Saint Joseph Basilica


Saint Joseph Basilica
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith,
by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization
and nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal
growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values
and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
Sunday Vigil:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m. (Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
Holy Day Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for
individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in
need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious
Education Office.
BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call
to make arrangements. Parents are required to
receive orientation.
MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage
requires one year’s notice. Please contact the
rectory for appointment.
Holy Day
6:30 a.m.; 8:30 a.m.;
7:00 p.m. (Polish)
MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to
arrange visitation.
6:30 a.m. (mon-fri); 7:00 a.m. (tue, fri, sat)
PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to
become part of St. Joseph Parish Family,
please call the rectory.
Eve of Holy Days:
Thurs. before First Friday
First Friday:
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby
ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok
przed datą ślubu.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector: .............. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor .... Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Weekend assistance…..Rev. Charles Borowski
Financial Secretary ........................ Ewa Mamro
Secretaries:Virginia Woznicki&Elizabeth Sabaj
Organist: ..................................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristan ........................................ Joseph Ziak
53 Whitcomb Street,
Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467
Fax: 508-943-0808
e-mail: [email protected]
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną
posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy
przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster
Phone: 508-943-0378
Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal...........Mr. Michael Hackenson
Secretary ...........Mrs. Cynthia Belanger
Phone: 508-943-0467 ext.: 115
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 508-943-2228
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December 13, 2015
Masses for the week—Msze Św. w Tygodniu
Sunday Vigil
4:00pm r.s. Mary Ellen Wrubleski - int. Jane, Linden, Katie
and Tyler O’Leary
Sunday - December 13
7:00 Za wypominki
8:15 r.s. Carl G. & Helen P. Thompson
- int. Kohut family
9:30 r.s. Dowgiewicz, Duffy, Lepine & Lariviere families
- int. Mark and Richard Dowgiewicz
r.s. Carolyn Lynch - int. Msgr. A. Czarnecki
11:00 ś.p. Janusz Majczak - int. siostra z rodziną
Monday - December 14
6:30 r.s. Elaine Ruda (10th anniv.)
- int. Ruda and Grzych families
2:00pm Brookside Nursing Home
Tuesday– December 15
6:30 r.s. Charles & Emily Kulpan - int. Daughter, Charlotte
7:00 r.s. Thomas Minarik - Daughter, son and family
Wednesday - December 16
6:30 Asking God’s blessing for our SJS students and
faculty through the intercession of St. Joseph
7:00pm For intentions requested for needed graces through the
intercession of St. Joseph
Thursday - December 17
6:30 r.s. Stasia (anniv.) and Lymert Balcom
- int. Son and family
Friday - December 18
6:30 r.s. Joseph Leonetti - int. Charlotte Strzelewicz
and Theresa Rohr
7:00 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
Saturday – December 19
7:00 r.s. Norman Duclos - int. Wife and family
Sunday Vigil
4:00 r.s. Spiewak Family & Elizabeth Szymczak (15th
anniv.) - int. Leonard Jacob and Szymczak family
Sunday - December 20
7:00 Za parafian
8:15 r.s. Thomas Gorski, Sr. (2nd anniv.) - int. Family
9:30 r.s. Veronica Kohut (71st anniv.) - int. Kohut family
r.s. Mary Clare Haskin - int. Msgr. A. Czarnecki
11:00 ś.p. Stanisław Hynek (3 r. śm.)
-int. córka Jadwiga z dziećmi
I-25 Club Winner for 12th week
#121—Pamela Dion
St. Joseph Polish Women’s Club - Cat’s Meow Shelf
Sitter ($20) and Ornament of our Basilica ($15)will be
on sale before & after masses this weekend.
Weekly $4781.20 (including $332.20 in loose money);
Diocesan Obligations $1425.42 (including $102.42 in loose
money); Fuel $61; Immaculate Conception $785;
Weekly Budget $7000
13 grudnia - 2015r.
Stewardship Note: “Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your
requests known to God.” St. Paul reminds us that our God is
an abundant God, the ultimate giver of gifts. He promises to
give us all that we need. When we trust that God will take
care of us, it is easier for us to share what we have been given.
With joy you will draw water at the fountain of salvation.
- Isaiah 12:3
For the week of December 13 through December 19
Blessed Mother Altar—Candle I
In loving memory of Edward Kijek
Given by Wife and Family
Sacred Heart Altar—Candle I
In celebration of Jacob Mailloux’s 19th Birthday
Given by his Mother
In the world filled with insanity, killings and tragedies, the Advent Season
brings a change in mood. Through the
public media—television and newspapers,
we feel caught up in the season of joy,
celebration and lavish giving. Someone may ask why in this
cold and complex world, filled with selfishness, greed and
insensitivity, comes the spirit of unusual joy and sharing.
It all began some 2000 years ago in the little Town of Bethlehem where the Son of God, the Savior of the World was born.
Jesus joined humanity and bonded with every person, especially the poor and needy. That closeness of God altered the
attitude and brought so much joy to humans that they instinctively turned their attention to others.
We are all in need of God’s goodness, love and mercy and
will receive it only when we give it away. The spirit of sharing and giving, which is a predominant trend of the season, is
the external expression of the inner joy that only God can bring
to the human heart. Our life is only Christian when we serve
others, just as Jesus did.
An abundance of generosity to others, especially to the
Church of Jesus Christ is a spontaneous need of every human
being. Jesus is worth more than anything else in the world.
Giving and sharing with Jesus through His Church, by loving
and forgiving, only then, can we experience the wonderful feeling of the “Miracle of Christmas. “
This week’s second collection
is for Higher Utility and Energy Costs.
Next weekend’s second collection is designated
for the Retirement Fund for Religious.
Please join us on this Sunday, December 13th at 2:00pm at
the Bartlett High School Auditorium for our special presentation by our SJS students of “The Second Noel”. This Christmas show is a major part of our tradition and we should feel
the need to participate.
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It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing
of Father Joseph Szwach on December 8th. In his will he
expressed his wish to have Visitation, Wake Service and
Funeral Mass in his home parish, St. Joseph Basilica.
Visitation - Tuesday, Dec. 15 from 4:00 - 7:00pm
Wake Service - at 7:00pm
Funeral Mass - Wednesday, Dec. 16 at 11:00am
Burial at St. Joseph Garden of Peace
Fr. Szwach would have celebrated his 87th birthday on
December 9th. We ask that you remember our native son and
former curate in your prayers.
You are invited to the Opening Liturgy for the Jubilee Year of
Mercy in the Diocese of Worcester with Vespers and Eucharistic
Adoration on Sunday, December 13th at 4pm at the Cathedral
of St. Paul, Worcester, MA. Bishop McManus will bless and
solemnly open the Jubilee Holy Door in the Cathedral as well as
designate churches in our diocese for local pilgrimages.
Opening the Jubilee Year of Mercy in Rome, Pope Francis
said, “God’s mercy is “the beating heart of the Gospel,” and that
mercy “must penetrate the heart and mind” of every disciple. “
Orders taken until Sunday, Dec. 13th for Cheese and Cabbage
Pierogi made on the premises for pick up next weekend (Dec., 19
& 20th). $16 per dozen or $8 for a half-dozen. Order forms
available at Basilica entrances.
HELP-we need our enthusiastic pierogi makers to help prepare the pierogi on Mon. thru Thurs. 12/14-17 at 4:00pm in
the school cafeteria.
Save the date - Our Hospitality Committee invites
parishioners and friends to the Christmas Social on
Saturday, December 19th at 5:00pm in our school
cafeteria. We ask our parish chefs to bring a crock
pot of soup, chili, stew, or baked goods, breads, etc. for
all to enjoy. Please call Janet Stoica at (508) 735-8095
as to what you will bring to satisfy one’s palate. We
will be entertained by our school choir and best of all
there is no cost to join us to share in our common
There is still time to choose an “Angel” from our Giving Trees
placed in the sanctuary and at the entrance of our Basilica. This
year there is a great need to assist the less fortunate— children
and the elderly. You may provide tuition assistance for students
at SJS, help to pay for heating costs, or put food on their table.
If you are planning to make a monetary donation, please bring
your Angel to the rectory. For distribution purposes, we ask
that you return your gifts before December 15th.
Thank you to the Parish Council for their leadership in
sponsoring the MegaRaffle for the benefit of St. Joseph Basilica. Our Raffle Winners are: First Prize $3,000 - Betty Sabaj; Second Prize $1,000 - Michael Kane; Third Prize $500 Bogdan and Marzena Lachcik. Congratulations to our winners!
We are grateful to Betty Sabaj for donating $500 of her
good fortune and also Michael Kane for giving $300 of his
winnings to our Basilica.
Thank you to all parishioners who supported this fundraiser.
Also, thank you to the Home School Association for serving hot chocolate to the children and promoting the “Gift
Shop” and St. Nicholas’ visit for our youngsters.
Grade 4 - High Honors: Sophie Buffone, Daniel Gronek,
Cheyanne Matthews, Noalani Perez, Katrina Piekielniak,
Wiktoria Potem, Adrian Sobczak, Jillian Treveloni — Honors: Gavin Abbott, Roksanna Chruslicka; Kyleigh Earley,
Sara Grupposo, Dominic Pigeon, Kristina Montione, Gracie
Scott, Jacob Sirard.
Grade 5 - High Honors: Christopher Best, Benjamin Duquette, Nicholas Fennelly, Remonda Mankarios, Alexandro
Montreuil, Kaileigh Strong, Jadyen Williams —Honors:
Emma Boulet, Patrick Mahlert; Morgan Royston, Kaeleigh
Sullivan, Alexandra Thompson, Julia Zdrok —Credit: Olivia
Montione, Joshua Njoroge, Alyssa Thompson.
Grade 6 - High Honors: Benjamin Duval, Elzbieta
Gronek, Szymon Mamro, Emilia Pianka, Juliana Zalewski —
Honors: Seth Boudreau, Benjamin Colebourn, Hayden Dery,
Olivia Duquette, Julia Libuda, Antonia Peters, Riley Peters,
Sebastian Podgorrny —Credit: Lily Abbott, Izabella Bezak,
Jacob Boynton, Elizabeth Walker.
Grade 7 - High Honors: David Mankarios —Honors:
Christopher Mahlert, Edison Rosario, MacKenzie Valliere —
Credit: Jack Colebourn, Adriana Duby.
Grade 8 - High Honors: Abigail Duval —Honors: Jessica Gardner, Aleksandra Piascik, AnnMarie Taylor, Lucas
Yash —Credit: Nolan Ciani, Paul Davey, John Medaglia,
Antoni Piascik, Rachael Taylor.
I always look forward to the celebration of Christmas
lunch with the children of SJS before their break. All the students, faculty, school and rectory staff will come together on
Monday, Dec. 21st to share the Christmas Wafer (oplatek),
good company, and Christmas music in the school cafeteria as
a prelude to our family celebration at home at Wigilia.
This is my Christmas treat to the children who are my
pride and joy. At this time of the year the students look with
anticipation and wonder for this gathering.
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New members were accepted into the Children of Mary
Sodality last Saturday at 4:00pm Mass. The inductees are:
Alexandra Bergeron, Elizabeth Mahlert, Maya Podskarbi,
Kristina Montione, Noalani Perez, Julia Libuda and Emila
They were welcomed by President, AnnMarie Taylor, Vice
President, Jessica Gardner, Secretary, Rachael Taylor,
Treasurer, Elzbieta Gronek.
We are grateful to Sr. Mary Ann for her guidance and
spiritual leadership to this Sodality. May these young ladies
grow in their devotion to the Mother of God and practice all her
virtues throughout their lives.
On Wednesday, Dec., 16th at 7:00pm our Eucharistic
ministers will carry the statue of our Patron into the sanctuary.
St. Joseph has been an inspiration to many and is perhaps one
of the most beloved saints venerated amongst Catholics today.
His life as a husband, foster father, craftsman, traveler and
guide can motivate us through his strength and grace to become
a role model for the Universal Church.
At various shrines and churches dedicated to him, people
make requests for special favors and also messages of gratitude
for blessings received. Please remember to write your
intentions legibly on forms available in the Chapel. We thank
you for your offerings.
Mark your calendar - the HSA is sponsoring an “Eat Bread
To Raise Dough” fund raiser on Thurs., Dec. 17th from 48:00pm at Panera Bread 2 Worcester Rd., More information on
enclosed flyer.
Friends of St. Joseph School Fund - in memory of John
Parslow, given by Edward & Anna Kudron, Richard & Zofia
Walker and Edward & Dorothy Szymczak.
Could you spare a few hours to assist our Altar Guild in
preparing the interior of our Basilica for Christmas? Please call
Fred & Sylvia Kitka at (508) 943-0201 for more details.
You will feel great satisfaction by joining our volunteers to
decorate our church at this special time of the year. As you
know our Basilica doors are open to hundreds to experience the
aura of Christmas here at St. Joseph’s.
Novena to the Infant Jesus—begins Wed., Dec., 16th a
traditional nine-day Novena of interrupted prayers. We will
recite abbreviated prayers on the weekend as well as following
the daily 6:30am mass to fulfill this requirement.
REMINDER: On Mon., evening Dec. 21st at 6:00pm we
will hold a Reconciliation Service for all parishioners
including youngsters from the Religious Education Program.
Clergy from various parishes will assist to facilitate
reconciliation for your convenience.
The Cash Calendars for the month of January are now on sale
just in time for the perfect Christmas gift, birthday gift or a special remembrance. Look for Patti and Dottie who will be selling calendars after Masses at the front entrance of the Basilica
or contact your usual favorite seller.
Compared to other games of chance, percentage-wise you
have an excellent opportunity to win during January which has
31-drawing days. Proceeds benefit our Basilica.
Friday Night Bingo - join us on Friday, Dec., 18th in the
school cafeteria for an evening of anticipation and good company. Doors open at 5:00pm and games begin at 6:45pm. Holy
Rosary Sodality Members will be on hand to assist you.
Boy Scout Troop 173 - Pancake Breakfast with Santa will be held on Sun., Dec., 20th from 9:00am till noon in the
school cafeteria. Ham, eggs and pancakes for $5 per person,
children 5 and under are free.
Retirement Fund for Religious - appeal will be held at our
Basilica on Dec. 19th & 20th which benefits more than 33,600
elderly sisters, brothers and religious order priests. Through
their ministry they serve the poor, the lonely and the oppressed.
In thanksgiving for all they have done for us, let us be generous and also pray for God’s continued blessing for all the members of our religious community.
We are grateful to the Sitkowski & Malboeuf Funeral Home,
Inc. for providing us with beautifully designed and informative
2016 English calendars “Divine Believers” and the Polish version “Wyznawcy Boga”. These calendars depict scenes from
the Bible, indicate Holy Days and Saint’s Feast Days, etc. and
should be displayed in every home. They are available in the
sacristy and your kind donations will be forwarded to our Hospitality Committee.
Religious Education classes will be held on Mon., Dec. 14th
at 5:30pm in the school. Second grade class parent/student
session for First Penance at 5:30—6:30pm.
Confirmation classes - will next meet on Sun., Dec., 20th at
8:15am in the rectory.
Men’s Cursillo in December - Cursillo or “short course in
Christianity” is an uplifting and educational experience. The
weekend is conducted by a team of laypeople and clergy who
deliver organized talks and discussions. The next men’s Cursillo weekend will be held December 17-20 at the Prindle Conference Center in Charlton, MA. For additional information
please contact Carolyn Galgano at (508) 847-7005.
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Dzisiejsza druga kolekta jest przeznaczona
na pokrycie kosztów utrzymania i energii.
13 grudnia 2015
Druga kolekta w przeszłą niedzielę będzie przeznaczona
na Retirement Fund for Religious.
“Wy zaś z weselem wodę czerpać będziecie
ze zdrojów zbawienia.” (Iz 121, 3)
Zapraszamy wszystkich bardzo serdecznie na doroczne
Przedstawienie Świąteczne pod tytułem „The Second Noel”
w wykonaniu dzieci ze Szkoły św. Józefa. Odbędzie się ono
już dziś o godz. 14:00 w sali audiowizualnej Bartlett High
„Choinki z aniołkami” znajdują się przy prezbiterium
i w wejściu do Bazyliki. Pomagając dzieciom i osobom
starszym stajemy się aniołami mądrości, edukacji
i miłosierdzia, które rozświetlają czas Świąt dla bliźnich
w potrzebie. Istnieje duże zapotrzebowanie na wsparcie opłat
za szkołę dla rodzin, które pragną by ich dzieci uczęszczały
no Szkoły św. Józefa., ale doświadczają trudności
finansowych i nie są w stanie same sprostać takiemu
wydatkowi. Prosimy umieszczać aniołki na zapakowanych
prezentach i umieszczanie ich pod drzewkami w Bazylice.
Prezenty będą zbierane do 15 grudnia. Datki pieniężne
prosimy przynosić na plebanię lub wkładać do koszyków z
kolektą. Bóg zapłać.
„Pan jest blisko” nie tylko dlatego, że na
horyzoncie widać już Boże Narodzenie. Pan
jest blisko każdego dnia. Jest blisko,
ponieważ uczestniczymy w Eucharystii. Jest
blisko, bo obok nas jest bliźni. A więc „co
mamy czynić?” – z takim pytaniem zwracamy się do Jana
Chrzciciela. A on odpowiada niezwykle prosto i daje nam do
zrozumienia, że mamy być tam, gdzie jesteśmy. Mamy
wykonywać uczciwie wszystkie obowiązki, porzucić to, co
w naszym życiu złe, i ufać Bogu. On sam nas znajdzie.
Spotkamy Go naszej codzienności.
Uroczysta liturgia otwarcia Roku Miłosierdzia w naszej
diecezji, odbędzie się w czasie Nieszporów i Adoracji
Najświętszego Sakramentu dzisiejszej niedzieli o godz. 16:00,
w katedrze św. Pawła w Worcester. Nasz biskup Robert
McManus pobłogosławi i uroczyście otworzy Święte Drzwi
Jubileuszowe w katedrze, a także wyznaczy świątynie,
do których będzie można pielgrzymować w ciągu całego roku.
W czasie otwarcia Roku Miłosierdzia w Rzymie, papież
Franciszek powiedział, że „Boże Miłosierdzie jest bijącym
sercem Ewangelii i musi ono przenikać serca i umysły
wszystkich uczniów Chrystusa”
Jeszcze tylko dziś można składać zamówienia na pierogi, które
będą do odebrania w przyszły weekend. Przypominamy,
że pierogi można nabyć w cenie $16 za tuzin lub $8 za pół tuzina.
Formularze zamówieniowe są dostępne przy wejściach
do bazyliki.
Potrzebni wolontariusze – potrzebujemy entuzjastów robienia
pierogów do przygotowania pierogów na sprzedaż. Pierogi
będziemy robili w szkolnej kafeterii od wtorku do czwartku
w tym tygodniu od godz. 16:00.
Hospitality Committee zaprasza wszystkich parafian i
przyjaciół, oraz tych, którzy pragną poczuć w sercu
atmosferę radości płynącej z Narodzenia Pańskiego,
na Spotkania Świąteczne w sobotę, 19 grudnia o godz.
19:00 w szkolnej kafeterii. Prosimy o przyniesienie
w miarę możliwości zupę, chili, gulasz, chleb, ciasto lub
inne przekąski. Dla uzyskania szczegółów co do
potrzebnych produktów prosimy o kontakt z Janet Stoica:
508 735 8095.
W czasie spotkania będziemy mogli posłuchać występu
chóru szkolnego. Wstęp na spotkanie darmowy.
Do zobaczenia.
Altar Guild zawraca się, jak co roku, z prośbą o pomoc
w dekorowaniu naszej świątyni na Święta Bożego
Narodzenia. Prace przy dekoracjach rozpoczniemy już
w najbliższy czwartek. Chętnych do pomocy prosimy
o kontakt z Sylwią i Fredem Kutka lub ks. Grzegorzem.
W czasie świąt naszą bazylikę odwiedza mnóstwo gości,
którzy zawsze są pod wielkim wrażeniem wystroju wnętrza.
Aby osiągnąć ten efekt potrzeba wielu godzin pracy
i poświecenia, ale włożony trud zawsze procentuje ogromną
satysfakcją o osiągniętego efektu. Zapraszamy do pomocy
i z góry serdecznie dziękujemy.
W środę, 16 grudnia rozpoczniemy bezpośrednie
przygotowanie do obchodów Bożego Narodzenia. Na każdej
Mszy św. będziemy odmawiali modlitwę Nowenny
do Dzieciatka Jezus.
Do dobrego przygotowania do Świąt należy również odbyta
spowiedź. W naszej parafii odbędzie się ona w poniedziałek,
21 grudnia o godz. 18:00.
We wtorek, 8 grudnia, w Uroczystość Niepokalanego
Poczęcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny, w wieku 87 lat,
odszedł do wieczności wieloletni proboszcz parafii
św. Andrzeja Boboli w Dudley, a obecnie przebywający
na emeryturze, ks. Józef Szwach. Wolą jego było,
aby uroczystości pogrzebowe odbyły się w naszej
Bazylice, jego rodzinnym kościele.
Ciało ś.p. księdza Szwacha będzie wystawione
w Bazylice we wtorek, 15 grudnia od godz. 16:00.
Nieszpory Żałobne – wtorek, 15 grudnia o godz. 19:00
Msza pogrzebowa – środa, 16 grudnia, godz. 11:00
St. Joseph Basilica #511990
53 Whitcomb Street
Webster, MA 01570
508 943-0467
Fr. Gregory Chodkowski
508 612 8526
EMAIL: [email protected]
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Wednesday 11:00
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