New A Acquisitions Books – January 2 2016


New A Acquisitions Books – January 2 2016
New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry B
Books EElectronic publications p. 1‐9 p. 10‐16 Books C
Call No Author Title Date of publ.//Publisher hristina Jialin ; Serrvais, Paul Wu, Ch
Szczepaankiewicz‐Rudzkaa, Ewa (red.) Altéérité rencontrée, perçue, représen
ntée : Entre Orient et Occident d
du 18e au 21e sièccle Araabska wiosna w Affryce Północnej : przyczyny, przzebieg, skutki 41987 Osińskii, Zbigniew ; Maleesa, Renata ; Kotułaa, Sebastian (red.) 41882 41916 41917 41992 41915 41912 41955 41974 41913 014 Academia‐l'H
Harmattan 20
9782806101600 9
014 Księgarnia Akkademicka 9788376385044 9
blioteka, książka, informacja, Intern
net 2014 : praaca zbiorowa 015 Wydawnictwo 20
Uniwersytetu Mariii Curie‐
Skkłodowskiej 9788377846858 9
Bobek, Michal (ed.) Cen
ntral European Judges under the European Inflluence : The Transsformative Powerr of the EU Revvisited 015 Hart Publishin
ng ; 20
Blloomsbury 9781849467742 9
Custer,, Raf Chaasseurs de matièrres premières 20
013 Investig'Actio
on ; Gresea ; Co
ouleur Livres 9782870036358 9
n ; Schmitz, Vanderrmeersch, Damien
Marc die, Virginie de la ; Renaud
Ronsmans, Magali (dir.) Com
mment devient‐on génocidaire ? : Et si nous 013 GRIP 20
ons tous capabless de massacrer no
os voisins Com
mmunication et d
développement du
urable : Pour 20
014 dess pratiques plus reesponsables Czttery odsłony impeerium : Rosja, Sybe
eria 20
014 Wydawnictwo KUL Zacchodnia, Azja Centralna, Mołdawia
015 Wydawnictwo Czyy kapitalizm ma prrzyszłość? Akademickie Dialogg De la préservation à la conservation : stratégies 20
014 Academia‐L'H
Harmattan praatiques d'archivagge Gil, And
drzej Maurice, Wallersstein, Immanuel M
(et al.)
Hiraux,, Françoise ; Mirguet, Françoise (eds.) 1 ISBN 9782872910373 9
9782874962479 9
9788377029572 9
9788380020962 9
9782806101662 9
New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author Title Date of publ.//Publisher 41911 Castelaain, Bernard (dir.) 41988 Przybylska, Krystyna (red
d.) 41949 Calandri, Elena ; Cavigliaa, Daniele ; Varsorii, Antonio (eds.) 42004 Gebaueer, Martin ; Teichmann, Christo
oph (Hrsg.) De l'autre côté du co
onflit : la médiatio
on Dekkada Polski w Unii Europejskiej : wybrane pro
oblemy ekonomiczno‐społeczne and Dettente in Cold Warr Europe Politics a
plomacy in the Meediterranean and the Middle Easst Enzzyklopädie Europaarecht. Bd. 6, Euro
opäisches Privvat‐ und Unternehmensrecht 41948 Puşcaş,, Vasile EU Accession Negotiiations : A Handbo
ook 41961 Govaerre, Inge ; Poli, Sara (ed.) 41945 Bernd Müller,, Olaf ; Vincken, B
41986 Machalski, Paweł 41947 Tousign
nant, Nathalie (dir.) 41966 Telò, M
Mario (ed.) 41968 Telò, M
Mario (ed.) EU management of gglobal emergencies : legal fram
mework for comb
bating threats and
d crises weg : Verleihung d
des Eurropa am Scheidew
Inteernationalen Karlspreises zu Aache
en 2015 an Maartin Schulz Eurropa samorządna : samorząd teryto
orialny w wybranych państwach Unii Europejskkiej Eurrope(s) en mutatio
on(s) et identité e
européenne : Con
ntributions au sém
minaire de recherrche de l'Institut d'études eu
uropéennes Eurropean Union and
d New Regionalism
m : Com
mpeting Regionalism and Global Governance in a Post‐Hegemonic Era Eurropean Union and
d New Regionalism
m : Com
mpeting Regionalism and Global Governance in a Post‐Hegemonic Era 2 ISBN 20
013 Anthemis 20
015 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PW
WN 9782874555947 9
016 I. B. Tauris 9781780761084 9
016 Nomos 9783832972363 9
013 Hulla & Co Hu
uman 20
Dynamics 9783200030688 9
014 Brill Nijhoff 20
9789004268326 9
015 Einhard 9783943748321 9
015 Adam Marszaałek 9788380192690 9
998 Institut d'études 19
uropéennes 2874040037 2
014 Ashgate 9781472434395 9
014 Ashgate 9781472434395 9
9788301184124 9
New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author 41967 Telò, M
Mario (ed.) 41935 Gruszczzak, Artur 41936 Gruszczzak, Artur 41944 Mehlho
orn, Ludwig 41965 Vivaress, Ernesto (ed.) 41962 Rajkai, Zsombor (ed.) 41926 Bilenkyy, Serhiy (ed.) 41914 Brody, Reed 41907 Balzacq
q, Thierry ... [et al.] 41925 McMillan, M. E. 41959 41958 42011 Bebler,, Anton (ed.) Bebler,, Anton (ed.) Kaldor,, Mary Title Date of publ.//Publisher Eurropean Union and
d New Regionalism
m : Com
mpeting Regionalism and Global Governance in a Post‐Hegemonic Era Eurropejska wspólnota wywiadowcza : prawo ‐ insttytucje ‐ mechanizmy Eurropejska wspólnota wywiadowcza : prawo ‐ insttytucje ‐ mechanizmy Eurropejski duch opo
oru : eseje Exp
ploring the New South American Re
egionalism (NSSAR) Fam
mily and social chaange in Socialist a
and Post‐
Soccialist societies : cchange and contin
nuity in Easstern Europe and East Asia Fasshioning modern U
Ukraine : selected
d writings of Myykola Kostomarov, Volodymyr Anto
onovych and Myykhailo Drahoman
nov Fau
ut‐il juger George Bush ? : Pleins feux sur un rap
pport qui dénoncee la torture et l'im
mpunité Fon
ndements de science politique Fro
om the First World
d War to the Arab
b Spring : what's really going o
on in the Middle E
East? Fro
ozen conflicts in Europe Fro
ozen conflicts in Europe Glo
obal civil society : an answer to warr 3 20
014 Ashgate 20
014 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagieellońskiego 20
014 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagieellońskiego 20
015 Universitas ; Fundacja Ceentrum im. prof. Bronisława Geremka ISBN 9781472434395 9
9788323338567 9
9788323338567 9
9788324226542 9
014 Ashgate 9781409469599 9
014 Brill 9789004252219 9
013 Canadian Insttitute of 20
Ukrainian Studies P
Press 9781894865319 9
011 GRIP 20
9782874951633 9
014 De Boeck 9782804170721 9
016 Palgrave Maccmillan 20
9781137522047 9
015 Barbara Budrrich Publishers 9783847401339 9
015 Barbara Budrrich Publishers 9783847401339 9
003 Polity Press 9780745627588 9
New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author 41985 Varouffakis, Yanis 41950 Christo
odoulakis, N. M. 41993 Gray, Jo
ohn 41937 Augusttyniak, Urszula 41952 Konert, Anna (red.) 41984 Hall, Beenjamin 41931 Drozdo
owski, Marian Marek 41932 Drozdo
owski, Marian Marek 41954 Laurent, Samuel 41930 Szczodrowski, Jan 41973 Pomian
n, Krzysztof Title Date of publ.//Publisher Glo
obalny Minotaur : Ameryka, Europa
a i przyszłość świiatowej gospodarrki Greeek Endgame : Fro
om Austerity to G
Growth or Greexit? Herrezje : przeciwko postępowi i innym
m iluzjom History of the Polish‐Lithuanian Comm
monwealth : State ‐ Society ‐ Cultture Inteernacjonalizacja i europeizacja prawa lotn
niczego : księga pamiątkowa ku czcci profesora Maarka Żylicza ISISS Państwo Islamskkie : [brutalne pocczątki armii terrorystów] n Karski Kozielewsski 1914‐2000 : Th
he Emissary Jan
who sought help fro
om the Allied powers for the aust victims Polish Underground State and Holoca
n Karski Kozielewsski 1914‐2000 : Th
he Emissary Jan
who sought help fro
om the Allied powers for the Polish Underground State and Holoca
aust victims Kalifat terroru : kulissy działania Państwa Islaamskiego Kon
ntrola rynków oliggopolistycznych w
w prawie kon
nkurencji : prawo Unii Europejskiej na tle rozzwiązań w wybran
nych jurysdykcjach
h Kró
ótka historia nieró
ówności między lu
udźmi na przzykładzie Europy
4 20
015 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PW
WN 20
015 Rowman & Liittlefield In
nternational 20
015 Wydawnictwo "Wektory" ISBN 9788301183400 9
9781783485246 9
9788360562772 9
015 Peter Lang 9783631629772 9
015 Oficyna Wydaawnicza 20
Uczelni Łazarskiego
o 9788364054297 9
015 Warszawskie 20
Wydawnictwo Literackie Muza W
A 9788328701366 9
015 Natolin Europ
pean Centre 9788364118739 9
015 Natolin Europ
pean Centre 20
9788364118739 9
015 Wydawnictwo WAB 9788328021570 9
015 LEX a Wolterss Kluwer Bu
usiness 9788326482618 9
015 Instytut Książżki 9788361005353 9
New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author Title Date of publ.//Publisher 41983 Zenderrowski, Radosław ; Pieńkowski, Jakub Kwestie narodowoścciowe w Europie ŚŚrodkowo‐
Wsschodniej. T. 2, Od
d końca XVIII wiekku do Jesieni Narrodów 015 Wydawnictwo 20
Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana 9788365224453 9
Wyszyńskiego 41918 Azzedine ; Jacquem
main, Marc Hajji, A
; Plateaau, Nadine (coord
d.) Less défis du pluriel : Egalité, diversité,, laïcité 20
014 Couleur Livrees 9782870036471 9
41908 Corre, JJean‐Michel 20
012 Editions Couleur livres 9782870035207 9
41994 Secher, Reynald 015 Wydawnictwo Aletheia 20
9788362858828 9
41957 Malloyy, Tove H. ; Marko, Joseph (eds.)
014 Brill Nijhoff ; EUR.AC reesearch ; Europeaan Centre for M
Minority Issues 9789004276482 9
41956 berry, Patrick ; Maartín Thornb
Estébanez, María Amor L'isslam au cœur de n
nos villes : Entre fo
oi et idéntite, peurs et revvendications, pou
ur une ne intéégration citoyenn
dobójstwo francusko‐francuskie : W
Wandea ‐ Dep
partament Zemsty nority governancee in and beyond E
Europe : Min
celeebrating 10 yearss of the European yearbook of min
nority issues Min
nority Rights in Eu
urope : A Review of the Work and
d Standards of thee Council of Europ
pe 004 Council of Europe 20
9789287153661 9
41919 Sergi, B
Bruno S. Missinterpreting Mod
dern Russia 20
009 The Continuu
um In
nternational Publishing Press 9781441106797 9
41941 nta, Lichèree, François ; Caran
Roberto ; Treumer, Steeen (eds.) 20
014 DJØF Publishiing 9788757433852 9
41000 Fernán
ndez Molina, Irenee 20
016 Routledge 9781138796614 9
41934 Skórzyń
ński, Jan 41953 Skórzyń
ński, Jan odernising Public P
Procurement : The New Mo
Directive oroccan Foreign Policy under Moha
ammed VI, Mo
99‐2014 Na przekór geopolityyce : Europa Środkowo‐
Wsschodnia w myśli p
politycznej polskie
ej opozycji dem
mokratycznej 197
76‐1989 Na przekór geopolityyce : Europa Środkowo‐
politycznej polskie
ej opozycji Wsschodnia w myśli p
mokratycznej 197
76‐1989 5 ISBN 014 Centrum Obssługi Kancelarii 20
Prrezydenta Rzeczypospolitej 9788364325021 9
olskiej 20
014 Centrum Obssługi Kancelarii Prrezydenta Rzeczypospolitej 9788364325021 9
olskiej New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author 41982 Pöttering, Hans‐Gert 41946 Isajiw, Christian 41997 Szklarski, Bohdan (red.) 41981 Wódkaa, Jakub (red.) 41972 Ther, P
Philipp 41977 41980 Petrov,, Nikolai Vasil'evicch Freiberrg, Stephan 42001 Łukasieewicz, Sławomir (o
oprac.) 41943 Grzelakk, Agnieszka 41979 Auleytn
ner, Aleksandra 41928 41990 Kołodziejczyk, Dariusz ; Balcer, Adam ;; Królikowska, Nattalia (wybórr i oprac.) Knopekk, Jacek ; Willa, Raafał (red.) Title Date of publ.//Publisher Na szczęście jesteśm
my zjednoczeni : m
moja eurropejska droga Neggotiating Human Rights : In Defencce of Dissidents during thee Soviet Era. A Me
emoir Nieekonfrontacyjna aasymetria w relacjach polsko‐
amerykańskich Now
wa Turcja : aspekkty polityczne gosp
podarcze i spo
ołeczne Now
wy ład na starym kontynencie : Hisstoria Europy neo
oliberalnej Now
wy ład Stalina : so
owietyzacja Europ
py 1945‐1953 Now
wy Traktat o Unii Europejskiej O jeedność Europy : aantologia polskiej XX‐wiecznej myyśli europejskiej Och
hrona danych oso
obowych we wspó
ółpracy pań
ństw członkowskich UE w zwalczan
niu przzestępczości : w sttronę standardu eurropejskiego Och
hrona praw autorrskich i pokrewnycch a zasady swo
obodnego przepłyywu towarów i św
wiadczenia usług w prawie Unii Europejskiej 014 Canadian Insttitute of 20
Ukrainian Studies P
Press 20
015 Ministerstwo
o Spraw Zaagranicznych 015 Instytut Studiiów 20
olitycznych Polskiiej Akademii Nauk ; ASPRA‐JR 9788394372804 9
9781894865333 9
9788363743420 9
9788364091520 9
015 Kurhaus Publishing 9788363993078 9
015 Demart 20
015 Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck 20
015 Ministerstwo
o Spraw Zaagranicznych 9788374279901 9
9788325576158 9
9788363743383 9
015 Oficyna Wydaawnicza 20
Szzkoła Główna Han
ndlowa w W
Warszawie 9788380300040 9
016 C. H. Beck 9788325578510 9
600 lat polskiej publicystyki Orzzeł i Półksiężyc : 6
pośświęconej Turcji 20
014 Ministerstwo
o Spraw Zaagranicznych 9788363743376 9
Polska polityka zagraaniczna 1989‐2014 20
016 Difin 9788379309993 9
6 20
015 Wydawnictwo Akcent ISBN New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author Title Date of publ.//Publisher 41960 Skóra, Wojciech (red.) Polskie dokumenty d
dyplomatyczne : 1
1933 41889 Davies,, Sarah Pop
pular opinion in Stalin's Russia : terrror, pro
opaganda, and disssent, 1934‐1941
41991 Zawidzzka‐Łojek, Anna ; SSzczerba‐
Zawadaa, Aleksandra (red
d.) opejskiej Praawo antydyskrymiinacyjne Unii Euro
41942 Korwin
n Szymanowski, Teeodor arczym, Przzyszłość Europy w zakresie gospoda
ołecznym i polityccznym 41995 Wojtyn
na, Andrzej (red.) Przzyszły instytucjonaalny kształt strefy euro 41905 Demou
ulin, Stéphanie 41920 Holzer,, Vanessa 41910 Drain, Michel d, Anne Longvaa, Anh Nga ; Roald
Sofie (eeds.) 41963 42003 Wojtko
owska‐Łodej, Grażżyna ; Bąk, Henrykk (eds.) 41998 Fayyad
d, Manar et al. (ed
d.) 41996 Kamińsski, Tomasz 41975 Siweckka, Dorota Psyychologie de la neegociation : Du contrat de travvail au choix des vvacances Reffugees from Armeed Conflict : The 1
1951 Refugee Con
nvention and Inteernational Humanitarian Law 201
15 Relations internation
nales Religious Minorities in the Middle Easst : Domination, Self‐Em
mpowerment, Accommodation Selected aspects of ffunctioning of Polland in the Eurropean Union : the balance of ten yyears of meembership Soccial Water Studiess in the Arab Region Syp
piając ze smokiem
m : Polityka Unii Eu
uropejskiej wobec Chin Światowy model info
ormacji bibliografficznej : pro
ogramy i projekty (1950‐2010) 7 015 Polski Instytu
ut Spraw 20
h M
997 Cambridge University Prress 015 Instytut Wydaawniczy 20
uroPrawo 20
015 Ministerstwo
o Spraw Zaagranicznych 015 Wydawnictwo Naukowe 20
WN ISBN 9788364895494 9
0521566762 0
9788376271019 9
9788363743222 9
9788301184117 9
014 Editions Mard
daga 9782804701918 9
015 Intersentia 9781780683188 9
014 Larcier 9782350209814 9
015 Brill 20
9789004290440 9
015 Warsaw Scho
ool of Ecconomics Press 9788373789685 9
015 Humboldt Un
niversität zu 20
Beerlin 20
015 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzzkiego 20
015 Wydawnictwo SBP 3936602743 3
9788379697458 9
9788364203480 9
New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Call No Author Title Date of publ.//Publisher 41969 Pollockk, Philip H., III Thee essentials of pollitical analysis 41999 Adamcczyk, Artur ; Dubel, Przemyysław (ed.) Thee European Union
n and Poland : pro
oblems and ach
hievements 41964 Fowkess, Ben (transl.) Thee German left and
d the Weimar Rep
public : a seleection of documeents 42006 41922 41923 41924 41951 41891 41940 41890 41938 nd, Larry Jay ; Platttner, Marc Diamon
Thee global resurgencce of democracy
F. (eds..) Thee Greek War of Independence : The
e Struggle Brewerr, David for Freedom from Ottoman Oppressio
on Thee Last Years of Austria‐Hungary : A multi‐
Cornwaall, Mark (ed.) nattional experimentt in early twentietth‐century Eurrope Thee Limits of Partnership : US‐Russian
n Relations in Stent, A
Angela E. thee Twenty‐First Cen
ntury Thee Muslim Brotherhood : The Arab SSpring and its Milton‐‐Edwards, Beverleey Futture Face Buonan
nno, Laurie ; Cuglesan, Thee new and changing transatlanticism : politics Nataliaa ; Henderson, Keiith M. and
d policy perspectives (eds.)
Gotts, Ilene K. (ed.) Thee private competition enforcementt review Thee Treaty of Versailles : a reassessment after 75 Boemeeke, Manfred F. ; FFeldman, Gerald D. ; Gläser, Elisab
beth (eds.) yeaars Thee Year 1920 : The war between Poland and Agnieszka Ośrodeek KARTA ; Knyt, A
Bollshevik Russia (ed.) 8 ISBN 20
016 SAGE 015 Centre for Eu
urope 20
University of Warsaw ; W
Wydawnictwo Polt
text 9781506305837 9
014 Brill 9789004210295 9
996 Johns Hopkin
ns University Prress 0801853052 0
011 Overlook Ducckworth 20
9781590206911 9
015 Liverpool Uniiversity Press 9780859895637 9
015 Princeton University Press 9780691165868 9
016 Routledge 9780415660013 9
015 Routledge 9780415539098 9
9788375615593 9
015 Law Businesss Research 9781909830646 9
006 German Histo
orical Institute 0521628881 0
; C
Cambridge Univerrsity Press 005 Ośrodek KARTTA ; Muzeum 20
Historyczne W
Warszawy 8388288679 8
New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry C
Call No 41976 41978 41939 41989 42002 41971 41970 Author Title Date of publ.//Publisher Traansatlantyckie parrtnerstwo w dzied
dzinie handlu i inwestycji : nowy etap instytucjonaliizacji wsp
półpracy UE‐USA
Traansformacja i rozw
wój : teoria i polityyka Gomułka, Stanisław gosspodarcza oads? : The Black Sea Region Shirinyan, Anahit ; Slavkkova, Louisa Unrewarding crossro
amidst the European
(ed.) n Union and Russia Monneet, Jean Wsspomnienia owska‐Łodej, Grażżyna ; Bąk, Wyybrane aspekty funkcjonowania Polski w Unii Wojtko
Henrykk (red.) Eurropejskiej : bilans dziesięciu lat czło
onkostwa Zarrządzanie rozwojeem obszarów wiejskich w Michalewska‐Pawlak, M
Małgorzata Polsce w warunkach
h integracji europe
ejskiej Zbigniew Brzeziński wobec spraw Polsski w latach Wodziń
ński, Remigiusz 197
77‐1999 Wąsowicz, Maria ; Dunin‐W
wska, Aleksandra (red.) 9 ISBN 015 Wydawnictwo Naukowe 20
Sccholar 9788373837928 9
016 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PW
WN 9788301184643 9
015 Foundation SSofia Platform 20
9786199043110 9
015 Wydawnictwo Poltext 014 Oficyna Wydaawnicza ‐ 20
Szzkoła Główna Han
ndlowa 9788375615708 9
9788373789678 9
015 Oficyna Wydaawnicza Aspra 9788375456578 9
015 Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek M
9788380192003 9
New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry Electrronic publica
ations AUTHOR
L. Albert Hahn ; trranslated by Clem
mens M
Matt ; with an in
ntroduction by Haarald H
Hagemann. ed. by Steve M
McCorriston. H
H. Kent Baker, Greeg Filbeck, and Halil K
Kiymaz. TITLE SERIES mic theory of bankk credit [electronic resource] Econom
Food prrice dynamics and
d price adjustment in the EU [electro
onic resource] nge‐traded funds [electronic Mutual funds and exchan
resourcce] : building blockks to wealth Econom
mic growth and po
overty reduction in sub‐Saharan edited by Andrew McKay Africa [eelectronic resourcce] : current and eemerging and Erik Thorbeckee. issues D
David B. Audretsch
h and The sevven secrets of Gerrmany [electronic resource] : Erik E. Lehmann. econom
mic resilience in an
n era of global turrbulence or‐state arbitratio
on [electronic Proporttionality in investo
Gebhard Bücheler. resourcce] The Eurropean Court of Ju
ustice and internaational courts TTobias Lock. [electro
onic resource] B
Benjamin L. Liebman and Regulatting the visible hand? [electronic reesource] : the C
Curtis J. Milhaupt.
institutiional implicationss of Chinese state capitalism An everr more powerful ccourt? [electronic resource] : D
Dorte Sindbjerg the poliitical constraints o
of legal integratio
on in the M
Martinsen. Europeaan Union 10 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL.. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
Harry Annison. TTove H. Malloy and
d Francesco Palermo
o. B
Başak Cali. Jaames E.K. Parker.
Eirik Bjørge. A
Alamgir Muhammaad Serajuddin. A
Ashleigh Barnes. C
Christoph Knill, Christian A
Adam, and Steffen
n H
Hurka. N
Nick Vaughan‐Williams. Jaan Zielonka. Leee Jones. Jo
ohn W. Schiemann. TITLE SERIES Dangero
ous politics [electtronic resource] : risk, political vulnerability, and penal p
policy n through territorrial and non‐
Minority accommodation
territorial autonomy [eleectronic resource]] The autthority of internattional law [electro
onic resource] : obedien
nce, respect, and rebuttal Acoustic jurisprudence [eelectronic resourcce] : listening to the trial of Simon Bikin
ndi Domesttic application of tthe ECHR [electro
onic resource] : courts aas faithful trustees Cases on Muslim law of India, Pakistan, an
nd Bangladesh [electro
onic resource] Feminissms of discontent [electronic resou
urce] : global contestations On the road to permissivveness? [electroniic resource] : change and convergencee of moral regulation in Europe Europe''s border crisis [ellectronic resourcee] : biopolitical securityy and beyond Media aand politics in new
w democracies [electronic resourcce] : Europe in a co
omparative persp
pective Societiees under siege [eleectronic resourcee] : exploring how intternational economic sanctions (do
o not) work Does to
orture work? [elecctronic resource]
11 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL.. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
Il Hyun Cho. C
Christopher Daasee and Jaames W. Davis. A
Alexandra Kaasch and K
Kerstin Martens. TITLE SERIES Global rrogues and region
nal orders [electro
onic resource] : Oxford scholarsh
hip online the mulltidimensional chaallenge of North K
Korea and Iran Clausew
witz on small war [electronic resource] Oxford scholarsh
hip online K
Kennetta Hammon
nd Perry. Actors aand agency in glob
bal social governaance [electro
onic resource] The politics of gender jusstice at the Intern
national Criminaal Court [electroniic resource] : legaacies and legitimaacy Feast off excess [electronic resource] : a cu
ultural history of the n
new sensibility No deprression in Heaven
n [electronic resou
urce] : religion and thee Great Depression in the Mississippi Delta London is the place for m
me [electronic resource] : black Britons,, citizenship, and tthe politics of racce R
Rebecca Rist. Popes aand Jews, 1095‐12
291 [electronic resource] Lo
ouise Chappell. G
George Cotkin. A
Alison Collis Green
ne. Jeeffrey A. Engel. Peter M. Jones. Jaane E. Mangan. D
Debjani Das. The four freedoms [electtronic resource] : Franklin D. Rooseveelt and the evoluttion of an Americaan idea Agriculttural enlightenmeent [electronic ressource] : knowled
dge, technology, and nature, 1750‐1840 Transatlantic obligations [electronic resou
urce] : creating the bon
nds of family in co
onquest‐era Peru aand Spain Houses of madness [elecctronic resource] :: insanity and asylumss of Bengal in nineeteenth‐century India 12 Oxford scholarsh
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hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL.. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
TITLE SERIES PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL.. Shireen Moosvi. The eco
onomy of the Mugghal Empire c. 159
95 [electronic resourcce] : a statistical sttudy Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. G
Geoffrey S. Corn, R
Rachel E. VanLandingham
m, Shane R. Reeves, aand Sttanley A. McChrystal. U.S. military operations [[electronic resourrce] : law, policy, aand practice Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. M
Michaela Hailbronner. M
Moshe Hirsch. Liav Orgad. Paul Dresch and Ju
udith Scheele. U
Uriya Shavit. Jo
onathan Todres and Sarah Higinbotham
m. Farrah Ahmed. Sanford F. Schram. D
Daniel Gros and An
nsgar B
Belke. Traditio
ons and transform
mations [electronicc resource] : the rise of German consttitutionalism Invitatio
on to the sociologgy of international law [electro
onic resource] The culttural defense of n
nations [electronicc resource] : a liberal ttheory of majorityy rights Legalism
m [electronic reso
ource] rules and caategories Shari'a aand Muslim mino
orities [electronic resource] : the wasati aand salafi approacches to fiqh al‐aqalliyyat al‐
Muslima Human rights in children's literature [electtronic resourcce] : imagination aand the narrative of law Religiou
us freedom underr the personal law
w system [electro
onic resource] urn of ordinary caapitalism [electron
nic resource] : The retu
neoliberalism, precarity, occupy Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford scholarsh
hip online Bankingg Union as a Shockk Absorber [electronic resource] CEPS paperback
: Lesson
ns for the eurozon
ne from the US 13 Oxford scholarsh
hip online Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Oxford Univversity Press, 2015. Centre for EEuropean Policy Studies (CEPS) ; Rowman & Littlefield In
nternational, 2015. New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
Didier Bigo ... [et aal.]. A
Andrea Renda, Felice Simonelli, Giusepp
pe M
Mazziotti, Alberto B
Bolognini and Giaccomo Luchetta. A
Arno Behrens, Igorr TTaranic and Vasileios R
Rizos. TITLE SERIES berty and Securityy in The EU and its Counter‐TTerrorism Policies after the Paris CEPS Paper in Lib
Attacks [electronic resou
urce] Europe ; no. 84 Centre for EEuropean Policy Studies, 2015. plementation, App
plication and Effeects of the EU The Imp
Directivve on Copyright in
n the Information Society [electro
onic resource] CEPS special repo
ort 120 Centre for EEuropean Policy Studies, 2015. Resourcce Efficiency Indiccators for Policy‐M
Making [electro
onic resource] CEPS Working Do
ocument ; 415 Centre for EEuropean Policy Studies, 2015. ‐‐ Centre for EEuropean Policy Studies ; Ro
owman & Littlefield In
nternational, 2015. K
Karel Lannoo ; foreeword b
by Danuta Hübnerr. mbing [electronic rresource] : The Greeat Financial Plum
From Northern Rock to B
Banking Union M
Miroslav Beblavý, G
Gabriele Marconi aand Ilaria Maselli. A Europ
pean Unemployment Benefits Scheeme [electronic CEPS special repo
ort ; 119 resourcce] : The rationale and the challengges ahead A
Andrea Renda. Searching for harm or haarming search? [electronic resourcce] : A look at the European Commiission's antitrusst investigation aggainst Google The EU neighbours 1995‐2015 [electronic resource] : shades of grey Florence Gaub, Niccu Popescu. In
nternational Committee o
of the Red Cross (ICRC) n & War [electronic resource] : Women & Armed Women
and the European Union Conflictts and the issue o
of Sexual Violencee nstitute for Securiity In
Sttudies (EUISS). 14 PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL.. Centre for EEuropean Policy Studies, 2015. CEPS special repo
ort ; 118 Centre for EEuropean Policy Studies, 2015 Chaillot papers, n
nr 136 Institute for Security Studiess, 2015. Report (Institute for Security Studies) Internation
nal Committee of the Red Cro
oss (ICRC) ; Institute for Security Studiess, 2015. New A
Acquisitions – January 2
2016 College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry AUTHOR
Lukas Rüttinger ... [et al.]. A
Adam Posen and N
Nicolas V
Véron. A
Alicia García‐Herreero. Zsolt Darvas and A
András Simon. D
Dirk Schoenmakerr and Peter Wierts. Silvia Merler. D
Dirk Schoenmakerr. R
Reinhilde Veugelerrs. K
Katarzyna Chawryłło. Elena Atanassova‐
Cornelis, Ramon Pacheco, Eva Pejso
ova. Florence Gaub, A
Alexandra Laban.
TITLE SERIES Climate for Peacee [electronic resou
urce] : Taking A New C
Action o
on Climate and Frragility Risks. Execcutive Summary Enhanciing financial stabiility in developingg Asia [electro
onic resource] Internattionalising the currency while leveraging massiveely [electronic resource] : the case of China he gap [electronicc resource] : open
n economy Filling th
consideerations for more reliable potentiall output estimattes Macrop
prudential superviision [electronic resource] : from theory to policy Squaring the cycle [electronic resource] : ccapital flows, financiaal cycles, and maccro‐prudential policy in the euro area Firmer ffoundations for a stronger Europeaan Banking Union [eelectronic resourcce] ng research and in
nnovation policiess in EU Matchin
countriees [electronic reso
ource] Report (Institute for Security Studies) Institute for Security Studiess ; Adelphi ; IInternational Alerrt ; The Wilson Center, 2015. Bruegel Workingg Paper, 2015/10
Bruegel, 20
015. Bruegel Workingg Paper, 2015/12
Bruegel, 20
015. Bruegel Workingg Paper, 2015/11
Bruegel, 20
015. Bruegel Workingg Paper, 2015/15
Bruegel, 20
015. Bruegel Workingg Paper, 2015/14
Bruegel, 20
015. Bruegel Workingg Paper, 2015/13
Bruegel, 20
015. Bruegel Workingg Paper, 2015/16
Bruegel, 20
015. ołtarza z tronem [[electronic resourrce] : rosyjski Sojusz o
kościół prawosławny a w
władza w Rosji Prace OSW ; 54
Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich im. Marka Karpia, 201
15. nd prejudice [elecctronic resource] : maritime Pride an
disputes in Northeast Asia Report (Institute for Security Studies). 23 Institute for Security Studiess, 2015. Arab futtures [electronic resource] : three scenarios for 2025 Report (Institute for Security Studies), 22 Institute for Security Studiess, 2015. 15 PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL.. College of Europ
pe Natolin Campu
us Librarry New A
Acquisitions – January 2
ed. by Patryk Pawllak. edited by Thierry TTardy. edited by Cristina B
Barrios, Tobias Koeepf. Iaana Dreyer, Gerald Sttang with contrib
butions b
by Claude Mandil, James H
Henderson. A
Agnès Charpentierr. edited by Eva Grosss, A
Anand Menon. ed. by Manar Fayyyad ... [eet al.]. TITLE SERIES Riding tthe digital wave [eelectronic resourcce] : The impact of cyber capacity building on humaan develop
pment oast of Somalia [ellectronic Fightingg piracy off the co
resourcce] : lessons learneed from the Contaact Group pping the Sahel [electronic resourcee] : Re‐map
ransnattional security chaallenges and interrnational responsses Energy moves and power shifts [electronic resource] : EU foreign policy and glo
obal energy securiity Commeent préparer l'épreeuve de français aaux concours [electro
onic resource] : Frrançais langue étrangère CSDP beetween internal cconstraints and exxternal challengges [electronic ressource] Social W
Water Studies in th
he Arab Region 16 PUBLISHER, DATE of PUBL.. Report (Institute for Security Studies), 21 Institute for Security Studiess, 2014. Report (Institute for Security Studies), 20 Institute for Security Studiess, 2014. Report (Institute for Security Studies), 19 Institute for Security Studiess, 2014. Report (Institute for Security Studies). 18 Institute for Security Studiess, 2014. ‐‐ s.n., 2012.
Report (Institute for Security Studies). 17 Entwicklungspoliitische Themenreihe des SLE Institute for Security Studiess, 2013. Humboldt U
Universität zu Berlin, 2015