Saint Joseph Basilica


Saint Joseph Basilica
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith,
by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization
and nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal
growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values
and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
Sunday Vigil:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
Holy Day Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for
individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in
need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious
Education Office.
BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call
to make arrangements. Parents are required to
receive orientation.
MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage
requires one year’s notice. Please contact the
rectory for appointment.
Holy Day
6:30 a.m.; 8:30 a.m.;
5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. (Polish)
MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to
arrange visitation.
6:30 a.m. (m-f); 7:00 a.m. (w, f, sat)
PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to
become part of St. Joseph Parish Family,
please call the rectory.
Eve of Holy Days:
Thurs. before First Friday
First Friday:
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby
ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok
przed datą ślubu.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector: .............. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor .... Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Weekend assistance…..Rev. Charles Borowski
Financial Secretary ........................ Ewa Mamro
Secretaries:Virginia Woznicki&Elizabeth Sabaj
Organist: ..................................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristan ........................................ Joseph Ziak
53 Whitcomb Street,
Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467
Fax: 508-943-0808
e-mail: [email protected]
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną
posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy
przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster
Phone: 508-943-0467 ext.: 3
Phone: 508-943-0378
[email protected]
Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal ........... Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary ............ Mrs. Jennifer Mahlert
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September 29, 2013 - 29 września - 2013r.
Masses for the week—Msze Św. w Tygodniu
Sunday Vigil
4:00 r.s. Rita Ekey (18th anniv.) & Stefania Bomba
- int. Family
Sunday - September 29
7:00 s.p. Stanislaw Miskowicz (rocz)
- int. Corka, Elzbieta z rodzina
8:15 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
9:30 For all living & deceased enrolled in The Friends of
St. Joseph School Fund
11:00 s.p. Julia i Stanislaw oraz Czeslaw, syn
- int. Corka Maria z rodzina
Monday - Sept. 30
6:30 r.s. Jennie Rzeszutko - int. Edward & Anna Kudron
Tuesday– October 1
6:30 Za wypominki
r.s. Tadeusz Stasior - int. Anna Krzyston
Wednesday - October 2
6:30 r.s. Anne Strenk - int. Daughter and family
7:00pm For all intentions placed in the petition box praying to
our Patron, St. Joseph
Thursday - October 3
6:30 r.s. Stefania Bomba (anniv.), Stasia Rzeszutko, Joan
Cramer & Rita Ekey - int. Family
Friday - October 4 - First Friday
6:30 r.s. Joseph & Mary Baczek - int. Daughter & family
7:00 Sacred Heart Society—Living Members
8:30 For God’s blessing for Dennis K.
7:00pm s.p. Katarzyna i Jan Knurowski
- int. Zofia Kokosinska
Saturday—October 5
7:00 r.s. Elizabeth Romanek - int. Virginia Woznicki
Sunday Vigil - Concelebrated Mass - Blessing of Rock of
St. Peter
r.s. Joseph & Mary Stapor (anniversaries)
- int. Janice, Nancy & families
r.s. Carl Crabb - int. St. Joseph School Children
Sunday - October 6
7:00 Za wypominki
8:15 For deceased members of the Holy Rosary Sodality
9:30 r.s. Janice Maciejewski Favreau (35th anniv.)
- int. Children
11:00 s.p. Anna Wardega - int. Patti, Cindi & Elaine
Sacred Heart Society - Annual “Bakeless Bake” Sale
& Raffle to be held on Sunday, Sept. 29th in the school
conference room from 8:00am until noon. We invite
everyone to join us for the opportunity to win several gift
cards from Price Chopper and partake in the refreshments
that will be served.
SHARING OUR BLESSINGS-September 22, 2013
Weekly $3874.80 (including $252.80 in loose money)
CCD $65; Liga Katolicka $300 (including $234 in loose
money); Electronic Giving $135
Weekly Budget $7000
Stewardship Note: Abraham said to [the rich man], “If they
do not listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not be convinced even if one should rise from the dead.” The dead rich
man was afraid that his five brothers would not learn the lesson
he had learned. But Abraham replies that not even miracles
will soften the heart of someone blinded by selfishness. The
focus of stewards is always on Christ.
September 29, 2013
Keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the
appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ. - 1 Timothy 6:14
Perpetual Light of the Blessed Sacrament
Week of September 29th—In Memory of Frank Dawicki
Given by Ted and Helen Dawicki
In today’s first reading, Amos condemns a
self-absorbed people and their morally corrupt behavior and attitudes, which he warns
will bring devastation. In the Gospel, the
wealthy man is not given a name; he is simply the epitome of greed and irresponsibility. His lack of caring has created a gulf between him and the beggar Lazarus that
not even Abraham can bridge.
In his letter to Timothy, a young bishop in the small Resurrection community of Ephesus, Paul exhorts this leader to seek
virtues such as integrity, faith and steadfastness with great gentleness. Paul also asks Timothy to keep in mind the future life
with God who “dwells in unapproachable light.” This is the
blessedness of all those who, like Lazarus, were once poor but
who are now rich.
The second collection this week is for
the Annual Catholic School Appeal.
Next weekend’s second collection is designated for
Diocesan Obligations.
OCTOBER-ROSARY MONTH-is dedicated to the Blessed
Mother of the rosary. Rosary devotions are deeply rooted in the
history of the Catholic Church, but especially in our St. Joseph
Parish. As we pray the rosary we reflect on the mystery of life,
death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I encourage all the faithful to pray the rosary at home or join us for devotions at our
Basilica. Schedule of devotions: Sundays after 11:00am Mass
and Mon. thru Fri. during October at 7:00pm
We will observe First Friday of the Month on October 4th.
Mass at 7:00am will be offered for the living members of the
Sacred Heart Society and parishioners and members are invited
to attend and recite the usual prayers with the Litany to Sacred
Heart of Jesus.
We ask scheduled adorers to participate at their appointed
time during the day. Adoration will conclude at 3:00pm with
the the Chaplet to the Divine Mercy and Benediction.
The Mass at 7:00pm will be celebrated in the Polish language.
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What can we do to obtain favors from St. Joseph? You could come
to our Basilica on Wednesday, October 2nd at 7:00pm for our Novena
and Devotion and bring your petitions to St. Joseph in your prayers
before an image of him in our Church named for him. Express confidence in him as your heavenly protector. Give thanks to him for the
benefits we receive through praying to him and moreover returning of
thanks gives one a “right,” so to speak, to new favors and blessings.
Members of the Sacred Heart Society will carry our patron’s
statue from the Chapel of our Lady of Czestochowa to the
We are grateful for the graces requested and offerings you
submit in the petition box. As you probably noticed the 7:00pm
mass on Wednesday is offered for all the intentions you write
on the available form.
Next Saturday, October 5th will note a very significant milestone in our journey to establish a Gym/ Parish Center/Cafeteria
in our parish.
Bishop McManus will celebrate the Family Mass at 4:00pm
and Archbishop Zimowski will be the Homilist. The school
children’s choir will provide liturgical music. After Mass, we
will gather onto the school grounds to bless the “Rock of St.
Peter” which will built into the wall of the new gym.
Following a brief outdoor blessing, the seventh and eighth
grade students will host a reception. We invite all parishioners,
parents of our school children and friends to join us for this
most important event.
This significant day coincides with the 16th anniversary of
the Consecration of the Altar of our Basilica.
October Anniversary Events
As always, we strongly encourage all parishioners to participate on these occasions to pray the rosary with us. The revised
schedule is as follows:
October 6 - 8:15 am Annual Mass for deceased members
followed by annual meeting in cafeteria. Coffee and pastries
will be available.
October 7 - Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. Rosary devotions will be held from 5:30-6:30 pm. The CCD students will
conduct the Living Rosary with an explanation of the mysteries
by Fr. Borowski and benediction.
October 13 - Final Fatima devotions and procession for this
year. Please help us to fill the Basilica with representatives
from all parish organizations for this beautiful tribute to Mary.
October 18-26 - Nine day Novena to Blessed Mother. Copies of the Novena prayer will be in the pews and will be recited
prior to the rosary for your individual intentions.
October 26 -4:00pm Mass final day of Novena and 125th
Anniversary Celebration Mass followed by banquet at Point
Breeze Restaurant. For tickets please call President Pat Mangen
at 508-461-6236, Vice President Betty Sabaj at 508-943-8570
or the rectory.
St. Joseph Polish Women’s Club Executive Board will
meet on Tues., Oct. 1st at 6:30pm in the school Conference
Knights of Columbus #12980 will meet on Wed., Oct. 2nd
at 7:00pm in the school conference room.
Reminder: Knights of Columbus Council #12980—last
chance to purchase a 50/50 raffle ticket for the September
drawing. Tickets are (1) for $5 or (3) for $10 will be available
at the entrance of the Basilica. Thanking you in advance to all
who have supported the Knights.
We are happy to announce, our 125th ANNIVERSARY
BOOK will be available in approximately four weeks at a cost
of $30. The price of this book has been kept at the same cost
billed to us by the printer. Only a limited number of books are
being printed. Order forms are available at the entrances to the
church. Please complete the form and return it with your payment to the rectory as soon as possible to insure your copy. If
you have preordered this book, it is only necessary to remit
your payment. To refresh your memory, a list of the people who
preordered is posted at the entrances to the church. This concise
publication chronicles the extraordinary achievements and
events of the past twenty-five years of parish life. It is a tribute
to the leadership and commitment of every faith filled parishioner of St. Joseph Basilica whose sacrifice of time, talent and
treasure has insured the continued prosperity of our parish.
I am pleased to inform you that new water pipes were installed
and are now fully functional and water is available at every station.
As you probably have noticed, the faucets are clearly identifiable by
being placed high above the ground and properly secured. The
faucets have a distinct style to protect from leakage and conserve
water. This was an extensive task to replace the meter from the
entrance of the cemetery to a secure location. By the end of October the water will be flushed out to prevent any freezing and the
system will be closed until the Spring.
I am grateful for your patience and understanding. I want to express my gratitude to Darek Ochocki for his many hours spent to fix
the leaks in the old pipes and the installation of the new system. I
also recognize the manual labor of Wiesziek Pieniazek and Steve
The changing of seasons, falling leaves, shorter days and colder
temperatures invites thoughts on the meaning of life. In the Fall,
we go to the cemetery and decorate the graves in preparation for All
Soul’s Day. The cemetery is holy ground where the remains of
our loved ones await resurrection. Although they are out of our
sight, yet our obligations to them lives on within us. Their names
are engraved on the monuments and their memories linger in our
They played an important role in our lives and we are indebted
to them. We are connected with them by our prayers, masses and
acts of charity on their behalf. These acts of kindness are our expression of love which death cannot destroy.
The Parish Council is once again sponsoring a LOTTERY
SCRATCH TICKET RAFFLE. The success of last year’s
raffle prompted this repeat opportunity for a lucky someone to
take a chance at being a millionaire. The drawing will take
place at a reception on Dec. 7th following the 4:00pm Mass.
Tickets will be available soon.
-Parish Council
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This year we will again welcome nine students from Poland
to study at St. Joseph School. They will arrive on Thurs., Oct.
3rd and will be officially introduced to our student body at
8:15am Mass on First Friday.
Multi-cultural education is very popular in our country and is
enriching students and opening them to various styles of
learning, different outlooks on life and above all comparing
educational achievements.
We are grateful to families who opened the doors of their
homes to welcome these students. They will return to Poland in
six weeks.
Sept. 22 - $50, Elizabeth Edwards, Webster; Sept. 23- $50,
Priscilla Olds, Webster; Sept. 24 - $50 - Roland Malboeuf,
Webster; Sept. 25 - $50, Lynne Haddad, Webster; Sept. 26 $75, John Szymczak, Webster; Sept. 27 - $50, Rachel Wagner,
Webster; Sept. 28 - $100, Ruby Melesky, E. Brookfield.
Drive continues through September. We invite interested
parishioners and mothers of SJS students to join this active
group who work for the benefit of our school. New members
will be installed at the Annual Silver Tea at the Tuesday,
October 8th meeting. Contact Chairperson, JoAnn Canty (508)
943-8587 or President, Cindi Gardner (508) 461-9054 for more
We open our fundraising season with a Holiday Wreath/
Greens Sale—pre-orders are being taken this weekend through
October 30th. For details, please call Marlene Proulx (508) 949
-6091 or JoAnn Canty (508) 943-8587.
The SJPWC is excited about the various new events
upcoming during the year. We will keep you informed through
the weekly bulletin.
We will hold an orientation meeting regarding the upcoming
pilgrimage to Poland on Thursday, October 24th at 6:30pm.
The pilgrimage organizers will be present to answer all
questions. Refreshments will be served. This trip is planned for
June 24—July 5, 2014. If interested please refer to flyers at the
entrances of the Basilica or call the rectory for more
St. Anthony of Padua is again having two Bible Studies that
everyone is invited to attend. Monday classes start at 9:30am and is
on the Exile in the Old Testament. Wednesday classes begin at
6:00pm and will be on Adam and Eve. Please call (508)949-0335 to
contact Linda Brink or for more information.
Kosciuszko Foundation of New England presents the 12th
Annual Polish Film Festival on Wednesdays, Oct. 2nd, 9th, 16th
23rd, and 30th at 7:00pm at the Alumnae Library Theater, Elms
College, Chicopee, MA. Open to the public & Free admission.
Open House at Notre Dame Academy, 425 Salisbury St.,
Worcester -for prospective students will be held on Thurs., Oct.
3rd at 7:00pm. Call the admissions office at (508)757-6200 x229
for more information.
The Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass - will be held on
Sun., Oct. 6th at 3:00pm at St. Paul’s Cathedral. This annual liturgy in thanksgiving for many years of faithful witness to the sanctity of Christian marriage honors couples who are celebrating significant anniversaries (25th, 50th, etc. ) this year. A light reception
will follow in the Cenacle. Pre-register no later than Sept. 30.
Please refer to flyers available at the entrances to the Basilica or call
the rectory to make a reservation for this special event.
St. Peter Marian Junior-Senior High School (SPM) welcomes
prospective students and families to tour our educational facility
and new athletic fields, meet students, parents and staff on Sun.,
Oct. 6th from 1-4pm. SPM is the first Diocesan School to institute
the Nationally Accredited Project Lead the Way STEM Program
and offers a strong College Preparatory Curriculum highlighted by
over 200 Virtual High School Courses, 33 honors Programs and 12
Advanced Placement Courses. Come see why you should call SPM
your HOME.
Young Adult Game Night - a game night with board games and
card games will be held for young adults (18+) on Friday, Oct. 11th
at St. Roch’s Church Hall, Oxford, MA from 6-11:00pm. Feel free
to bring games of your choice as well. ‘Magic the Gathering’ will
be played and can be taught to those interested. Pizza and soft
drinks will be available.
Gather us in 2013 Women’s Conference - All women and
guests are invited to join with women around the diocese on
November 2 at the DCU Center, 50 Foster Street, Worcester in
this daylong event featuring presentations and works on
women’s maturing spirituality. Sponsored by the diocesan
Commission for Women it will feature keynote speakers ValLimar Jansen, and Teresa Tomeo. Workshop sessions will provide additional opportunities to expand spiritual awareness and
growth. The day will close with Mass celebrated by Bishop
McManus. Registration is $50 which includes lunch. Flyers
with more information and registration form are placed at entrances to the Basilica.
Sunday, Oct. 6th - 12:30-2:00pm Young Youth (3rd-5th)
meeting. Our theme this month is “Seeds of Change”.
2:00-6:00pm Hiking and Picnic at Purgatory Chasm for Jr.
Youth (6th-8th) and Sr. Youth (9th-12th). Please bring sandwiches. Snacks and drinks will be provided. Drivers needed
for this event. Please RSVP by Oct. 1st.
October 19-20th - YG Homeless Awareness Weekend - Sat.
from 4:00pm—Sun., 8:00am. This overnight event is for Jr. &
Sr. YG (6th-12th) members. Young YG (3rd-5th) members are
invited to attend Sat., 4:00-7:00pm.
Come be a seed for change in our world! We will spend a
night outside in cardboard shelters we construct from materials
we “scavenge”. We will do activities, play games and learn
more about poverty and homelessness in our country.
For more information contact: Christina Ralph 508-6354222.
Classes will be held on Monday, Sept. 30th from 5:30pm-6:30pm
in he school.
Confirmation classes - will also be held on Mondays from 5:30-6:
00pm in the school with Fr. Gregory. Next session on Mon. Oct.. 7.
RCIA-for those who want to be baptized or become full members of the Church, an initial meeting will be held on Sunday, Oct.
6th after 9:30am Mass at the rectory.
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29 sierpnia 2013
"Ażebyś zachował przykazanie nieskalane, bez zarzutu aż do
objawienia się naszego Pana, Jezusa Chrystusa." (1Tym 6, 14)
Na czym polega wina bogaczy? Na grzechu
pychy i zbytniej pewności siebie, która rodzi
się wtedy, gdy człowiek lokuje swoje
nadzieje w materialnym dostatku. To właśnie
bogactwa stają się dla bogacza gwarancją
dobrego samopoczucia, źródłem sensu życia,
ostatecznym celem wszelkich zabiegów i centrum uwagi.
Bogactwo potrafi człowieka zagarnąć w niewolę, wydając na
łup chciwości i nieopanowanego pomnażania dóbr. Potrafi
oślepić, zamieniając w egostę, zapatrzonego tylko w swoją
własność. Potrafi oszukać, obiecując spełnienie wszelkich
zachcianek, ale za cenę rezygnacji z miłości i wieczności.
Bogacz redukuje swoje aspiracje, pragnienia, poczucie własnej
wartości i godności, tylko do zawartości swojego konta
bankowego. Bóg, zbawienie, człowieczeństwo, miłość, głębia
osobowości, nie mówiąc już o bezinteresowności czy poczuciu
wdzięczności – dla bogacza nie istnieją. Dla bogacza bogiem
jest pieniądz, celem życia – jego pomnażanie, a namiastką
zbawienia – posiadanie.
Dzisiejsza druga kolekta jest przeznaczona na
Annual Catholic School Appeal.
Druga kolekta w przyszłym tygodniu będzie przeznaczona na
Zobowiązania Diecezjalne
Mamy przyjemność poinformować, że na cmentarzu zostały
zainstalowane nowe rury wodociągowe i woda jest teraz
dostępna w każdym kranie. Nowe krany są łatwe do
i marnotrawieniem wody. Został również wymieniony
wodomierz, który teraz znajduje się w bardziej bezpiecznym
miejscu. Pod koniec października woda zostanie wypuszczona
z rur, aby zapobiec zamarzaniu i system zostanie zamknięty,
aż do wiosny. Jesteśmy bardzo wdzięczny za cierpliwość i
wyrozumiałość. Pragniemy wyrazić głęboką wdzięczność dla
pana Dariusza Ochockiego za wiele godzin spędzonych przy
naprawie nieszczelności w starych rurach oraz przy instalacji
nowego systemu. Dziękujemy serdecznie również za pracę
panom Wiesławowi Pieniążek i Steve Erickson.
Odchodzące lato, opadające liście, dni coraz krótsze i
chłodniejsze zapraszają do refleksji nad sensem życia. Jesienią,
idziemy na cmentarz by ozdobić groby w przygotowaniu na
uroczystość Wszystkich Świętych. Cmentarz jest ziemią świętą,
gdzie szczątki naszych bliskich oczekują zmartwychwstania. I
chociaż są one niewidoczni dla oczu, to nasza miłość i
wdzięczność wobec nich żyje w nas. Ich nazwiska są wyryte na
pomnikach, a wspomnienia o nich żyją w naszych sercach. Oni
odegrali ważną rolę w naszym życiu, a my jesteśmy im
wdzięczni. Jesteśmy związani z nimi przez nasze modlitwy,
Msze św. i akty miłości w ich imieniu. Te akty dobroci są
naszym wyrazem miłości, której śmierć nie może zniszczyć.
W najbliższy piątek, 4 października przypada pierwszy piątek
miesiąca. Parafian i członków Sacred Heart Society zapraszamy
na Mszę św. o godz. 7:00, która będziemy sprawowali w
intencji żyjących członków SHS. Po tej Mszy jak zwykle
wystawienie i adoracja Najświętszego Sakramentu, która
potrwa do godz. 15:00 i zostanie zakończona Koronką do
Miłosierdzia Bożego. Prosimy członków wszystkich
organizacji parafialnych do adoracji w ustalonych godzinach.
Msza św. po polsku o godz. 19:00. Pół godzimy przed Mszą
możliwość spowiedzi.
Długa droga w realizacji projektu budowy sali gimnastycznej,
centrum parafialnego i kafeteri doprowadza nas do kolejnego,
ważnego momentu: 5 października, zostanie wmurowany w
kamień węgielny, który otrzymaliśmy z Watykanu. Z tej okazji,
biskup Robert McManus będzie celebrować, wraz
z arcybiskupem Zygmuntem Zimowskim, uroczystą
Eucharystię w sobotę o godz. 16:00. Arcybiskup Zimowski
będzie kaznodzieją. Po Mszy odbędzie się krótkie nabożeństwo
i błogosławieństwo kamienia węgielnego na terenie budowy.
Co możemy zrobić, aby uzyskać łaski za wstawiennictwem
św. Józefa? Można przyjść do naszej bazyliki w środę,
2 października o 19:00 i wziąć udział w Nowennie, i zanieść
swoje prośby do Boga za przyczyną św. Józefa w swoich
modlitwach przed jego figurą w naszym Kościele; wyraź wiarę
w Niego jako niebiańskiego opiekuna, dziękować mu za łaski,
jakie otrzymujemy poprzez modlitwę do niego.
Członkowie Sacred Heart Society będą nieśli figurę św.
Józefa, naszego patrona z kaplicy Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej
do prezbiterium. Jesteśmy wdzięczni za prośby o modlitwy i
ofiary składane w skrzynce znajdującej się przy figurze św.
Józefa w kaplicy Matki Bożej. Msza św. połączona z Nowenną
jest odprawiana w tych intencjach. Prośby o modlitwę prosimy
pisać czytelnie, drukowanymi literami.
Zajęcia katechetyczne odbywają się w każdy poniedziałek,
od 17:30 do 16:30.
Bierzmowanie - Następne spotkanie odbędzie się w
poniedziałek w godz. od 17:30 do 18:30 w szkole. Wszyscy,
którzy chcą w tym roku przystąpić do sakramentu
Bierzmowania, bez względu na to, czy uczęszczają do szkoły
publicznej czy prywatnej, muszą uczestniczyć w tych zajęciach.
Potrzebujemy pomocy rodziców dzieci uczęszczających na
katechezę. Dla celów bezpieczeństwa, drzwi szkoły muszą
pozostać zamknięte podczas zajęć. Ponieważ nikt już o tej
porze nie pracuje w szkolnym sekretariacie, szukamy rodziców,
którzy mogliby pozostać na czas zajęć i pełnić dyżur przy
drzwiach wejściowych. Im więcej rodziców się zgłosi, tym
rzadziej będzie przypadał dyżur.
St. Joseph Basilica #511990
53 Whitcomb Street
Webster, MA 01570
508 943-0467
Fr. Gregory Chodkowski
508 612 8526
EMAIL: [email protected]
MSPublisher 2003
Adobe Acrobat 6
Windows XP
HP Laserjet 5P
Wednesday 11:00
November 13, 2011
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