Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus
Christ as a Catholic community of faith, by promoting a sense of commitment to the
Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization and
nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage,
we foster our tradition and aspire to personal growth in faith. We are determined
to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values and
to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
53 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467 • Fax: 508-943-0808
E-mail: [email protected]
Parish Website:
Sunday Vigil:
Holy Day Vigil:
Holy Day:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
5:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.; 8:15 a.m.(Polish); 9:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m. (Bilingual)
6:30 a.m. (m-f); 7:00 a.m. (w, f, sat)
Saturday: ....................................... 3 p.m.
Eve of Holy Days:......................... 3 p.m.
Thurs. before First Friday: ........... 3 p.m
First Friday: .................................. 6.30 p.m
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
(508) 943-3752 * e-mail: [email protected]
Director …………………….Mary Jolda
Rector ............................. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor ............. Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Adm. Secretary............... Terry Miller
Financial Secretary......... Ewa Mamro
Organist.......................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristans ………………Al Richard & Joseph Ziak
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process
established by the Church for individuals to become Catholic
and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation,
and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a
Baptized Catholic in need of making your First Communion
and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious Education Office.
BAPTISM: On designated Sundays. Please call to make
arrangements. Parents are required to receive orientation.
MARRIAGE: Proper preparation for marriage requires one
year’s notice. Please contact the rectory for appointment.
MINISTRY TO THE SICK: For those of advanced age, ill or
hospitalized, call the rectory to arrange visitation.
PARISH MEMBERSHIP: If you would like to become part of
St. Joseph Parish Family, please call the rectory.
SAKRAMENT CHRZTU: W wyznaczone niedziele. Proszę
zadzwonić na plebanię, aby ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są
do krótkiej katechezy.
SAKRAMENT MAŁŻEŃSTWA: Narzeczeni powinni
zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok przed datą ślubu.
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH: Po sakramentalną posługę
księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII: Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza
nowych członków. Zapisy przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0378 Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal………………….Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary………………….Mrs. Jennifer Mahlert
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25 September 2011 - 25 wrzesnia 2011r.
Masses for the week - Msze Sw. Podczas
Sunday Vigil-September 24
r.s. Deceased members of Knych family - int.
Frances Petrin & family
Sunday-September 25
s. p. Stanislaw Miskowicz - int. familia
For the Parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
r.s. Joanne M. Percz - int. Ron, Agnes & Chad
Coporale & Joe & Barbara Bembenek
Installation of Parish Council
s.p. Wladyslaw Wardega - int. Krystyna Ksiazek
Monday-September 26
Za wypominki
2:00pm Nursing Home - Webster Manor
Tuesday-September 27
r. s. Rose (anniv.), Clarence Caplette & Lorinda
Bernier - int. family
Wednesday-September 28
r. s. Edward Sowa - int. daughter, Irene
r.s. Mary M. Nowacki - int. Geraldine Kaminski
Thursday-September 29
r.s. Josephine Gorski - int. Sacred Heart Society
Friday-September 30
r.s. Joseph Augustynski - int. Wife, Rita
r.s. Irene Wiater - int. St. Anne Society
Saturday-October 1
r.s. Eva F. Dudek (1st anniv.) - int. Christine, Dennis,
Alan, Georgette, Jesse & Jamie
4:00pm r.s. Benjamin Baron & Henry Rivers - int. family
Sunday-October 2
For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
Holy Rosary Annual Mass for deceased members
r.s. Barbara Nowakowski (1st anniv.) - int. daughter,
Cindy Belovitch
Annual Saint Joseph School Family Mass
s.p. Henryk Morga - int. Jan i Danuta Kolodziej
SHARING OUR BLESSINGS - September 18, 2011
Weekly $4,782; Diocesan Obligations $92; Fuel $161; CCD
$824.25 (incl. $68.25 in loose money); Weekly budget $7,500.
Stewardship Note. The first son in today’s Gospel said he
would do his father’s bidding, but did not. The second son
balked at first, but then repented and did as he was asked. What
service is God calling me to do? Which son am I more like?
Word of life. The founders of our country declared that each
human being has certain inalienable rights that government
must protect. It is no accident that they named life before
liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Life itself is a basic human
good, the condition for enjoying all other goods on this earth.
Therefore the right to life is the most basic human right. Other
valued rights–the right to vote, to freedom of speech, or to equal
protection under law–lost their foundation if life itself can be
destroyed with impunity.
From September 25, 2011 through October 1, 2011
Main Altar
Candle I
Happy Birthday- Ernest Lariviere
Offered by Eddie & Shirley Dowgiewicz
Have in you the same attitude that is also in Christ Jesus.
–Philippians 2:5
Spiritual teachers tend to repeat themselves, and to repeat other
teachers. Maybe there really aren’t that many different truths to tell.
Just a lot of slow, sleepy human beings–like us–who need to hear the
basics over and over. Consider today’s readings.
People complain God isn’t fair,” and Ezekiel answers that God is
more than fair. People choose their own fates, and people can
change. Even evildoers can turn, do right, and live. “Actions speak
louder than words.” A fresh new insight? Hardly.
Paul tells the Philippians that he would truly be encouraged if
those who claimed to be believers would, in fact, look to others’
interests and not their own. “The proof of the pudding is in the
eating.” A novel idea? I don’t think so.
In Jesus’ story of the farmer and his sons, everyone knows that the
one who said he wouldn’t work–but did–is way ahead of the one
who said he would work–but didn’t. “Talk is cheap.” Heard that
The second collection next weekend is for Diocesan Obligations.
May I kindly remind you that this weekend, Saturday &
Sunday, is the Catholic Fall School Appeal collection. This is
designated toward the new reading series and handbooks for Saint
Joseph School which cost $35,000. There are many graduates of St.
Joseph School, who are successful business individuals, who are
grateful for the education they received from our school and I
believe they are willing and eager to financially support the
education of the children of this new generation, who will follow in
their footsteps of business success and personal fulfillment.
There is literature from the Diocesan Office available at the
entrance of the Church.
Any joyful event in a family celebration says something not only
about the celebrated event, but especially the members of the family.
This Sunday, Sept. 25th at 3:00pm Parishioners, Societies, Church
and Civil organizations are invited to our Church to officially open
the 125 years of God’s blessings on our community. People from all
walks of life are invited to be part of this historical moment, which
will never be repeated. We are a parish of faith, determination and
vision. We will recall our parents and grandparents who suffered,
sacrificed and supported ministries, established the buildings and
handed over their legacy to us. With the same dedication we
participate in this first celebration of our Jubilee, imitating their
attitude and resilience. When the times were tough they prayed,
when the task seemed unsurmountable they extended a helping hand,
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25 September 2011 - 25 wrzesnia 2011r.
when their hope was waning they encouraged each other and put
their trust in God.
So this Sunday is dedicated to all the parishioners of St. Joseph
Sept. 19-$75 Celia Lebudzinski, Webster; Sept. 20-$50 Betty
Basilica, past and present, whose great faith, perseverance,
Meagher, Webster; Sept. 21- Theresa Antos, Dudley; Sept. 22generosity, love of God and one another make us who we are. Let
$50 Joanne E. Minarik, Webster; Sept. 23-$50 Connie Favreau,
us come together to initiate a great Jubilee Year and honor Blessed
Dudley; Sept. 24-$50 Dotty Hanc, Webster; Sept. 25-$100 Susan
John Paul II.
Horanzy, Dudley.
On Wednesday, Sept. 28th we will welcome six students from
Cracow and Warsaw. They will participate in the regularly
scheduled classes in our school, as well as having the opportunity to
enjoy several sightseeing tours. They will return to Poland the first
week in December.
On Thursday, September 29th we celebrate the Feast Day of Saints
Michael, Gabriel and Michael–Archangels. A majority of Catholics
have a great devotion to Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. We
encourage all those who venerate the Archangels to come for
morning Mass.
St. Joseph School -We gratefully acknowledge a donation of
$10,000 from the Friends of St. Joseph School. This represents the
interest from the fund’s principal of approx. $500,000 and is usually
given to St. Joseph School on a semi-annual basis. May God bless
the Board and all the Friends who support this fund.
With deep appreciation and words of gratitude I want to
acknowledge a donation of $2,500 from St. Anne Society toward the
sign in front of the Basilica. It is encouraging to see a new spirit of
this organization under the leadership of Genevieve Lariviere, with
the support of all the members and the Executive Board. Bog
Zaplac and God bless you.
May this spiritual organization who has such a long history of
dedication to the Church continue to grow in membership and
service. St. Anne Society presently enrolls newly baptized infants,
to the care of St. Anne.
We are continually addressing the various issues on the Kozik
property for the upcoming project. The trees have been cut, except
those on the front of Whitcomb Street which will remain until
spring, for environmental protection in the winter. We are looking
for someone to take the wood and branches (free of charge).
To cover all these expenses - the cutting of the trees, demolition
of the house and moving the gravel will be costly. It was the wish
of the Committee not to withdraw from the general fund, but ask for
donations from several individuals to defray these costs.
I am pleased to inform you that we received a substantial
donation of $25,000 toward that purpose from Dr. John Kalinowski.
Several of such donations will be sufficient to prepare the property
for the next phase of action.
We are most grateful to Dr. Kalinowski for his extra-ordinary
benevolence and faith to the school and our parish. Only good
deeds done for the Church of Jesus Christ have a lasting meaning
and work on our behalf. Thank You, Dr. Kalinowski and may God
Bless You.
Sign-up time, for current and new members, of the Piast
Group, together with their parents, will be held on Monday,
September 26th at the PNI Club, Millbury Street, Worcester, MA
at 6:00pm.
The St. Joseph Polish Women’ Club is sponsoring “A Splash of
Panache” Fashion Show to be held on Sunday, November 6, 2011
at Indian Ranch in Webster, from 11am to 4pm. There will be a
50/50 Raffle and the Special Gifts Raffle. Vendors will be on hand
for your shopping and a Roast Turkey Dinner with all the fixings
will be served at l pm, with the Fashion Show at 2pm. Tickets are
$30-for the event and tables of 8 with full payment may be reserved
on a first-come basis. Tickets are limited and the deadline to
purchase tickets will be October 24th. No tickets will be sold at the
door. Tickets may be purchased by contacting Barbara Kryger at
(508) 943-2253, Jane Wilk at (508) 943-2236 or Carrie’s Beauty
Shoppe (Patty Williams) at (508) 943-0318. Get your tickets
early–it promises to be a great afternoon!
The Sacred Heart Society wishes to extend a heartfelt “Thank
You” to the clergy, members, parishioners and friends who
participated in their annual “Bakeless Sale & Raffle”. Also, it was
gratifying to see the gathering enjoying the continental breakfast,
the opening of the 125th Jubilee Celebration, served by Clem
Starosta and Cindy Mikolajczak.
The winners of the Price Chopper Shopping Spree:
$100- Anna Siuzdak; $75-Patricia Betley; $50-Al Kozub; (3) $25Dorothy Kasierski, Nellie Kondek & Monique Cureau.
--Thank you all-President and Executive Board.
Members of Knights of Columbus will be selling 50/50 tickets
this weekend after all Masses. The drawing will be held on
October 5th, the next scheduled meeting in the school.
Thank you for everyone who supported their spaghetti supper
last weekend.
The Annual Mass for the deceased members of the Holy
Rosary Sodality will be held on Sunday, October 2, 2011 at the
8:15am Mass. The annual meeting with a continental breakfast
in the school cafeteria will follow. Members please wear your
medals to Mass and then join us for the annual meeting.
First Penance student/parent session will be held on Monday,
September 26th 5:30 - 7pm in the school cafeteria.
RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a
journey of conversion to God and what he intends for us. Please
contact the religious education office for more information.
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25 September 2011 - 25 wrzesnia 2011r
Taco Dinners at the Youth Center- Come enjoy a free taco dinner
and socialize with friends at the Youth Center. Please let Mrs. Valcour
know if you will be attending.
Jr. Youth group dinner - Tues. Sept. 27th - 5:30-8pm.
Sr. Youth group dinner - Wed. Sept. 28th - 5:30-8pm.
3rd-5th grade dinner - Thurs. Sept. 29th - 5:30 - 7:30pm.
St. Anne School Entertainment Guide 2012 edition is on sale. Price
is $30 per book and enjoy hundreds of 2 for 1 discounts as well as 50%
off on restaurants, movies, travel, etc. These books can be used
immediately and are valid through November 1, 2012. Please contact
St. Anne school at (508) 943-2735 to purchase a book.
25 wrzesnia 2011
To dóenie niech was oóywia; ono teó by»o w Chrystusie Jezusie. (Fl 2, 5)
Ludzie narzekaj, óe Bóg nie jest w porzdku, tymczasem prorok
Ezechiel Twierdzi zupe»nie coÑ odwrotnego: Bóg jest nawet bardzie
nió w porzdku, tylko ludzie wybieraj sobie swoje w»asne drogi i w
ten sposób obieraj jednoczeÑnie swój w»asny los. Wiadomo jednak,
óe nawet z»oczy½ca Moóe si“ zmieniƒ, czyniƒ dobro i ocaliƒ swoje
óycie, gdyó czyny Ñwiadcz bardziej nió s»owa.
Ðw. Pawe» pisze do Filipian, óe chcia»by, by ci, którzy twierdza, óe s
wierzcy faktycznie troszczyli si“ o innych, a nie tylko o swoje w»asne
korzyÑci. Natomiast w Jezusowym opowiadaniu o rolniku i dwóch
synach widzimy wyraïnie, óe ten, który nie chcia» iу, ale ostatecznie
wykona» proÑb“ ojca, jest o wiele lepszym cz»owiekiem od tego, który
z»oóy» obietnic“, a póïniej s»owa nie dotrzyma».
Druga zbiórka dzisiejszej niedzieli przeznaczona jest na zobowizania
zbieramy ofiary przeznaczone na wsparcie szkó» katolickich. W tym
roku zebrane fundusze chcemy przeznaczyƒ na pokrycie kosztów
nowego programu nauki czytania w naszej szkole. Wielu absolwentów
Szko»y Ñw. Józefa odnios»o sukces w biznesie, wielu teó jest takich,
którzy s wdzi“czni za edukacj“ otrzyman w naszej szkole.
Wierzymy, óe zechc oni gorliwie wesprzeƒ finansowo edukacj“ dzieci
w tym i nast“pnych pokoleniach, by mog»y one podóaƒ ich Ñladami
w odnoszeniu sukcesów zawodowych i poszukiwaniu osobistego
spe»nienia. Bóg zap»aƒ wszystkim, za hojne wsparcie naszej szko»y.
uroczystoу rodzinna mówi coÑ nie tylko o samym celebrowanym
wydarzeniu ale jednoczeÑnie i o cz»onkach rodziny, którzy te
uroczystoу przeóywaj. Dzisiejszej niedzieli o godzinie 15:00
zapraszamy wszystkich parafian no naszej Ñwityni na uroczyste
rozpocz“cie roku jubileuszowego 125lecia s»uóby Bogu i ludziom jako
wspólnota wierzcych. JesteÑmy wspólnot posiadajca wiar“,
determinacje i wizj“. W czasie uroczystoÑci przywo»amy na
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25 September 2011 - 25 wrzesnia 2011r
pami“ƒ naszych rodziców i dziadków, którzy cierpieli, poÑwi“cali si“
i wspierali nawzajem, wznosili budowle i ostatecznie ca»e to
dziedzictwo przekazali nam. Kiedy czasy by»y trudne, modlili si“,
kiedy zadania wydawa»y si“ nie do przezwyci“óenia, wtedy wycigali
pomocne d»onie, kiedy gas»a nadzieja, podnosili si“ wzajemnie na
duchu i powierzali Bogu.
Dzisiejsza niedziela jest poÑwi“cona wszystkim parafianom Bazyliki
Ñw. Józefa, by»ym i obecnych, których wielka wiara, wytrwa»oу,
szczodroу oraz mi»oу do Boga i ludzi ukszta»towa»a nas ludïmi,
jakimi jesteÑmy dziÑ.
DZIECI Z POLSKI W Ñrod“, 28 wrzeÑnia, przylatuje szeÑcioro
uczniów z Warszawy i Krakowa. B“d oni uczestniczyli w zaj“ciach
lekcyjnych w naszej szkole, które pozwol im na rozwiniecie
umiej“tnoÑci pos»ugiwania si“ j“zykiem angielskim. JednoczeÑnie b“d
brali udzia» w róónorodnych zaj“ciach i wyjazdach umoóliwiajcych
im poznawanie miejscowej kultury i dziedzictwa ameryka½skiego.
GABRIELA I RAFAºA W czwartek obchodzimy uroczystoу Ñw.
Archanio»ów. Ci szczególni pos»annicy Boga pojawiaj si“ w Historii
Zbawienia w bardzo waónych momentach. Ich imiona nios same w
sobie zbawcze przes»anie od Boga: Micha» – któó jak Bóg; Rafa» – Bóg
uzdrawia; Gabriel – Bóg pozdrawia. Wszystkich, którzy chc oddaƒ
czeу Bogu za wstawiennictwem Ñw. Archanio»ów i podzi“kowaƒ Im
za osobiste uÑwi“cenie, zapraszamy na porann Msze Ñw.
NOWENNA DO ÐW. JÓZEFA Przypominamy, óe wraz z
rozpocz“ciem miesica païdziernika, rozpoczynamy Nowenn“ do Ñw.
Józefa, która b“dzie odprawiana w kaód Ñrod“ wieczorem w
po»czeniu w Róóa½cem w païdzierniku i z Msz Ñw. pozosta»ych
miesicach. Zach“camy wszystkich do udzia»u w tych szczególnych
naboóe½stwach, które pozwol nam bardziej zblióyƒ si“ do Boga
poprzez wstawiennictwo naszego Patrona i jednoczeÑnie dadz nam
moóliwoу szukania pomocy za Jego wstawiennictwem.
EDUKACJA RELIGIJNA Spotkanie rodziców i dzieci do Pierwszej
Komunii Ñw. odb“dzie si“ w poniedzia»ek 26 wrzeÑnia o godz. 5:30 w
szkolnej kafeterii.
OFIARA JUBILEUSZOWA Wyraóamy ogromn wdzi“cznoу dla
Stowarzyszenia Ñw. Anny za ofiar“ w wysokoÑci 2,5 tyÑ. dolarów na
róónorodne projekty jubileuszowe. Niech Bóg wam b»ogos»awi w
waszej pos»udze KoÑcio»owi za poÑrednictwem Ñw. Anny, waszej
etapie prac zosta»y wyci“te drzewa na przysz»ym terenie budowy.
Pozosta»y jedynie Ñwierki od strony Whitcomb st. Poszukujemy kogoÑ,
kto zabra»by Ñci“te drzewa i w zamian uporzdkowa» teren.
Wol komitetu jest, by kosztami wycinki i rozbiórki domu nie
obcióaƒ budóetu budowy, dlatego teó zwracamy si“ z serdeczn
proÑb, do tych, którzy zechcieli by swoimi ofiarami wesprzeƒ
sfinansowanie tego etapu prac.
Pragniemy jednoczeÑnie podzi“kowaƒ panu dr Kalinowskiemu za
ofiar“ w wysokoÑci 25 tyÑ. dolarów na cele budowy. Dzi“ki jego
wsparciu »atwiej b“dzie sprostaƒ zadaniu przygotowania gruntu do
nast“pnego etapu prac.