Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith,
by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization
and nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal
growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values
and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
Sunday Vigil:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
Holy Day Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for
individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in
need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious
Education Office.
BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call
to make arrangements. Parents are required to
receive orientation.
MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage
requires one year’s notice. Please contact the
rectory for appointment.
Holy Day
6:30 a.m.; 8:30 a.m.;
5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. (Polish)
MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to
arrange visitation.
6:30 a.m. (mon-fri); 7:00 a.m. (tue, fri, sat)
PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to
become part of St. Joseph Parish Family,
please call the rectory.
Eve of Holy Days:
Thurs. before First Friday
First Friday:
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby
ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok
przed datą ślubu.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector: .............. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor .... Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Weekend assistance…..Rev. Charles Borowski
Financial Secretary ........................ Ewa Mamro
Secretaries:Virginia Woznicki&Elizabeth Sabaj
Organist: ..................................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristan ........................................ Joseph Ziak
53 Whitcomb Street,
Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467
Fax: 508-943-0808
e-mail: [email protected]
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną
posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy
przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster
Phone: 508-943-0378
Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal ........... Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary ...........Mrs. Cynthia Belanger
Phone: 508-943-0467 ext.: 115
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 508-943-2228
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May 3, 2015
Masses for the week—Msze Św. w Tygodniu
Sunday Vigil
4:00pm r.s. Alfreda Cimoch - int. Helen Lipski and children
Sunday - May 3
7:00 ś.p. Maria i Stanisław Miśkowicz - int. rodzina Wójcik
z okazji imienin
8:15 r.s. Louis A. & Winifred T. Kiwak - int. Son Louis J.
and daughter-in-law Nancy M. Kiwak
9:30 Family Mass – r.s. Stasia Nalepa (month’s mind)
- int. Theresa, Ann, Genevieve, John and Stanley
11:00 ś.p. Stanisław i Jóżef Szczepaniak - int. Teresa Plewa
12:30pm First Holy Eucharist Mass
Monday - May 4
6:30 Za wypominki
2:00pm Christopher Heights
Tuesday– May 5
6:30 r.s. Louis Kondek - int. Family
7:00 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
Wednesday - May 6
6:30 Z dziękczynnieniem dla św. Józefa za łaski i opięke
dla licznej rodziny Leokadji i Wacława Kozioł.
7:00pm Z dziękczynieniem za 49 lat małżenstwa z prośbą do
św. Józefa o opiękę i zdrowie na dlasze lata życia. int. rodzina Orzechowskich
Thursday - May 7
6:30 r.s. Edward L. Kozlowski - int. Wife Sylvia & family
Friday - May 8
6:30 r.s. Martha Saborowski - int. Nieces, Theresa M. Rohr
and Charlotte J. Strzelewicz
7:00 For the deceased members of the Walter Dymon
family - int. Charles Pelczarski
Saturday – May 9
7:00 r.s. Leon (anniv.) and Helen Klejna
- int. Dorothy Sabaj and family
Sunday Vigil
4:00 In thanksgiving to God for 50 years of Marriage
Robert and Dorothy Jezierski
Sunday - May 10 - Mothers’ Day—Dzien Matek
7:00 W intencji wszytkich Matek-Bazyliki sw. Jóżefa
8:15 Mother’s Day Remembrance envelope intentions
9:30 Mother’s Day Remembrance envelope intentions
11:00 Za dusze zmarlych Matek z parafii sw. Jóżefa
I-25 Club Winner for 6th week
#143—Thomas Balcom
We will continue the sale of May Cash Calendars through
this weekend Sat., May 2 and Sun., May 3. Thank you for your
Weekly $5402 (including $379 in loose money) Diocesan
Obligations $188; Fuel 270; Educational Excellence $10
Weekly Budget $7000
3 maj - 2015r.
Stewardship Notes: “Children, let us love not in word or
speech but in deed and truth.” Do you “walk the talk?” Does
your action reflect what you say? If not, spend time every day
in prayer, give some of your talent to help one of your parish’s
ministries and give some of your money to support the work of
the Church.
For the week of May 3rd through May 9th
Candle I
In memory of Helen Ostrokolowicz (4th anniversary)
Given by Edward and Lorraine Ostrokolowicz
May 3, 2015
Let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth.
-I John 3:18
“Children, let us love not in word or speech but
in deed and truth.” John’s words come to us on
this day when the Gospel passage presents us with
the great image of the vine and the branches. Jesus uses the image as a warning to those who have
begun to distance themselves from the way of the Lord. One of
the ways this happens is when we love God and others “in
word or speech” instead of “in deed and truth.” What does it
mean for us to “remain in Christ”? In an extension of the metaphor, the Lord gives us an example. If we remain in him, we
will bear much fruit. As the branches, we draw strength from
Christ who is the vine. This strength enables us to bear fruit—
to do the work of true discipleship.
This week’s second collection
is for Parish Obligation to the Diocese.
Next weekend’s second collection is designated
for Higher Utility and Energy and Costs.
Many Blessings and Congratulations to the following students celebrating their First Holy Communion at the 12:30pm
Mass on Sunday, May 3rd: Alexandra Bergeron, Dale
Boudreau, Lucas Boynton, Nicole Brzozowska, Maya Chojnicki, Dominik Duby, Lily Durda, Dominik Gielarowiec,
Kayah Jadczak, Robert Jadczak, Dylan Jagiello, Nicholas Janeczek, Elizabeth Mahlert, Kaitlyn Maklary, Tatiana Pelka,
Daniel Pelletier, Natalia Piwowarczyk, Maya Podskarbi, Lukas
Skalecki and Ava Williams.
May they continue to grow in Christ’s love through receiving
Him frequently in the Holy Eucharist. We ask our parishioners
to pray for these young people to show them that they are supported and loved by their Parish Family.
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Please join our school children and our First Communion
Class in the traditional Crowning of the Statue of Blessed Mary
on Monday, May 4th at 7:00pm.
The Children of Mary, Altar Servers, Members of Parish
Organizations and Ministries together with Parishioners and
friends are asked to process into the Basilica.
Following devotions the First Communion Class will be
treated to an Ice Cream Party at the rectory.
Reminder: - we gather every evening at 7:00pm during the
month of May for Devotions and Litany to our Blessed Mother.
Please take a few minutes of your time to take part in this
beautiful custom.
Thank you to all our parishioners who have contributed to
this 2015 appeal. To date your gifts total $20, 127 or 81% of
our goal. Our campaign continues and you still have time to
make a pledge (forms in pews) and return to the rectory.
Through your generous support we are able to serve
thousands of families in Worcester County including Webster.
We invite parishioners and friends to come to our Basilica for
our weekly Devotion and Novena to our Patron. This week our
Parish Council members will assist in carrying the statue of St.
Joseph into the sanctuary.
As most of us experience uncertainty and doubt in our lives,
we have the opportunity through the intercession of our Patron
to turn our thoughts toward the joys of heaven and ask for his
help to live our lives in surrendering love to the gospel of Jesus
We ask that you kindly note your needs on the petition slips
available in the Chapel. Your requests will be read during the
service. Your offerings are appreciated.
On Thurs., May 7th at 7:00pm fourteen young adults from
our parish will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at Sacred
Heart of Jesus Church, Webster. Confirmation Candidates are:
Michael Bialuk, Jack Cieszynski, Sylvia Czyż, Gordon Ellis,
Jared Gordon, Kassandra Maria Jaskólski, Sean Kirby, Zachary
Mailloux, Olivia Mason, Nicole Mikucki, Amadeusz
Piwowarczyk, Jillian Recko, Erick Ropi and Leo Dante Turo.
Congratulations to all in our confirmation class!
DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY - will be observed at our
Basilica on Sunday, May 10th at 3:00pm. We will pray for
special graces needed in our lives and in the world. Please
encourage your family and friends to join us for this meaningful
devotion as we celebrate the merciful love of Jesus Christ.
Next Sunday, May 10th is Mothers Day. On this special day
all Masses will be offered for mothers living and deceased and
for the intentions you submitted in your remembrance
envelopes. A mother plays a unique role in the life of her
children. Let us remember our mothers with a prayer on this
day for the love and sacrifices they made on our behalf.
Last week we reported a return from the HSA auction. Following the final accounting including all contributions, payments, the matching Allegro Co. gift and donations we realized
a profit of $13,874.92 for our school. Thank you to parents,
faculty, staff, students and parishioners who all contributed to
making this auction such a great success.
- HSA/St. Joseph School
We are proud to announce that two of our 2014 graduates of
St. Joseph School were winners in the recent Freshman Science
Fair held at Marianapolis Preparatory School. In the chemistry
category, Tomasz Mamro placed third with “Will Sugar Affect
Water’s Index of Refraction?” and in the psychology division,
Shauna Harney’s “Multitasking” earned her third place honors. Congratulations to our alumni for achieving such high
Festival meeting on Tuesday, May 5th at 6:30pm in the St.
Joseph School promethean room. We invite all Chairpersons and everyone to share suggestions and ideas to help us
make our festival interesting and successful.
Money Raffle– tickets have been mailed to you this week $5,000 in prizes—First Prize $3,000; Second Prize $1,500;
Third Prize $500 - Donations $5 per ticket or book of 3 for $10.
Early Bird Special– 5 lucky winners drawn from the tickets
returned prior to May 24, 2015 will receive 1 free book of tickets. Advance sales are necessary as we assume many start-up
costs and we appreciate your asking family, friends and coworkers to purchase the money raffle tickets.
Country Store - we need your assistance in filling our
Country Store baskets with non-perishable items such as baby
items, personal care items and general grocery staples. School
classrooms have been assigned theme baskets, eg., Italian,
breakfast, etc. Donations may be placed in boxes set at the entrances of the Basilica. Thank you in advance.
Garage Sale - we will accept usable items in good condition
for our garage sale. NO TV’s or large pieces of furniture.
More details forthcoming.
Attention: we need your help before, during and after the
festival. Please contact Volunteer Coordinator, Cindi Gardner
at (508)461-9054 if you can offer a few hours to support our
Last week several new members participated in the Holy
Hour before the Blessed Sacrament sponsored by the Hospitality Committee. The following suggestions were made: develop
post cards to be sent to those who do not worship on Sundays;
identify and phone those who have lost contact with the church;
during the summertime one special devotion or mass introduced
in the evening. New members are: Stephen & Sylwia Kohut,
chairpersons, Kelly Cronan, Tom Liro, Tim and Barbara West,
Theresa Kosakoski and Lorrie Przystas. Next meeting in June.
We ask parishioners to take the responsibility to evangelize
those family members, friends and neighbors who do not participate in Divine Worship.
Page 4
St. Joseph Gymnasium/Parish Center - $50 in memory of
Barbara Marcotte.
April monthly envelopes - total collected was $2447.
St. Joseph School - we are grateful to four individuals for
their positive response of $600 to needy a student who is experiencing financial difficulties.
Friends of St. Joseph School Fund - in memory of Pauline
Dziembowski, given by Reine and Denise Gorski, Donna and
James Recko; - in memory of Phyllis Naramore and Rita
Kubik by Connie Favreau; - in memory of Nellie Kurowski by
Kondek Sisters.
God Bless all of our generous and caring donors for supporting our Parish!
Happy Birthday wishes go out to the following parishioners
who will be celebrating their 90+ birthdays in May: Wanda
Poblocki, Sally Barnaby, Louis Przystas and Julia Hanc.
May the beautiful month of Our Lady, the scent of Lily of the
Valley and gifts of emeralds fill your days with happiness and
On Friday, May 8th we invite parishioners and friends to
join our group of ardent bingo fans to St. Joseph School for an
evening of fun and excitement of winning cash prizes. Doors
open at 5:00pm and games begin at 6:45pm. You can enjoy a
light snack and pastry with your (free coffee) and also make
new acquaintances.
Members of the St. Joseph Polish
Women’s Club will be on hand to assist our guests.
St. Joseph Polish Women’s Club- Executive Board will
meet on Wed., May 6th at the home of Cindi Gardner at
Guest Night will be held on Tues., May 12 at 7:00pm in the
school cafeteria. A light supper will be served and entertainment provided. Hostesses for the evening will be JoAnn Canty
and Marlene Proulx. Please RSVP to Cindi (508)461-5094 if
you will be attending.
Knights of Columbus—Chapter #12980—will meet on
Wednesday, May 6th at 7:00pm in the Conference Room.
SAVE THE DATE - On Sunday, May 24th at 2:00pm, Rev.
Joseph F. Szwach will celebrate his 60th Anniversary Mass of
Ordination at St. Andrew Bobola Church, Dudley, MA.
Reception following Mass at LaSalle Reception Center located at 444 Main Street, Southbridge, MA -Cocktail Hour4pm;Dinner- 5pm; Dinner choices are Chicken Piccata, Baked
Salmon or Prime Rib with appetizers, salad, mashed potatoes,
vegetables and apple crisp. Coffee, tea, and a cash bar are
available. Dennis Polisky & The Maestro's Men will perform
from 4:00pm - 8:00pm. Tickets are $40.00 pp and may be purchased by contacting Cindy at 508-943-1903 or Marlene at 508943-4464.
Classes on Mon., May 4th at 5:30pm in the school. We invite students to participate in the Crowning of Blessed Mother
at 7:00pm in our Basilica.
Youth Mass Prep Session with pizza on Friday, May 8th from 68pm at the Youth Center.
Camp Weekend Retreat - May 15– 17 - Grds. 3-5: Sat., 19:00pm; Grds 6-8: Sat., 9:00am—Sun., 11:00am; Grds. 9-12: Fri.,
6:00pm—Sun., 11:00am.
VBS Training & preparation session, May 16-Grds.6-12 at 9am1pm
Sunday, May 17th 3-5pm in Sacred Heart Church Hall - we invite
all adult volunteers and youth camp counselors to plan for Camp in
June. If you would like to volunteer or be a counselor, please contact
Laura Kenney at (508) 943-2478.
“Camp Catholic” Vacation Bible School” - June 22-26th from
9am—12:00pm daily. Each day will have its own faith based theme
and will include music, a scripture story, crafts, games and a snack.
We welcome children in Pre-K and up. Children in grades 6-12 are
eligible to be camp counselors. Adult volunteers are also needed to
help during camp. More information to follow. Sign-up sheets at entrances of Basilica.
Mass and Divine Mercy Devotions Every Wednesday
Evening - at St. Andrew Bobola Church, Dudley, MA at
6:30pm. Please join us for praying the Chaplet and venerating
a first class relic of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska and encourage
others to accompany you. Now is the time for mercy.
Adult Education at St. Anthony of Padua - Bible Explorer Series begins on Mon., May 4 at 9:30-11:00am-topic Search for Mt.
Sinai. Anyone is welcome. Call Linda at (508)949-0335 for details.
“Reflections on the Prophets” at St. Louis Church Hall on May 7th
at 6:30pm. No fee-bring a bible and a friend. Light refreshments
Bernadette Circle #709, D. of I., - May 17-Newport Playhouse
“Cheaters” Show, Cabaret. Cost is $85. Bus leaves Webster at
9:00am. Call Janet at (508) 887-2215 for more information.
Medicine, Bioethics and Spirituality Conference The
Healthcare Professionals for Divine Mercy will sponsor the Annual
Medicine, Bioethics and Spirituality Conference on May 6 & 7th at
the College of the Holy Cross, Worcester. Presenters include
Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski, President of the Pontifical Council
for Health Care Workers, Bishop Robert J. McManus, Dr. Paul Carpentier, Dr. Mark Rollo, Fr. Mark Yavarone, OMV and many more.
Continuing education credits for health care professionals are available. For more information and to register:
worcester or call (866)895-3236. Please refer to flyers located at the
entrances of our Basilica.
Dedication of the Outdoor Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes Patroness of the Sick—St. Ann’s Church, N. Oxford, on Sat., May 16th
at 11:00am. Blessing, recitation of the Rosary, Litany to Our Lady
with refreshments to follow.
Monastic Experience Weekend - on May 29-31st we invite single
men (18-40 years old) to experience from within the rhythm and balance of Benedictine monastic prayer and community life in a house of
Benedictine monks at St. Mary’s Monastery in Petersham, MA. If
interested, please call (978)724-3350.
Dedication of Two New Saints, St. John Paul II and St. Peregrine - at St. Anne Shrine Outdoor Pavilion & Hall of Saints, Fiskdale,
MA on Sat., May 30th-Vigil Mass at 4:00pm. Refer to flyers at entrances of Basilica for more information.
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3 maja 2015
Obraz winnego krzewu i latorośli pozwala
odkryć zasady przynależności do Chrystusa.
Jesteśmy wszczepieni w Chrystusa; należymy do
Niego jak gałązka należy do drzewa. Z Niego, jak
ze źródła, czerpiemy życiodajne soki. Trwać
w Jezusie to brać od Niego życie. Wtedy nasze życie zostaje
przemienione, uświęcone i zaczyna przynosić owoc.
Dzisiejsza druga kolekta jest przeznaczona
na Zobowiązania Diecezjalne.
Druga kolekta w przyszła niedzielę będzie przeznaczana
na pokrycie kosztów utrzymania i energii.
Dzisiejsza niedziela, to wielkie święto dla całej wspólnoty
parafialnej. Po wielu miesiącach przygotowań dwadzieścioro dzieci
przyjmuje po raz pierwszy Komunię Świętą. Cieszymy się ich radością
i modlimy się, żeby to niesamowite, mistyczne spotkanie przerodziło
się w trwającą całe życie przyjaźń, która pozwoli im również cieszyć
się wieczna radością w niebie. Oto imiona tych, którzy dziś przeżyją
po raz pierwszy w pełny sposób ofiarę Mszy św.: Alexandra Bergeron,
Dale Boudreau, Lucas Boynton, Nicole Brzozowska, Maya Chojnicki,
Dominik Duby, Lily Durda, Dominik Gielarowiec, Kayah Jadczak,
Dylan Jagiełło, Nicholas Janeczek, Elizabeth Mahlert, Kaitlyn
Maklary, Tatiana Pelka, Daniel Pelletier, Natalia Piwowarczyk, Maya
Podskarbi, Łukasz Skałecki i Ava Williams.
UWAGA: Z racji obchodów Pierwszej Komunii Świętej adoracja
Najświętszego Sakramentu i Koronka do Miłosierdzia Bożego, którą
odmawiamy zwykle w pierwszą niedzielę miesiąca, zostanie
odprawiona za tydzień, 10 maja. Bardzo serdecznie wszystkich
zapraszamy i przepraszamy za zmianę.
W piękny majowy wieczór, w poniedziałek, 4 maja o godz. 19:00
zapraszamy parafian i wszystkich wielbicieli Matki Najświętszej do
naszej świątyni, aby waz dziećmi pierwszokomunijnymi i uczniami
naszej szkoły uczestniczyć w tradycyjnej celebracji Koronacji Maryi.
Celebracja rozpocznie się uroczystą procesją z parkingu przed szkołą.
Po nabożeństwie dzieci pierwszokomunijne spotykają się na plebanii
na Icecream Party.
Zapraszamy do przyłączenia się do Rady Parafialnej na
cotygodniowej Nowennie do św. Józefa w najbliższą środę o godz.
19:00. Wykorzystajmy okazję, aby poprosić naszego Patrona o
potrzebne łaski dla siebie i swoich rodzin.
Prosimy pisać intencje czytelnie, drukowanymi literami! Bóg zapłać
za składane przy tej okazji ofiary.
Przed nami miesiąc maj, a w raz z nim możliwość uwielbienia Boga
poprzez wstawiennictwo Najświętszej Maryi Panny. Jak co roku
będziemy gromadzili się na Nabożeństwo Majowe od poniedziałku do
piątku o godz. 19:00 i w niedziele po Mszy o godz. 11:00.
Szczególnie zapraszamy do udziału dzieci i młodzież. Dla dzieci
dodatkową zachętą będzie możliwość zbudowania pięknej kapliczki
Matki Bożej z otrzymywanych codziennie elementów. Serdecznie
W najbliższą niedzielę będziemy obchodzili Dzień Matki. W ten
szczególny dzień wszystkie Msze św. będą sprawowane w intencji
naszych matek, żyjących i tych, które już odeszły do wieczności.
Pamiętajmy w tym dniu w naszych modlitwach i osobach, które tak
wiele znaczą w życiu każdego z nas.
Serdecznie dziękujemy wszystkim parafianom, którzy swoimi
ofiarami wsparli tegoroczna zbiórkę charytatywną Partners in Charity.
Do tej pory zebraliśmy $21127, co stanowi około 81% sumy o jaką
zostaliśmy poproszeni. Zbiórka cały czas jest w toku i każdy, kto chce
się dołączyć może tego dokonać za pomocą kopert znajdujących się
w ławkach. Pamiętajmy, że dzięki naszym ofiarom, choćby
najmniejszym, pomagamy potrzebującym rodzinom w naszej diecezji.
Już w najbliższy czwartek czternaścioro młodych chrześcijan
przyjmie ostatni z Sakramentów Inicjacji Chrześcijańskiej –
Bierzmowanie. Umocnieni łaską Ducha Świętego będą odtąd
świadomie i odpowiedzialnie przeżywać swoje życie duchowe
i troszczyć się o Królestwo Boże pośród nich. Do grona wybrańców
należą: Michael Bialuk, Jack Michael Cieszynski, Sylvia Czyż,
Gordon Ellis, Jared Gordon, Kassandra Maria Jaskólski, Sean Joseph
Kirby, Zachary Joseph Mailloux, Olivia Rose Mason, Nicole Mikucki,
Amadeusz Piwowarczyk, Jillian Marie Recko, Erick Ropi, Leo Dante
UWAGA! Spotkanie przygotowawcze dla kandydatów i świadków
do Bierzmowania odbędzie się dziś, 3 maja o godz. 19:15 w kościele
Sacread Heart. Obecność obowiązkowa!
Z radością informujemy, że dwoje z ubiegłorocznych absolwentów
naszej szkoły zostało nagrodzonych podczas Kiermaszu Naukowego
w Marianapolis Preparatory School. Tomasz Mamro zajął trzecie
miejsce w dziedzinie chemii prezentując projekt na temat: “Will Sugar
Affect Water’s Index of Refraction?” (Czy zawartość cukru w wodzie
ma wpływ na współczynnik załamania światła?) oraz Shauna Harney
zajęła trzecie miejsce z psychologii prezentując projekt na temat:
„Multitasking” (Wielozadaniowość). Obojgu gratulujemy wspaniałych
rezultatów i życzymy przyszłych sukcesów. Wyrażamy jednocześnie
nadzieję, że podobne sukcesy będą udziałem również wielu byłych
i obecnych uczniów naszej szkoły.
Jak już informowaliśmy w ubiegłym tygodniu, wieloletni proboszcz
parafii św. Andrzeja Boboli, ks. Józef Szwach obchodzi w tym roku
jubileusz sześćdziesięciu lat posługi kapłańskiej. Dla uczczenie tego
wspaniałego wydarzenia, a także w wyraz wdzięczności dla
szanownego Jubilata za Jego posługę duszpasterską, w dniu 24 maja
(niedziela) o godz. 14:00 zostanie odprawiona uroczysta Msza św.
w kościele św. Andrzeja Boboli w Dudley. Wszystkich przyjaciół
i parafian serdecznie zapraszamy na wspólną modlitwę. Po Mszy
świętej odbędzie się przyjęcie w LaSalle Reception Center
w Southbridge. Początek o godz. 16:00. Bilety na przyjęcie w cenie
$40 od osoby można nabyć u Cindy: 508 943 1903 lub u Marlene: 508
943 4464. Serdeczeni zapraszamy.
w organizację oraz przebieg festiwalu we wtorek, 5 maja o 18:30
w „Promethian Room” w szkole (pierwsze piętro, pierwszy pokój
na prawo)
St. Joseph Basilica #511990
53 Whitcomb Street
Webster, MA 01570
508 943-0467
Fr. Gregory Chodkowski
508 612 8526
EMAIL: [email protected]
MSPublisher 2003
Adobe Acrobat 6
Windows XP
HP Laserjet 5P
Wednesday 11:00
November 13, 2011
1 through 6