spis treści.indd


spis treści.indd
s p is t r e ś ci
Ewa Olejniczak-Szałowska
Problem statutowej regulacji zasad dostępu do dokumentów w jednostkach
samorządu terytorialnego........................................................................................................ 5
Bartosz Abramowicz
Zebranie wiejskie jako przykład zgromadzeniowej formy uczestnictwa obywatelskiego
– sprawozdanie z obserwacji.................................................................................................17
Sławomir Pastuszka
Znaczenie kontraktu wojewódzkiego dla rozwoju województwa świętokrzyskiego.............. 32
Izabela Świderek
Zadłużenie jednostek samorządu terytorialnego w świetle nowych uregulowań
– zarys problemu...................................................................................................................40
Ryszard Szostak
Udzielanie ulg w spłacie należności cywilnoprawnych przysługujących jednostkom
samorządu terytorialnego......................................................................................................48
Wojciech Gonet
Beneficjenci pożyczek, gwarancji i poręczeń udzielanych przez jednostki samorządu
Agnieszka Dzięcielska
Prawa i obowiązki organów wykonawczych gmin jako organów egzekucyjnych
w administracyjnym postępowaniu egzekucyjnym dotyczącym należności pieniężnych.............. 71
Dawid Sześciło
Wyrok Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej z 8 marca 2011 r.
w sprawie C-240/09, Lesoochranárske zoskupenie VLK v. Ministerstvo životného
prostredia Slovenskej republiky.............................................................................................82
Samorząd Terytorialny 6/2011
s p is t r e ś ci
Jerzy Kopyra
Wyrok NSA z 6 sierpnia 2009 r. (II OSK 1250/08)...............................................................85
Opracowała Justyna Przedańska...........................................................................................91
Table of Contents & Abstracts.............................................................................................94
Redakcja przyjmuje teksty oryginalne o objętości 30–50 tys. znaków, z wyraźnie zaznaczonym tytułem, podziałem na podrozdziały, podsumowaniem, przypisami, krótką notką o autorze oraz adresem e-mailowym. Materiały większe lub mniejsze albo już publikowane wymagają osobnej zgody Redaktora Naczelnego. Wymagania co do wielkości tekstu nie dotyczą polemik, glos, sprawozdań,
recenzji itp. Tekst należy również zaopatrzyć w abstrakt w języku polskim, o objętości nie większej
niż 500 znaków. Autor może zaproponować tłumaczenie na język angielski tytułu tekstu oraz abstraktu, a także adres e-mailowy w celu publikacji. Przypisy powinny być opracowane w tradycyjny
sposób – na dole strony. Dopuszczalny jest również wykaz wykorzystanej w tekście literatury. Materiały wraz z danymi autora (stanowisko, adres, numer telefonu) i ewentualnym listem polecającym prosimy przysyłać pocztą elektroniczną lub zwykłą, z załączoną płytą CD. Przekazując tekst do
redakcji, autor przenosi na Wydawcę wyłączne prawo do jego publikacji. Nie drukujemy artykułów o charakterze opisowym, pozbawionych aspektu badawczego lub nowych treści interesujących
poznawczo. Autor ponosi odpowiedzialność za aktualny stan prawny, orzecznictwa i doktryny.
Redakcja zastrzega sobie prawo skracania tekstów, zmiany tytułów, śródtytułów oraz poprawek mery­
torycznych i stylistycznych, również w wersji angielskiej. Materiałów niezamówionych nie zwracamy. Warunkiem publikacji tekstu jest odesłanie uprzednio podpisanej umowy z Wydawnictwem.
Samorząd Terytorialny 6/2011
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s & A b s t r a ct s
Territorial Self-Government
Scientific and Professional Monthly
Ewa Olejniczak-Szałowska
Problem of the regulation by the community charter of the rules on access to documents
in territorial self-government units................................................................................................................... 5
The article describes the problems related to the authority of the bodies of territorial self-government units in regulating the principles of access
to and use of documents in the community charter. After the adoption of the Act on access to public information in September 2001, the regulation
contained in the local laws has become a source of interpretative doubts and questions about the appropriateness of continuing to uphold certain
regulations. The authoress emphasises that the regulations of the community charter have numerous shortcomings, while the decision-making self-government bodies have difficulty identifying the limits of their powers in this area.
Bartosz Abramowicz
The village assembly as an example of congregational forms of civic participation
– report from observations.................................................................................................................................17
The village assembly is the legislative body of the auxiliary unit of the rural or rural/urban municipality, namely the village. Village assemblies can be described
as forms of congregational civic participation - because inhabitants grouped in one place at one time have the opportunity to develop skills in presenting and
describing their own preferences, as well as agreeing them with the other people. The article presents reports on the author’s observations from two rural
meetings in one of the municipalities of the Łódź Voivodship. Their purpose was for the author-investigator to familiarise himself with the course of village
assemblies, as well as to attempt to answer the question of whether the appropriate elements of the concept of deliberative democracy appear at these meetings.
The author includes the conclusions from the study in broader considerations on the state of local self-government in Poland and its outlook for the future.
Sławomir Pastuszka
The importance of the voivodship contract for the development of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodship...............32
The voivodship contract was the first tool of the state’s development policy. The activation of voivodship contracts financed with state budget
funds had the objective of promoting the creation of conditions (by building the basic infrastructure) for the development of the voivodships and
institutional capacity building in view of Poland’s ensuing accession to the European Union. The article presents the legal framework and basic
assumptions to the institution of the voivodship contract. In the analaysis, the author included the amount and method of use of available resources
in the contract for the Świętokrzyskie Voivodship in 2001-2008.
Izabela Świderek
Territorial self-government debt in the light of the new regulations - overview of the problem.................40
Debt, which is a derivative of the existing restrictions and individual financial capabilities of territorial self-governments, is becoming increasingly
important in the implementation of statutory tasks. The consequence of the increase in debt is a change in the size and structure of spending, as well
as budgetary disbursements. It simultaneously affects the need for debt management in the long term. The authoress emphasises that analytical
methods and tools must be introduced for the correct performance of management functions. They enable the amount of external financing, which
is appropriate to the unit’s needs, to be specified and take into account endogenous and exogenous factors determining the acceptable level of debt.
Samorząd Terytorialny 6/2011
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s & A b s t r a ct s
Ryszard Szostak
Granting relief in the repayment of civil law claims of territorial self-government units ..................48
The new regulation on the admissible use of write-offs and other relief with regard to the self-government civil law receivables presents considerable
difficulties in practice, especially when specifying the conditions for this type of state aid on the basis of a resolution of the decision-making body
of territorial self-government units. The author notes that unlike previously, the conditions and basic procedural requirements for granting relief
have been standardised and the role of the council’s resolution, as a source of local law, is also somewhat different. He also notes that a great deal
of controversy has been raised for a long time by the legal classification of write-offs or the spreading of repayments over instalments under civil law.
Wojciech Gonet
Beneficiaries of loans, guarantees and sureties granted by the territorial self-government units..........57
The article applies to the ability of territorial self-government units to grant loans, guarantees and sureties. The author analyses the laws
governing the issue of territorial self-governments granting direct or indirect financial support. He states that the extent to which territorial self-government entities may provide financial support is extensive. However, territorial self-government units should become involved in providing
financing through loans, guarantees, etc., in specific cases for objective causes justifying the award of financial support. The principles
of territorial self-governments awarding loans, guarantees, etc. should be adopted in the form of an internal act by the executive body
and should be universally known.
Agnieszka Dzięcielska
The rights and duties of the executive bodies of municipalities as the enforcement authorities
in administrative enforcement proceedings related to monetary claims................................................71
The article reviews the issues related to the activities of the municipal bodies as enforcement authorities in administrative enforcement proceedings.
The discussion focuses on presenting both the jurisdiction and the powers of the said authorities, the conditions of effective initiation of enforcement
proceedings, as well as the supervision of the activities of the municipality bodies as the enforcement authorities. The authoress analyses the existing
legal conditions and requirements set for specific municipal bodies.
Dawid Sześciło
Ruling of the European Court of Justice of 8 March 2011 in case C-240/09 Lesoochranárske
zoskupenie VLK v. Ministerstvo životného prostredia Slovenskej republiky............................................82
The procedural rules related to the conditions to be satisfied in order to bring administrative or judicial proceedings into line with the objectives
of Article 9(3) of the Aarhus Convention should be interpreted to the fullest extent possible in order to enable an environmental protection
organisation to challenge a decision taken as a result of administrative proceedings, which may be in conflict with European Union environmental
law, before a court.
Jerzy Kopyra
Ruling of the Supreme Administrative Court of 6 August 2009 (II OSK 1250/08)...............................85
The arrangements from planning permission decisions should be consistent with the arrangements of the municipality’s structure plan and,
therefore, it is inadmissible to issue a decision in conflict with the structure plan.
Prepared by Justyna Przedańska....................................................................................................................... 91
Samorząd Terytorialny 6/2011

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