biblioteka szkolna library system


biblioteka szkolna library system
 BIBLIOTEKA SZKOLNA W szkole prowadzona jest biblioteka szkolna, której zbiory są uzupełniane o nowe i ciekawe dla dzieci książki i czasopisma. Uczniowie mają możliwość korzystania z biblioteki co dwa tygodnie. W przypadku zagubienia lub uszkodzenia książki, uczeń-­‐ rodzic zobowiązany jest do naprawienia szkody i /lub ( zależnie od rozmiarów zniszczenia) do jej odkupienia. Najlepsi czytelnicy są wynagradzani podczas uroczystości zakończenia roku szkolnego. Zachęcamy do czytania razem z dziećmi.
LIBRARY SYSTEM The Liverpool Polish Saturday School is committed to providing students with resources that support their Polish learning outside of the classroom. Hence the organisation has developed a library that students are able to access. The library assists students in developing learning strategies that equip them to appreciate and enjoy a rich literary heritage. Students are able to borrow books every two weeks. Books may be borrowed for up to two weeks. A list of books that are borrowed is maintained and the student who reads the most books is awarded by the school at the end of year with a certificate and gift. Students with overdue books will be issued with a notice that is sent home to notify parents of the overdue account. It is expected that lost and damaged books and resources will be replaced and paid for by the student’s family. 

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