EN KT Polfill - Masa na pędzel uszczelniaj¹ca z py³em aluminiowymx


EN KT Polfill - Masa na pędzel uszczelniaj¹ca z py³em aluminiowymx
 Technical Data Sheet: TDS- 5/2016
Issue Date: 01-03-2016
Version: 1
Technical Data Sheet
Product for professional use only
One component product based on resins and synthetic rubber with the addition of aluminium filings. It is designed for
sealing and masking joints in the parts of car body, particularly exposed to high temperatures. Sealant is characterized
by good adhesion, increased flexibility, resistance to vibration, weather conditions and high temperatures. The content
of thixotropic agents facilitates easy application of the seam sealant. The low shrinkage during drying allows to obtain
an original trace of the brush after drying of surface. It can be coated with all lacquer systems.
untreated and primed metal sheets
painted steel sheets
Surface preparation:
The surface must be clean (remove all corrosion centres), degreased and dry thoroughly.
Apply the product on a clean surface with a hard brush. The seam sealant show no dripping tendency during
The optimum temperature of application: from 10°C to 25°C.
Drying time:
Coating surface dryness – 20-30 minutes at 20°C
Hardening time – approx. 1 mm thick layer daily at 20°C
The surface can be painted after drying with all lacquer systems.
The thickness of applied layers has a considerable effect on the drying time.
Physicochemical properties:
This is a grey-aluminium thixotropic paste with an aromatic, sweet odour.
The maximum content of VOC for ready to use product is 540 g/l.
Store the product tightly closed in original container, in dry and cool places, away from fire and heat sources
at temperatures from 10°C to 20°C. Do not expose to direct sunlight.
Shelf life:
12 months from the date of manufacture
Health & safety recommendation:
Safety Data Sheet and the applicable regulations for health and safety at work involving exposure to chemical factors.
LERG SA Pustków­Osiedle 59d 39­206 Pustków 3 Polska Dział Obsługi Klienta: NIP: 872­000­35­68 Tel: +48 (14) 680 62 85 REGON: 850022800 Fax: +48 (14) 680 63 00 KRS: 0000033727 e-mail: [email protected] www.polfill.com.pl str.1/2 Equipment cleaning:
Polfill – NITRO thinner, Polfill – Thinner for acrylic products.
The information contained in this sheet has been developed based on our knowledge and practice. However, no individual product
properties can be guaranteed under different conditions of use beyond our control. Therefore, we cannot accept full responsibility
for the results obtained in specific conditions of use. It is necessary to test the application of the product on a small area first, due
to the potential differences in the behaviour of the product depending on the surface treated. Relevant product quality is
guaranteed if used according to our instruction of use only.
LERG SA Pustków­Osiedle 59d 39­206 Pustków 3 Polska Dział Obsługi Klienta: NIP: 872­000­35­68 Tel: +48 (14) 680 62 85 REGON: 850022800 Fax: +48 (14) 680 63 00 KRS: 0000033727 e-mail: [email protected] www.polfill.com.pl str.2/2