spis treści artykuły orzecznictwo recenzje i


spis treści artykuły orzecznictwo recenzje i
Artur K. Modrzejewski
Upoważnienie zarządu spółki komunalnej na podstawie art. 39 ust. 4 ustawy o samorządzie
gminnym do załatwiania indywidualnych spraw z zakresu utrzymania czystości i porządku .........5
Krzysztof Gruszecki
Kontrola działalności w zakresie utrzymania czystości i porządku oraz unieszkodliwiania
odpadów komunalnych........................................................................................................ 16
Bartosz Rakoczy
Problematyka wynagrodzenia za ustanowienie służebności przesyłu na nieruchomości
gminy na rzecz przedsiębiorstwa wodociągowo-kanalizacyjnego ......................................... 27
Henryk Palarz
Dwuetapowa weryfikacja taryf dla wody i ścieków przez gminę .......................................... 34
Rafał Szczepaniak
Kwestia odpowiedzialności prawnej jednostki samorządu terytorialnego
za działania spółek komunalnych ......................................................................................... 43
Waldemar Walczak
Wybrane problemy organizacyjno-prawne związane z procesami wyznaczania
członków rad nadzorczych spółek miejskich ........................................................................ 55
Jan Golba
Inwestycje sportowe celu publicznego .................................................................................. 73
Stanisław Bułajewski
Wyrok Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego z 9 sierpnia 2012 r. (I OSK 1154/12);
glosa krytyczna ................................................................................................................................84
Tomasz Bąkowski
Wojciech Szwajdler (red. nauk.), Tomasz Brzezicki, Anna Brzezińska-Rawa,
Krzysztof Kucharski, Łukasz Maszewski, Henryk Nowicki, Aspekty prawne planowania
i zagospodarowania przestrzennego (Warszawa 2013, Wolters Kluwer)............................... 91
Opracowała Justyna Przedańska .......................................................................................... 93
Table of Contents & Abstracts ............................................................................................ 95
Samorząd Terytorialny 6/2014
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Samorząd Terytorialny 6/2014
Territorial Self-Government
Scientific and Professional Monthly
Artur K. Modrzejewski
Authorization of the management board of a municipal company under Article 39, para. 4
of the Act on Municipal Self-Government for dealing with individual cases
of maintaining cleanliness and order .............................................................................................................5
Pursuant to Article 39, para. 4 of the Act on Municipal Self-Government, the municipal council may authorize the executive body of an auxiliary
unit, as well as the authorities of the units and entities referred to in Article 9, para. 1 to deal with individual public administration cases. Municipalities are facing the challenge of organizing the waste management system as a result of the amendment to the Act on the Maintenance
of Cleanliness and Order in Municipalities. In this article, the author addresses the most problematic issues related to the authorization by the
municipal council of the management board of a municipal company to issue individual decisions specified in the Act on the Maintenance of
Cleanliness and Order in Municipalities.
Krzysztof Gruszecki
Control of activities regarding the maintenance of cleanliness and order and disposal
of municipal waste...........................................................................................................................................16
The correct fulfilment of responsibilities related to municipal waste management requires the creation of appropriate verification instruments.
According to the author, in terms of the maintenance of cleanliness and order in municipalities, this purpose is served by the control powers conferred on the executive bodies of the municipality, as well as the bodies of the Environmental Protection Inspectorate, which are complementary
and not competitive. This is because the municipality’s executive bodies will control the producers of municipal waste and the entities collecting
it, while the inspectorate’s authorities should focus on controlling the entities handling the further disposal, as well as municipalities with regard
to the fulfilment of their duties.
Bartosz Rakoczy
The issue of compensation for the establishment of a transmission easement to the favour
of a water supply / sewage company on a municipality’s property ......................................................27
The issue of the admissibility of the municipality to collect a fee for the establishment of a transmission easement for water supply and sewage
equipment cannot be considered exclusively in relation to Article 14 the Act on Real Property Management. According to the author, consideration should also be given to Article 140 of the Civil Code and, primarily, the socio-economic purpose of the right. The socio-economic purpose of
the right of ownership of the municipality’s property is to perform public services, including the municipality’s own tasks. Because the collective
supply of water and the collective discharge of sewage is the municipality’s own task, the collection of compensation for an easement will essentially constitute a breach of the clause regarding the principles of social coexistence.
Henryk Palarz
Two-stage review of tariffs for water and sewage by the municipality ............................................... 34
The Act on the Collective Supply of Water and the Collective Discharge of Sewage fundamentally only grants the mayor the right to review the
water and sewage tariffs prepared by the water supply / sewage companies. In fact, however, as the author notes, the municipal council, benefiting from the right to control the activities of the mayor, has sufficient instruments to independently audit the correctness of the preparation
of the tariffs and to adopt an appropriate resolution in this respect; in particular, the wording does not need to correspond to the draft presented
to the mayor.
Samorząd Terytorialny 6/2014
Rafal Szczepaniak
The issue of legal liability for the actions of territorial self-government units for the actions
of municipal companies................................................................................................................................. 43
The ability to seek a remedy for damage caused by the unlawful action of a public law entity is both a citizen’s right and one of the standards of
a democratic State of law. The legal nature, including the nature of the financing of activities of a territorial self-government unit, guarantee that
the injury caused to a citizen is remedied. However, according to the author, a fundamental question arises as to the extent to which the establishment of a company by the self-government unit, which is formally a separate legal entity, but in fact an instrument through which a municipality,
county or voivodship performs its statutory tasks, affects the legal situation of a citizen who has suffered injury as a result of the actions of such
a company.
Waldemar Walczak
Selected organizational and legal problems related to the processes of nominating members
of the supervisory boards of city companies..............................................................................................55
The objective of the article is to comprehensively discuss selected issues related to the decision-making processes regarding the nomination
of members of the supervisory boards of commercial law companies with a stake held by territorial self-government units which not only have
epistemological qualities, but are important from the point of view of public management practices. The considerations presented constitute
a continuation of the scientific research conducted under management sciences with legal conditions taken into account in parallel, which is
justified because of the complexity and the interdisciplinary nature of the issues analysed.
Jan Golba
Public purpose sports investments ..............................................................................................................73
An analysis has been conducted in the article of issues related to the implementation of sports investments as public purpose investments. The
study of the problem presented involves issues related to understanding the notions of public purpose, public interest and public purpose investments, as well as the definition of public purposes. Furthermore, the article contains an attempt to answer the question of what kinds of sports
facilities may be included in the public category.
Stanisław Bułajewski
Ruling of the Supreme Administrative Court of 9 August 2012 (I OSK 1154/12);
critical commentary........................................................................................................................................................... 84
Pursuant to Article 13b, para. 4 of the Act on Public Roads of 21 March 1985, in connection with Article 94 of the Constitution of the Republic of
Poland, when establishing a metered parking zone, the municipal (city) council can only specify the level of the rates of parking fees, introduce
fixed and subscription charges or flat-rate and zero rate charges for certain road users and can specify the method of collecting charges for
parking. The municipal council is obliged to include only those regulations which specify the technical method of paying the road manager for
parking in its resolution establishing the metered parking zone. Any other provisions, including those specifying the method of documentation by
the driver that he has paid the parking fee, extend beyond the statutory rights arising from Article 13b, para. 4, item 3 of the Act on Public Roads.
Similarly, the municipal council does not have the right to, among others, impose the obligation on drivers to place the proof of payment of the
parking fee in the vehicle’s front windscreen, as this is beyond the scope of the statutory right.
Tomasz Bąkowski
Wojciech Szwajdler (scientific editor), Tomasz Brzezicki, Anna Brzezińska-Rawa, Krzysztof Kucharski,
Łukasz Maszewski, Henryk Nowicki, Legal aspects of spatial planning and development
(Warsaw 2013, Wolters Kluwer) ...................................................................................................................91
Prepared by Justyna Przedańska ............................................................................................................... 93
Samorząd Terytorialny 6/2014