Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith,
by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization
and nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal
growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values
and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
Sunday Vigil:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
Holy Day Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for
individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in
need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious
Education Office.
BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call
to make arrangements. Parents are required to
receive orientation.
MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage
requires one year’s notice. Please contact the
rectory for appointment.
Holy Day
6:30 a.m.; 8:30 a.m.;
5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. (Polish)
MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to
arrange visitation.
6:30 a.m. (m-f); 7:00 a.m. (w, f, sat)
PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to
become part of St. Joseph Parish Family,
please call the rectory.
Eve of Holy Days:
Thurs. before First Friday
First Friday:
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby
ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok
przed datą ślubu.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector: .............. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor .... Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Weekend assistance…..Rev. Charles Borowski
Financial Secretary ........................ Ewa Mamro
Secretaries:Virginia Woznicki&Elizabeth Sabaj
Organist: ..................................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristan ........................................ Joseph Ziak
53 Whitcomb Street,
Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467
Fax: 508-943-0808
e-mail: [email protected]
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną
posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy
przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster
Phone: 508-943-0378
Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal ........... Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary ...........Mrs. Cynthia Belanger
Phone: 508-943-0467 ext.: 115
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 508-943-2228
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October 19, 2014
Masses for the week—Msze Św. w Tygodniu
Sunday Vigil
4:00pm r.s. Tessie Lenkiewicz (20th anniv.) \
- int. Son, daughters and family
Sunday - October 19
7:00 ś.p. Andrzęj Deryniowski - (1r. śm.)
int. Rodzina Wójcik
8:15 St. Joseph Polish Women’s Club
Annual Installation Mass
9:30 r.s. Zigmont Zdrok - int. Carol and Joseph Zdrok
11:00 ś.p. Leon Mamro (20 r. śm.)
- int. Syn Michał z rodziną
ś.p. Helen Olszewski - int. Msgr. A. Czarnecki
Monday - October 20
6:30 Za wypominki
2:15pm Lanessa Nursing Home
Tuesday– October 21
6:30 r.s. Daniel Strelczuk - int. Danuta and Jan Kolodziej
7:00 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
Wednesday - October 22
6:30 For the conversion of a person through the intercession
of St. Joseph
7:00pm For all intentions placed in the petition box for needed
graces through the intercession of St. Joseph
Thursday - October 23
6:30 r.s. Loretta Kwasniewski - St. Anne Society
Friday - October 24
6:30 r.s. Jan Nagiel - int. Marianna i Kazimierz Macko
7:00 r.s. Sister Joanne Lewko - int. Msgr. A. Czarnecki
Saturday – October 25
7:00 r.s. Hattie (anniv.), Henry, Robert & Sylvia Grzych,
Elaine Ruda, and Lisa Kuszewski - int. Family
1:00pm Wedding Patricia Gasparik and Patrick Cronin
Sunday Vigil
4:00 r.s. Anthony (Tony) Placzek (4th anniv.), Edward
(Joe) Bembenek (2nd anniv.) - int. Family
Sunday - October 26
7:00 ś.p. Marii i Władysława Przybyto i Władysława
Skowron - int. Córka z rodziną.
8:15 ś.p. Regina Hynek (1 r. śm.) - int. Córki i wnuków
9:30 r.s. Edward Szymczak (47th anniv). - int. Children
11:00 ś.p. Józef Portka (7r. sm.)
- int. Córka Danuta z rodziną
1:00pm Baptism—Noah Jutras
II Carolyn Lach & Gregory Spahl
Weekly $4390 (including $179 in loose money); Diocesan
Obligations $179; Fuel $2026.15 (including $79.15 in loose
money); Fall Catholic School Appeal $10;
Electronic Giving $254
Budget $7000—$150.85 under
19 października - 2014r.
Stewardship Note: Each year at tax time, we conscientiously give “to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.” Does my
stewardship indicate that I am as faithful about giving “to God
what belongs to God”?
October 19, 2014
“Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar,
and to God what belongs to God.” (Mt 22: 21)
The first reading from the prophet Isaiah concerns the Persian King Cyrus, called the Lords’
“anointed.” Cyrus deserves this title because he
ended the Babylonian captivity of the Jews.
However, Isaiah reminds us that it was God who
gave Cyrus his power. He may be a great king, but “I am the
LORD and there is no other,” says God.
Today’s Gospel is also concerned with worldly power. In
the passage from Matthew, the Pharisees try to trick Jesus into
speaking against the emperor. His famous answer is the perfect
reply. Like the kings of old, Caesar can be given the respect
due his position, but everything belongs to God.
In the second reading, Paul gives thanks for all who are
faithful to Jesus Christ and his gospel. He, too, reminds us that
our call and the power to be faithful come from God.
This week’s second collection is for
World Mission Sunday-Propagation of Faith.
Next weekend’s second collection is designated for
The Catholic League for Religious Assistance
to Poland and Polonia (Liga Katolicka).
Attention: The annual St. Anne Bake Sale and Raffle is being
held this weekend, Sat. , Oct. 18 from 3-5:30pm and on Sun.,
Oct. 19 from 7:30am—11:00am in the school conference room.
“The Rosary is the most beautiful and the most rich in graces
of all prayers; it is the prayer that touches most the Heart of the
Mother of God. . . And if you wish peace to reign in your
homes, recite the family Rosary.” - Pope Saint Pius X
Please come to our Basilica and join us for our October traditional Rosary Devotions Monday through Friday at 7:00pm and
on Sunday after 11:00am Mass.
TV Ministry is moving on Charter from 3 to 193– due to
Charter’s upgrade note change in channels. If you no longer
see the Daily Mass, Sunday Mass, Family Rosary on 3 on your
Charter cable, go to channel 193.
I-25 Club Winner for 4th week
#153—Jonathan Fairbanks
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We invite parishioners and friends to come to our Basilica
for our weekly Devotion and Novena to our Patron. This
week the St. Ann Society members will assist in carrying St.
Joseph’s statue from the Our Lady of Czestochowa Chapel
and placing it in the sanctuary.
As most of us experience uncertainty and doubt in our
lives, we have the opportunity through the intercession of our
Patron to turn our thoughts toward the joys of heaven and ask
for his help to live our lives in surrendering love to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We ask that you kindly note your needs on the petition
slips available in the Chapel. Your requests will be read during the service. Thank you for your offerings.
Your donation will fund scholarships for Polish priests and
Polish-American students studying in Rome, missionary
work of Polish religious across the world; charitable aid to
parishes and Catholic institutions in Poland; formation programs for lay leaders serving Polonia in the U.S.A.
Envelopes for your donations are placed at the entrances
to the Basilica. The second collection next weekend is designated for this worthwhile project.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Annual Cemetery Procession will be held on Sunday, October 26th at 2:00pm at our
Garden of Peace Cemetery, Old Worcester Road, Webster.
This annual event offers us the opportunity to pray for and
remember our deceased loved ones. Special candles designed for All Souls Day may be placed on the graves of our
family members as a sign of our prayerful reminiscence.
Candles in various sizes will be available after masses this
weekend at the entrance to our Basilica. Kindly remind family and friends about this special occasion.
Wypominki--All Souls Day Intentions– All Souls Day
with its devotional and liturgical practices brings the reality
of life eternal into our consciousness. Prayers at the cemetery and the Masses on All Souls day, as well as fifty Masses
throughout the year are for the repose of the souls mentioned
in the Wypominki envelopes. The names you submit will be
read during All Souls Day Masses. We kindly ask that you
print the names clearly and return the envelopes with your
On All Souls Day, Sunday, Nov. 2nd at the 9:30am
Mass we will welcome Msgr. James Moroney as celebrant
for our Liturgy.
Save the Date –The “Splash of Panache Vendor Event”
will be held on Sunday, November 9, 2014 from 1:00 to
5:00pm at Point Breeze Restaurant. Tickets are $20. Hors
d’oeuvres will be served and each attendee will receive a gift
bag. Lottery Raffle tickets ($10) will also be available for
purchase. Proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit SJS.
You may place your returns in the collection basket. Proceeds from this fundraiser will be applied to our Parish Obligations to the Diocese.
Prizes: 1st prize—$4,000; 2nd prize $300; 3rd prize $200.
Donation is $25 per ticket or a book of three for $50.
“Early Bird Buyers Special” - participants who make
returns prior to November 10th will be eligible to win a free
ticket of which (5) will be drawn.
Drawing to be held on Sat., Dec. 6th in the St. Joseph
School cafeteria following the 4:00pm Mass and blessing of
the Christmas Tree.
We greatly appreciate your reaching out in selling these
tickets .
November Cash Calendars will be sold at the entrance to
our Basilica after all masses this weekend. Do you have an
upcoming family special occasion? A Cash Calendar would
be the perfect gift for a birthday, anniversary, christening,
etc. for a loved one.
Pat Parslow and Dottie Kasierski will have calendars available or contact your favorite seller. Thirty chances to win in
November and at the same time support our Basilica.
If you would like to be a seller for this bi-monthly fundraiser, please contact the rectory for more information.
We are pleased to report that we have a full complement of
nursing assistants at SJS.
Nancy Conlon - Employed by Town of Webster
Cindi Gardner - Salve Regina Nursing Program BS; MS
Employed at Fallon Health Plan
Leah Pigeon Becker College - MA & CT licenses
Employed at Day Kimball Hospital
Cecile Steglitz— St. Vincent School of Nursing
Nichols College BA
Employed at St. Vincent’s until retirement
Pauline Trahan - Burbank Hospital LPN
Nichols College BA
Anna Maria MA
Retired from UMASS Medical Center
We are grateful for these ladies who stepped forward to
offer our students their loving care.
Home School Association - sponsored Halloween Party for
Pre-K and Kindergarten students on Sat., Oct. 25 at 1:30—
3:00pm and grades 1-5 from 6-8:00pm. Admission $2 (max
of $5 per family) at the door. Join us for games, prizes,
tricks and treats.
Bike-A-Thon/Walk-A-Thon - held on Oct. 5th was a success. We were blessed with ideal weather with 50 students
and 30 adults participating in this event. Proceeds will benefit the new Harrington at Hubbard Emergency Room and St.
Joseph School Gymnasium.
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I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my outgoing
Board Members who supported and guided me the past two
years: Sheri Bergeron, Ellie Noga, Jackie Skrocki, Lynn
Marsh and Roland Malboeuf.
I also welcome new Board Members: Joe Werbecki,
Treasurer, and Board of Directors-Christine Shore, Sylwia
Kohut and Dot Kasierski.
Please join us on Sun., Oct. 26 at 2:00pm for the cemetery
procession and wear your medals.
Religious Education students are asked to participate in the
Living Rosary at 5:30pm on Mon., Oct. 27 at our Basilica.
-Patricia Mangen, President
Felician Sisters Pre-Chistmas Fair - at Our Lady of the
Angels Convent, Enfield, CT on Sat., Nov., 22, 9:00am—
4:00pm. Lunch served 11:00am—2:00pm; Bingo at 1:00pm.
Please join us for games of chance and silent auction. Babka,
Christmas decorations, craft and gift items will be available
for purchase. Proceeds to benefit the elderly and infirm
Felician Sisters.
Mark your calendar– On Monday, Oct. 20th, we will
celebrate the 36th anniversary of the election of St. John Paul
II to the Chair of St. Peter.
We will have a special program in the church at 5:30pm for
the students and their parents. Fr. Gregory will have a
presentation about St. John Paul II.
The following Monday, Oct. 27th, the students with their
parents will meet in church to participate in the Living Rosary
devotion at 5:30pm.
Confirmation - schedule has been mailed to students who
have registered.
It is the obligation of parents that their
children receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. First session
will be on Sun., Nov. 2 at 8:15am in the rectory. If you have
not as yet registered but would like to be included, please call
the rectory.
R.C.I.A. program for those who wish to be baptized or
return to the communion of the Catholic Church will be held
on Sundays. If interested, please call the rectory for details.
We are seeking a Director for our Webster-Dudley Catholic
Youth Group. If you are interested in working with our local
youth please send your resume to Fr. William Sanders at St.
Louis Church or call (508) 943-0240 for more information.
Sat., Nov. 1 4-8:00pm Activities at the Youth Center (all
Wed., Nov. 19—6:15pm Wii Bowling at CH
SPRED - is Faith formation for those who learn differently.
The Diocese of Worcester has implemented a program to
serve this population. To learn more, visit the Open House at
the Emmaus Center at Sacred Heart Parish on Sun., Oct. 26th
from 1-3:00pm or call Linda Brink at (508)949-0335.
Knights of Columbus Museum, New Haven, CT - announces the opening of their newest exhibit” “Illuminating
the Word: The St. John’s Bible now through Nov. 2nd. For
more information, please call (203) 752-4630 or refer to flyers
at entrances of the Basilica.
Reflections on Prophets”- is designed for adult discussion
of this portion of Holy Scripture. Sessions will be held at St.
Louis Church Hall, Webster @ 6:30 pm Thurs., October
23rd, November 6th and 20th, and December 4th and 18th.
There is no fee. Please bring a bible and a friend. Light refreshments will be available.
St. John’s High School - open house Sun., Oct. 26th at
1:00pm - Entrance Exam, Sat., Nov. 1st. Call (508)842-8934
x266 for more information.
Serra Club of Southern Worcester County - hosting their
Annual Chicken Pot Pie Dinner at St. Roch’s Church Hall,
on Sat., Nov. 1st from 5-8pm. For tickets, please call (508)
943-5374 of email [email protected] to place your
Small pies—$14.95; Large pies—$23.95; Dinner—eat in or
take out $10; Preordered pies will be ready for pick up at the
same time.
St. Anthony’s Dudley, MA - is offering an 8-week course
on A Quick Journey Through the Bible starting mid-October.
If interested please contact Linda Brink at (508)949-0335 for
more information
St. Peter Marian Jr.-Sr. High School - welcomes prospective students for Gr. 7-12 and their families to the Fall Open
House on Oct. 26th from 1-4pm at 781 Grove St., Worcester.
For more information or to register call (508)852-5555 x27.
Painting Party at St. Roch Church Hall, Oxford, MA on Thurs., Oct. 30th 7-9pm, come paint with us, no experience
necessary. Seating is limited, $30 per person, register now!
Call Sandy Curran at (508)987-1371 or Teri at (508)987-8987
for more information.
Notre Dame Academy’s Entrance Exam - will be held on
Sat., Nov. 1st at 8:30am. Pre-registration is required for the
exam. Eighth grade students are invited to Spend-A-Day at
NDA. If interested contact Office of Admissions (508)7576200 x 229.
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Webster - invites you on
November 1st from 7-9pm, at the parish hall, to experience
Living Waters Coffeehouse Ministry, an evening of uplifting Spirit-filled music, light refreshments and casual fellowship. People of all ages are welcome to this free event.
St. John Paul II Parish Bazaar- to be held on Sun., Nov.
9th from 8:30am—4:00pm at Trinity Catholic Academy,
Southbridge. Free admission. Join us for children’s games,
Village Bake Shop, theme baskets, silent auction Raffle with
200 prizes, food court which opens for breakfast at 8:30am.
Visit our “Cash Bonanza booth to buy a ticket for the chance
to win $5000. For more information call (508)765-3701.
World Youth Day in Poland 2016 - join Bishop Robert
McManus and others from the Worcester Diocese for World
Youth Day in 2016. 11 days - $3499. Payment plan available. Contact [email protected].
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19 października 2014
„Oddajcie więc Cezarowi to, co należy do Cezara, a Bogu to, co należy
do Boga.” (Mt 22, 21)
Bywa, że słowa Chrystusa: „Oddajcie więc
Cezarowi to, co należy do Cezara, a Bogu to,
co należy do Boga”, przykrawamy na własną
miarę i dajemy Panu Bogu świeczkę, a diabłu
ogarek. A przecież Bóg nas powołał i uświęcił
krwią Chrystusa – należymy całkowicie do Niego. „Ja jestem
Pan i nie ma innego!”- mówi Bóg w Księdze proroka Izajasza.
Odpowiadając dziś na Jego zaproszenie, złóżmy na ołtarzu całe
nasze życie i wszystkie sprawy, aby razem z ofiarą Jezusa
zostały uświęcone. Niech każdy nasz czyn, słowo, myśl oddają
chwałę Bogu.
Doroczna wyprzedaż i loteria organizowana przez St. Anne Society
odbędzie się w ten weekend: Sobota: 15:00 – 17:30 oraz Niedziela:
7:30 – 11:00. W szkolnej kafeterii. Serdecznie zapraszamy.
W miesiącu październiku zapraszamy wszystkich do odmawiania
Różańca. W naszej Bazylice nabożeństwa różańcowe odbywają się
codziennie od poniedziałku do piątku o godz. 19:00. Tych, którzy nie
mogą dołączyć się do wspólnej modlitwy zachęcamy do odmawiania
Różańca indywidualnie bądź w gronie rodzinnym.
Modlitwa za Papieża. Prosimy o modlitwę o zdrowie i Boże
błogosławieństwo dla Papieża Franciszka. Wypraszajmy u Matki
Najświętszej, aby wstawiała się za Nim i chroniła Go w jego służbie.
Zapraszamy parafian i przyjaciół do naszej Bazyliki na
cotygodniowe nabożeństwo i nowennę do naszego Patrona. W tym
tygodniu w procesji z figurą św. Józefa idą członkinie St. Anne
Wielu z nas doświadcza w życiu niepewności i wątpliwości. Mamy
jednak możliwość, za przyczyną naszego Patrona, zwracać nasze myśli
ku radościom nieba i prosić Go o pomoc w przeżywaniu ziemskiego
życia w otoczeniu miłości do Ewangelii Chrystusowej.
Prosimy o zapisywanie Waszych intencji i próśb w sposób czytelny
na formularzach znajdujących się w kaplicy Matki Bożej, tak by
mogły być odczytane w czasie nowenny.
Bóg zapłać za złożone dotychczas ofiary!
Ofiary składane na Ligę Katolicką wesprą stypendia dla polskoamerykańskich księży i studentów uczących się w Rzymie, wsparcie
dla pracy misyjnej polskich zakonników na całym świecie, pomoc
charytatywną dla parafii i instytucji katolickich w Polsce oraz
na programy kształcące katolickich liderów w Polsce i USA.
Specjalne koperty na tę zbiórkę znajdują się przy wejściach
do Bazyliki. Zbiórka odbędzie się w przyszłą niedzielę.
Dzisiejsza druga kolekta jest przeznaczona na Światową Niedzielę
Druga kolekta w przyszłym tygodniu będzie przeznaczona na
The Catholic League for Religious Assistance to Poland and Polonia
(Liga Katolicka)
Za tydzień, 26 października, odbędzie się coroczna pielgrzymka
z okazji Dnia Zadusznego. Jak co roku zapraszamy na godz. 14:00
na nasz parafialny cmentarz.
Wspólna procesja na cmentarzu daje nam możliwość modlitwy
i umocnienia pamięci o naszych bliskich i ukochanych, którzy odeszli.
Zapalone znicze umieszczone na grobach będą symbolem naszych
wspomnień i nadziei pokładanych w obietnicę zmartwychwstania.
Ci którzy jeszcze nie zaopatrzyli się w znicze, mogą je zakupić przy
wejściach do Bazyliki.
Bardzo prosimy przekazać nasze zaproszenie na procesję swoim
bliskim i przyjaciołom, zwłaszcza tym, którzy nie mogą w te
szczególne dni odwiedzić grobów swoich bliskich.
Uwaga! - W ten weekend, po wszystkich Mszach św., członkinie
SJPWC będą sprzedawały bilety na Splash of Panache Vendor
Event, który odbędzie się w niedzielę, 9 listopada w godz. od 13:00 do
17:00 w Point Breeze Restaurant. Cena jednego biletu: 20 dolarów.
Każdy uczestnik otrzyma przy wejściu upominek. Będzie można
również nabyć kupony na loterię w cenie 10 dolarów.
Kupony na loterię pieniężną Mega Cash Raffle zostały rozesłane do
wszystkich parafian. Koszt kuponów: $25 za jeden i $50 za trzy. Zyski
z loterii będą przeznaczone na spłatę Zobowiązań Diecezjalnych.
Głowna wygrana wynosi $4000, druga nagroda: $300, trzecia nagroda:
Losowanie odbędzie się w sobotę, 6 grudnia w szkolnej kafeterii
po Mszy godz. 16:00.
Dziękujemy wszystkim, którzy zakupili kupony lub pomogli w ich
rozprowadzaniu pomiędzy znajomymi i przyjaciółmi.
Obchody Uroczystości Wszystkich Świętych, poprzez odprawiane
modlitwy i obrzędy przywołują do świadomości rzeczywistość życia
wiecznego. W tym uroczystym dniu wszystkie Msze św. jak również
pięćdziesiąt Mszy św. w ciągu całego roku będą sprawowane
w intencji Naszych bliskich zmarłych, których imiona zostaną
zapisane na specjalnych wypominkowych kopertach. Imiona zmarłych
będą czytane w trakcie Mszy św. w Dzień Zaduszny. Bardzo prosimy
o BARDZO CZYTELNE zapisywanie imion.
Listopadowe kupony na Cash Calendar będą do nabycia przy
wejściach do Bazyliki po każdej Mszy św. w ten weekend. W tej
loterii codziennie ktoś wygrywa. Kupon może być wspaniałym
prezentem dla bliskiej osoby z okazji rodzinnej uroczystości lub innej
Zapraszamy również osoby chętne do sprzedaży kuponów.
Ochotników prosimy o kontakt z biurem parafialnym.
Katecheza - w poniedziałek 20 października spotykamy się o 17:30
w kościele na prezentacji i nabożeństwie z okazji obchodów rocznicy
wyboru Jana Pawła II na Stolicę Piotrową.
- W poniedziałek 27 października spotykamy się w kościele o godz.
17:30 na nabożeństwie Żywego Różańca.
Bardzo prosimy, aby w powyższe dni przywozić dzieci prosto
do kościoła. Do udziału w spotkaniach zapraszamy również rodziców.
Bierzmowanie – Program spotkań dla kandydatów do Sakramentu
Bierzmowania został rozesłany do kandydatów. Pierwsze spotkanie
odbędzie się w niedzielę 2 listopada o godz. 8:15 na plebanii.
Obowiązkiem każdego rodzica jest zadbanie, aby ich dzieci przyjęły
Sakrament Bierzmowania. Osoby które jeszcze tego nie zrobiły
prosimy o kontakt z biurem parafialnym,
St. Joseph Basilica #511990
53 Whitcomb Street
Webster, MA 01570
508 943-0467
Fr. Gregory Chodkowski
508 612 8526
EMAIL: [email protected]
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Wednesday 11:00
November 13, 2011
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