4 czerwca 2016, sobota Hotel Victoria ul. Narutowicza 58/60, Lublin


4 czerwca 2016, sobota Hotel Victoria ul. Narutowicza 58/60, Lublin
4 czerwca 2016, sobota
Hotel Victoria
ul. Narutowicza 58/60,
Konkurs na 25-lecie Pearson
Wygraj szkolenie dla swojej szkoły i kubek termiczny dla siebie!
przyjdź i zarejestruj się jak najwcześniej
odbierz arkusz konkursowy
znajdź w sali konferencyjnej odpowiedzi na 25 pytań
zbieraj dalsze punkty i walcz o nagrodę główną
09:30 – 10:00 – Rejestracja i konkurs z okazji 25-lecia Pearson w Polsce
10:00 – 11:00 - “Zerówka” Kids go English. To Play or not to Play – That is the Question Maria
(sesja dla lektorów uczących dzieci w zerówkach)
Should I play with them or should I teach them? Are they still preschoolers or schoolers already? What is
their developmental characteristics and how do I organise a lesson in order to provide for their needs?
Our six-year olds are crossing the bridge between kindergarten and school and we are the ones making
sure they enter their formal school education ready for the 1st grade and enthusiastic about learning foreign
languages. Therefore, we will have a look at what skills we need to teach them to make sure they are ready
for school.Setting up a rich and six-year-old-friendly learning environment, we will try out various
effective ways of going about teaching and learning at the “zerówka” level of education by focusing on different
modalities and task types to make learning truly memorable and fun.
11:00 – 11:20 – przerwa
11:20 – 12:20 – Balancing Big Ideas with Little Learners, John Wolf
(sesja dla lektorów szkół językowych)
Language instruction can often feel like a balancing act – between learner interests and linguistic goals,
or between receptive and productive skills.
To strike a balance and ensure our learners are successful, we need quality teaching materials based on
well thought out, 21st century methodology. We also need activities that:
Develop the knowledge and interests learners already possess
Engage all types of learners
Are fun and memorable
During this workshop, we will explore activities that activate the big ideas our little learners need to lay the
foundation for success with English. The session will be supplemented with a wide variety of material taken
from Pearson’s Big English primary course.
Wyjątkowe materiały dla zarejestrowanych uczestników konferencji!

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