Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus
Christ as a Catholic community of faith, by promoting a sense of commitment to the
Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization and
nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage,
we foster our tradition and aspire to personal growth in faith. We are determined
to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values and
to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
53 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467 • Fax: 508-943-0808
E-mail: [email protected]
Parish Website:
Sunday Vigil:
Holy Day Vigil:
Holy Day:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
5:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.; 8:15 a.m.(Polish); 9:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m. (Bilingual)
6:30 a.m. (m-f); 7:00 a.m. (w, f, sat)
Saturday: ....................................... 3 p.m.
Eve of Holy Days:......................... 3 p.m.
Thurs. before First Friday: ........... 3 p.m
First Friday: .................................. 6.30 p.m
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
(508) 943-3752 * e-mail: [email protected]
Director …………………….Mary Jolda
Rector ............................. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor ............. Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Adm. Secretary............... Terry Miller
Financial Secretary......... Ewa Mamro
Organist.......................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristans ………………Al Richard & Joseph Ziak
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process
established by the Church for individuals to become Catholic
and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation,
and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a
Baptized Catholic in need of making your First Communion
and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious Education Office.
BAPTISM: On designated Sundays. Please call to make
arrangements. Parents are required to receive orientation.
MARRIAGE: Proper preparation for marriage requires one
year’s notice. Please contact the rectory for appointment.
MINISTRY TO THE SICK: For those of advanced age, ill or
hospitalized, call the rectory to arrange visitation.
PARISH MEMBERSHIP: If you would like to become part of
St. Joseph Parish Family, please call the rectory.
SAKRAMENT CHRZTU: W wyznaczone niedziele. Proszę
zadzwonić na plebanię, aby ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są
do krótkiej katechezy.
SAKRAMENT MAŁŻEŃSTWA: Narzeczeni powinni
zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok przed datą ślubu.
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH: Po sakramentalną posługę
księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII: Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza
nowych członków. Zapisy przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0378 Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal………………….Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary………………….Mrs. Jennifer Mahlert
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18 September 2011 - 18 wrszesnia r.2011
Masses for the week - Msze Sw. Podczas Tygodnia
Sunday Vigil-September 17
r.s. Anna T.Knych (anniv.) - int. niece, Joan A. Comeau
Sunday-September 18
s.p. Henryk Morga - int. Teresa Lach z rodzina
For the Parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
r.s. Elizabeth Brodeur & deceased members of the
Brodeur Family - int. Paul
Installation of Parish Council Members
s.p. Regina & Franciszek Majczak - int. Zofia Borowy
Monday-September 19
r.s. Stasia Murzycki - int. Rose Rekowski & family
Lanessa Nursing Home
Tuesday-September 20
r.s. John J., Stasia & John A. Kitka (anniversaries)
int. family
Msza sw dziekczynna i z prosba o dalsze
blogoslawienstwo w rocznice slubu Romany i Roberta
- int. mamy
Wednesday-September 21
r.s. Alice Richard (6th anniv.) - int. husband & family
Msza sw. dziekczynna i z prosba o dalsze
blogoslawientwa w rocznice slubu Kerry i Artura
- int. mamy
Thursday-September 22
r.s. Alfreda Cimoch - int. Edward & Anna Kudron
Friday-September 23
r.s. Celia Wedda - int. Charles & Wanda Baron
r.s. Sally Jerominek - Holy Rosary Sodality
6:30p.m. Mass Intention - Padre Pio
Saturday-September 24
r.s. Stasia Beresik - int. Irene (Brzostek) Sheehan
Deceased members of Knych Family - int. Frances Petrin
& family
Sunday-September 25
s.p. Stanislaw Miskowicz - int. family
For the Parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
r.s. Joanne M. Percz - int. Ron, Agnes & Chad Coporale
& Joe and Barbara Bembenek
s.p. Wladyslaw Wardega - int. Krystyna Ksiazek
Baptism - Arianna Ulinski
The 1-25 Club grand prize winners drawn at the September 10th
banquet were as follows: $500 Shirley Sabaj; $200 Paul Minarik;
$100 Richard Walker–plus (4) prizes of $50 and (5) prizes of $25.
Also a weekly drawing of $25 is awarded. The net proceeds are
used for school and parish needs. (Previous donations have been
given for oil for the school children).
In appreciation. A very special Thank You to all who gave their
time and effort to make the 1-25 Club Banquet a huge success.
The roast beef dinner was simply delicious and Thank You to the
clergy and the membership who made this possible.
SHARING OUR BLESSINGS - September 11, 2011
Weekly $5,497 (incl. $352 in loose money); Diocesan Obligations
$133; Fuel $1,914 (incl. $97 in loose money).
Stewardship Note. In today’s Gospel, the vineyard owner says,
“I am free to do as I please with my money, am I not?” We are
likewise free. Is a generous return to the Lord in thanksgiving for
His many blessings among the choices we have made? OR
Good stewards follow the advice of St. Paul and conduct
themselves–by wise use of their time and talents–in a way worthy
of the Gospel of Christ.
Word of life. One need only consider the harm to our society
and culture when science, technology and medicine proceed
without respect for the innate and inalienable dignity of human
life. A culture of death, sown by totalitarian regimes in the last
century, is also sown in democratic societies when freedom’s
dependence on truth is denied.
Turn to the Lord for mercy; to our God, who is generous in
forgiving.–Isaiah 55:7b
Isaiah tells us something that we already know, and yet seem
to forget every now and then. He tells us, essentially, that God is
God and we are not. When we’re confused and troubled and
can’t figure everything out, it might be wise to recall Isaiah
speaking on the Lord’s behalf and explaining that God–who is
on a much more, well, Godly wavelength than we are–moves in
ways we can’t even imagine.
Saint Paul, by comparison, has everything figured out. Kind
of. At least he understands his calling in life–to magnify Christ
in everything he does. That should give all of us the direction
we need. Jesus gives us direction, too, explaining to us once
again in the parable of the workers in the vineyard that the last
will be first, and the first, last.
The second collection this weekend is for CCD.
REMINDER: The Annual Appeal for Catholic Schools will be
on September 24 and 25. Please use the parish envelope in your
September packet so that Saint Joseph School will be the recipient
of your generosity.
If you use the envelope sent from Bishop McManus please be
sure to note that the offering should benefit Saint Joseph School.
As I mentioned, $35,000 for new reading series and handbooks is
a great expense and cannot be absorbed by the day-to-day
operational school budget. I depend on the support of the people,
especially major donations from businesses and affluent
I always appreciate your prayers, support, a good word and
generous offering to Saint Joseph School.
Thank you for taking the time to select new Parish Council
members. Congratulations to: Sheryl Bergeron, JoAnne Canty,
Pauline Fallon, Diane Gajewski, Felicia Kolodziejczak, Ewa
Piwowarczyk and Jackie Skrocki.
We are grateful for these individuals who have accepted a
leadership role in our Parish. Unfortunately, the committee was not
able to find any men willing to accept these duties. We are
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18 September 2011 - 18 wrzesnia r.2011
6:30am. Beginning in the month of October we will have a Novena
thankful for the search committee comprised of: Chairperson,
to Saint Joseph with rosary devotions at 6:30pm. In the month of
Sylvia Kitka; Anthony Kusek, Jane Gaudreau and David Zdrok.
November, every Wednesday we will offer a Mass and Novena to
Members of the newly elected Parish Council will be installed
Saint Joseph at 6:30pm. Saint Joseph is a patron of families, of
on Sunday, September 18th at 9:30am Mass.
father’s, of a happy death, of worker’s and of family providers.
Each one of us experience the need with which we can present to
God through the intercession of Saint Joseph.
We completed all the work to restore the beauty and shine of the
bronze doors depicting various scenes of Scripture. We have not
as yet installed rails at the front entrance. For safety sake if you
St. Joseph School. With profound gratitude I want to
need to use railings, please use side entrances. In the next couple
acknowledge a donation of $1,500 for the new reading series and
of weeks we will concentrate on the above Sculpture of The Good
handbooks from an anonymous alumus and parishioner. The
Shepherd. Over the years, the elements affected the sculpture and
children are enjoying the special love of Jesus Christ and so are
this also must be cleaned, painted and sealed.
those who support them and care for them.
I am also pleasantly surprised by a gift of $1,000 from Anna
We are making continuous progress for the Gym and Parish
Palka, who graduated from St. Joseph School several years ago,
Center. At the present time, we are clearing the land of the trees
and achieved her higher education. Despite the expenses of paying
and shrubs, except those near the street which should be kept for
her educational loans, she found in her heart to make a donation to
environmental protection. This week bidding information was sent
her Alma Mater, St. Joseph School, where her character and mind
to interested contractors.
were formed. She came to this country with her parents in the late
To clear the land and demolish the house it will be very costly.
1990's. The children will remember her and other alumni who are
We don’t want to deplete the Diocesan Account for the Gym and
helping them by their generosity at the First Friday Mass on
Parish Center, therefore, we kindly ask for your donations for this
October 7th at 8:30am.
next step of preparation.
In memory of Edward Motyka by M/M Robert Wojnowski;
in memory of Stasia Beresik, by family and friends, M/M Michael
Damian and Cecilia Klatecki.
Next Sunday is the inauguration of the 125th Jubilee Anniversary
St. Joseph Basilica. We are grateful for a contribution of $5,000
with the unveiling of the Statue of Blessed John Paul II. An
from a parishioner who would like to remain anonymous for the
invitation was sent to all parishioners. If by chance you did not
needs of our Basilica. The spontaneous generosity of many
receive one, or someone that you know, who is not directly
individuals comes from their heart filled with the faith of God and
connected to the parish, but should have received an invitation,
hope for eternal reward. This personal sacrifice is indeed pleasing
please let us know.
to God.
All parish organizations, altar servers, parish ministries, Knights
125th Jubilee Anniversary. We express deep gratitude to the
of Columbus, etc., should be present for these 3:00pm services.
Sacred Heart Society for their donation of $2,500 for our Jubilee
Pulaski Brass Band will provide musical selections.
projects. Thank you to President Jankowski and all the members
for their sensitivity to needs of the parish in this historical
moment of its existence.
I am also grateful for an anonymous donation of $1,000 for the
REMINDER: Sunday, September 18th a continental breakfast
Jubilee project. The parents who have two-college- aged-children
is being offered to members, parishioners and friends after all
have indeed made a sacrificial offering, which in the eyes of God
is multiplied many times. Through individuals of faith, generous
Also, Annual “Bakeless Sale” and Raffle and chances on a
heart and strong sense of belonging St. Joseph Basilica Parish for
Special Gift Table. Please join us. Theresa Jankowski,
125 years was able to support all the ministries, educate the
children and maintain their property.
St. Joseph School Gym and Parish Center: In memory of
Edward Motyka by Nancy Carron & Robert Thompson, and M/M
Friday, September 23rd is the anniversary of the death of the
George Breen.
famous stygmatic, Saint Padre Pio. During his life he was able to
Friends of St. Joseph School Fund. In memory of Julie
perform many miracles for the people. His Shrine in St. Giovanni
Domurad by Dorothy Putnam; Brody, Tokarz & Wooster family;
Rotondo is filled with thousands of people on a daily basis.
In memory Joan Plasse Gibeault by M/M Edmund Kaczmarek.
To give our parishioners the opportunity to pray to God through
his intercession we will celebrate a Mass on Sept. 23rd at 6:30pm
Sept. 1-$50 Raende E. Wagner, Webster; Sept. 2-$75Sally
Barnaby, Webster; Sept. 3-$50 Jean Kondek, Dudley; Sept. 4-$100
Across the Catholic world devotion to Saint Joseph is very
Lynn A. Wagner, Webster; Sept. 5-$50 Tom Robson, Coventry, RI;
popular in the churches, convents, monasteries as well as in private
Sept. 6-$50 Jean Duclos, N. Grosvenordale, CT;
practice of the faithful. Since our Basilica and school are dedicated
Sept. 7-$75 Matt Sabacinski, Webster; Sept. 8-$50 Robbie
to Saint Joseph, it offers us the opportunity to seek Saint Joseph’s
Gryncewicz, Webster; Sept. 9-$50 Susan Shade, Webster; Sept.
assistance in our pastoral ministries.
We have Novena Masses and Prayers on every Wednesday at
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18 September 2011 - 18 wrzesnia r.2011
10-$50 Helen Baron, Webster; Sept. 11-$100 John Walalis, Webster; Sept.
12-$50 Stanley Rolak, Webster; Sept. 13-$75
Peg Nadeau, Webster; Sept.
14-$50 Tony Kusek, Dudley;
Sept. 15-$50 Rodney Ziak, Webster; Sept. 16-$50 Melissa Jolin, Dudley; Sept.
17-$50 Alexis Lynn Wagner, Webster; Sept. 18-$100 Josephine Kaczmarek,
Reminder: St. Joseph School Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday,
September 24th at 1:00pm at Dudley Hill Golf Club with dinner to follow at
PAV. Contact Craig Holmberg at (508) 331-6915 for details.
RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a
journey of conversion to God and what he intends for us. The RCIA is the
process by which persons who were never baptized, or were baptized in another
Christian tradition, or never received their First Communion or Confirmation
and wish to learn more about the Catholic faith and become members of the
Church. If you or you know of someone in these situations, please have them
contact the Religious Education Office.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Classes have started on Mondays @ 5:30 6:30pm in the school. If you have not registered your student yet or paid the
fee, please do so as soon as possible. This may be done on Monday from 5:00 7:00pm in the school. Do not hesitate to call the Religious Education office
with any questions.
CONFIRMATION CLASS: Meets every Monday at 7:00 - 8:15pm in the
school. Please remember to bring your papers and journals.
to be substitute catechist on call. If you are interested, please call the Religious
Ed office. We will provide training.
FIRST PENANCE: Attention all 2nd grade parents of SJS and Religious
Education classes–our first session for parents/students for First penance
preparation will be held on Monday, September 26th @ 5:30 - 7:00pm in the
school cafeteria. These sessions are a requirement of our program. A make up
session will be held on Wednesday, September 28th @ 5:30 - 7:00pm in the
school cafeteria for your convenience. If you have any concerns, please call the
Religious Education Office.
Apple Picking and Purgatory Chasm Hike. Youths in grades 6-12 and
their families are invited to apple picking at Stowe Farm Orchard in Millbury,
followed by a picnic lunch and a hike through Purgatory Chasm in Sutton on
Sunday, September 25th. We will car pool from St. Louis Church parking lot
at 12:30pm, pick apples, drive to Purgatory Chasm and return to Webster about
5pm.. Please contact Mrs. Valcour if you plan on attending or if you can help
car pool at (508) 943-9544 or [email protected].
Please bring: Money for apple picking--bagged lunch--wear comfortable
walking shoes.
Wii Bowling at Christopher Heights. The Youth Group will have another
Wii Bowling contest with the residents of Christopher Heights on Wednesday,
September 21st from 6:00-7:15pm. If you are interested in participating, please
contact Mrs. Valcour.
18 wrzeÑnia 2011
„Niechaj bezboóny porzuci sw drog“ i cz»owiek nieprawy swoje knowania.
Niech si“ nawróci do Pana, a Ten si“ nad nim zmi»uje, i do Boga naszego,
gdyó hojny jest w przebaczaniu.” (Iz 55, 7)
Izajasz mówi nam coÑ, co jest tak naprawd“ oczywiste, choƒ i w jego czasach
i teraz wydaje si“, óe po prostu tego nie dostrzegamy: Bóg jest Bogiem, my
Bogiem nie jesteÑmy. Kiedy jesteÑmy szak»opotani lub dokuczaj nam
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18 September 2011 - 18 wrzesnia r.2011
problemy, wtedy rozsdnym wydaje si“ pójÑcie z Izajaszem, którzy przemawia»
w imi“ Boga i wyjaÑnia», óe Bóg post“puje w sposób, który czesto nawet trudno
nam jest sobie wyobraziƒ.
Ðw. Pawe», który wydawa»o si“, óe przed nawróceniem mia» wszystko
dok»adnie pouk»adane, ostatecznie zrozumia», óe jego óyciowym powo»aniem
jest uwielbieni Chrystusa we wszystkim, czego dokonuje. Równieó Jezus daje
nam wskazówki opowiadajc przypowieу o pracownikach w winnicy i
podkreÑlajc, óe to co dla nas wydaje si“ najwaóniejsze w oczach Boga moóe
byƒ bezwartoÑciowe.
ofiar na szko»y katolickie w naszej parafii odb“dzie si“ 24 i 25 wrzeÑnia.
Bardzo prosimy o wykorzystanie kopert przeznaczonych na ten cel we
wrzeÑniowym pakiecie, tak by Wasze ofiary mog»y byƒ wykorzystane przez
nasza szko»“.
JeÑli ktoÑ b“dzie uóywa» koperty przys»anej przez biskupa, prosimy aby
sprecyzowa», óe sk»adana przez niego ofiara ma byƒ przeznaczona na Szkol“
Ðwi“tego Józefa. Mamy nadziej“, dzi“ki Waszym ofiarom, pokryƒ koszta
zwizane z zakupem nowego programu do nauki czytania. Wszystkim
ofiarodawcom sk»adamy serdeczna Bóg zap»aƒ i zapewniamy o modlitewnej
RADA PARAFIALNA Gratulujemy nowo wybranym cz»onkom rady
parafialnej: Sheryl Bergerom, Joanne Canty, Pauline Falkon, Diane Grajewski,
Felicia Ko»odziejczak, Ewa Piwowarczyk i Jackie Skrocki. Dzi“kujemy
jednoczeÑnie parafianom za ich zaangaóowanie w wybieraniu swoich
przedstawicieli, a w szczególnoÑci Sylvia Kitka, Anthony Kusek, Jane
Gaudreau i David Zmrok – cz»onkom komisji wyborczej. Instalacja nowych
cz»onków Rady Parafialnej odb“dzie si“ dzisiejszej niedzieli na Mszy Ñw. o
godz. 9:30.
PRACE PRZY DRZWIACH wejÑciowych zosta»y zako½czone. Odnowione
i zabezpieczone drzwi odzyska»y swój dawny blask i mamy nadziej“, óe dzi“ki
poczynionym zabiegom utrzymaj taki wygld przez wiele d»ugich lat. Przy
g»ównym wejÑciu nie s jeszcze zainstalowane barierki, dlatego prosimy o
korzystanie z bocznych wejу, szczególnie te osoby, które maj trudnoÑci w
chodzeniu po schodach. Nast“pnym etapem prac b“dzie odnowienie i
zabezpieczenie p»askorzeïby Dobrego Pasterza znajdujcej si“ nad wejÑciem.
GIM I CENTRUM PARAFIALNE. Trwaj prace, majce na celu
przygotowanie terenu pod przysz» budow“ sali gimnastycznej i centrum
parafialnego. Obecnie usuwane s rosnce tam drzewa i niebawem b“dzie
rozebrany dom stojcy na terenie budowy. Wszystkie te zabiegi pocigaj za
sob spore koszta, którymi nie chcielibyÑmy obcióaƒ budóetu przysz»ej
budowy, dlatego zwracamy si“ z gorc proÑba o datki do wszystkich, którzy
chcieliby wesprzeƒ swoimi ofiarami ten etap prac. Bóg zap»aƒ wszystkim
FIGURA Bº. JANA PAWºA II , która stanie przed nasza Bazylik zostanie
poÑwi“cona w przysz»a niedziel“ podczas specjalnego naboóe½stwa.
Zainaugurujemy w ten sposób obchody Jubileuszu 125-lecia istnienia naszej
parafii. Do kaódej rodziny w parafii zosta»o wys»ane specjalne zaproszenie na
to szczególne wydarzenie. JeÑli z jakichkolwiek wzgl“dów nie otrzymaliÑcie
takiego zaproszenia lub znacie osoby zainteresowane, które nie przynaleó do
naszej parafii, prosimy o poinformowanie o tym biura parafialnego.
NABOòE¼STWA DO ÐW. JÓZEFA Na ca»ym Ñwiecie naboóe½stwa do Ñw.
Józefa odprawiane s w wielu koÑcio»ach, zakonach czy teó w domach
prywatnych. To, óe nasza parafia i szko»a s dedykowane Ñw. Józefowi stwarza
moóliwoу, do poszukiwania Jego wstawiennictwa w naszych potrzebach.
Istnieje juó w naszej parafii Nowenna odprawiana w kaóda Ñrod“ po porannej
Mszy. Od païdziernika zaczniemy odprawiaƒ równieó Nowenn“ wieczorn
po»czon z Róóa½cem, a od listopada b“dzie odprawiana specjalna Msza Ñw.
po»czona z Nowenn w kaóda Ñrod“ o godz. 18:30.

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