 943-8570
Vendor Event and Indoor Yard Sale and Bake Sale on Sat.,
Mar. 29th from 8:00am—4:00pm in the school cafeteria. We are
looking for vendors/sellers. Space will be $15. For more information
call Pam Trites at 860-617-5227
Lottery Raffle - during the month of March. Only 500 tickets will
be available at $10 each. Prizes are:1) 150 $5– MA scratch tickets; 2)
300 $2 tickets; 3) 300 $1 tickets. Drawing to be held at the Vendor
Sale Event on March 29th. For tickets, please contact Cheryl
Ducharme at (508) 949-0016.
SJPWC Annual Communion Breakfast - will be held on Sun.,
April 6th in the school cafeteria following the 8:15am Mass. Tickets
are $12 and can be obtained from Cindi Gardner (508) 461-9054, or
Felicia Kolodziejczak (508) 943-6591. The breakfast will be catered
by the Basilica’s Knights of Columbus Council.
Mark your calendar—SJPWC is planning a bus trip to Mohegan
Sun. on Fri., Apr. 25th. Bus departs from Webster at 6pm and will
return about midnight—cost is $20pp. For more information, please
contact Jane Wilk at (774) 280-1048
LAST CHANCE– Holy Rosary Sodality is still accepting orders
for Butter Braids and Cookie Dough this weekend. Please complete
order forms available at entrances to church, make check payable to
Holy Rosary Sodality and drop into collection basket. Thank you in
advance for your support
Knights of Columbus, St. Joseph Basilica Council #122980-are once
again holding a 50/50 Raffle during the month of March. The tickets
are (1) one for $5 or (3) three for $10. The average payout for the past
raffles has been over $1,000. The tickets may be purchased at all
entrances of the Basilica this weekend.
Young Adult (18-35) Event - will be held at Central Rock Gym,
229 Barber St., Worcester on Monday, March 31. Includes Free Rock
Climbing from 6-8pm then eat and hang out until 10pm while we
discuss the challenges of being a young adult Catholic today. Fr. Nick
Desimone and Fr. Jonathan Slavinskas will be rock climbing too!
Mass for Life - Tues., March 25-You are invited to attend the Diocese of Worcester’s annual Mass for Life at 10:00am at the Cathedral
of St. Paul, Worcester. Please join Bishop McManus on this Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, in praying for an increased respect for the sacredness of every human life.
14th Annual Diocesan Catholic Men’s Conference – All men are
invited to this important annual Conference, scheduled for Worcester’s
DCU Center, Saturday, April 5. Hear dynamic talks from outstanding
Catholic leaders: New England Patriot’s vet Kevin Reilly, Catholic
biblical writer Steve Ray, popular theologian Christopher West, Sirius
radio host Gus Lloyd, and Relevant Radio’s Father Frank “Rocky”
Hoffman. Bishop McManus will offer Mass. Priests will hear confessions. For conference brochure, further information, or registration,
call 508-929-4345. Visit our website - for
more information and ticket purchases. There are flyers and posters
available at the entrances of our basilica.
40 Days for Life-ongoing campaign will run through April 13th
(Palm Sunday). A daily peaceful, public prayer vigil will be held each
day from 7am—7pm across the street from Planned Parenthood, 470
Pleasant St., Worcester. For more information, please contact Lee
Crowley at (508) 887-1064.
Divine Mercy Sunday - The Holy Rosary Sodality trip to the Divine
Mercy Shrine in Stockbridge, MA on Sun. Apr., 27 to commemorate
the canonization of Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII. Confession will be heard all day, music and spiritual presentations with a
solemn liturgy at 1PM presented by Msgr. James Lisate.
Pierogi Preparation - help is needed for preparing cabbage on
Sat., Mar. 29th from 8am-2pm in the church hall to make cabbage
pierogi on Tues., Apr. 1st from 8am-3pm. We will prepare cheese on
Sat., Apr. 5th from 8-11am and making cheese pierogi on Tues., Apr.
8th from 8am-3pm
Pierogi & kielbasy sale on Sat., Apr. 12th from 10am. Cabbage or
cheese pierogi will be available @$18 per doz. or $9 per half doz.
Fresh and smoked kielbasy will be for sale while they last. No pre-sale
orders. Please call Cindy Iwanski (508)943-1903 or Marlene for more
The HSA will hold their Annual School Auction on Saturday, May
17th from 6-11:00pm at the PACC. Tickets are now on sale at $20pp
or $35 per couple. Cocktails at 6pm, dinner served buffet style at
6:30pm; live bidding at 8pm. This year’s theme is “A Red Carpet
Event”. Donations may be brought to the school office. For more
information, please call Heidi Iozzo at (774) 230-4300 or the school at
Parish Prayer Line - If you or someone you know is in need of
prayer, please telephone your request to Theresa Jankowski at 508-943
-5355. You may also place your request in the prayer intentions box
beneath the cross at the front entrance of the Basilica. These intentions
are prayed daily by a network of dedicated parishioners and are also
included in the Chaplet to Divine Mercy prayed at 3 pm on the first
Friday of the month during Perpetual Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament. Everyone is invited to join the scheduled adorers on this special
day of prayer at the Basilica. If you wish to become a scheduled
adorer, please contact Theresa Jankowski for details. Your presence
before the Blessed Sacrament reaps a multitude of blessings.
Practices for the Youth Group’s interpretation of the Passion of Our
Lord will be held in the afternoons of March 30th, April 6th and April
13th at Sacred Heart Church. The Passion Play will be presented on
Good Friday, April 18th at noon. Email for more information Christina
Ralph (508) 635-4222, [email protected]
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23 marca 2014
„Bóg zaś okazuje nam swoją miłość [właśnie] przez to, że Chrystus umarł
za nas, gdyśmy byli jeszcze grzesznikami.” (Rz 5, 8)
Lud na pustyni zapragnął wody, tej dla ciała, by
móc żyć. Staje z tym roszczeniem przed
Mojżeszem, a ten czyni cud i wyprowadza ją ze
skały. Samarytanka idzie do studni po wodę, tak
jak to czyni każdego dnia, a tam spotyka Jezusa, który daje jej
żywą wodę. Daje jej siebie, przywraca prawdziwe spojrzenie na
własne życie. Woda od Jezusa nie tylko poi, ale i obmywa. Jezus
staje się źródłem.
Dzisiejsza druga kolekta jest przeznaczona na Partners in
Druga kolekta w przyszłą niedzielę będzie przeznaczona
Na wsparcie Kościoła w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej.
Gorzkie Żale - w każdą niedzielę o godz. 15:00.
Droga Krzyżowa- w każdy piątek o godz. 13:30 języku
angielskim wraz z uczniami naszej szkoły, o godz. 19:00 w języku
Spowiedź - każdego dnia po Mszy św. o godz. 06:30 oraz w
soboty o godz. 15:00, w każdy wtorek od godz. 19:00 do 20:00,
oraz w niedzielę przed Mszą św. o godz. 11:00 oraz przed
nabożeństwem Gorzkich Żali o godz. 14:30, a także w piątki przed
Drogą Krzyżową o godz. 18:30.
Msza wielkopostna dla dzieci – w każdą niedzielę o godz. 9:30.
Dzisiaj na Mszy św. o godz. 11:00 przyjmujemy pielgrzymów z
kilku parafii z diecezji Hartford pod przewodnictwem Holy Rosary
Sodality z kościoła Świętego Krzyża z New Britain. Wraz z grupą
pielgrzymów witamy również księdza Dariusza Gościniak, który
będzie głównym celebransem tej uroczystej Eucharystii.
Chcemy pogratulować parafianom z parafii Świętego Krzyża,
którzy co roku podejmują liczne pielgrzymki do znanych
sanktuariów w regionie, w tym do Bazyliki św. Józefa w Webster.
Niech św. Józef, ku któremu mają tak wielkie nabożeństwo
obdarza ich błogosławieństwem Bożym, wypraszając wiele łask w
intencjach, w których pojęli trud pielgrzymowania.
Po Mszy św. naszych gości zapraszamy na obiad do szkolnej
kafeterii grze przy okazji znajduje się sklepik z pamiątkami. O
godz. 14:00 rozpocznie się Adoracja Najświętszego Sakramentu, a
następnie nabożeństwo Gorzkich Żali o godz. 15:00. Na
zakończenie nabożeństwa zostaną pobłogosławione dewocjonalia,
a wszyscy pielgrzymi i obecni na nabożeństwie otrzymają
błogosławeństwo Papieskie.
CCD – Zajęcia katechetyczne w poniedziałek, 24 marca o godz.
Bierzmowanie – Najbliższe spotkanie kandydatów do
Bierzmowania odbędzie się w niedzielę, 23 marca o godz. 8:30 na
W środę, 26 marca, będziemy Celebrować uroczystą Eucharystię za
wstawiennictwem Świętego Józefa w intencjach przedstawianych
przez wiernych, którzy umieszczają je w specjalnej skrzynce
znajdującej się w kaplicy Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej. W tradycji
Kościoła Katolickiego, każda o środa jest poświęcona św. Józefowi,
ale szczególnie w marcu, który na całym świecie jest wypełniony
nabożeństwami ku czci tego świętego. Praktyka ta jest podobna w
miesiącach maju i październiku, kiedy czcimy Matkę Bożą. Ponieważ
nasza szkoła i Bazylika ma przywilej czcić świętego Józefa jako
naszego patrona, jesteśmy zobowiązani bardziej niż inne parafie do
udziału w tej Nowenny i w nabożeństwie do św. Józefa.
Zapraszamy wszystkich tych, którzy zmagają się z życiowymi
trudnościami lub czują potrzebę wyrażenia wdzięczności do Boga, aby
dołączyć do nas w środowy wieczór. Serdecznie zapraszamy
wszystkich szafarzy Eucharystii, aby wzięli udział w procesji na
początku i na kończy nabożeństwa.
W sobotę, 29 marca rozpoczynamy rekolekcje wielkopostne w na
naszej Bazylice.
Rekolekcje w języku angielskim będzie głosił ks. Jonathan
Slavinskas, wikariusz w parafii bł. Jana Pawła II w Southbridge.
Rozkład nabożeństw rekolekcyjnych języku angielskim:
Sobota, 29 marca Msza św. o godz. 16:00;
Niedziela, 30 marca Msze św. po angielsku 08:15 i 09:30,
Wtorek, 1 kwietnia o godz. 18:00 nabożeństwo liturgiczne z homilią.
Rekolekcje w języku polskim będą prowadzone przez ks. Mirosława
Król z parafii p.w. św. Teresy od Dzieciątka Jezusa w Linden, NJ.
Rozkład nabożeństw rekolekcyjnych języku polskim:
Niedziela, 30 marca 07:00 i 11:00 Msze św., Gorzkie Żale o godz.
Poniedziałek, 31 marca Msza św. po polsku o godz. 19:00,
Wtorek, 1 kwietnia Msza o godz. 19:00.
Uroczyste zakończenie rekolekcji w obu językach w środę,
2 kwietnia na Mszy św. o godz. 19:00.
Główną atrakcją naszego corocznego Festiwalu jest Loteria
Pieniężna. Kupony na loterię będą w najbliższym czasie wysyłane do
parafian z jednoczesną prośbą o wsparcie oraz przekazanie ich
również krewnym, znajomym i przyjaciołom. Ceny kuponów są
następujące: 1 za $5 oraz 3 za $10. Dla tych, którzy zakupią kupony
przed 1 maja będą brali dodatkowo udział w losowaniu dwudniowego
pobytu w Hayannis.
Spacial Gift Boot – Datki oraz fanty prosimy przynosić na plebanię.
Można też użyć specjalnej koperty z napisem „Special Gift Donation”
i włożyć ja do koszyka z kolektą. Na ofiarowanych rzeczach lub
ofiarach pieniężnych prosimy umieścić imię i nazwisko oraz nr
Mamy przyjemność poinformować, że Betty Sabaj i Carolyn
Swierzbin w tym roku ponownie zgodził się koordynować w
naszej parafii zbiórkę na diecezjalną akcję charytatywną Partners
In Charity.
Dzisiaj w naszej parafii rozpoczynamy zbiórkę na Partners In
Charity. Wykorzystując koperty znajdujące się w ławkach już dziś
będzie możliwość dokonania zobowiązania na wsparcie dla tysięcy
potrzebujących ludzi w całej naszej diecezjalnej rodzinie. Twój
dar, który pozwala nam pomóc wielu ludziom w Worcester County
może poczynić wielkie zmiany w życiu wielu ludzi, którzy patrzą
na nas z nadzieją. Prosimy również o modlitwę za
wstawiennictwem błogosławionego Jana XXIII i błogosławionego
Jana Pawła II, patronów naszej akcji, abyśmy w naszych
działaniach na rzecz bliźnich inspirowali się ich szczególną
miłością do Eucharystii .
St. Joseph Basilica #511990
53 Whitcomb Street
Webster, MA 01570
508 943-0467
Fr. Gregory Chodkowski
508 612 8526
EMAIL: [email protected]
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Wednesday 11:00
November 13, 2011
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