Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith,
by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization
and nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal
growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values
and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for
individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in
need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious
Education Office.
BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call
to make arrangements. Parents are required to
receive orientation.
Sunday Vigil:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Bilingual); 9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish), 6:30 p.m.
Holy Day Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage
requires one year’s notice. Please contact the
rectory for appointment.
Holy Day
6:30 a.m.; 8:30 a.m.;
7:00 p.m. (Polish)
MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to
arrange visitation.
6:30 a.m. (mon-fri); 7:00 a.m. (tue, fri, sat)
PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to
become part of St. Joseph Parish Family,
please call the rectory.
Eve of Holy Days:
Thurs. before First Friday
First Friday:
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby
ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok
przed datą ślubu.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector: .............. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor .... Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Weekend assistance…..Rev. Charles Borowski
Financial Secretary ........................ Ewa Mamro
Secretaries:Virginia Woznicki&Elizabeth Sabaj
Organist: ..................................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristan ........................................ Joseph Ziak
53 Whitcomb Street,
Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467
Fax: 508-943-0808
e-mail: [email protected]
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną
posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy
przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster
Phone: 508-943-0378
Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal...........Mr. Michael Hackenson
Secretary ...........Mrs. Cynthia Belanger
Phone: 508-943-0467 ext.: 115
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 508-943-2228
Page 2
November 1, 2015
Masses for the week—Msze Św. w Tygodniu
Sunday Vigil
4:00pm r.s. Ilona and Catherine Knych
- int. Bernard Knych and family
Sunday - November 1 - All Saints Day
7:00 ś.p. zmarli z rodzin Parzych i Tomos - int. Teresa
8:15 r.s. Adelard M. Lariviere - int. Wife, Gen and family
9:30 St. Joseph School Sports and Family Mass
r.s. Marek, Małgorzata i Adam
- int. Jola i Agnieszka z rodzinami
11:00 ś.p. Jan Sobczak r. śm - int. Syn, Janusz z rodziną
Monday - November 2 - All Souls Day
6:30 & 7:00am Masses with reading of wypominki
2:00pm Christopher Heights
5:00pm Annual Remembrance Mass for deceased parishioners
7:00pm Msza za zmarłych
Tuesday– November 3
6:30 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basiica
7:00 Za wypominki
Wednesday - November 4
6:30 Za przyczyną św. Jozefa o błogosławieństwo w
rodzinie i życiu zawodowym - int. Wanda Sternal
7:00pm Prosząc sw. Jozefa o nawrócenie dla wnuka Piotra
- int. Zofia Kazmierczak
Thursday - November 5
6:30 r.s. Joseph F. Reglinski, Jr.
- int. Scanlon Funeral Service
Friday - November 6 - First Friday
6:30 r.s. Paula Jean Szynal
- int. Godparents, Fred and Sylvia Kitka
7:00 Sacred Heart Society –Living Members
8:30 r.s. Elzbieta and Antoni Nagiel
- int. Grandchildren
7:00pm ś.p. Stasia i Kazia Stroczkowski
- int. Ela Stroczkowska
Saturday – November 7
7:00 r.s. Josephine Cozzens (2nd. anniv.)
- int. Virginia Woznicki and family
Sunday Vigil
4:00 r.s. Frank and Victoria Czechowski, Paul Gregory and
Edward Wedda - int. Czechowski family
Sunday - November 8
7:00 r.s. Agnes Walkowiak - int. Husband, Robert
8:15 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
9:30 r.s. Bernard S. Przelomski (8th anniv.)
- Wife and family
11:00 ś.p. Maria i Franciszek Szczepaniak
- int. Teresa Plewa
1-25Club—Winner 6th week
#140-Dr. John Kalinowski
Weekly 5144 (including $355 in loose money); Diocesan
Obligations $30; Fuel $75; World Missions $75;
Liga Katolicka $314.15 (including $229.15 in loose money)
Weekly Budget $7000
1 listopada - 2015r.
Stewardship Note: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs
is the kingdom of heaven. “Poor in spirit” is confusing for
many of us. It simply means to place your trust in God, putting
His will first and being strong in faith. As we celebrate the
lives of the saints on All Saints Day, remember, we, too are
called to be saints. Dialing down our own pride and ego and
turning up the humility will help us on our path to sainthood.
November 1, 2015
See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be
called the children of God.
- I John 3:1
“Lord, this is the people that longs to see
your face.” This antiphon for today’s responsorial psalm offers the focus for today’s readings. As we on earth celebrate
the triumph of all the saints—the ones officially canonized by the Church and the
countless others who have also reached
heaven—we add nothing to their glory. But we give ourselves
reason to hope. We too long to see the face of God and believe
that we can one day be counted among those whose robes, as
John tells us in the book of Revelation, are washed “white in
the blood of the Lamb.”
The passage from John’s First Letter offers further assurance: we are God’s children who will one day see God. But
today’s Gospel pulls us past longing and reassurance into action. Jesus clearly tells us what we must do to be counted
among the saints. We must be poor in spirit, hungry for holiness, merciful, single-hearted and peacemakers! Then we too
will see the face of God.
This week’s second collection is for parish obligations
for the Diocese of Worcester.
Next weekend’s second collection is designated
for Higher Utility and Energy Costs.
Today, Nov., 1st is the first Sunday of the month and we
welcome faculty, students and parents to the 9:30am Liturgy.
A social will follow in the school cafeteria.
The annual cemetery procession will take place on Sunday,
November 1st at 2:00pm commemorating All Souls Day. It is a
special day of the year when all the members of the St. Joseph
Basilica family and friends participate in a prayer service for
our dearly departed loved ones. Those who cannot walk can
stay in the car and still be united with those in procession.
Masses, prayers and acts of charity are the most effective way
to assist them A special votive candle should be placed on the
grave of your loved ones as a sign of our love and remembrance.
All parish ministries, organizations with their banners and
appropriate medals, the choirs, Children of Mary and Altar
Servers are invited to join us.
Attention: No Divine Mercy Devotion due to cemetery procession.
Page 3
THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER– is the time to remember,
reflect and rekindle our memory of our parents, spouses, family
members and friends with whom we shared our life. Because
they are not physically with us does not mean that they do not
exist or that we are absolved of any obligation.
Helping souls in Purgatory is a centuries-old custom which
is based on the revealed truth that those in Purgatory cannot
help themselves to enter the eternal kingdom of God. The most
effective way is to offer the Eucharist sacrifice for a particular
soul, prayers and acts of charity on their behalf. Perhaps the
departed made a great impact on your life, formed your character, provided your education or even showered you with an
abundance of financial blessings. How do we repay them for
their sacrifices? When we meet them again, face to face, will
we be convinced that we did enough to carry on their commitment to the Church and service to others?
Plenary and Partial Indulgences - On All Souls Day and
its Octave, the Universal Church entreats God’s mercy on all
who wait in Purgatory to enter God’s kingdom. It is a unique
opportunity to obtain a plenary indulgence once a day for a
particular soul and a partial indulgence as many times as you
visit the cemetery or Basilica, pray for the intention of the Holy
Father and receive the Eucharist or sacrament of Penance as
We invite parishioners and friends to our weekly Novena and
Devotion to our Patron on Wed., Nov. 4th at 7:00pm This is an
opportune time for us to pray through the intercession of St.
Joseph so that we may all be secure and safe in this insecure
world. You may choose to have your petitions read publicly or
known only to the celebrant during the Novena.
Our Parish Eucharistic Ministers will carry the statue of St.
Joseph to the sanctuary. As always we are grateful for your
First Friday of the month will be observed on November 6th
at 7:00am Mass which will be offered for the living members of
the Sacred Heart Society. Parishioners together with members
of the Society are invited to participate and recite the usual
prayers with the Litany to the Sacred Heart.
Scheduled adorers are asked to participate at the appointed
time during the day and adoration will conclude at 3:00pm with
praying of the Chaplet to the Divine Mercy and Benediction.
Mass in the Polish language will be celebrated at 7:00pm.
Attention: If you have information to be noted in the November 15th weekly bulletin, please forward to the rectory by
Friday, November 6th.
Congratulations to our November 90+celebrants:
Lada, Eugenia Kos, Celia Lebudzinski and Joseph Ziak. May
your day be blessed with happiness, good health and many
wonderful memories as you reach another milestone in your
lives. Happy Birthday!
MEGA CASH RAFFLE DRAWING - sponsored by the
Parish Council will be held on Saturday, December 5th in the
St. Joseph School Cafeteria following the 4:00pm Mass. Raffle
tickets are $25 each or a book of 3 for $50.
Prizes: 1st Prize-$3,000 - 2nd Prize-$1,000– 3rd Prize$500.
“Early Bird Buyers Special”- participants who make returns
prior to Nov., 9th will be eligible to win a free ticket of which 5
will be drawn.
Your kindness and generosity is greatly appreciated and will
help immensely with proceeds being applied to the Parish Obligations to the Diocese. Thank you to those who made their
early returns.
Additional tickets are available at the rectory or from Council Members, Tony Kusek (508)943-7057, Sylvia Kitka (508)
943-0201, or Betty Sabaj (508)943-8570.
“Splash of Panache” meeting will be held on Tues., Nov.
3rd at 6:30pm in the school cafeteria followed by the Executive Board Committee meeting.
Mark your calendar - “Splash of Panache” to be held on
Sunday, Nov. 8th at the PACC from 1–5pm. Anyone with outstanding tickets for the lottery raffle or admission tickets, please
advise Marlene Proulx (508) 949-6091 (lottery) or Phyllis
Scully (508) 949-3517, Patty Williams (508) 943-8455, Barbara
Kryger (508) 943-2253 and Jo-Ann Canty (508) 943-8587.
Lottery raffle tickets - $10 each for the chance to win books
of $5, $2 and $1 MA scratch tickets will be sold after masses.
Special Gift raffle tickets - $2 each or book of 3/$5 available
from club members.
The next monthly meeting of the Knights of Columbus
#12980 will be on Wed., Nov. 4th at 7:00pm in the school conference room.
Reminder: The K of C will hold their Annual Turkey Drive
Collection next weekend, Nov. 7th & 8th to assist the less fortunate families for Thanksgiving. Thank you for your support.
PACC - members meeting will be held on Sunday, Nov., 1 at
12:15pm (note change in time) so all members may participate
in the Annual Cemetery Procession as St. Joseph Garden of
Peace at 2:00pm
The Bereavement Ministry
of Saint Joseph Basilica cordially invites
all members of the parish community
to attend the Annual Mass of Remembrance
on Tuesday, November 2, 2015 at 5:00 pm.
Page 4
St. Joseph School Gymnasium- $100 donation from
Elizabeth (Szwarc) Johnson Class ‘57.
Donations for the gymnasium from the November monthly
envelopes totaled $3516. We appreciate the continued support
of our parishioners for this critical project.
St. Joseph School Immediate Need Fund - $100 in
memory of Theodore Walkowiak, given by Robert and Thomas
Friends of St. Joseph School Fund - in memory of Jayne
A. Starosta, given by Reine Gorski and family.
Thank you to all of our thoughtful and kindhearted
Friday Night Bingo-join us on Friday, November 6th for our
weekly Bingo games in St. Joseph School Cafeteria. Doors
open at 5:00pm and games begin at 6:45pm. Home School
Association members and school parents will be on hand to
assist our players.
Our dedicated volunteers, Pat Parslow and Dottie Kasierski
will be at the entrance to our Basilica on Saturday, October 31st
and Sunday, November 1st to give you the opportunity to buy a
Cash Calendar for only $10. Calendars are also available at the
rectory. In November you will have thirty chances to win cash
prizes ranging from $50 to the grand prize of $500 which will
be drawn on November 30.
Thank you to all who support this fund raiser to benefit our
Religious education classes will be held on Monday, Nov.
2nd at 5:30pm in the school.
Confirmation Class - will next meet on Sunday,
November 8th at 8:15am in the rectory.
R.C.I.A. Program - for those who wish to be baptized or
return to the communion of the Catholic Church will be held on
Sundays. If interested, please call the rectory for details.
Bread of Life - Tuesday, November 10th at 4:45pm. We
will volunteer to help set up, serve and clean up. Parents are
invited to join us. The meal benefits the homeless and
disadvantaged in our area. Please call Laura at (508) 943-2478
for more information.
Youth Mass - Sunday, November 15th at 11:00am at St.
Anthony of Padua Church, Dudley, MA
St. Vincent de Paul Message - In the Gospel today, Jesus
tells us: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your
strength. . . . and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Through your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul you
can show your love for our Lord and your love of your
neighbor who is hungry, hopeless, alone and frightened.
Question: Have you considered electronic giving as a means
of support for St. Joseph Basilica?
Words of Gratitude: we want to thank Andrew Bal for his
help in working on plumbing issues to make the convent comfortable for our Felician Sisters. Also, thank you to Dariusz
Ochocki for offering his time and equipment in assisting with
various jobs at the cemetery. He is very handy and is always
willing to extend a helping hand in many projects at the rectory
and the school.
Bóg zaplać to Sylvia Kitka and The Altar Guild Angels for
the beautiful decorations on the altars during the month of October. We are very fortunate to have such dedicated and caring
parishioners who share their time and talent for the benefit of
our Parish.
Reflections on the Prophets” - is designed for adult discussion of this portion of Holy Scripture. Sessions will be held at
St. Louis Church Hall, Webster at 6:30pm on Thurs. Nov. 5th
and continuing every 2 weeks. There is no fee. Please bring a
bible and a friend. Light refreshments will be available.
Catholic Boy Scout Religious Emblem Group - will meet
on Nov., 5th at St. Brigid’s Church, Millbury, MA. Contact Jim
Gorman: [email protected] to sign up.
Harvest Fair at St. Roch Church Hall - Main St., Oxford
on Sat., Nov. 7th from 8:00am—2:00pm. Giant basket raffle,
crafts, gifts, homemade baked goods,etc. Lunch will be served.
High School Event - „Reckless Abandon” - at Assumption
College on Nov. 8th from 1-6pm, featuring international
Catholic speakers and musicians and Mass with Bishop
McManus at 5pm. Tickets are $15pp.
Parade of Soups Dinner - St. Roch Church, Oxford, MA—
join us for a cozy evening of comfort foods on Sat., Nov. 14th
at 5:00pm. All you can eat-$8 per person for soup, bread,
dessert and coffee. Cash bar will be available. Call (508) 9878987 for more information.
St. John Paul II Parish, Southbridge, MA - Annual Parish
Bazaar, Sun., Nov. 8th, 8:30am-4:00pm at Trinity Catholic
Academy Gym. Free admission. Call (508) 765-3701 for info.
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish - presents Living Waters
Coffeehouse Ministry - Sat., Nov. 14th from 7-9pm at the
parish hall on Day St., People of all ages are invited to this free
Mission of Mercy to Haiti - during school vacation Feb. 15
-20, 2016 for high school teens and parents. Cost $1575pp,
incl. Food, lodging & transportation. Please refer to flyer at
entrances to Basilica.
World Youth Day - Pilgrimage to Krakow Poland; July
19—Aug., 3, 2016—Cost is $2,500pp sponsored by Our Lady
of Czestochowa Church, Worcester, MA Call (508) 755-5959
for more information. There is so much going on spiritually
and culturally to deepen one’s own catholic identity and receive
the support of the participants on this special occasion. Information available at entrance to Basilica.
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1 listopada 2015
„Popatrzcie, jaką miłością obdarzył nas Ojciec: zostaliśmy nazwani
dziećmi Bożymi i rzeczywiście nimi jesteśmy.” (1J 3, 1)
W naszym wyznaniu wiary od chrztu
powtarzamy: „Wierzę w świętych obcowanie”
— tzn. wierzę w istnienie łączności między
świętymi a mną, wierzę w to, że mogę obcować
ze świętymi, a dzieje się to tylko wtedy, kiedy
znam konkretnego świętego i mogę z nim
zawrzeć przyjaźń. To mnie wprowadzi w wielką
wspólnotę ludzi, którzy potrafili wygrać życie.
Takim konkretem ukazującym autentyczność wiary w obcowaniu ze
świętymi jest troska o to, by znać dokładnie życie przynajmniej kilku
świętych. Obecnie w życiorysach ukazuje się konkretnych ludzi,
którzy wędrowali drogą naszego szarego życia i potrafili wejść do
domu Ojca Niebieskiego. Takie życiorysy dotyczą św. Maksymiliana
Kolbego, św. Brata Alberta, św. Rafała Kalinowskiego. W nich już nie
kładzie się nacisku na cuda, lecz na konkret życia, który w spotkaniu
z tymi świętymi pozwala uwierzyć, że droga Ewangelii jest drogą
możliwą do przebycia dla mnie.
Dzisiejszej niedzieli gromadzimy się na tradycyjnej procesji z okazji
Dnia Zadusznego. To szczególny dzień, w którym zbieramy się na
modlitwie za naszych bliskich zmarłych. Zapraszamy wszystkich
parafian i przyjaciół. Ci którzy nie mogą pójść procesji mogą pozostać
w samochodach i dołączyć się do wspólnej modlitwy. Nasza modlitwa,
odpusty oraz Msze święte ofiarowane za zmarłych to najskuteczniejsza
forma pomocy tym, którzy przed nami odeszli do wieczności
i oczekują w czyśćcu na realizację obietnicy zmartwychwstaną.
Nie zapomnijmy również o zapaleniu znicza, symbolu życia
wiecznego i nadziei.
Uwaga! Z racji procesji na cmentarzu Dzisiejszej niedzieli
Koronka do Miłosierdzia Bożego jest odwołana!
W dzień Zaduszny i całą oktawę Wszystkich Świętych Kościół
Powszechny wyprasza Bożego Miłosierdzia dla wszystkich, którzy
w Czyśćcu oczekują na zbawienie. Okres ten to unikalna okazja do
uzyskania odpustu zupełnego każdego dnia oktawy i ofiarowania go za
jednego zmarłego. Oprócz odpustu zupełnego możemy ofiarować
również odpust cząstkowy wiele razy w ciągu dnia, za każdym razem,
kiedy pobożnie nawiedzimy cmentarz lub Bazylikę i pomodlimy się w
intencji Ojca Świętego i przyjmiemy Komunię Św.
Listopad to czas pogłębionej refleksji i wspomnień o rodzicach,
współmałżonkach, krewnych i przyjaciół, którzy byli częścią naszego
życia. To że nie są z nami fizycznie obecni, wcale nie oznacza, że nie
przestali istnieć lub że zostaliśmy zwolnieni z zobowiązań wobec nich.
Pomoc duszom w Czyśćcu do wielowiekowy zwyczaj oparty
na prawdzie o duszach w Czyśćcu, które same sobie nie mogą pomóc
w wejściu do Królestwa Bożego. Najskuteczniejszą pomocą dla nich
jest sprawowana i ich intencji Msza św., odpusty i akty miłosierdzia.
Być może pośród tych, którzy odeszli jest ktoś, kto miał ogromny
wpływ na nasze życie, charakter, edukację… Być może był wsparciem
w trudnych chwilach. Nie zapominajmy o odpłacie za to wszystko.
Postarajmy się, żeby nasze przyszłe z nimi spotkanie było wytęsknione
i upragnione, bez wyrzutu sumienia, ze zaniedbaliśmy coś, bo miało
przyczynić się do ich i naszego zbawienia.
Cotygodniowa Nowenna do św. Józefa to niesamowita okazja dla
wszystkich tych, którzy poszukują boskiej pomocy w życiu osobistym i
rodzinnym zwracając się o wstawiennictwo naszego Patrona. Laski,
które do tej pory od Boga otrzymaliśmy są najlepszym dowodem na to,
że troszczy się On o nas i wychodzi naprzeciw naszym potrzebom.
W najbliższą środę w procesji idą Szafarze Eucharysti.
W najbliższy piątek będziemy obchodzili pierwszy piątek miesiąca
listopada. Msza św. o godz. 7:00 będzie sprawowana w intencji żyjących
członków Sacred Heart Society. Po Mszy świętej rozpoczęcie adoracji
Najświętszego Sakramentu, która rozpocznie się litanią do Serce
Jezusowego i zakończy się o godz. 15:00 Koronką do Miłosierdzia
Bożego. Zapraszamy wszystkich parafian i czcicieli Serca Jezusowego.
Członków organizacji parafialnych prosimy o obecność na adoracji
w zaplanowanym czasie. Msza św. Popolsku o godz. 19:00 z
możliwością spowiedzi pół godz. przed.
Parish Council organizuje loterię pieniężną - Mega Cash Raffle –.
Losowanie odbędzie się w sobotę, 5 grudnia w szkolnej kafeterii tuż po
Mszy św. o godz. 16:00. Kupony w cenie $25 za jeden lub $50 za trzy
zostały wysłane do parafian w ubiegłym tygodniu. Kupony można
również nabyć w biurze parafialnym lub u członków Rady Parafialnej:
Tony Kusek (508)943-7057, Sylvia Kitka (508)943-0201, lub Betty
Sabaj (508)943-8570
Do wygrania: pierwsza nagroda: $3000, druga nagroda: $1000,
trzecia nagroda: $500.
Osób, które zwrócą wypełnione kupony przed 9 listopada będą miały
możliwość wygrania pięć darmowych kuponów.
Dochód z loterii zostanie przeznaczony na spłatę Zobowiązań
Katecheza – w najbliższy poniedziałek spotykamy się na zajęciach
katechetycznych w szkole o godz. 17:30.
do Bierzmowania odbędzie się 8 listopada na plebanii o godz. 8:15.
Serdecznie dziękujemy panu Andrzejowi Bal za pomoc przy
usuwanie awarii hydraulicznych w Konwencie. Dzięujemy
również panu Dariuszowi Ochockiemu za dotychczasową pracę
na cmentarzu i ciągłą gotowość do wykorzystywania swoich
umiejętności, sprzętu i czasu dla wsparcia różnorodnych prac w
szkole i na plebanii.
Bóg zaplać Sylvi Kitka oraz The Altar Guild Angels za
dekorowanie naszej świątyni w miesiącu październiku
Jesteśmy bardzo wdzięczni Bogu za tak oddanych i ofiarnych parafian.
Bóg Zapłać!
Zapraszamy wszystkich parafian i przyjaciół
na Mszę św. za zamarłych
z okazji Dnia Zadusznego
w poniedziałek, 2 listopada o godz. 19:00.
Dzisiejsza druga kolekta będzie przeznaczona na Zobowiązania Diecezjalne.
Druga niedziela w przyszłym tygodniu będzie przeznaczona na pokrycie kosztów utrzymania i energii.
St. Joseph Basilica #511990
53 Whitcomb Street
Webster, MA 01570
508 943-0467
Fr. Gregory Chodkowski
508 612 8526
EMAIL: [email protected]
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Windows XP
HP Laserjet 5P
Wednesday 11:00
November 13, 2011
1 through 6

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