6 - Czytelnia Czasopism on-line


6 - Czytelnia Czasopism on-line
6/ 20 0 9 (2 2 2)
Micha³ Bitner, Micha³ Kulesza
Zasada legalizmu a zdolnośæ kontraktowa jednostek samorz¹du terytorialnego ....................................5
Jerzy Korczak
O nieporozumieniach wokó³ porozumieñ w administracji publicznej .................................................. 20
Maja Koz³owska
Instrumenty decentralizacji regionalnej na przyk³adzie w³oskich regionów
i hiszpañskich wspólnot autonomicznych........................................................................................................ 39
Ryszard Szarek
Skuteczne pe³nomocnictwo procesowe w gminie ......................................................................................... 54
Adam Ostapski
Kompetencja rady gminy do ustalania stref wolnych od dymu tytoniowego........................................ 63
Katarzyna Wlaźlak
G³os w sprawie nowego kszta³tu planowania przestrzennego w powiecie ............................................ 70
Dawid Sześci³o – Wyrok Europejskiego Trybuna³u Sprawiedliwości z 13 października 2005 r.
w sprawie Parking Brixen GmbH przeciwko Gemeinde Brixen i Stadtwerke Brixen AG
(skarga nr C-458/03) .............................................................................................................................................. 77
6/ 20 0 9 (2 2 2)
Krzysztof Gruszecki – Glosa do wyroku Wojewódzkiego S¹du Administracyjnego
w £odzi z 2 września 2008 r. (II SA/£d 464/08)......................................................................................... 81
Maciej J. Nowak
Iwona £adysz: „Konkurencyjnośæ obszarów metropolitalnych w Polsce na przyk³adzie
Wroc³awskiego Obszaru Metropolitalnego” (Wydawnictwo CeDeWu, Warszawa 2009)................ 86
Opracowa³a Justyna Przedañska ...................................................................................................................... 89
Redakcja przyjmuje oryginalne teksty, o objêtości nie wiêkszej ni¿ 50 tys. znaków, z wyraźnie zaznaczonym tytu³em, podzia³em na podrozdzia³y, podsumowaniem oraz krótk¹ notk¹ o autorze. Materia³y wiêksze lub ju¿ publikowane wymagaj¹
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Przypisy powinny byæ opracowane w tradycyjny sposób – na dole strony. Dopuszczalny jest równie¿ wykaz wykorzystanej w tekście literatury. Materia³y wraz z danymi autora (stanowisko, adres, numer telefonu) i ewentualnym listem
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do redakcji, autor przenosi na Wydawcê wy³¹czne prawo do jego publikacji. Redakcja zastrzega sobie prawo skracania
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TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S & A B S T R A C T S
6/ 20 0 9 (2 2 2)
Scientific and Professional Monthly
Michał Bitner, Michał Kulesza
Principle of legalism and contracting capacity of territorial self-government units.............................. 5
The article analyses the abilities of territorial self-government units to conclude agreements in the light of the constitutional rule of legalism. The legal
determination of the activities of the administration is one of the key issues of the doctrine of administrative law. The views currently being formulated
have their roots in one of three doctrines on public services: the classical German administrative law doctrine, the French “school of public services”
and Ernst Forsthoff’s concept of the administration as a service provider. The modern interpretation of the principle of legalism from the point of view
of competence leads to the conclusion that the degree of legal determination of the actions of administration may be differentiated. The substantive
law grounds for contracts concluded by territorial self-government units are the regulations specifying the scope of their responsibilites. In contrast
to ruling and authorisation power, the need for the existence of specific legal grounds in the form of a detailed provision of the law, which explicitly
admits the possibility of concluding contracts of a specific type, does not arise from the principle of statutory reservation. Regulations of this type are
formulated in order to modify or limit the capabilities of territorial self-government units concluding contracts of a given type or within a given scope
and are sometimes used only to confirm the ability to conclude contracts in a given area.
Jerzy Korczak
Misunderstandings regarding agreements in public administration ...................................................... 20
An administrative agreement is one of the forms of administrative actions which deserve particular attention at a time when forms are being
sought to more effectively take advantage of the administration’s resources in the process of fulfilling its tasks. The article presents an analysis of
the status of studies of the doctrine on this form, an analysis of the legal status of regulations referring to the ability to apply it and administrative
practice in this respect. A classification has been proposed on their basis which puts order to all three elements.
Maja Kozłowska
Instruments of regional decentralisation using the example of Italian regions and Spanish
autonomous communities ......................................................................................................................................39
Regional states are subject to rapid changes, while their systemic solutions increasingly frequently demonstrate elements which are typical of
federal states. In a comparison between the Italian and the Spanish systems, the authoress demonstrates both the similarities and the differences
in the systemic position of sub-state units. She simultaneously emphasises the aims of regions to increase the extent of their autonomy and the
available legal mechanisms which enable differences to form between regions within a single regional state. She also draws attention to the
extremely important function of regional statutes in the Italian and Spanish legal orders.
Ryszard Szarek
An effective power of attorney ad litem from the municipality ............................................................. 54
The article discusses the problem of differences in the application by courts of the regulations on powers of attorney ad litem granted by the mayor
of a municipality in civil cases. These differences appear, for instance, when, apart from the mayor, who is the municipal body authorised to award
a power of attorney ad litem, a power of attorney is awarded by his deputy on the basis of an order from the mayor and when doubt arises as to
whether the deputy mayor or the manager of a municipal organisational unit can do this without the mayor’s authority. In the author’s opinion, the
legislator should resolve these issues by synchronising the provisions of the Civil Procedures Code (Articles 86 and 87) with the provisions of the Act
on Municipal Self-Government (Articles 26, 31 and 33(4)).
Scientific and Professional Monthly
Adam Ostapski
Competencies of the municipal council in defining tobacco smoke free zones.........................................63
The article has the objective of presenting the municipal council’s scope of regulatory freedom for defining tobacco smoke free zones. This
competence is an example of the policing activities of public administration, since it serves the purpose of introducing a prohibition to behave
– which is formulated in the public interest – for reasons of health protection and the assurance of public safety. The author attempted to define the
legal nature of this resolution and the consequences of the legislative inaction of the municipal council in this respect. He also discussed the issue of
the prohibition to regulate this matter by way of a local statute. The article contains the postulate of greater commitment of municipalities in the
protection of inhabitants from secondary smoking, while simultaneously indicating that the ultimate solution to this matter should be an increase
in the list of buildings, places or areas encompassed by a ban on smoking tobacco in the Act on Healthcare to protect against the consequences of
consuming tobacco and tobacco products.
Katarzyna Wlaźlak
The new form of land planning in the county – topics for discussion .....................................................70
The article by Mariusz Chudak, Suggestion for the county’s land development planning, was published in “Territorial Self-Government” (2008/3,
p. 18–24), in which the author proposes that the competencies of the county in land use planning should be increased at the expense of a reduction
in the independence of the municipality. The objective of this article is to analyse the correctness of such a solution from the point of view of its
compliance with the state’s fundamental systemic assumptions.
Dawid Sześciło – Ruling of the European Court of Justice of 13 October 2005 in the case
of Parking Brixen GmbH v. Gemeinde Brixen and Stadtwerke Brixen AG (complaint no. C-458/03) ...77
Key statement of the ruling: The award of an order to a service provider for managing a pay car park by a body of public authority in exchange for
which the service provider receives a fee in the form of charges paid by third parties for the use of this car park is a concession for the provision of public
services, to which the Community regulations on the coordination of public procurement procedures for services do not apply.
Krzysztof Gruszecki – Commentary on the ruling of the Voivodship Administrative Court
in Łódź of 2 September 2008 (II SA/Łd 464/08) ........................................................................................81
Key statements of the ruling:
1. When issuing the permit referred to in Article 83(1) and 83(3) of the Act on Nature Protection, the competent authority should consider whether it is
possible to retain natural structures by replanting them in another place, or whether it is possible to replace them with other trees, although the arrangements
in this respect should be supported by reliably collected evidence.
2. According to Article 83(3) of the Act on Nature Protection, the issuance of a permit to remove trees may be contingent on the replanting of the trees
in a place specified by the issuer of the permit or their replacement with other trees of a quantity of no less than the number of trees of hedges removed.
This regulation enables the acceptance that the minimum number of trees which the party would need to plant should correspond to the number of trees
removed (...). After all, the specification by the legislator of the minimum number of trees planted does not mean that the authority has full freedom in
specifying the number of alternative trees planted, which – as it seems – was the case in these proceedings. By acting in this manner, the adjudicating
authority breached the provision of Article 83(3) and this breach affected the outcome of the case.
Maciej J. Nowak – Iwona Ładysz: “Competitiveness of metropolitan areas in Poland using the
example of the Wrocław Metropolitan Area” (Wydawnictwo CeDeWu, Warsaw 2009) ................. 86
Prepared by Justyna Przedańska .................................................................................................................. 89
Translated by R. Wojtasz