

Mass Intentions for Monday, November 7 to Sunday, November 13
Mass in English
Mass in Polish
Mon, Nov. 7
8 AM
Tues, Nov. 8
7 PM
Wed., Nov. 9
Thur. Nov. 10
8 AM
3 PM
7 PM
8 AM
5 PM
+ Pascol Rodgrigues - Louise & Menna Machado
+ Za zmarlych z rodiny Rylko I Synowiec -Stanislaw I Elzbieta
Mass in English
+ Theresa Randall Bernice Rade
Mass in English
+ Richard Harris - Rita & Tony Straatman
C ha p le t o f Di vi ne Me rc y a nd Ex p o s it io n
Mass in Polish
+ Za zmarlych z rodziny Lorek B. De Araujo
Mass in English
+ Emidio, Raffaele & Loreta Iannotta -Daughter & family
Mass in English
+ Rosalia & Jozef Didzic - Bernice Rade
Mass in English
11 AM
Mass in Polish
Fri, Nov. 11
Sat, Nov. 12
Sun, Nov. 13
+ Richard Harris Cheryl Straatman & Denis Leclerc
For Parishioners
Queen of Peace Roman Catholic Church
Kościół Matki Bożej Królowej Pokoju
566 Rosedale Avenue (at Ellwood), Sarnia, ON N7V 1Z4
Fr. Zbigniew Rodzinka CSMA
Secretary/Bookkeeper: Mrs. Bronisława De Araujo Viana
Tel: 519.337.7943; Fax: 519. 491.1831; E-mail: [email protected]
November 6, 2016 – 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
The Sacrament of Reconciliation: On Saturdays from 4:15 to 4:45 PM and 30 minutes before
Najpierw faryzeusze, potem uczeni w Piśmie, wreszcie saduceusze, wszyscy próbowali swego sprytu i
sił, by przyłapać Jezusa na jakiejś wypowiedzi, która by Go pogrążyła. Zamiast uważnie słuchać
Ewangelii, stawiać pytania dotyczące najistotniejszych kwestii życia i zbawienia, cała elita duchowa
Izraela skupiła się na polowaniu na Jezusa.
Czyż można wyobrazić sobie tragiczniejszą pomyłkę? Lud wybrany czekał tysiące lat na obiecanego
Mesjasza, a gdy Ten wreszcie przyszedł, i to w osobie samego Boga, ci zgodnie Go odrzucili i
próbowali wciągnąć w prymitywne, słowne prowokacje i utarczki. Będąc u źródła prawdy, zadawali
śmieszne pytania o nieprawdopodobne casusy prawne. Po stokroć zmarnowana szansa. Tymczasem
Jezus wykorzystywał każdą sposobność, by nawet w takich podstępnych sytuacjach głosić Bożą
prawdę i naukę o zbawieniu. Niestety, do prawdy nie da się nikogo przekonać na siłę: jeśli zabraknie
dobrej woli, pokory i wewnętrznej uczciwości, prawda pozostanie na zewnątrz człowieka, obca
i bezużyteczna. Tym razem prawda ta dotyczyła zmartwychwstania, czyli samej istoty
człowieczeństwa, życia i ludzkiej godności. Zmartwychwstanie ma swoje uzasadnienie
i gwarancje w Bogu. Bóg jest Bogiem żywych, chce dla nas życia i obdarza nas nim hojnie ponad
miarę. Ale ten dar trzeba z szacunkiem przyjąć i wykorzystać. W przeciwnym razie zmarnuje się.
Jezus odwołuje się do mocy Bożej, która nie ma ograniczeń - poza ludzką złą wolą. Człowiek może
powiedzieć Bogu „nie" i odmówić przyjęcia daru. Może odczytać na opak najbardziej oczywiste
sformułowania prawdy. Jeśli nasze uprzedzenia uznamy za główny punkt odniesienia i wyboru możemy pogrążyć się w chaosie fałszywych dociekań. Jeśli z pokorą pójdziemy za prawdą - nie tylko
ją poznamy, ale i będziemy żyli wiecznie.
Last Weekend Collection $1,957.00
weekday Mass’.
The Sacrament of Baptism: By Appointment
The Sacrament of Marriage: Should be arranged at least 6 months in advance.
The second book of Maccabees tells a powerful story, and a rather gruesome one at that. But central to
it, beyond the horrible deaths inflicted upon the brothers and their mother, is their belief in the promise
of resurrection and life everlasting in God.
Paul asks the Thessalonians to pray for him as he spreads Christ’s message of love, so that he might be
delivered from other nonbelievers anxious to do him harm. The apostle is confident in such prayer, just
as he is confident in the everlasting support of Jesus and God the Father.
And there’s that “everlasting” word again. The Sadducees, not buying the idea, ask Jesus an
interesting—albeit meaningless—question about the status of married life at the Resurrection. He tells
the non-believers that marriage isn’t an issue for the risen children of God. More importantly, he
assures them that their ancestors do live on in God, even as evidenced by the Father’s words to Moses.
On November 11th people around the world pause in silence to remember those who died in war and pray
for the victims of aggression and inhumanity throughout the world. This day should be one of prayer for
peace as well as of consideration of what we are doing as individuals, as a community, and as a nation to
bring God’s peace into the world. This is a day when our believing community should rededicate itself by
prayer and action to the ideals Jesus gives us in the beatitudes.
The Ladies Auxiliary will host a Turkey Dinner to be held on Saturday, November 26, 2016 at 6:30 pm in the
Church Hall basement. Tickets are $15.00 p/person and there are only 80 Tickets available.
CWL is having their traditional fall Bazaar on November 12 between 8:30 and noon at the Polish Hall.
As usual you can buy pierogi, cabbage rolls, sauerkraut and bake goods. This year the Ladies Auxiliary are also
selling turkey pies. If anyone would like to donate some baked goods, it would be greatly appreciated. Please bring
them on Friday, Nov.11 between 6-7pm. to the Parish Hall or on Saturday morning to the Polish Hall.
The profit from the Bazaar goes to help our parish and to various other charities.
Thank you and see you at the Bazaar.
St. Michael CWL Annual Christmas Bazaar will be held on Sat. Nov. 19th from 9 to 1pm and after both Masses,
Saturday (6pm) and Sunday (11am) that weekend in the parish meeting room.
Just a reminder, we have one more weekend for the Annual Mass attendance count, this will be Nov. 5/6.
The month of November is a reminder for us to pray for our deceased loved ones. If you wish to include them
during the weekday Masses in November please use the “All Souls” envelopes and drop them off in the collection
Prayers for our deceased family members and parishioners will be said on Sunday Nov. 6 at 12:15pm in the
mausoleum of Our Lady of Mercy cemetery. All are invited.
Bishop Fabbro is asking the people of the Diocese of London to bring relief to survivors of the hurricane in Haiti.
The Diocese will send all funds collected at the parish level to Development and Peace to ensure a timely response.
Cash and cheques will be accepted; please mark cheques and envelopes: Haiti Hurricane Relief Fund. Along with the
funds, prayers are urgently needed at this time for the victims and their families.
During the month of November we will pray the rosary for our deceased loved ones – 30 minutes before each
weekday morning Mass. Please use the “All Souls” envelopes and drop them off in the collection basket.
On Sunday, November 6th, Daylight Saving Time ends and clocks are moved back one hour to standard time.
From Michael Bechard (Rev.)
As a community, our belief in the incarnation has drawn us to appreciate the sacredness of created matter. This is
especially true for those items and articles that have been set aside for worship.
wypiekami, będziemy bardzo wdzięczne. Ciasto można przynieść do sali parafialnej w piatek , 11 listopada, między
6-7 wieczorem lub rano w sobotę do Polskiej Hali. Serdeczne " Bóg" zapłać" za wszelka pomoc.
Zapraszamy 12 listopada 8:30-12, Polska Hala.
Do zobaczenia!
Modlitwy za zmarłych będą odprawione 6 listiopada o godz. 12.15 na cmentarzu Our Lady of Mercy
Friday November 18, 2016 at St. Philip’s Petrolia
Doors open at 5:30. Dinner at 6:30
Tickets are $30 each or 2 for $50 and available
from the parish office at 519-882-2057.
Menu: Rice, Naan Bread, Chicken Curry,
Chicken Roast, Roasted Potatoes, Raita (Salad), Homegrown Beans & Cheera,
Tomato Chutney, Pappadam, Semai Pudding, Wine on the Tables.
All proceeds go to Fr. Francis’ Student Education Fund.
St. Philip’s Petrolia
Phone: 519-882-2057
Parish Office Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Holiday Café 2016
Featuring: Seaway sounds 4 Part A Capella Harmony Chorus
November 20, 2016 @ 2pm (doors open at 1:30pm)
St. Thomas Aquinas Church hall
895 Champlain Rd., Sarnia, ON
For tickets: call Kelly Graham – 519-383-5582 or Diane Lambert 519-344-8621
Tickets - $12 (12 and under $6; Group rates available for 10 or more
From time to time rosaries are irreparable, ritual texts are out of date, statues are broken, et cetera. Out of respect for
the manner in which they led us closer to God and to recognize their holiness, we bury them, in a similar way with
which we bury a body.
The Catholic cemeteries of our diocese are willing to bury these items on our behalf, at no charge. To facilitate this
process, I encourage you with your parishioners, to drop off old ritual texts and other items that need to be buried by
Friday, November 25, 2016. We will open burial plots in these locations to meet this need.
Tradycyjny jesienny bazar Ligi Katolickich Kobiet odbędzie się 12 listopada . Bardzo prosimy o poparcie . Dochód z
bazaru przeznaczany jest na potrzeby naszej parafii i cele charytatywne. Jeżeli ktoś chciałby nas wesprzeć pysznymi
Pondering the Word of God

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