Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith,
by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization
and nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal
growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values
and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
Sunday Vigil:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
Holy Day Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for
individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in
need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious
Education Office.
BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call
to make arrangements. Parents are required to
receive orientation.
MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage
requires one year’s notice. Please contact the
rectory for appointment.
Holy Day
6:30 a.m.; 8:30 a.m.;
5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. (Polish)
MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to
arrange visitation.
6:30 a.m. (m-f); 7:00 a.m. (w, f, sat)
PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to
become part of St. Joseph Parish Family,
please call the rectory.
Eve of Holy Days:
Thurs. before First Friday
First Friday:
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby
ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok
przed datą ślubu.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector: .............. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor .... Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Weekend assistance…..Rev. Charles Borowski
Financial Secretary ........................ Ewa Mamro
Secretaries:Virginia Woznicki&Elizabeth Sabaj
Organist: ..................................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristan ........................................ Joseph Ziak
53 Whitcomb Street,
Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467
Fax: 508-943-0808
e-mail: [email protected]
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną
posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy
przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster
Phone: 508-943-0467 ext.: 3
Phone: 508-943-0378
[email protected]
Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal ........... Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary ...........Mrs. Cynthia Belanger
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November 10, 2013 - 10 Listopada, 2013
Masses for the week—Msze Św. w Tygodniu
Sunday Vigil
4:00 r.s. Albert S. Knych (anniv.) & Constance M. Knych
- int. Daughter Jean, husband Tom and family
Sunday - November 10
7:00 s.p. Henryk Morga - int. Maria Morga z rodzina
8:15 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
9:30 r.s. Bernard Przelomski (6th anniv.)
- int. Wife & family
11:00 r.s. Mitchell Knurowski - int. Stanley & Rosalie Rolak
Monday - November 11—Veterans Day
6:30 Za wypominki
2:00 Oakwood Nursing Home
Tuesday– November 12
6:30 r.s. Florence Sniadach (anniv.)
- int. Dorothy Sabaj & family
7:00 r.s. Bernard Gryncewicz (month’s mind) - int. Family
7:00pm Deceased Members of St. Joseph Polish Women’s
Wednesday - November 13
6:30 Kondek, Bartkiewicz and Grych families, living and
deceased - int. family
7:00pm For all intentions placed in petition box praying to our
Patron St. Joseph
Thursday - November 14
6:30 r.s. Adele Jankot - int Edward Sitkowski,
Roland Malboeuf & John Hickey
Friday - November 15
6:30 r.s. Joseph DeGrenier
- int. Staff at Scanlon Funeral Home
7:00 r.s. Ludwig (anniv), Stanislaw and Mieczyslaw Bomba
- int. family
Saturday—November 16
7:00 r.s. Tadeusz Stasior
- int. Krzysztof, Grace & Natalia Rzeszotko
Sunday Vigil
4:00 r.s. Leon Lenkiewicz - int. family
Sunday - November 17
7:00 s.p. Anna Waskie (anniv) - int. Rodzina Wójcik
8:15 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
9:30 r.s. Frances Knurowski - int. Janice & Bob Clark
11:00 s.p. Jan Sobczak - int. Syn Janusz z rodziną
I-25 Club Winner for 7th week - #107 David Trites
Weekly $5856.70 (including $364 in loose money);
Diocesan Obligations $1357.00 ( including $68.20 in loose
money); Fuel $143.00; All Saints Day $1122.30; Fall School
Appeal, $20.00; Electronic giving - $260
Weekly Budget $7000 - $1739 over budget
REMINDER - Knights of Columbus Annual Turkey Drive
will be held this weekend., Nov. 9th & 10th. We hope you will
find it in your hearts to help those less fortunate.
Stewardship note: “God is not the God of the dead but of the
living.” (Luke 20:38) A wise grandmother once told her grandchildren before she died: “Don’t worry about flowers for me
once I’m gone. Give your flowers to the living.” Her exhortation is a perfect definition of stewardship—giving your flowers
to the living.
November 10, 2013
My steps have been steadfast in your paths, my feet have not
faltered. I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God.
- Psalm 17:5-6a
In the Apostles’ Creed we proclaim that we
“believe in the communion of saints, the
forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the
body, and life everlasting.” Today’s readings
invite us to explore these beliefs.
The passage from Second Maccabees makes it clear that
belief in the resurrection of the dead was not born in
Christianity, but in a time preceding Jesus’ coming. The
martyred brothers proclaim their conviction that God will raise
them to new life. No threat of death can bring them to break
one of their religious laws. Death of their bodies is no death at
all, compared to the spiritual death that would result from
transgressing the law.
The silly riddle about marriage put to Jesus in the Gospel
gives him an opportunity to speak of the “coming age,” when
no one will be given in marriage, and no one will be liable to
death. Jesus too stresses how ancient is this teaching,
attributing this belief to Moses, who knew that God is the God
This weekend’s second collection is for
Higher Utilities and Energy Costs.
Monday November 11th is Veterans Day or Armistice Day,
It is a federal and state holiday, therefore St. Joseph School and
the rectory will be closed.
The Hospitality Committee invites all parishioners and school
families to attend a traditional Thanksgiving turkey dinner, with
all the fixings, on Saturday, November 16, 2013 in the school
cafeteria. Dinner will be served after 4:00pm Mass. Tickets
are $8 per person for adults, $6 for children under 12. Tickets
will be available at the rectory and after Masses this weekend. Door prizes and special surprises will be part of the evening's festivities. Please join us for this great occasion.
Annual Mass for deceased members of the SJPWC will be
held on Tuesday, Nov., 12th at 7:00pm followed by the
monthly general meeting. Hostess is Genevieve Lariviere assisted by Lorraine Brissette, Stella Miller and Ann Scanlon.
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RAFFLE ALERT… The rectory received an envelope for
the purchase of two Lottery Raffle tickets. The end stubs with
the name, etc. was not included. Ticket numbers are #725 and
#733. Please check if you have these ticket stubs, complete the
information and return the stubs to the rectory.
Thank you for your scratch ticket raffle returns made to date.
We have a ways to go, so please keep your returns coming.
Additional raffle tickets will be available next weekend at the
entrances to the church and from committee members attending
the parish Thanksgiving Dinner on November 16th following
the 4:00pm Mass. Raffle flyers with details are at the entrances
to the church.
Devotions to St. Joseph will be held on Wed., November 13th at
7:00pm. We invite parishoners to join us and write their intentions
to be offered during the Novena. The intention request cards are
available in the Chapel. Please designate if you wish your
intentions to be read publicly or known only to the celebrant during
the Novena. Members of the Sacred Heart Society will carry the
statue of St. Joseph from Our Lady of Czestochowa Chapel to the
sanctuary. As always we are grateful for the graces requested
through the intercession of St. Joseph and the offerings you place
in the petition box.
The month of November in church life is dedicated to the
souls in Purgatory. Our prayers, “wypominki” and acts of charity show our gratitude to those who made a difference in our
personal life and in the life of our parish. Every day since All
Souls Day up to Nov. 8th we prayed the rosary and all names
submitted in the wypominki envelopes were read during the
service asking for God’s mercy. These envelopes will remain
on the altar during November in remembrance of our loved
At the 8:30am Mass on All Souls Day we remembered thirtyeight St. Joseph Basilica parishioners who entered into the eternal Kingdom of Life. Votive lights were lit for each one in the
I was saddened that for some recently deceased parishioners
no family members attended or lit a candle. How quickly people forget! Only our parish church, entreats God’s mercy on
your soul.
During the entire year, but especially in November, please
remember your parents, benefactors and friends in your prayers
knowing that the most effective prayer is the Eucharistic sacrifice.
There is still time to order your prepaid copy of the anniversary book at a cost of $30. Order forms are at the entrances of
the church. The deadline for all prepaid orders at $30 is
extended through Sunday, November 17th. Once published, the cost will be $40. If you have preordered a book,
please remit your $30 payment to the rectory before the deadline. A list of names of preordered books is posted at the entrances of the church. We kindly ask for your response by the
deadline date. It will save us the time of a reminder call to the
people on the preorder list.
Thank you—Sylvia Kitka
Everyone who is involved in any ministry at St. Joseph Basilica is expected to fulfill their obligations according to their
schedule. This especially includes Eucharistic ministers, lectors, and altar servers. Many parishes have the entire team
serving even during weekday Masses. We require this service
only on weekends and your obligation should be taken seriously
and joyfully.
It is suggested by the Diocesan policy those involved in a
particular ministry should serve for 3 years and then maybe join
another ministry. More people in each ministry will result in a
more flexible schedule. Parents may be attached to a particular
weekend Mass, but sometimes we must adjust our plans so the
altar servers may keep their designated schedule.
All individuals involved in parish ministries participate in
the mission of the Church and are bound by Church teachings.
The HSA will hold a frozen pierogi, cabbage and kielbasy
sale this weekend, Nov. 9 & 10th and next weekend Nov. 16th
& 17 after the 4:00pm, 8:15 & 9:30am Masses.
For your convenience you may call the school (508)9430378 to place your order which will be ready for easy pick-up.
Invite you to attend their Annual Pre-Christmas Fair, on Sat.,
Nov. 23 from 9am to 4pm. The day will include an
opportunity to enjoy games of chance, to purchase handmade
items and homemade bread-Babka, to enjoy homemade food,
and play TURKEY BINGO between 1:00-3:00. This event is
held to benefit elderly and infirmed Felician Sisters.
The Massachusetts Academy of Mathematics and Science at
WPI acknowledges the important contributions that have been
made to the education of its students by teachers who taught
them in prior schools. Sister Jeanne Marie Akalski will be
recognized for her outstanding work as a member of our quality
faculty. Sister Jeanne will be honored on Nov. 20th at a
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon at the MAMS in Worcester.
Congratulations to Sister Jeanne!
The Fall athletic season concluded this past week and what a
season for varsity soccer as the team recorded its first undefeated season!! Kudos to all the players and coaches for an
exciting season.
The Winter sports season is under way with great participation by our students. “GO EAGLES”!
Nov. 1 - $75, Bill Ceppetelli, Webster ; Nov. 2 - $50 Joan
Cummings, Sterling MA; Nov. 3- $100, Alan & Georgette
Dudek, Webster; Nov. 4- $50, Stephen Kohut, Webster; Nov. 5
- $75, Ellie Noga, Webster; Nov. 6 - $50, Michael Kane, Webster; Nov. 7 - $50, Betty Armstrong, Webster; Nov. 8 - $50 Gen
Lariviere, Webster; Nov. 9 - $50, J. & A. Betley, Webster.
Page 4
I was informed by Lauring Construction that within the next
few weeks, they anticipate the steel to arrive. In order to be
ready, they need to increase their work hours per day including
Saturdays. Retrospectively, we began with a concept, then a
proposal, then we signed the contract, and now we are only a
few months away from a new gym.
I’m grateful to the executive gym committee, under the
leadership of Mr. John Goglonski, Chairman. On behalf of the
children, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your
unambiguous support and prayers
On behalf of the children of St. Joseph School we extend our
gratitude to Dariusz & Dorota Ochocki who donated a
Christmas tree that was planted in front of the rectory. This tree
will continue to grow and will be decorated every year for the
Christmas Season.
We appreciate the benevolence of the Ochocki family for
their numerous acts of kindness and donated services around
the church, rectory and especially the cemetery. May God
reward the goodness of their heart.
Since ancient times people have been making pilgrimages to
places which were well known for their supernatural
phenomena. They usually walked for many days to encounter
God whose presence in that place was demonstrated by various
miracles and experiences. Up to the present day, a pilgrimage
is considered an integral part of pastoral practices. A
pilgrimage begins not when you step onto a bus or plane, but
when you make your intention to go to a special place for a
specific purpose. Which means you make a personal intention
for which you undertake the pilgrimage and pray every day to
God for this particular grace.
Everyone in his or her life should take part in a pilgrimage to
obtain needed favors from God especially on the occasion of
our 125th Jubilee.
St. Joseph Basilica - a generous donation of $300 by the
Kolodziejczak Family on the occasion of the baptism of Chase
Adams. We welcome Chase into our St. Joseph family and
with the guidance of the Holy Spirit may he grow into a true
“Child of God”.
Friends of St. Joseph School Fund - in memory of Wanda
Dapkiewicz given by Sacred Heart Society.
St. Joseph School Immediate Needs Fund - in memory of
Chris Swaffer given by Douglas Baird.
Thank you to all our donors and may God reward your faith
and generosity.
Wednesday, Nov. 13
- 6:15-7:30—Wii Bowling at
Christopher Heights.
Saturday, Nov. 16—Youth Group Mass and Taco Dinner
Night; 4:00pm—Youth Group Mass at St. Joseph Basilica;
5:30-9:00pm Taco Dinner and Night Out at the Youth Center
Transportation from the church to the Youth Center will be
provided. Please RSVP by Friday.
Wednesday, Nov. 20—7:30—Advisory Board Meeting—
Youth Center.
Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers Workshop - On Sun., Nov.
10th at St. Anne’s Parish , N. Oxford 1-3pm.
Adult Bible Study - St Anthony of Padua is again having two Bible
Studies classes that anyone is invited to attend. Attendees have been
coming from many different churches in the area. Monday’s class
starts at 9:30AM and is on the Exile in the Old Testament. Wednesday's class starts at 6PM and will be on Adam and Eve. Pease call 508949-0335 or email [email protected].
Pierogi and Bake Sale—St. Andrew Bobola’s Holy Rosary Sodality will be holding a Pierogi (cheese & cabbage) and Bake Sale on
Nov. 23 in their church hall from 10AM to noon. Half dozen $9, dozen
$18. For more information, please call Nancy Vajcovec at 508-9434850.
Diaconate Program - Find out everything you wanted to know
about the Diaconate program for the diocese of Worcester at one of the
following information sessions. If you are a male, college graduate (or
have an equivalent to a degree) and are between the ages of 31 and 60
and have an interest, now is your opportunity to get some answers.
Spouses are welcome and urged to attend with you.. All sessions begin
at 7:00pm.
Monday, Nov. 11th—St. Joseph’s Church Hall, Auburn
Monday, Nov. 18th—St. Anna’s Church Hall, Leominster.
Contact information - Diaconate office - 508-929-4335.
18+Game Night - St. Roch Parish, Oxford, MA will host a Game
Night for 18+ year olds on Friday, Nov. 29th from 6-11:00pm. Join us
for a night of Board & Card Games. Feel free to bring your own favorite games as well. Refreshments will be provided. Call Nicole at
(508)943-1075 for more info.
Fundraiser for the Nguyen Family - St. Roch Parish is holding a
Pasta & Meatball Dinner on Sat., Nov. 23rd from 5-6:30pm in their
church hall at 334 Main street, to help the Nguyen family at this difficult time. There will be kids games, face painting, raffles and a bake
sale. Dinner tickets are $8.00. Please call 508-987-2382 if you need
more information.
No religious education classes on Mon., Nov., 11th because of
observance of Veterans Day. Classes will resume on Mon. Nov. 18th
at 5:30pm in the school.
Confirmation Class - scheduled for Sunday, Nov., 17 at 8:30am in
the rectory with Msgr. Czarnecki
10 listopada 2013
Moje kroki trzymały się mocno na Twoich ścieżkach, moje
stopy się nie zachwiały. Wzywam Cię, bo Ty mnie wysłuchasz,
o Boże! (Ps 17, 5-6a)
Życie jest większe od wszelkich naszych
przemądrzałych spekulacji, od popularności,
i misternie
systemów pojęć. Czasem wydaje się nam, że
żyjemy, a tak naprawdę spętaliśmy życie
w sieć nazw. Cieszy nas ich brzmienie:
profesor, prezes, gwiazda, zwycięzca. Niektórzy tak oderwali
się od życia, że dopiero wzmianka w gazecie przekonuje ich, że
zaistnieli. Tymczasem to „Bóg jest Bogiem żywych” i tylko
wracając do Niego, wracamy naprawdę do życia.
Dzisiejsza druga kolekta jest przeznaczona na pokrycie
kosztów utrzymania i energii
Page 5
W poniedziałek 11 listopada przypada Dzień Weteranów oraz
dla nas Polaków jednocześnie Święto Niepodległości. Z racji,
że to jest święto państwowe, zarówno Szkoła jak i biuro
parafialne będą zamknięte.
Hospitality Commeettee zaprasza wszystkich parafian i
rodziny dzieci z naszej szkoły do wzięcia udziału w
tradycyjnym obiedzie z okazji Święta Dziękczynienia, w
sobotę, 16 listopada. w szkolnej stołówce. Danie będą
serwowane po Mszy św. o godz. 16:00. Bilety w cenie 8
dolarów za osobę, dla dorosłych, oraz 6 dolarów dla dzieci do
lat 12 będą dostępne w kościele po wszystkich Mszach oraz na
plebanii w ciągu tego weekendu.
Doroczna Msza św. za zmarłych członków SJPWC odbędzie
się we wtorek, 12 listopada o godz. 19:00, Po Mszy odbędzie
Się walne zgromadzenie wszystkich członków klubu.
UWAGA! - otrzymaliśmy kopertę na zakup dwóch loterii
losów z docinkami kuponów, ale bez danych osobowych.
Numery kuponów to: # 725 i # 733 . Sprawdź, czy masz te
odcinki biletów i uzupełnij informacje.
Dodatkowe kupony na loterię będą dostępne w przyszłym
weekend w wejściach do kościoła, a także u członków komisji
uczestniczących w przyjęciu na z okazji Święta Dziękczynienia
16 listopada po Mszy o 16:00, Szczegóły na temat loterii można
znaleźć w ulotkach znajdujących się przy wejściach do
Nabożeństwo do świętego Józefa odbędzie się w środę, 13
listopada o godz. 19:00. Zachęcamy parafian do wspólnej
modlitwy i przedstawiania swoich intencji Bogu za przyczyną
św. Józefa podczas Nowenny. Kartki do zapisywania intencji są
dostępne w kaplicy. Proszę zaznaczyć, czy intencja ma być
czytana głośno czy nie. W tym tygodniu figurę św. Józefa w
procesji niosą członkowie Sacred Heart Societye
Jak zawsze jesteśmy wdzięczni za zanoszone modlitwy i
ofiary zanoszone wypraszane przez wstawiennictwo św.
Józefa .
Miesiąc listopad w tradycji kościoła jest poświęcony pamięci
i modlitwom za dusze w czyśćcu. Nasze modlitwy i
"wypominki " oraz akty miłosierdzia są wyrazem naszej
wdzięczności dla tych, którzy dokonali pozytywnych zmian w
naszym życiu osobistym oraz społecznym i parafialnym.
Każdego dnia od dnia Wszystkich Świętych aż do 08 listopada
modliliśmy się na różańcu w intencji wszystkich, których
wspominamy w „Wypominkach”. Koperty z imionami
zmarłych pozostaną na ołtarzu przez cały listopad.
Zasmucony fakt, że niektórzy parafianie, którzy niedawno
pożegnali zmarłych członków rodziny nie uczestniczyli w
nabożeństwach za zmarłych ani nawet nie zapalili znicza na ich
grobie. Jak szybko ludzie zapominają...! W ciągu całego roku,
a zwłaszcza w listopadzie, winniśmy pamięć w modlitwie
Jest jeszcze czas, aby zamówić swój własny egzemplarz
KSIĘGI JUBILEUSZOWEJ w cenie 30 dolarów . Formularze
zamówienia są dostępne przy wejściach do kościoła. Termin
składania zamówień zamówień za 30 dolarów jest przedłużony
do niedzieli, 17 listopada. Po tym czasie, koszt jednego
egzemplarza będzie 40 dolarów. Lista nazwisk osób które józ
zamówiły księgę jest umieszczona przy wejściach do kościoła.
Dziękuję - Sylvia Kitka
Ostatnio otrzymaliśmy informację od Lauring Construction,
głównego wykonawcę budowy naszej Sali gimnastycznej, że w
ciągu najbliższych kilku tygodni, otrzyma zamówioną na
budowę stal. W celu przygotowania się, pracownicy muszą
zwiększyć swoje godziny pracy dziennie, włączając w to
również soboty. Patrząc w wstecz widzimy, z wszystko zaczęło
się od pomysłu, potem była podjęta decyzja, która
zaowocowała podpisaniem kontraktów, a teraz dzieli nas już
tylko kilka miesięcy od nowej Sali gimnastycznej.
W imieniu dzieci jesteśmy wdzięczny komitetowi
wykonawczemu, pod przewodnictwem pana John’a Goglonski,
oraz wszystkim ludzom dobrej woli za wsparcie i modlitwy .
W imieniu dzieci z z naszej Szkoły wyrażamy naszą
wdzięczność państwu Dariuszowi i Dorocie Ochockim, którzy
ofiarowali choinkę, która została zasadzona naprzeciwko
plebanii. Mamy nadzieję, ż ebedzie nam służyła przez wiele
długich lat jak dekoracja na święta Bożego Narodzenia .
Doceniamy życzliwość rodziny Ochockich za wiele aktów
życzliwości i dobroci kościoła i naszej parafii, a szczególnie w
pracach na cmentarzu. Niech Bóg im wynagrodzi ich dobroć.
Od czasów starożytnych ludzie podejmowali pielgrzymki do
miejsc, które były dobrze znane ze swoich nadprzyrodzonych
zjawisk. Zwykle podróż trwała przez wiele dni, aby spotkać
Boga, którego szczególna obecność w tym miejscu została
wykazana poprzez różnorodne cuda i łaski. Do dnia
dzisiejszego pielgrzymki funkcjonują za jeden z ważniejszych
elementów posługi duszpasterskiej. Pielgrzymka nie
rozpoczyna się w momencie wejścia do autobusu lub samolotu,
ale już w trakcie podejmowania decyzji udania się udać
szczególnego miejsca w konkretnym, pobożnym celu.
Każdy w swoim życiu powinien wziąć udział w pielgrzymce
aby uzyskania potrzebnych łask od Boga, zwłaszcza z okazji
naszego Jubileuszu 125 –lecia.
Zapraszam do udziału w przedświątecznym corocznym
Jarmarku Bożonarodzeniowym, organizowanym prze Siostry
Felicjanki w sobotę 23 listopada w godz. od godz. 9 do 16.
Będzie można spróbować szczęścia w grach losowych, zakupić
ręcznie wykonane pamiątki, oraz domowe wypieki, a także
zagrać w TURKEY BINGO między 13:00-15:00. Dochód
będzie przeznaczony na wsparcie starszych I chorych Sióstr
St. Joseph Basilica #511990
53 Whitcomb Street
Webster, MA 01570
508 943-0467
Fr. Gregory Chodkowski
508 612 8526
EMAIL: [email protected]
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