Mass Intentions from Monday, February 1st to Sunday, February 7th


Mass Intentions from Monday, February 1st to Sunday, February 7th
Mass Intentions for Monday, December 19 to Sunday, December 25
Mon, Dec. 19
Tues, Dec.20
Wed., Dec.21
Thur. Dec. 22
Fri, Dec. 23
Sat, Dec.24
Sun, Dec. 25
8 AM
7 PM
3 PM
7 PM
8 AM
5 PM
Mass in English
Mass in Polish
Mass in English
Mass in English
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Mass in Polish
Mass in English
Vigil Mass English
+ Richard Harris - H. Krasinkiewicz
Special Intentions
+ Ida Cicechelli - Naccarato Family
Special Intentions
Me rc y a nd Ex p o s it io n
+ Stella Marciniszyn - B. Rade
Special Intentions
Deceased members of the Brown family - M. Brown
12 AM
Mass in Polish
Mass in English
Midnight Mass - the Shepherd's Mass or Pasterka
+ Barb Zitta - Mary Jurilj
11 AM
Mass in Polish
For Parishioners
Czytając dzisiejszą Ewangelię możemy odczuć, że życie dwojga młodych ludzi z Nazaretu - Maryi i
Józefa - nacechowane jest milczeniem. Maryja i Józef mają swój własny sekret i swoje powołanie.
Maryja zachowuje w sercu swoje doświadczenie spotkania z Bogiem. Józef, mąż sprawiedliwy,
przeżywa wewnętrzną walkę między miłością a prawem. Prawo skazywało wiarołomną narzeczoną
na karę śmierci przez ukamienowanie na progu rodzicielskiego domu (por. Pwt 22, 22-27). Józef
wybiera rozwiązanie dyskretne, choć bolesne, poprzez które próbuje ocalić dobre imię. Postanawia
zerwać zaręczyny i oddalić, porzucić Maryję.
Kontemplując tę scenę, możemy stawiać liczne pytania: Dlaczego Maryja nie dzieli się
doświadczeniem zwiastowania z Józefem? Dlaczego zachowuje tajemnicę? Dlaczego idzie do
Elżbiety, pozostawiając narzeczonego w niepewności? Możemy również odczuć, że życie Maryi i
Józefa nacechowane jest milczeniem. Maryja przechowuje w swoim sercu słowa Boże, rozważa je
(Łk 2, 19), ale również dzieli się z Elżbietą. Józef natomiast jest człowiekiem dogłębnego milczenia.
Z jego ust nie padło żadne, choćby najkrótsze zdanie, zapisane w historii. Jakby nie miał nam nic do
powiedzenia. Jednak w tym milczeniu słucha, rozważa, a później działa. Bez rozgłosu, bez słowa, ale
i nie bez cierpienia, rozwiązuje w wierze problemy, które stawia przed Nim Bóg. Józef uczynił tak,
jak Mu Anioł Pański polecił. Cisza JózefaAnnouncements
i Maryi nie jest jałowa. Nie jest również dzielącym ich
murem. Oboje przeżywają ciszę, jako przestrzeń, w której ich życie osobiste i małżeńskie jest
związane z Bogiem i od Niego czerpie siłę. Dzięki milczeniu i ciszy mogą podołać codziennym
trudnościom i przeciwnościom życia. Medytując nad Ewangelią, postawmy sobie pytania: czy
szanuję głębię innych? Czy w sytuacjach, w których przeżywam rozterki połączone z lękami o
przyszłość (własną lub moich bliskich) potrafię wsłuchiwać się w delikatny głos Boga, który mówi,
by się nie lękać i spojrzeć „Jego oczami” na moje doświadczenie? Czy w trudnych sytuacjach
pozwalam Bogu działać, gdy On zechce?
Queen of Peace Roman Catholic Church
Kościół Matki Bożej Królowej Pokoju
566 Rosedale Avenue (at Ellwood), Sarnia, ON N7V 1Z4
Fr. Zbigniew Rodzinka CSMA
Secretary/Bookkeeper: Mrs. Bronisława De Araujo Viana
Tel:519.337.7943; Fax: 519. 491.1831; E-mail: [email protected]
December 18, 2016 – The Fourth Sunday of Advent
The Sacrament of Reconciliation: On Saturdays from 4:15 to 4:45 PM and 30 minutes
before weekday Mass’.
The Sacrament of Baptism: By Appointment
The Sacrament of Marriage: Should be arranged at least 6 months in advance.
As Christmas draws near, Advent’s scriptures lure us into a world of dreams, signs, wonders, and the
miracle of the virgin birth. Too often we allow the great stories of our faith, the ones that are most
familiar, simply to wash over us. Today’s Gospel account of the events leading up to the birth of the Lord
reads like a present-day soap opera. Yet Joseph’s courage, even in the midst of what must have been an
incredibly confusing time, provides a model for us. Each week, we are summoned by God to embrace the
way of goodness and truth through the proclamation of God’s holy word. Like Joseph, we are called to do
as the Lord commands us. As we stand at the threshold of Christmas, let us have the courage to be open
to whatever it is that the Lord will require of us as we celebrate the miracle of Bethlehem.
They shall name him Emmanuel which means
“God is with us.”
Matthew 1:23
The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available at Queen of Peace on December 18th at 6pm.
Confessions will be heard in Polish, English and Italian.
The Fr. J. Pucka Memorial Fund wishes to announce that on January 14, 2017 the Foundation will
award scholarships to the selected full-time students attending university or college. Criteria for applying
can be found on the fliers at the entrance to the church. Please submit your documents to the Queen of
Peace Church office no later than January 2, 2017.
Pragniemy poinformowaċ że Fundusz Stypendialny im. Ks. J. Puċki
postanowił ufundowaċ stypęndia dla studentów uniwersitetu lub college. Kryteria wymagane od kandydata
są podane w broszurce w wejsciu do koscioła. Rozdanie stypendiów odbędzie się 14 stycznia, 2017.
Prośimy o dostarczenie dokumentów do biura parafialnego do 2 stycznia, 2017.
The CWL is sponsoring a Christmas poster contest encouraging children to highlight Christmas
traditions. The children are asked to submit their posters by Dec. 31/16 into the church office. The poster
size should be 8.5x11. There will be two age groups: 4-7 and 8-13. Please print your name and phone
number at the back of your poster. The winners of each group will be announced during Christmas dinner
at the Polish Hall on Jan. 14 2017. All participants will receive a small token of appreciation.
Liga Katolickich Kobiet ogłasza konkurs rysunkowy dla dzieci pt. " Moje Boże Narodzenie". Do
konkursu zapraszamy dzieci w wieku od 4 do 13 lat( grupa A 4-7 , grupa B 8-13). Każdy rysunek ( rozmiar
8,5 x11) musi być podpisany na odwrocie. Prace, prosimy składać w zakrystii do dnia 31 grudnia 2016r.
Wyniki konkursu ogłoszone będa podczas obiadu światecznego w Polskiej Hali 14 stycznia 2017 r. Z
każdej grupy nagrodzone będa 3 najlepsze prace. Wszystkie dzieci uczestniczace w konkursie otrzymaja
drobne upominki.
If you are making a donation to the church please make sure that your name and/or envelope number are
on the envelope.
Please contact the office if you have a
young child who is old enough to make
their First Communion for more
information on when instruction is
There is Opłatek (Christmas wafer)
availble in the parish meeting room for a
We would like to thank the CWL
for their donation of $3,277.00 for
the repair of our parking lot.
Bishop Fabbro’s Christmas Greetings
All of us want to be home for Christmas. It is a time to be with those we love, to share
memories, to enjoy the carols, the decorations, and the feasting that permeates this season.
Family is that special place where we experience our deepest happiness, as well as our
greatest trials. At Christmas, we thank God for being part of a family that accepts and
embraces us, that challenges and forgives us.
In his apostolic exhortation, published earlier this year, entitled The Joy of Love, Pope
Francis emphasizes the importance of marriage and family for the well being of society and
for the strength and life of the Church. The family, the pope says, becomes a school:
Here one learns endurance and the joy of work, fraternal love, generous – even repeated –
forgiveness, and above all divine worship in prayer and the offering of one’s life (JL, 86).
This “offering of one’s life” involves a surrender of oneself, a listening to the other. Generally, we learn this kind of
listening in the loving relationships of family life where we discover how to trust others and our own gifts begin to
grow and flourish.
At Christmas, we look at the Child in the manger. We see his poverty in taking on our human condition and are
moved by the utter surrender of the Son of God. He comes to us as a defenseless child, dependent on Mary and
Joseph. He invites us to accept his love and to welcome him into our lives. It is the gift of his love that enables us to
give ourselves in service of others. Indeed, it beckons us to give totally of ourselves, and nothing less.
Mary is the model disciple who listens to the word God speaks to her and obeys it. At the Annunciation, she was
perplexed by the greeting of the Angel Gabriel, but she pondered his words in her heart. Mary put her total trust in
God and responded with her ‘yes’: Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word
(Lk 1:38).
Mary and Joseph were Jesus’ teachers, as he first learned to pray. Parents, following their example, have the
responsibility to teach their children to pray by praying together with them. In his exhortation, Pope Francis
emphasizes the importance of family prayer: A few moments can be found each day to come together before the living
God, to tell him our worries, to ask for the needs of our family, to pray for someone experiencing difficulty, to ask for
help in showing love, to give thanks for life and for its blessings, and to ask Our Lady to protect us beneath her
maternal mantle (JL, 318).
This Christmas, I urge you to pray together regularly as a family, to start this practice if you are not already doing
so. It could be one or more of the following: praying the rosary, reading a short passage from the Bible, using a book
of meditations, or saying Grace before meals. In this way, your family will draw closer together. You will learn to
listen to the word that God speaks to you in your daily lives and to listen, as well, to one another. You will find
strength in the grace of the Holy Spirit and grow in holiness by sharing in the mystery of Christ’s cross, which
transforms difficulties and sufferings into an offering of love (JL, 317).
I assure you and your family of my prayers and invite everyone to join us in our churches and experience the wonder
and awe as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Rev. Ronald P. Fabbro, C.S.B.
Bishop of London