Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith,
by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization
and nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal
growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values
and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
Sunday Vigil:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m. (Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
Holy Day Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for
individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in
need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious
Education Office.
BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call
to make arrangements. Parents are required to
receive orientation.
MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage
requires one year’s notice. Please contact the
rectory for appointment.
Holy Day
6:30 a.m.; 8:30 a.m.;
7:00 p.m. (Polish)
MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to
arrange visitation.
6:30 a.m. (Mon-Fri); 7:00 a.m. (Tue, Fri, Sat)
PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to
become part of St. Joseph Parish Family,
please call the rectory.
Saturday: after the Mass at 7:00 a.m. and at 3 p.m.
Thurs. before First Friday
3 p.m.
First Friday:
niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby
ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok
przed datą ślubu.
Rector: .............. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor .... Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Weekend assistance…..Rev. Charles Borowski
Business Manager ......................... Ewa Mamro
Secretaries:Virginia Woznicki&Elizabeth Sabaj
Organist: ..................................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristan ........................................ Joseph Ziak
53 Whitcomb Street,
Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467
Fax: 508-943-0808
e-mail: [email protected]
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną
posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy
przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster
Phone: 508-943-0378
Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal ..........Mr. Michael Hackenson
Secretary ...........Mrs. Cynthia Belanger
Phone: 508-943-0467 ext.: 115
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 508-943-2228
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November 6, 2016
Masses for the week—Msze Św. w Tygodniu
Sunday Vigil
4:00pm r.s. Paula Jean Szynal
- int. Godparents, Fred and Sylvia Kitka
Sunday - November 6
7:00 ś.p. Marii i Władysława Przybyło i Władysława
Skowron - int. córka z rodziną
8:15 r.s. Pearl Kozielewicz (1st anniv.) - int. Family
9:30 r.s. Bernard S. Przelomski, Sr., (anniv.)
- int. Wife and family
11:00 ś.p. Józef Brożyna - int. córka z rodziną
Monday - November 7
6:30 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
2:00pm Christopher Heights
Tuesday– November 8
6:30 r.s. Agnes Walkowiak - int. Husband, Robert
7:00 Za wypominki
7:00pm St. Joseph Polish Women’s Club Mass for Deceased
Members - parishioners are welcome
Wednesday - November 9
6:30 ś.p. Jan Szczepaniak - int. Józef Plewa z rodziną
7:00pm ś.p. Franciszek Borowy - int. syn z rodziną
Thursday - November 10
6:30 r.s. Edward Sitkowski - int. co-workers at SitkowskiMalboeuf Funeral Home
Friday - November 11
6:30 r.s. Constance V. Czechowski - int. Edward,
Sitkowski, Roland Malboeuf & John Hickey
7:00 ś.p. Bronisław Żurowski - int. żona Janina, cała
rodzina i przyjaciele
Saturday – November 12
7:00 r.s. Florence Sniadach - int. Dorothy Sabaj and family
Sunday Vigil
4:00 r.s. Albert S. Knych (anniv.) & Constance M. Knych
- int. Daughter Jean, husband Tom and family
Sunday - November 13
7:00 ś.p. Włodzimierz Stoś. - int. córka Maria z rodziną
8:15 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
9:30 r.s. Leon Lenkiewicz (30th anniv.) - int. Son,
daughters, sons-in-law, grandchildren & great
11:00 ś.p. Anna i Walenty Ucher i syn, Józef
- int. syn Jan z rodziną
1:00pm Baptism - Evan Garett Walker
I-25 Club Winner for 6th week
#200 Barbara Kryger
Weekly Collection $4,907
Budget $7,000
6 listopada 2016 r.
Stewardship Note: “May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and
God our Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting encouragement and good hope through his grace, encourage your
hearts and strengthen them in every good deed and word.”
There are two important lessons here. First, we are called to be
generous with our encouragement and hope. As God shows us
mercy, we must be merciful to others. Second, joy is contagious! The joy we receive from doing good works not only
strengthens us, it encourages others as well.
November 6, 2016
My steps have been steadfast in your paths, my feet have
not faltered. I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God.
- Psalm 17:5‑6a
The second book of Maccabees tells
a powerful story, and a rather gruesome one at that. But central to it,
beyond the horrible deaths inflicted
upon the brothers and their mother, is
their belief in the promise of resurrection and life everlasting in God.
Paul asks the Thessalonians to pray for him as he spreads
Christ’s message of love, so that he might be delivered from
other nonbelievers anxious to do him harm. The apostle is confident in such prayer, just as he is confident in the everlasting
support of Jesus and God the Father.
And there’s that “everlasting” word again. The Sadducees,
not buying the idea, ask Jesus an interesting—albeit meaningless—question about the status of married life at the Resurrection. He tells the non-believers that marriage isn’t an issue for
the risen children of God. More importantly, he assures them
that their ancestors do live on in God, even as evidenced by the
Father’s words to Moses.
This week’s second collection
is for Higher Energy and Utility Costs.
Next weekend’s second collection is designated
for Parish Obligations to the Diocese.
Family and Sports Mass - today, Sunday, November 6th we
welcome our St. Joseph School students, parents, family members, athletic teams and staff to our 9:30am Liturgy.
A social will follow in the school cafeteria.
Divine Mercy Sunday - please join us at 3:00pm today,
Sun., Nov. 6th for the recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet
followed by Benediction. As we are nearing the close of the
Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy and many parishioners did
not take advantage of this time of “grace”. Please pray for them
so they may return to God’s mercy before this Jubilee Year
It’s Fall—did you remember to set your clock back one
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Jubilee Year of Mercy
One of the most moving images of Pope Francis’ ministry
comes from Holy Thursday. Slowly, deliberately, Francis
kneels down before prisoners—men, women, young, old, Christian, Muslim—and washes their feet, recalling Jesus’ admonition to Peter: “If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have
washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet”. On
today’s Jubilee for Prisoners, Jesus declares in the Gospel,
“[God] is alive”. Have we “imprisoned” anyone figuratively,
but no less painfully, passing harsh judgment, then refusing our
respect, acceptance, even affection? This month of All Saints
and All Souls bids us to reflect on our eternal destiny and prepare for it. Respect for ourselves and others, practical care for
neighbors and strangers affirms that we view our present in
light of our future, and believe that, even now, in our midst,
stands the Lord of life, the living Jesus.
Congratulations to our newly elected 2016-2017 Student
Council Representatives and officers: President, Jonas Poirier; Vice President, Adriana Duby; Treasurer, Seth
Boudreau; Secretary, Benjamin Duval.
Class Representatives: Gr. 4-Dale Boudreau, Gr. 5Noalani Perez, Gr. 6-Remonda Mankarios, Gr. 7-Elzbieta
Gronek, Gr. 8-MacKenzie Valliere.
Home School Association-is sponsoring a Turkey Trot 5K
Fun Run on Nov. 19th at 11am. All levels of runners and
walkers are invited to participate. Proceeds will be used to support Autism Awareness as well as The Fund of St. Joseph
School Business. Family sponsorship opportunities are available. You may register for the event at
or contact HSA@SJS-Webster. Com. Please refer to flyers
placed at entrances of our Basilica for more details.
Polonia of the United States will observe the Second Celebration of St. John Paul II in Washington, DC on Nov., 12th.
A pilgrimage from Webster/Worcester area will travel to
Washington, DC on November 11th and return on the 13th.
The cost including (2) dinners, (1) lunch and two nights of accommodations and travel by bus is only $350. This is a great
opportunity in this Jubilee Year to take part in this pilgrimage
and pray to God through the intercession of St. John Paul II
who introduced the world to the mystery of Divine Mercy. If
interested, please call the rectory.
The Parish Council Cash Raffle Drawing will be held on
Saturday, December 3rd in the School Cafeteria following the
4:00pm mass. Raffle tickets are $25 each or a book of 3 for
$50. Prizes: 1st prize-$3,000-2nd prize-$1,000– 3rd prize-$500.
Early Bird Buyer’s Special—participants who make returns prior to Nov. 6th will be eligible to win a free ticket of
which 5 will be drawn. Proceeds will be applied to the Parish
Obligation to the Diocese.
Additional tickets are available at the rectory or from Council
Due to circumstances beyond our control, because Msgr.
Czarnecki was on a Pilgrimage to Rome and Fr. Gregory had to
go to Poland for the funeral of his mother, Barbara Chodkowski
we were in need of Liturgical coverage.
We are most grateful to Father Charles Borowski for his time
and successful effort to celebrate many masses, devotions, adorations and confessions to fulfill the weekly schedule at our
Father Borowski met this challenge admirably and we are
grateful for his dedication and loyalty of his “home” parish.
St. Joseph Polish Women’s Club - special mass for deceased members will be held on Tues., Nov. 8th at 7:00pm. We
ask members to please meet at the back of the Basilica.
Monthly meeting will follow in the School Cafeteria including
a demonstration on bow making. If you wish to participate
bring wire edged ribbon.
May you be rewarded with an abundance of God’s Blessings!
The September 1, 2015—August 31, 2016 - Financial Report is available for our parishioners. Thank you to our Finance Business Manager, Ewa Mamro, Chairman, Sheila Kusek
and members of the Finance Committee for developing this
report which is self-explanatory.
We appreciate the continuous support of our parishioners
through the practice of stewardship and the spirit of generosity
Christmas Wigilia - menu always includes pierogi. Therefore to accommodate our parishioners as in the past, fresh
pierogi will be prepared on site and will be sold “fresh” just
before Christmas. Order forms will be available next weekend.
Closing of the Jubilee Year of Mercy– the Solemnity of Christ
the King, Nov. 20th we will hold a special service to close the
Extra-ordinary Jubilee of Mercy at 3:00pm. We encourage
parishioners and family members to participate.
We invite you to become a follower of Jesus Christ through
the veneration of our Patron, St. Joseph by participating in the
Novena and Devotion on Wednesday, Nov. 9th at 7:00pm in
our Basilica. We ask members of our Lectors ministry to be
present and carry our Patron’s statue into the sanctuary.
Your intentions may be placed in the petition box in the
Chapel to be read during the Mass. Please take advantage of
this opportunity to ask for needed graces through the intercession of St. Joseph. We appreciate your donations.
Friday Night Bingo - please join us on Nov. 11th at St.
Joseph School cafeteria for our weekly Bingo. Doors open at
5:00pm and games begin at 6:30pm. HSA/Parents will assist
our players. Proceeds benefit out parish.
Veterans Day or Armistice Day-will be observed on Friday, Nov. 11th. It is a day set aside to honor everyone who has
served in the United States military. We are thankful to all our
Veterans for their bravery and commitment in keeping our
country safe.
It is a federal and state holiday, therefore St. Joseph School
and the rectory will be closed.
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St. Joseph School Cafeteria - a Price Chopper Gift Card for
$75 donation given by Grazyna Rzeszotko and a donation of a
supply of paper goods given by Madge Bibeau.
St. Joseph School Gymnasium - donation of $5,000 from
Leonard and Mary Ann Montione in tribute to the Felician
Sisters and their influence on their grandchildren Olivia, Alex
and Kristina who are students at SJS; donation of $100 given by
Msgr. Czarnecki and $25 given by Anna Scanlon in memory of
Fr. Grzegorz’s mother, Barbara Chodkowski.
St. Joseph Basilica, gift of $25 toward Diocesan Obligations
in memory of Barbara Chodkowski, given by Joan Comeau.
St. Joseph School Immediate Need Fund-$2000 donation
for fuel from the 1-25 Club’s proceeds of their September
banquet. Thank you to all who support the 1-25 Club.
We are grateful for all our benefactors who support our
parish, school and gym.
Nov. 1 - $25, Theresa Jankowski, Webster; Nov. 2 - $50,
John Walalis, Webster; Nov. 3 - $25, Janet Gentili, Thompson,
CT; Nov. 4 - $25, Irene Sheehan, Webster; Nov. 5 - $50, Jim
Williams, Webster.
Need your assistance - St. Joseph School Cafeteria is in
need of a Chest or Upright Freezer. If you should have a
workable freezer and are willing to donate it to the school we
will gladly arrange for pick-up. Please call the rectory at (508)
943-0467 if you are able to fulfill our request.
Reminder: Special offer during the month of November
at the St. Joseph Garden of Peace: We offer single grave lots
at a 10% discount and multiple lots at a 15% discount. Please
call the rectory for more information.
Diocesan Office of Healing & Prevention Victim Servicesif you or someone you know has been sexually exploited by
anyone associated with the Church, contact Victims Service
Coordinator, Judy Audette at (508) 929-4363 (a 24-hour
confidential voicemail is available).
Still Preparing to Vote? How are Catholic voters forming
their conscience?
Watch the online videos from our
“Conscience and the Catholic Voter” speaker series to find out.
Videos are posted at
Classes will be held in St. Joseph School at 5:30pm on Mon.,
Nov. 7th.
Confirmation class will meet on Mon., Nov. 7th in the school
from 5:30-6:50pm.
St. John Paul II Parish - annual parish Bazaar on Sun.,
Nov. 6th from 8:30am—4:00pm in the Trinity Catholic Academy Gym, Southbridge, featuring games, raffles, theme baskets, crafts, silent auction, food court, entertainment, etc. Free
Bible Study - at St. Anthony of Padua, Dudley, MA on
Thursday mornings at 9:30am. Call Linda to join the group
(508) 949-0335.
Healing Mass - to be held on Friday, Nov., 11th—at 7:00pm
at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, Webster.
Fellowship Meals - “A Night for the Community”, a fundraising dinner and auction to raise awareness about the Blessed
Backpack Brigade and Fellowship Meals Programs at St. Andrew Bobola Parish, Dudley will be held on Nov. 11th from 68:00pm at Point Breeze Restaurant. You will enjoy a buffet
dinner, live auction, raffle baskets with music and entertainment. To purchase a ticket ($20) or donate a basket, please
contact Lisa Berg at (508) 330-7242
Reflections on the Prophets” - is designed for adult discussion of this portion of Holy Scripture. Sessions will be held at
St. Louis Church Hall, Webster @ 6:30pm Thursday, Nov. 17th
and continuing every 2 weeks. There is no fee. Please bring a
bible and a friend. Light refreshments will be available.
2016 Krakus Festival - to benefit the Polish Center of Discovery and Learning on Sat., Nov. 19th at the Castle of
Knights, 1599 Memorial Drive, Chicopee, MA. Social Hour:
5:30—6:30pm, Dinner: 6:30 - 7:30pm offering Polish Delicacies including pierogi, golabki, pork chop, kapusta. Music,
raffles and prizes! Tickets $50 per person. Call (413)592-0001
for details.
St. John’s Food for the Poor Program - presents John
McDermott’s Holiday Concert on Sun., Nov. 20th at 3:00pm in
St. John’s Church, 44 Temple St., Worcester. Buy your tickets
at $20 in advance by Nov. 14th. Call Frank Carroll at 800-3430939 x 0234 for more information.
Thanksgiving Dinner - you are welcome to come and enjoy
a turkey dinner with all the fixings’ at St. Louis’ Fr. Marcotte
Church Hall on Thursday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon.
Please contact Mrs. Louise Forget at (508) 943-0817 if you
will be attending to facilitate the preparation of food.
6 listopada 2016
„Moje kroki trzymały się mocno na Twoich ścieżkach,
moje stopy się nie zachwiały. Wzywam Cię, bo Ty mnie wysłuchasz, o
Boże!” (Ps 17, 5-6a)
Dzisiejsza druga kolekta jest przeznaczona na pokrycie
wyższych kosztów utrzymania i energii.
Druga kolekta w przyszła niedzielę będzie przeznaczona na
zobowiązania wobec Diecezji.
Życie jest większe od wszelkich
naszych przemądrzałych spekulacji,
od popularności, ideologii i misternie
skonstruowanych systemów pojęć.
Czasem wydaje się nam, że żyjemy,
a tak naprawdę spętaliśmy życie
w sieć nazw. Cieszy nas ich
brzmienie: profesor, prezes, gwiazda, zwycięzca. Niektórzy tak
oderwali się od życia, że dopiero wzmianka w gazecie
przekonuje ich, że zaistnieli. Tymczasem to „Bóg jest Bogiem
żywych” i tylko wracając do Niego, wracamy naprawdę do
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Dziś o godz. 9:30 odbędzie się Msza rodzinna, tym razem
również z udziałem sportowców na naszej szkoły. Do udziału
zapraszamy wszystkich uczniów, rodziców i przyjaciół. Po
Eucharystii wszyscy spotykają się w szkolnej kafeterii na
niewielkim poczęstunku.
Każdego miesiąca spotykamy się w godzinie Miłosierdzia,
na modlitwie, której nauczył nas sam Jezus. Wspominając
Jego mękę i ofiarę czerpiemy jednocześnie ze źródeł
zbawienia i łask potrzebnych nam na co dzień. Serdecznie
zapraszamy do wspólnej modlitwy.
Jeden z najbardziej poruszających obrazów z posługi
papieża Franciszka pochodzi z Wielkiego Czwartku. Powoli i
rozważnie Franciszek klęka przed więźniami: mężczyznami,
kobietami, młodymi, starcami, chrześcijanami, muzułmanami,
i myje im nogi, przypominając Jezusowe napomnienie
skierowane do Piotra : "Jeżeli więc Ja, Pan i Nauczyciel,
umyłem wam nogi, powinniście sobie nawzajem umywać
nogi". W dniu dzisiejszym Jezus mówi w Ewangelii, że dla
Boga wszyscy żyją. Czy my nie więzimy innych w przenośni,
choć wcale nie mniej boleśnie, wydając surowe wyroki,
a potem odmawiając naszego szacunku, akceptacji, a nawet
uczucia? W miesiącu Wszystkich Świętych i Dnia Zadusznego
powinniśmy zastanowić się nad czekającą na nas wiecznością
i przygotować się na nią. Szacunek dla siebie i innych, dusz
i ciał, praktyczna opieka dla bliskich i obcych, to świadectwo
potwierdzające, że możemy zobaczyć naszą teraźniejszość w
świetle naszej przyszłości, wierząc, że nawet teraz, pośród
nas, stoi Pan życia, żyjący Jezus.
Gratulujemy nowo wybranym członkom zarządu
uczniowskiego na obecny rok szkolny: Prezydent: Jonas
Poirier; Wiceprezydent” Adriana Duby; Skarbnik: Seth
Boudreau; Sekretarz: Benjamin Duval.
Przedstawiciele poszczególnych klas: klasa 4-Dale
Boudreau, klasa 5-Noalani Perez, klasa 6-Remonda
Mankarios, klasa 7-Elżbieta Gronek, klasa. 8-MacKenzie
Rada Parafia organizuje Loterię Pieniężną, której losowanie
odbędzie się w sobotę, 3 grudnia w kafeterii po Mszy św. o
godz. 16. Pierwszy Nagroda - $ 3.000; Druga Nagroda $1000; Trzecia Nagroda - $500. "Early Bird Special" –
osoby które zwrócą wypełnione kupony przed 6 listopada
otrzymają dodatkowy darmowy kupon.
Cena kuponu: $25 za jeden kupon; $50 za 3 kupony.
Wpływy a loterii zostaną wykorzystane na spłatę zobowiązań
diecezjalnych. Kupony wraz z listem wyjaśniającym
szczegóły loterii zostaną rozesłane go parafian w najbliższym
Czy zastanawiasz się jak zagłosować w zbliżających się
wyborach prezydenckich? Jak wsłuchać się w głos swojego
sumienia w tym ważnym dniu? Pomoc możesz uzyskać
w materiałach zamieszczonych w Internecie na stronie: Pamiętajmy, że udział w
wyborach to nie tylko przywilej, ale również i obowiązek.
St. Joseph Polish Woman’s Club zaprasza wszystkie
członkinie Klubu na doroczną Mszę św. w intencji zmarłych
członkiń, która zostanie odprawiona we wtorek, 8 listopada
o godz. 19:00.
Spotkanie miesięczne odbędzie się w szkolnej kafeterii
również we wtorek, 8 listopada, po Mszy św.
Zachęcamy wszystkich, aby stawali się naśladowcami
Jezusa Chrystusa przez cześć oddawaną naszemu św.
Patronowi, uczestnicząc w środę, 9 listopada o godzinie 19:00,
w naszej Bazylice, w nowennie ku czci św. Józefa. Do
procesji z figura św. Józefa zapraszamy Lektorów.
Veterans Day lub Dzień Zawieszenia Broni, będziemy
obchodzili w piątek, 11 listopada. Jest to dzień, poswięcony
wszystkim tym, którzy służyli w wojsku Stanów
Zjednoczonych. Jesteśmy wdzięczni wszystkim Weteranów za
ich odwagę i zaangażowanie w troskę o bezpieczeństwo kraju,
w którym żyjemy.
Jest to federalne i stanowe święto, dlatego Szkoła i biuro
parafialne będa zamknięte.
W związku z rocznicą wyboru Kardynała Karola Wojtyły na
papieża, wraz z parafią Matki bożej Częstochowskiej w
Worcester organizujemy pielgrzymkę do Sanktuarium Jana
Pawła II w Waszyngtonie. Pielgrzymka odbędzie się w dniach
11 – 13 listopada. Cena wyjazdu to $350 od osoby. W celu
zapisania się prosimy o kontakt z biurem parafialnym.
Zapraszamy na Rekolekcje pt. "Bóg daje ŻYCIE" z Witkiem
Wilkiem, charyzmatykiem, świeckim ewangelizatorem i
misjonarzem, w dniu 10 listopada, 2016 r. w naszej parafii.
Witek, mąż i ojciec czwórki dzieci, po swoim uzdrowieniu i
nawróceniu, oddał swoje życie Bogu, a dziś przez niego Bóg
dokonuje niezwykłych rzeczy. Przyjdź i przekonaj się!
Bazylika św. Józefa w Webster MA, Więcej informacji w
biurze parafialnym 508 612 8526.
Katecheza – Zajęcia katechetyczne odbędą się w najbliższy
poniedziałek, 7 listopada o godz. 17:30.
Bierzmowanie – Spotkanie z kandydatami do
Bierzmowania w poniedziałek, 7 października w szkole.
St. Joseph Basilica #511990
53 Whitcomb Street
Webster, MA 01570
508 943-0467
Fr. Gregory Chodkowski
508 612 8526
EMAIL: [email protected]
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Wednesday 11:00
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