spis treści o konferencji artykuły - Czytelnia Czasopism on-line


spis treści o konferencji artykuły - Czytelnia Czasopism on-line
Zofia Tomczonek
Samorząd terytorialny a polityka lokalna – słowo wstępne .................................................... 5
Tadeusz Truskolaski
Strategiczne wyzwania rozwoju lokalnego na przykładzie Białegostoku................................. 7
Mirosław Acewicz
Marka jednostki terytorialnej – projekt i odbiór .................................................................. 17
Urszula Glińska
Odważnie czy z obawą? Oczekiwania Polaków wobec rozwoju Polski w świetle wyników
badań Narodowego Programu Foresight „Polska 2020” – wybrane aspekty ........................ 24
Alina Szepelska
Kapitał ludzki a rozwój regionalny....................................................................................... 39
Tadeusz Nowak
Ruch miast i gmin bliźniaczych w województwie mazowieckim........................................... 48
Tomasz Madras
Geografia wyborcza województwa podlaskiego w kontekście wyborów samorządowych .... 60
Magdalena Ickiewicz-Sawicka
Działalność organizacji pozarządowych na terenie Białegostoku na przykładzie
Stowarzyszenia Penitencjarnego „Patronat” ......................................................................... 77
Agnieszka Konopelko
Demokracja partycypacyjna w samorządzie lokalnym .......................................................... 86
Hubert Izdebski
Jednostki pomocnicze gminy – pomiędzy organami gminy a obywatelami
jako podmiotem władzy lokalnej.......................................................................................... 95
Samorząd Terytorialny 12/2011
Dawid Sześciło
Wyrok Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej z 10 marca 2011 r.
w sprawie C-274/09 Privater Rettungsdienst und Krankentransport Stadler
v. Zweckverband für Rettungsdienst und Feuerwehralarmierung Passau ............................ 111
Opracowała Justyna Przedańska ........................................................................................ 114
Table of Contents & Abstracts .......................................................................................... 117
Redakcja przyjmuje teksty oryginalne o objętości 30–50 tys. znaków, z wyraźnie zaznaczonym tytułem, podziałem na podrozdziały, podsumowaniem, przypisami, krótką notką o autorze oraz adresem e-mailowym. Materiały większe lub mniejsze albo już publikowane wymagają osobnej zgody Redaktora Naczelnego. Wymagania co do wielkości tekstu nie dotyczą polemik, glos, sprawozdań,
recenzji itp. Tekst należy również zaopatrzyć w abstrakt w języku polskim, o objętości nie większej
niż 500 znaków. Autor może zaproponować tłumaczenie na język angielski tytułu tekstu oraz abstraktu, a także podać adres e-mailowy w celu publikacji. Przypisy powinny być opracowane w tradycyjny sposób – na dole strony. Dopuszczalny jest również wykaz wykorzystanej w tekście literatury.
Materiały wraz z danymi autora (stanowisko, adres, numer telefonu) i ewentualnym listem polecającym prosimy przysyłać pocztą elektroniczną lub zwykłą, z załączoną płytą CD. Przekazując tekst do
redakcji, autor przenosi na Wydawcę wyłączne prawo do jego publikacji. Nie drukujemy artykułów o charakterze opisowym, pozbawionych aspektu badawczego lub nowych treści interesujących
poznawczo. Autor ponosi odpowiedzialność za aktualny stan prawny, orzecznictwa i doktryny.
Redakcja zastrzega sobie prawo skracania tekstów, zmiany tytułów, śródtytułów oraz poprawek merytorycznych i stylistycznych, również w wersji angielskiej. Materiałów niezamówionych nie zwracamy. Warunkiem publikacji tekstu jest odesłanie uprzednio podpisanej umowy z Wydawnictwem.
Samorząd Terytorialny 12/2011
Territorial Self-Government
Scientific and Professional Monthly
Zofia Tomczonek
Territorial self-government and local policy – foreword ...........................................................................5
Tadeusz Truskolaski
Strategic challenges for local development using the example of Białystok ........................................ 7
The article uses the example of Białystok to highlight the most significant problems of the local community in the context of dilemmas related to
the implementation of its own strategy documents. Since municipalities are trying to make up for the negligence in many areas and EU regulations are causing a need to invest in areas related to the broadly understood natural environment, the importance of strategic planning is increasing. Therefore, the author has analysed the combination of challenges at local level with the description of strategies in areas related to spatial
planning, the infrastructure, waste management and economic development.
Mirosław Acewicz
Brand of the territorial self-government unit – design and perception ................................................ 17
An image needs to be consciously and consistently built until it is transformed into a brand so as to gain a loyal recipient. The author uses
the example of Białystok to demonstrate that the basis of image building is identity, as an indicator of a unique type of wish with regard to its
perception. How a given territorial unit is perceived is the most “unstable”, but simultaneously the most realistic element of its image. Its indication and, simultaneously, the success of the territory as a brand is a stable scenario of behaviour based on the preferences of the recipients,
the residents and visitors.
Urszula Glińska
Boldly or fearfully? The expectations of Poles regarding Poland’s development in the light
of the survey results of the “Poland 2020” National Foresight Programme – selected aspects.....24
The article presents the results of a survey on Poland’s development until 2020 and presents the most important trends in modernisation specified for Poland over the coming decade. The “Poland 2020” National Foresight Programme, which was held in Poland for the first time on such
a wide scale, has become the start of good practices of building a vision of development based on scientific methods and a common public debate. In this way, the foresight surveys both suit the area of the most recent surveys conducted in social sciences using a triangulation of methods
and implement the postulates of a deliberative democracy, according to which the public is actively involved in the decision-making process
regarding the satisfaction of their needs and the creation of a future reality in which they will operate.
Alina Szepelska
Human capital in the light of regional development .............................................................................. 39
The fundamental condition for growth in the competitive capacity of regions is spending on education and scientific research, investments in man,
his knowledge and skills. A region’s possession of highly skilled personnel allows for the effective introduction of new technologies and enables
the creation of the directions of its development. The structure of a region’s development is the result of human talents, knowledge, entrepreneurship, initiative and its own outlays aimed at improving living conditions. The analysis of the benefits achieved by individuals and society as
a whole from investments in human capital lead the authoress to the conclusion that this capital is a key determinant of competitiveness of the
Podlaskie Voivodship.
Samorząd Terytorialny 12/2011
Tadeusz Nowak
Movement of twinned cities and municipalities in the Masovian Voivodship ................................... 48
An important form of activity of territorial self-government in the international dimension is the movement of twinned cities and municipalities.
Contacts between local self-governments and residents of individual states developed under the European twinning programme contribute to
building the social grounds of a common Europe. The author uses his own research to present the extent and methods of participation by cities and
municipalities of the Masovian Voivodship in this form of foreign cooperation.
Tomasz Madras
Electoral geography in the Podlaskie Voivodship in the context of local elections .......................... 60
The article presents an analysis of the political geography of the Podlaskie Voivodship performed on the basis of the results of voting in the 2010
local elections and the 2007 parliamentary elections. The author divided the Podlasie Region – as an extremely diverse region in social terms – into
several sub-regions with varied profiles of electoral behaviour. These are the left-wing south-eastern part of the voivodship, the moderately left-wing area of Suwałki which supports the Polish Peasants Party (PSL) and the liberal City of Białystok and the regions around Białystok and Łomża
which are dominated by the right wing.
Magdalena Ickiewicz-Sawicka
Activities of NGOs in the Białystok region using the example of Stowarzyszenie Penitencjarne
„Patronat” [Patronage Penitentiary Association] ...................................................................................... 77
The article contains a reflection on non-governmental organizations. The authoress starts by presenting the legal grounds for the operation of
NGOs in Poland, whereas the most important section is the information on the “Patronage” Penitentiary Association. The authoress describes its
structure and selected forms of activities using the example of the Białystok branch. She pays particular attention to the cooperation between the
association and Białystok’s self-government authorities.
Agnieszka Konopelko
Democratic participation in local self-government................................................................................. 86
Contemporary democracies have instruments guaranteeing legal control over the functioning of bodies of public authority. However, they are
still missing appropriate institutions assuring effective cooperation between the citizens and the local authorities, which constitute public control
over the activities of self-government bodies. The authoress points out that the right of citizens to participate in the decision-making process
should be exercised in the most direct way possible, while one of the conditions of effective management is the award of real powers to local communities. She describes the deliberative forms of decision-making and the participative budget as being among the well-functioning institutions
of participative democracy around the world.
Hubert Izdebski
The municipality’s auxiliary units – between the municipal government
and the citizens as a gestor of local authority ...........................................................................................95
The article is devoted to the development of and the current legal status of auxiliary units, even in the light of local law, being traditional in rural
municipalities, but variable and not always present in cities. It discusses the transformations from the inter-War period to the Act on municipal
self-government, the legal status of auxiliary units in the light of the provisions of this Act, Constitutional Tribunal and administrative court case
law, as well as various types of solutions adopted in the light of the substantial freedom awarded to municipalities. It finally contains de lege
ferenda indications, taking into account the draft Act on the reinforcement of the participation of residents in territorial self-government, which
is being drafted by the Chancellery of the President of Poland.
Dawid Sześciło
Ruling of the European Court of Justice of 10 March 2011 in case C-274/09
Privater Rettungsdienst und Krankentransport Stadler v. Zweckverband für Rettungsdienst
und Feuerwehralarmierung Passau .............................................................................................................111
If the economic operator selected is fully remunerated by persons other than the contracting authority which awarded the contract concerning
rescue services, where it runs an operating risk, albeit a very limited one, by reason, inter alia, of the fact that the amount of the usage fees in question depends on the result of annual negotiations with third parties, and where it is not assured full coverage of the costs incurred in managing its
activities in compliance with the principles laid down by national law, that contract must be classified as a “service concession” within the meaning
of Article 1(4) of the Directive 2004/18/EC.
Prepared by Justyna Przedańska ............................................................................................................. 114
Samorząd Terytorialny 12/2011

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