Training for enterprises - Malopolska Regional Development Agency


Training for enterprises - Malopolska Regional Development Agency
Training for enterprises
The Malopolska Regional Development Agency and the Neraida company invite enterprises to take advantage
of training for managers and employees.
Business training sessions:
Managerial training sessions for both beginning and experienced managers
Motivating employees
Employee recruitment and selection
Effective management of human resources
Creativity training sessions
Solving group conflicts
Business negotiations
Persuasive communication in business
Interpersonal communication
Self-presentation and public speaking
Professional services to clients
Modern sales techniques
Shaping the image of a professional salesperson
Telephone services to client
Time management
Project management
Financial aspects of running business activity
EU funds – training sessions:
Obtaining and implementing EU funds
EU projects coordinator
The principle of equal chances for men and women
Financial settlement of EU projects
Managing EU projects
Realisation of EU projects
Creating an effective business plan
EU projects control and audit
Legal regulations on public procurements
Public aid
A feasibility study of projects realised within EU funds
and other…
Contact information:
Malopolska Regional Development Agency
Ewelina Dąbrowska tel. 012 617-66-59
e-mail: [email protected]
Tekst pochodzi ze strony internetowej
Małopolskiej Agencji Rozwoju Regionalnego:
Wykorzystanie m ateriałów zam ieszczonych na stronie www.m jest dopuszczalne wyłącznie na zasadach określonych w Ustawie o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych, w zakresie
odpowiadającym własnem u użytkowi osobistem u oraz dozwolonem u użytkowi publicznem u. W celu uzyskania zgody na korzystanie z m ateriałów udostępnionych na stronie www.m, prosim y o
kontakt e-m ailowy: m arketing@m