Saint Joseph Basilica


Saint Joseph Basilica
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith,
by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization
and nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal
growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values
and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
Sunday Vigil:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
Holy Day Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for
individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in
need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious
Education Office.
BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call
to make arrangements. Parents are required to
receive orientation.
MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage
requires one year’s notice. Please contact the
rectory for appointment.
Holy Day
6:30 a.m.; 8:30 a.m.;
5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. (Polish)
MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to
arrange visitation.
6:30 a.m. (m-f); 7:00 a.m. (w, f, sat)
PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to
become part of St. Joseph Parish Family,
please call the rectory.
Eve of Holy Days:
Thurs. before First Friday
First Friday:
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby
ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok
przed datą ślubu.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector: .............. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor .... Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Weekend assistance…..Rev. Charles Borowski
Financial Secretary ........................ Ewa Mamro
Secretaries:Virginia Woznicki&Elizabeth Sabaj
Organist: ..................................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristan ........................................ Joseph Ziak
53 Whitcomb Street,
Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467
Fax: 508-943-0808
e-mail: [email protected]
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną
posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy
przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster
Phone: 508-943-0378
Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal ........... Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary ...........Mrs. Cynthia Belanger
Phone: 508-943-0467 ext.: 115
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 508-943-2228
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December 21, 2014
Masses for the week—Msze Św. w Tygodniu
Sunday Vigil
4:00pm r.s. Elizabeth Szymczak (12th anniv.)
- int. Children
Sunday - December 21
7:00 ś.p. Stanisław Hynek (2r. śm) - int. córka i wnuki
8:15 r.s. Thomas Gorski, Sr., (1st anniv.) - int. Family
9:30 r.s. Mary Ann Marshalkowski, Roberta Brisbois &
Patricia Mahan (41st anniv.) - int. Parents
11:00 ś.p. Józefa Bezak—int. Zosia Pagos
Monday - December 22
6:30 Za wypominki
2:00pm Webster Manor Nursing Home
Tuesday– December 23
6:30 r.s. Emily and Charles Kulpan
- int. Daughter Charlotte
7:00 r.s. Richard Williams (6th anniv.) - int. Family
Wednesday - December 24
6:30 For all intentions requested for needed graces through
the intercession of St. Joseph
4:00pm May the newborn Messiah in the mystery of
Christmas extend his blessings on M/M Richard
Nowak, Dr. John Kalinowski, M/M John Gogolinski,
M/M Marion Winters, and The McNally family
12:00pm Shepherd’s Mass - Pasterka
ś.p. Zyta Agata Wierzbicki - int. Husband, daughter
and son-in-law
Thursday - December 25 Christmas Day
8:15 For those who have lost contact with God—may the
spirit of Christmas help them to rediscover faith in
Jesus Christ the Savior of the world
9:30 Family Mass - May the Infant Jesus bestow needed
graces on the students of St. Joseph School and their
11:00 Za zmarłych dobrodziejów Bazyliki i szkoly-For the
deceased benefactors of the Basilica and SchoolBernard Kozik, Wanda Sitkowski, Walter Kolak,
Albert Kullas & John Markiewicz
Friday - December 26
6:30 r.s. Tecla D. Czarnecki - int. Msgr. Czarnecki
7:00pm r.s. Ed and Kazimira Faber - int. Daughter Charlotte
Saturday - December 27
7:00 r.s. Helen Klejna (anniv.) and Leon Klejna
- int. Dorothy Sabaj and family
Sunday Vigil
4:00 r.s. Spiewak family - int. Leonard Jacob and family
Sunday - December 28
7:00 za wypominki
8:15 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
9:30 r.s. Dowgiewicz, Duffy, Lepine and Lariviere families
- int. Shirley Dowgiewicz and sons
11:00 ś.p. Józefa Bezak - int. Maria Kłosek
1:00pm Baptisms- Cameron and Gracie Brookins
and Samuel James Majka
Oplatki-Christmas Wafers - are available in the sacristy or the
rectory-suggested offering $3.00. Share this wonderful
tradition with family members.
21 grudnia - 2014r.
Stewardship Note: In the first reading, God promises King
David that his house and his kingdom will endure forever. It is
through Mary’s “Yes” - ”I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it
be done to me as you say.” - that the promise finds fulfillment.
December 21, 2014
The child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God.
- (Luke 1, 35)
For the week of December 21 through December 27
Blessed Mother Altar— Candle 1
In loving memory of Henry Dowgiewicz and the Komorek
Family—given by Gladys Dowgiewicz & family
Blessed Mother Altar — Candle 2
In loving memory of Edward Dowgiewicz and Edward Dowgiewicz II—given by Shirley Dowgiewicz & Sons
The angel Gabriel today confronts Mary with
a mystery. The mystery of salvation in Christ is
not a mystery that is solved, but a reality beyond
our comprehension that we must choose to enter
into. In the liturgy of the Eastern Church, everyone waits to see if Mary will enter into the mystery: God waits, Adam and Eve and all the souls of the dead
who long for paradise wait, angels wait for new heavenly companions. And there is much rejoicing when her decision is
We have less dramatic choices offered to us, but the mystery
of our salvation in Christ is by no means, “solved”. We may
understand it a bit better due to Mary’s “yes”. We may be a bit
closer to it through the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus
Christ. But it still remains a mystery to which we all must give
our own “yes”. Soon we will be singing “O come, let us adore
him”. May our Advent prayer, our echo of Mary’s “yes”, continue then, so we may enter into the mystery of our salvation in
Jesus Christ , God among us.
The second collection this weekend is for the Religious
Retirement Collection. Please be generous.
This week the Fourth week of Advent, we will light the
fourth and last purple candle, oftentimes called the “Angel’s
Candle,” which represents peace. On Christmas Eve, the white
center candle is traditionally lit. This candle is called the
“Christ Candle” and represents the life of Christ that has come
into the world. The color white represents purity. Christ is the
sinless, spotless, pure Savior. Also, those who receive Christ as
Savior are washed of their sins and made whiter than snow.
This is a great way for Christian families to keep Christ at the
center of Christmas and for parents to teach their children the
true meaning of Christmas.
Cub Scouts Pack 173 and Boy Scouts Troop 173 - invite
parishioners to join them for a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday,
December 21st from 8:30-11:00am in the school cafeteria. We
appreciate your support.
Page 3
1-25 Club Winner 13th week
#159—Nathan Piechocki
Weekly $4273 (including $269 in loose money); (Diocesan
Obligations$160; Fuel $2096 (including $117 in loose money);
Immaculate Conception $114
Weekly Budget $7000
Novena to the Infant Jesus– we are continuing this traditional-nine-day Novena of interrupted prayers. We will recite
prayers, particularly for personal intentions, on the weekend as
well as following the 6:30am daily mass. We invite parishioners to participate in church or at home. Prayer cards are available at the entrances of the Basilica.
St. Joseph Basilica Altar Guild - kindly requests your
assistance in preparing the interior of our Basilica for Christmas. If you have some spare time please call Fred and Sylvia
Kitka at (508) 943-0201 for details.
Reminder - On Monday, Dec. 22 at 6:00pm - we will hold
a Reconciliation Evening for all parishioners including young
people from the Religious Education Program. Visiting
clergy will assist to facilitate reconciliation for your convenience.
Once again our St. Joseph School students initiated this
Christmas Season with the presentation of “The First Leon”.
A full house of students, parents, grandparents and friends were
delighted by the enthusiasm of our youngsters expressing
the true meaning of Christmas.
Under the guidance and direction of our Play Directors,
Kelly Bailey and Derek Sylvester, the weeks of rehearsal came
alive to the joy of the audience. We are grateful to our administration, faculty, staff and parents for their cooperation and support in making this play such a great success.
Congratulations to all!
According to tradition on the Vigil of Christmas we share the
blessed Opłatek with family during the Vigil supper. This custom unites the past with the present, heaven with earth.
May this Christmas Vigil meal unite your family in the spirit
of joy, love and peace.
At St. Joseph Basilica we will begin the Christmas celebration with a Vigil Mass at 4:00pm on Wednesday, Dec., 24th.
As usual, our Basilica choirs and school children will take part
in the vigil liturgy. The bilingual celebration at midnight will
begin at 11:30pm with a Concert of Carols, followed by a candlelight procession by our children to the crèche. A diverse
group of musicians will accompany the choir.
Christmas morning masses begin at 8:15am, with the Family
Mass at 9:30am for all our students including Religious Education classes. The last Mass at 11:00am with the Polish Children’s choir will be in the Polish language.
At this sacred time we encourage everyone to come to
church and participate in the Eucharist. Arrange your social
activities so that every child will be able to attend Divine Worship on Christmas Day.
Please join us to experience a memorable Christmas at
St. Joseph Basilica.
On the occasion of Christmas Day it is customary to spend
time with our families, exchange gifts, sing Carols and enjoy
each others company.
On this day with renewed joy, we can look at the newborn
Baby Jesus who brings us peace and happiness. May this sacred day become a blessed time for all of us, sharing the oplatek
and life with one another and opening our hearts to His blessings which he shares in abundance with people of good will.
Merry Christmas!
-Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
-Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Most Reverend Robert J. McManus shares his Christmas
wishes and blessing with all parishioners in our Diocese.
Please read our Chief Shepherd’s letter which is enclosed.
BINGO in the St. Joseph School Cafeteria. Doors open at
5:00pm, games begin at 6:45PM. Door prizes-food available and free coffee. Proceeds benefit the parish and school.
We invite parishioners to join us on Friday, December 26th
and experience meeting new friends, the camaraderie and the
opportunity to win some extra cash to share with your loved
ones during this special time of the year.
We kindly ask members of the Holy Rosary Sodality to assist
in selling packets on December 26th.
CASH CALENDAR-is still available as a last minute
Christmas gift. A January Cash Calendar gives you 31 chances
to become a winner.
Pat Parslow and Dottie Kasierski will be at the entrances of
our Basilica and have calendars available-or you may contact
your favorite seller. Your support for this fund raiser benefits
not only the buyers but also our parish.
We have a supply of 2015 Calendars-in English and also a
Polish version-provided through the courtesy and generosity of
Sitkowski & Malboeuf Funeral Home, Inc. These unique
calendars have notations of special days to be celebrated
throughout the year.
These calendars are available in the Sacristy and at the rectory. Donations gladly accepted.
Religious Education classes will be held - Monday, Dec.
22nd, grades 1-2 will meet in the school for regular classes. A
reconciliation service will be held at 6:00pm. Grades 3-10
should meet in the school at 5:30 and picked up at the church
by 6:30. Parents are encouraged to also attend the reconciliation service with their children.
Confirmation– next session will meet on Sunday, Jan. 4th at
the rectory. We remind parents that it is a sacred obligation,
promised on the day of Baptism to participate in Divine Worship on every Sunday.
R.C.I.A.- program for those who wish to be baptized or return to the communion of the Catholic Church will be held on
Sundays. If interested, please call the rectory for details.
ATTENTION: Pierogi Pick-up—Saturday, Dec. 20th,
2:00—5:30pm & Sunday, Dec., 21st, 9:00—10:30am in the
school cafeteria.
Page 4
Holy Rosary Sodality– is sponsoring their Annual Oplatek
Dinner on Sunday, January 11th at Point Breeze Restaurant,
Hors-d’oeuvres will be served at 12 noon followed by dinner
at 12:30pm with a choice of panko chicken breast, baked
haddock or London broil. Everyone is invited.
Tickets are $15pp and are available from Pat Mangen (508)
461-6236, Betty Sabaj (508) 943-8570 or at the rectory (508)
I want to thank you for your extraordinary giving and
sharing through your contributions to the “ANGEL TREE”.
To put a smile on the face of a child or an elderly person is
worth a lot even from a human point of view. May every good
deed we do for others, especially for the Church be rewarded by
The approaching end of the calendar year brings to mind the
consequences of federal and state taxes. A contribution to the
Church at this time could realize a savings for you.
donations will be greatly appreciated.
Heating system - We are in the process of changing the
heating system from oil to gas in the rectory. Although we
already had gas in the rectory for cooking purposes, the pipe
was insufficient for heating.
Therefore, National Grid
Company made all the necessary connections from Robinson
Street and installed a new meter. The inside work will be done
by a contractor according to Diocesan policy we need three
bids. It appears that the cost will be about $7,000. To produce
the same number of BTU’s instead of oil the savings will be
one-third which will be a significant improvement.
Sound system - Two new amplifiers have been installed to
improve our sound system at a cost of approximately $2,000
through an online purchase (which would have otherwise cost
$1500 each). At the present time we are in contact with a
professional service to make necessary adjustments.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR - Sun., Jan. 11th at 9:30am
Mass we will observe National Migration Week. We will
celebrate diversity with children dressed in their native
costumes carrying flags, insignias or any other symbol of their
faith and culture.
Sunday, January 18th - we invite all members to a sledding
Reminder - your purchases via during this
giving season will benefit St. Joseph School. Please contact
them through our website at
Online giving-convenient way to support our parish by
setting up your account on our parish website at click on the Online Giving tab, &
follow instructions. If you have any questions, please call the
Knights of Columbus Museum New Haven, Ct.-Buon
Natale, Churches of Italy exhibit through Feb. 1, 2015. Free
admission and parking. For more information call (203) 8650400.
PACC OF WEBSTER - presents New Year’s Eve 2015 on
Dec., 31 from 6:00pm– 1:00am with music by Polski deejay.
Tickets are $85 which includes dinner, supper, dessert and
champagne toast. For more information call: Malgosia (508)
981-3310, Urszula (508)735-4499, Joasia (774)482-0747 or
Ewa (508) 943-8545.
St. Mary's High School Open House/ Shadow Day - St.
Mary's High School, 50 Richland St., Worcester, MA is
proudly hosting an Open House/ Shadow Day on Wednesday,
January 7th 2015 at 8:00AM for all those students who came to
the open house as well as any new students and families who
are interested in St. Mary’s High School. Students can be
dropped off at 8:00AM and parents have the option of joining
their child at 1:15 for the parent portion of the program to be
concluded at 2:00. St. Mary’s prides itself as a college preparatory school with great teachers, modern technology, numerous
activities and most importantly as a faith filled community. We
take pride in having honors courses for those students who excel academically and also help those students who need extra
help. Please RSVP by calling 508-753-1170.
The Short Journey Through the Bible-a DVD course will
begin on Thurs., Jan. 8th at St. Anthony of Padua
Church. This 8 week course takes you from Adam & Eve to
Jesus. The packet costs $20. Call (508) 949-0335 for more
March for Life-to be held on Thursday, Jan. 22, 2015 in
Washington, DC. Registration information is available. Buses
will leave St. Paul’s Cathedral on Jan. 21, travel to DC and return on Jan. 23. Cost is $70 per seat for registrations postmarked by Dec. 31 and $85 thereafter. Details will be forthcoming.
21 grudnia 2014
„Święte, które się narodzi, będzie nazwane Synem Bożym” (Łk 1, 35)
Liturgia słowa przedstawia dzisiaj jedno
z doniosłych proroctw mesjańskich oraz jego
spełnienie. Król Dawid pragnął zbudować
„dom”, świątynię dla Boga. Lecz Pan oznajmia
mu przez proroka Natana, że Jego wola jest inna:
Bóg sam raczej pomyśli o „domu” Dawida, to
znaczy o przedłużeniu jego potomstwa, bo spośród niego
narodzi się Zbawiciel. „Przede Mną dom twój i twoje
królestwo będzie trwać na wieki”. Wszystko to, co Bóg
obiecał, spełniło się pomimo niesprzyjających wydarzeń
historycznych, grzechów ludzkich, zbrodni i bezbożności
samych potomków Dawida. Bóg jest zawsze wierny:
„Zawarłem przymierze z moim wybrańcem; przysiągłem
słudze memu, Dawidowi... Zachowam dla niego łaskawość swą
na wieki i wierne będzie moje z nim przymierze.”
Druga kolekta w tym tygodniu jest przeznaczona na
The Religious Retirement Collection.
Page 5
Jak co roku w czasie bezpośredniego przygotowania do Świąt
Bożego Narodzenia odprawiamy Nowennę do Dzieciątka Jezus.
Zaczęliśmy we wtorek, 16 grudnia. Modlimy się w różnych
intencjach, szczególnie zaś w intencjach osobistych, po każdej
Mszy św. w niedzielę i codziennie po Mszy porannej o godz.
6:30. Zapraszamy parafian do uczestnictwa w Nowennie
w kościele lub zachęcamy do odprawiania jej w domu. Karty
z modlitwami są dostępne przy wejściach do Bazyliki.
Jak co roku, dzięki życzliwości i hojności Sitkowski &
Malboeuf Funeral Home, Inc. możemy nabyć kalendarze na
nadchodzący rok w języku polskim i angielskim. Te unikalne
kalendarze zawierają informacje o dniach świątecznych
i innych szczególnych wydarzeniach. Kalendarze są dostępne w
zakrystii i na plebanii
Te kalendarze są dostępne w zakrystii i na plebanii.
Darowizny chętnie akceptowane.
W dzisiejszym biuletynie załączony jest list pasterski biskupa
Roberta McManus, naszego ordynariusza. Bardzo serdecznie
prosimy o zapoznanie się z jego treścią
Holy Rosary Sodality organizuje doroczne Spotkanie
Opłatkowe w niedzielę, 11 stycznia w Point Breeze Restaurant.
Hors-d'oeuvres będą serwowane od godz. 12:00, a następnie
obiad o godz. 12.30. Wszyscy są zaproszeni. Bilety w cenie $15
od osoby są dostępne u Pat Mangen: 508 461 6236, Betty
Sabaj: 508 943 8570 lub na plebanii: 508 943 0467.
Msza św. Wigilijna z udziałem dzieci i chóru: 16:00.
Koncert Kolęd – Chór parafialny zaprasza na 23:30.
Śpiewakom będą towarzyszyli zaproszeni muzycy.
Pasterka – Dwujęzyczna Msza św. z procesją ze świecami
do żłóbka o godz. 24:00.
Boże Narodzenie
08:15 Msza św. po angielsku,
9:30 Msza św. rodzinna dla wszystkich naszych uczniów,
w tym również dzieci uczęszczających na katechizację
w poniedziałki.
11:00 Msza św. po polsku z udziałem chóru dziecięcego.
St. Joseph Basilica Altar Guild uprzejmie prosi o pomoc w
przygotowaniu wnętrza naszej Bazyliki na obchody Bożego
Narodzenia. Osoby chętne do pomocy przy dekorowaniu
prosimy o kontakt z Fred i Sylvia Kitka: 508 943 0201.
W poniedziałek, 22 grudnia o godz. 18:00 na naszej parafii
będziemy mogli skorzystać z Sakramentu Pojednania i w ten
sposób lepiej przygotować się na Święta Narodzenia Pańskiego.
W nabożeństwie pokutnym będą brały również udział dzieci
uczęszczające na katechizację. W konfesjonałach będą
posługiwali zaproszeni księża, aby jak najbardziej usprawnić
i umożliwić jak najlepszy dostęp do spowiedzi. Osoby, które
z poważnych przyczyn nie będą mogły, przystąpić do
spowiedzi w tym czasie, prosimy o kontakt z księżmi w celu
umówienia indywidualnego terminu. Prosimy również
o zgłaszanie osób chorych i starszych, które pragną przystąpić
do spowiedzi, a nie mają możliwości przybycia do kościoła.
Dołącz do nas na BINGO w cafeterii naszej szkoły. Drzwi
otwieramy już o godz. 17: 00. Gra rozpoczyna się o 18:45.
W czasie gry darmowa kawa, a także możliwość wygrania
Door price.
W tym czasie wszyscy myślimy o prezentach, które możemy
ofiarować krewnym lub przyjaciołom. Doskonałą okazję daje
nam Cash Calendar. Jest to wielka szansa, aby uszczęśliwić
kogoś wyjątkowego kupując kupon dający szansę na wygraną
w styczniu aż 31 razy.
Jesteśmy w trakcie zmiany systemu ogrzewania na plebanii
z oleju opałowego na gaz. National Grid poprowadziła już
wszystkie niezbędne połączenia od Robinson St. do plebanii
i został już zainstalowany nowy licznik. Prace wewnątrz
budynku będą wykonywane przez inną firmę. Kiedy kilka lat
temu zmieniany był piec na plebanii, został zainstalowany taki,
który może pracować zarówno na olej jak i na gaz. Wystarczy
jedynie zmienić palnik. Przewidywany koszt prac wyniesie
około: $6000 - $8000.
W ubiegłym tygodniu zostały wymienione na nowe dwa
wzmacniacze, które w ostatnim czasie powodowały wiele
problemów z nagłośnieniem w bazylice. Koszt zakupu wyniósł
PACC w Webster zaprasza na Zabawę Sylwestrową,
31 grudnia w godz. od 18:00 do 1:00. Gra Polski Deejay. Bilet
w cenie $85 obejmuje obiad, kolację, deser i toast szampanem.
Więcej informacji pod numerami: Małgosia (508) 981-3310,
Urszula (508) 735-4499, Joasia (774)482-0747 i Ewa (508) 943
Szkoła St. Mary’s School w Worcester na Dzień Otwarty
(Open House/ Shadow Day) w środę, 7 stycznia 2015 o
godzinie 8:00 dla wszystkich uczniów, którzy są zainteresowani
uczęszczaniem do tej szkoły. Program rozpoczyna się dla dzieci
o godzinie 8:00, a rodzice będą mogli dołączyć do ich dziecko
o 13:15. Zakończenie o 14:00. Zainteresowanych prosimy o
kontakt pod numerem telefonu: 508 753 1170.
Katecheza – zajęcia w poniedziałek, 22 grudnia o godz.
17:30, klasy 1-2 spotkają się w szkole normalnie. Klasy 3-10
rozpoczynają lekcję w klasach, a następnie udają się na
spowiedź do kościoła na godz. 18:00. Dzieci prosimy odebrać
w kościele po spowiedzi. Zachęcamy również rodziców, aby
razem ze swoimi dziećmi przystąpili do Sakramentu
Bierzmowanie – Następne spotkanie dla kandydatów
do Bierzmowania odbędzie się 4 stycznia 2015r.
Przypominamy, że Sakrament Pojednania jest jednym z
najważniejszych elementów przygotowania do Bierzmowania.
Wszyscy kandydaci są zobowiązani do spowiedzi adwentowej.
St. Joseph Basilica #511990
53 Whitcomb Street
Webster, MA 01570
508 943-0467
Fr. Gregory Chodkowski
508 612 8526
EMAIL: [email protected]
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