Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith,
by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization
and nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal
growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values
and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
Sunday Vigil:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
Holy Day Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for
individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in
need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious
Education Office.
BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call
to make arrangements. Parents are required to
receive orientation.
MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage
requires one year’s notice. Please contact the
rectory for appointment.
Holy Day
6:30 a.m.; 8:30 a.m.;
5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. (Polish)
MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to
arrange visitation.
6:30 a.m. (m-f); 7:00 a.m. (w, f, sat)
PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to
become part of St. Joseph Parish Family,
please call the rectory.
Eve of Holy Days:
Thurs. before First Friday
First Friday:
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby
ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok
przed datą ślubu.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector: .............. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor .... Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Weekend assistance…..Rev. Charles Borowski
Financial Secretary ........................ Ewa Mamro
Secretaries:Virginia Woznicki&Elizabeth Sabaj
Organist: ..................................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristan ........................................ Joseph Ziak
53 Whitcomb Street,
Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467
Fax: 508-943-0808
e-mail: [email protected]
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną
posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy
przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster
Phone: 508-943-0467 ext.: 3
Phone: 508-943-0378
[email protected]
Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal ........... Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary ...........Mrs. Cynthia Belanger
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November 3, 2013 - 3 listopada 2013r.
Masses for the week—Msze Św. w Tygodniu
Sunday Vigil
6:30&7:00am Masses with reading Wypominki
Remembrance Mass for deceased parishioners
4:00 r.s. Catherine Knych - int. M/M Bernard Knych
6:15 The rosary for deceased with reading names given for
7:00pm Za wszystkich zmarłych rodziców, krewnych
i przyjaciół
Sunday - November 3
7:00 s.p. Anna Wardega—int. Elżbieta Wójcik z rodziną
8:15 For the Parishoners of St. Joseph Basilica
9:30 sp. Adam Podskarbi, Marek Duszak , Malgorzata
Szczubełek—int. Jola z rodziną
11:00 r.s. Stanislaw Nocon, int. córka Agata z rodziną
Monday - November 4
6:30 za wypominki
2:00 Christopher Heights - for Frances Petrin in
observance of her 100th Birthday, int. St. Anne Society
Tuesday– November 5
6:30 r.s. Rita Guerin int. Holy Rosary Sodality
7:00 Leocadia Lewandowski int. son and family
Wednesday - November 6
6:30 r.s. Elżbieta i Antoni Nagiel, int. dzieci i wnuki
7:00pm For all intentions placed in petition box praying to
our Patron St. Jospeh
Thursday - Novemeber 7
6:30 r.s. Joseph M. Jaszczur, int. Edward Sitkowski,
Roland Malboeuf & John Hickey
Friday - November 8
6:30 r.s. Agnes Walkowiak - int. husband, Robert
7:00 r.s. Josephine Labok, int. Sacred Heart Society
Saturday - November 9
7:00 r.s. Augusta Cacciapuoti - int. sons
Sunday Vigil
4:00 r.s. Albert S. Knych (anniv) and Constance M Knych,
int. daughter Jean, husband Tom & family
Sunday - November 10
7:00 s.p. Henryk Morga, int. Maria Morga z rodziną
8:15 For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
9:30 r.s. Bernard Przelomski, 6th anniversary—int. wife&
11:00 r.s. Mitchell Knurowski—int. Stanley & Rosalia Rolak
I-25 Club Winner for 6th week # 216 Barbara West
Blessed Mother Altar
Candle 1 - deceased members of Fijal family,
Candle 2 - deceased members of Tryba family - given by
Stewardship note: “Zacchaeus, hurry down. I mean to stay at
your house today.” (Luke, 19,4) Jesus saw goodness in
Zacchaeus’ heart and called him to in his presence. Jesus has
called all of us into his presence and awaits our thankful responses.
November 3, 2013
“The LORD lifts up all who are falling and raises up all who
are bowed down.”
Psalm 145:14
Perpetual Light of the Blessed Sacrament
Week of November 3rd
From a parishioner in thanksgiving for blessings received
through the intercession of our patron,
Saint Joseph and Saint Anne
The wisdom reading is a poetic prayer celebrating a Creator-God before whom the universe
is like a grain of sand, yet who is still lovingly
concerned with every individual. This is the
God whom Jesus reveals, with unlimited power
over all creation, yet watching out for sinners climbing trees.
Zacchaeus was no ordinary tax collector, but the chief tax
collector, and a “wealthy man.” But he wasn't too proud to run
ahead and clamber up into a sycamore tree just to get a glimpse
of Jesus. Maybe, sinner though he was, he recognized in his
wandering preacher the object of the Wisdom poet’s adoration.
Next week’s second collection is designated
for Higher Utility and Energy Costs
The All Souls procession on Sunday October 27th was a
beautiful tribute to those who await Resurrection Day at St.
Joseph Cemetery. The procession was attended by the largest
number of people, on a beautiful October day to pray for the
repose of the souls of loved ones.
I am most grateful to all who attended, Parish Organizations,
Altar Servers, Boy Scouts, Children of Mary and Robert
Wójcik the organist. Many thanks to Dottie Kasierski and
Cindy Bourbeau for decorating the Children's cemetery. It
looked beautiful in the evening, where lights were lit on numerous graves.
It was surprising however that some of the graves especially
those who died in recent years did not have lit candles. These,
most likely have no family to remember them, or to visit their
grave which brings to our memory the sad statement of how
quickly we forget those with whom we worked and shared our
life for a certain period of time.
Weekly $5427.30, Electronic giving $140.00
Diocesan Obligations $50.00
Fuel $178.00
Weekly Budget $7000, $1204.00 below budget
It's that time of year again -- when we gain an extra hour! As
the old expression goes, "spring ahead, fall back," meaning
before bed on Saturday night, set your clock BACK one hour
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This Sunday, November 3rd, at 3pm the devotions to the Divine Mercy will be prayed. We kindly ask you to come and
pray for needed graces in your life or that of your loved ones.
Jesus revealed to St. Faustina: At three o-clock implore my
mercy especially for sinners; and, if only for a brief moment,
immerse yourself in My Passion, particularly in My abandonment at the moment of agony. This hour of great mercy for the
whole world… In this hour I will refuse nothing to the soul that
makes a request of Me in virtue of My Passion.
The Knights of Columbus annual Turkey Drive to help those
in need will be held during the weekend of Nov. 9 & 10. We
ask our parishioners to consider helping our less fortunate as
they have in the past.
- Ronald A. Ducharme, Grand Knight
Order forms for the anniversary book are available at the entrances to the church. The prepaid cost of this special edition is
$30. A list of names for preordered books is posted at the
side entrances and at the choir stairs in the front entrance
to the church. If your name is on this list, please remit the
$30 to the rectory. All orders that are prepaid by November
10 are $30, after that the price will be $40. Thank you for
your prompt response to this request.
The Executive Board of the St. Joseph Polish Women’s Club
will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 5th at 6:30 in the school conference
General monthly meeting to be held on Tuesday, Nov 12th,
following the Mass for deceased members, which will be held
at 6:30. Hostess for the meeting is Genevive Lariviere, with
Lorraine Brissette, Stella Miller and Ann Scanlon.
Coat/Hat/Mitten/Glove/Scarf drive will end this weekend,.
New or gently used items may be dropped off in the vestibule
of the church or at St. Joseph School, or by calling Barbara
Kryger, chairperson at 508-943-2253.
Brookhaven Hospice in Framingham is seeking compassionate, caring people who would like to volunteer for the hospice
company. If you have spare time, would like to give back, or
need volunteer hours, we are looking for people who would
provide companionship, friendliness and a kind heart to our
patients. If you, or someone you know, would like to attend a
free seminar on being a hospice volunteer, please contact Jenn
[email protected]
Invite you to attend their Annual Pre-Christmas Fair, on Sat.,
Nov. 23 from 9am to 4pm. The day will include an
opportunity to enjoy games of chance, to purchase handmade
items and homemade bread-Babka, to enjoy homemade food,
and play TURKEY BINGO between 1:00-3:00. This event is
held to benefit elderly and infirmed Felician Sisters.
Devotions to St. Joseph will be held on Wed., November 6th at
7pm.We invite parishoners to join us and also write their intentions
to be offered during the Novena. Remember to use the intention
request cards which are available in the Chapel. Please designate if
you wish your intentions to be read publically or known only to the
celebrant during the Novena. Members of the Holy Rosary
Sodality will carry the statue of St. Joseph from Our Lady of
Czestochowa Chapel to the sanctuary. As always we are grateful
for the graces requested through the intersession of St. Joseph and
the offerings you place in the petition box.
Special birthday greetings to Eugenia Kos celebrating her 90 +
birthday in November. We wish you God’s blessings for friends,
sunshine and happiness throughout the year.
We honor those who served in all America’s wars including all
living military veterans with parades and special national ceremony
at Arlington Cemetery in Virginia. It is a federal and state holiday
and will be observed on Mon. Nov. 11.
St. Joseph School and the Rectory will be closed.
On Saturday Nov. 2nd after 4:00pm Mass and on Sunday Nov.
3rd, after 8:15 and 9:30 Masses the HSA will have a tent set up in
front of the Basilica and offer our parishoners the opportunity to
purchase tasty cabbage with sausage and pierogi.
The HSA appreciates your support.
On All Souls Day and its Octave, the Universal Church entreats
God’s mercy on all who wait in Purgatory to enter God’s kingdom.
It is a time to offer prayers, Masses, and acts of charity on behalf of
our loved ones. It is a unique opportunity to obtain a pleanary
indulgence once a day for a particular soul and partial indulgence
as many times as you visit the cemetery or Basilica, pray for the
intention of the Holy Father and receive the Eucharist or sacrament
of Penance as needed.
The Board of Trustees of the Friends of St. Joseph School
Fund wish to thank all individuals who contributed to the Fund
during our annual pink envelope campaign, as well as throughout
the year. The amounts contributed will be added to the principal of
the fund, and the income earned distributed semi-annually to Saint
Joseph School to assist in the school’s operations. C. Richard
Piasecki and Trustees
Kindly reminder - in the month of November we are offering
single grave lots at a 10% discount and multiple lots at 15% discount. It is very appropriate to take care of ourselves when we are
still alive and not put a burden on family members in difficult
St. Mary Jr./Sr. H.S. is sponsoring a Recycling Drop - Off Program for any electronics on Sat. Nov. 9, 9-12. All proceeds will
support the school’s technology fund. Includes: printers, computers, monitors, fax/copy machines, laptops, laboratory equipment, microwaves, washing machines, and televisions. Smaller
items—$5. Large items such as refrigerators and AC units will be
$25. Televisions $20. Drop off location at 34 Ward St. Worcester
(OL of Czestochowa Church parking lot).
Page 4
First HSA general meeting of the Year - Oct. 22 - was a
success. Guest speaker was a Nutritionist as well as Fitness
Instructor and provided the parents in attendance with a variety
of “Tips” on being healthy role models for children, building a
healthy meal and kid-friendly veggies and fruits.
Diocesan Superintendent of Schools - Dr. Delma Josephson
visited the classrooms of St. Joseph School.
Winter sports season is set to begin on October 28 with a
clinic/ tryout for boys and girls team candidates at the Webster
Middle School gym from 5:00 to 6:30pm and for cheering
candidates on the same date and site from 6:30 to 8:00pm.
Annual SJS Christmas Pageant preparations are under way.
Practice sessions are presently going on. The Christmas show
will be Dec. 15 from 2:00 to 4:00 at Bartlett High School.
The orientation meeting for the 125 Jubilee Pilgrimage to
Poland was held on Tuesday, October 29, 2013, directed by
Mary Gorecki of PAT tours of Springfield, specializing in
Catholic pilgrimages. An informational film was shown
followed by a question and answer session. Many of the
attendees signed up for the trip but there are still a few available
seats. Flyers are available at the entrances of the Basilica.
If you are interested in taking this tour and need more
information or have any questions please call the rectory at
Please remember this is a Parish pilgrimage in a sign of
gratitude and our service to God and the occasion to obtain
needed graces in our life. For this reason we will make a
pilgrimage to 3 major shrines, Our Lady of Jasna Gora, St.
Joseph in Kalisz and Blessed Mother Shrine in Lichen. I
anticipate that the members of Parish Council, Eucharistic
ministers and parish organizations will join us for this
meaningful pilgrimage.
Raffle tickets were mailed to all parishioners last week and
your response has been very encouraging. If you are in the
position to sell additional tickets, we would be most
appreciative of this effort. For additional tickets contact the
rectory or a committee member: Tony Kusek 508-943-7057,
Sylvia Kitka 508-943-0201, John Hester 508-987-8342, Felicia
Kolodziejczak 508-943-6591 or Theresa Levasseur 508-9434605. There are flyers at the entrances to the church with details
if you need them.
Don't forget the "Early Bird Buyers Special". For ticket
returns received prior to November 10th, participants will be
eligible to win a free ticket of which five will be drawn. A
sincere thank you from your Parish Council.
The Hospitality Committee invites all parishioners and school
families to attend a traditional Thanksgiving turkey dinner, with
all the fixings, on Saturday November 16, 2013 in the school
cafeteria. Dinner will be served after 4pm Mass. Tickets are
$8 per person for adults, $6 for children under 12. Tickets will
be available at rectory and after Masses this weekend. Door
prizes and special surprises will be part of the evening's
festivities. Please join us for this great occasion.
Citizenship Workshop - Catholic Charities is providing a
free citizenship workshop Mon., Nov 4th 6-8pm at St. Joan of
Arc Parish Center, 570 Lincoln St., Worcester. For more information , please call Maddy Hennessy at 508-860-2261.
Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers Workshop - On Sun.,
Nov. 10th at St. Anne’s Parish , N. Oxford 1-3pm.
St. Roch Harvest Fair - St. Roch Parish, 334 Main Street,
Oxford, will hold its Annual Harvest Fair on Sat., Nov. 9, 82pm.Come and join us for a giant Adopt-a-Basket Raffle, crafts
and gifts, homemade baked goods, used books, indoor garage
sale and money raffle. Lunch will be served.
Sunday Nov. 3rd, Youth Group Meetings - Youth Center
12:30-2:00 Young Youth (3rd-5th)
2:00-4:00 Junior Youth (6th-8th)
4:00-6:00 Senior Youth (9th-12th)
Our themes will be Advent and Christmas. We will talk about
how we prepare ourselves for Christmas. We will also share
stories, sing carols and decorate the Youth Center.
Wed, Nov. 13th - 6:15-7:30 Wii Bowling at Christopher
Saturday, November 16th - 4pm Youth Group Mass at St. Joseph’s Basilica, 5:30-9pm Taco Dinner and “Night Out” at the
Youth Center.
Wednesday, Nov. 20th, 7:30 Advisory Board Mtg, Youth Center, For more information contact Christina Ralph:
508-635-4222,[email protected],
Next CCD class scheduled for Monday Nov. 4 from 5:30-6:30
pm in the school
Confirmation class-next class scheduled for Mon. Nov. 4 at
5:30pm in the school with Msgr. Czarnecki.
3 Listopada, 2013
Pan podtrzymuje wszystkich, którzy padają,
i podnosi wszystkich zgnębionych. (Ps 145, 14)
W historii Zacheusza wielu z nas mogłoby znaleźć
dla siebie obfite źródło nadziei i duchowej inspiracji.
Nasze życie i tak pozostawia wiele do życzenia.
Zapewne sporo ludzkiej krzywdy mamy na swoim
koncie. I na pewno nie jeden raz zboczyliśmy
z uczciwej drogi. Zresztą nie chodzi o to, żeby się
licytować z Zacheuszem w wykroczeniach; raczej
skoncentrujmy uwagę, żeby go naśladować w nawróceniu.
Nawrócenie to zaczęło się od tego, że Zachceusz usłyszał o Jezusie:
Ten, który głosił wspaniałe nauki, który nie wstydził się zasiadać
z celnikami przy jednym stole, który cudownie uzdrawiał i miał u
wszystkich autorytet i szacunek, miał dziś ponoć przechodzić przez
Druga kolekta w następna niedzielę będzie przeznaczona
na pokrycie kosztów utrzymania i energii.
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W najbliższą niedzielę, 3 listopada, o godz. 15:00 zapraszamy
na nabożeństwa do Miłosierdzia Bożego. Będziemy modlić się
o łaski potrzebne w życiu nam i naszym bliskim. Jezus mówił
do świętej siostry Faustyny : O trzeciej godzinie błagać Mojego
miłosierdzia szczególnie dla grzeszników, i choć przez krótki
moment, zanurz się w Mojej męce, szczególnie w Moim
opuszczeniu w chwili konania. To godzina wielkiego
miłosierdzia dla świata całego... W godzinie tej niczego nie
odmówię duszy , która błaga mnie przez wzgląd na moją mękę.
Tradycyjnie w oktawę Uroczystości Wszystkich Świętych
spotykamy się na wspólnym różańcu w intencji naszych
bliskich zmarłych. Będziemy spotykali się na wspólnej
modlitwie do piątku, 8 listopada włącznie o godz. 19:00. W
środę różaniec będzie połączony tradycyjnie z Nowenną do św.
Zapraszamy do wspólnej modlitwy w środęListopada o
19:00. Figurę św. Józefa będą nieśli w procesji ministranci. Jak
zawsze jesteśmy wdzięczni za prośby i ofiary składane za
wstawiennictwem św. Józefa.
Zapraszamy do udziału w Mszy żałobnej w intencji zmarłych
dzieci. Po Mszy św. spotkanie. Proszę o zaproszeni na tę Msze
członków rodzin, które straciły dziecko. Aby uzyskać więcej
informacji, prosimy o kontakt z Terry Gentile: 508-434-0731
lub Sue Stevens: 508-852-4887, lub e-mail: [email protected].
Msza organizowana jest przez Grupę Wsparcia Pieta
wspierającej pogrążonych w żałobie rodziców.
Zapraszam do udziału w przedświątecznym corocznym
Jarmarku Bożonarodzeniowym, organizowanym prze Siostry
Felicjanki w poniedziałek 3 listopada w godz. od 9 do
szesnastej. Będzie można spróbować szczęścia w grach
losowych, zakupić ręcznie wykonane pamiątki, oraz domowe
wypieki, a także zagrać w TURKEY BINGO między 13:0015:00. Dochód będzie przeznaczony na wsparcie starszych I
chorych Sióstr Felicjanek.
Hospitality Committee zaprasza wszystkich parafian i rodziny
z naszej szkoły do wzięcia udziału w tradycyjnym obiedzie
z okazji Święta Dziękczynienia, w sobotę 16 listopada 2013
w stołówce szkolnej. Przyjęcie rozpocznie się po Mszy św.
o godz. 16:00. Koszt biletów to 8 dolarów za osobę dorosłą
i 6 dolarów dla dzieci do lat 12. Bilety będą dostępne po
Mszach w ten weekend oraz na plebanii.
W listopadzie, tradycyjnie już oferujemy zniżki na naszym
parafialnym cmentarzu: 10% zniżki za pojedyncze miejsce oraz
15% zniżki za miejsce na więcej grobów. Warto zatroszczyć się
o swoje miejsce wiecznego spoczynku i nie pozostawiać tego
najbliższym na moment, kiedy będą musieli rozstawać Się z
Jak co roku Polska Szkoła Sobotnia serdecznie zaprasza na
zabawę andrzejkową 23 listopada w odnowionym klubie PACC
przy Harris St. w Webster. Bilety w cenie $30 od osoby są do
nabycia u Ewy Mamro (508-943-8545), Marzeny Kolinski (508
-949-0939) i Bernadety Rogalskiej (774-280-6139). W cenę
biletu wliczona jest super zabawa od 18:30 do 24:30, pyszny
obiad i domowe wypieki. Grał będzie popularny zespół
„Janosiki” z New Britain. Nasza szkoła może istnieć i
podtrzymywać polski język i kulturę tylko dzięki Wam.
Zapraszamy i z góry dziękujemy za wsparcie!
Organizowana co roku akcja wsparcia potrzebujących
przeprowadzana z okazji Święta Dziękczynienia przez Rycerzy
Kolumba odbędzie się w weekend 9 i 10 listopada. Prosimy
naszych parafian o pomoc dla tych, którzy potrzebują wsparcia.
- Wielki Rycerz Ronald A. Ducharme ,
Tych, którzy chcą złożyć zamówienie na Księgę
Jubileuszową prosimy o wypełnienie formularza zamówienia
(dostępny w wejściach do Bazyliki) i przyniesienie go na
plebanię wraz z wypełnionym czekiem. Przy wejściach do
bazyliki znajdują Się również listy osób, które już dokonały
zamówienia. Te osoby również prosimy o dokonanie wpłaty,
jeśli jeszcze tego nie uczyniły. Koszt Księgi Jubileuszowej
zamówionej przed 10 listopada wynosi 30 dolarów, po tym
dniu jeden egzemplarz Księgi będzie kosztował 40 dolarów. .
Spotkanie organizacyjne pielgrzymki do Polski odbyło się we
wtorek 29 października 2013 r., Spotkanie prowadziła pani
Maria Górecka z PAT Tours Springfield, specjalizującej się w
organizacji pielgrzymek. Wielu z uczestników zapisło się na ten
wyjazd, ale nadal pozostaje kilka dostępnych miejsc. Broszurki
są dostępne przy wejściach do Bazyliki. Zainteresowanych
prosimy o kontakt z plebani:508-943-0467 .
W czasie pielgrzymki w duchu wdzięczności za otrzymane
łaski trzy główne sanktuaria: Matki Bożej Jasnogórskiej , św
Józefa w Kaliszu i Sanktuarium Matki Najświętszej w
Tego dnia oddajemy cześć tym, którzy służyli na wszystkich
amerykańskich wojnach oraz wszystkim żyjącym weteranom
wojskowym. Jest to święto państwowe obchodzone 11
listopada. Tego dnia Szkoła i Plebania będą zamknięte.
Dzisiejszej nocy otrzymaliśmy dodatkową godzinę snu
przechodząc z czasu letniego na zimowy poprzez cofnięcie
zegarów o godzinę.
Zajęcia katechetyczne odbywają się w każdy poniedziałek,
od 17:30 do 16:30.
Bierzmowanie - Najbliższa spotkanie odbędzie się w
poniedziałek 4 listopada o godz. 17:30 w szkole, 20.
St. Joseph Basilica #511990
53 Whitcomb Street
Webster, MA 01570
508 943-0467
Fr. Gregory Chodkowski
508 612 8526
EMAIL: [email protected]
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Wednesday 11:00
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