Saint Joseph cBasi(ica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph cBasi(ica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph cBasi(ica
of the qhirdMi1Thnnium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus
Christ as a Catholic community offaith, by promoting a sense of commitment to the
Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization and
nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage,
we foster our tradition and aspire to personal growth in faith. We are determined
to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values and
to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God
53 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467 • Fax: 508-943-0808
E-mail: [email protected]
Parish WebSite:
Sunday Vigil:
Holy Day Vigil:
Holy Day:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
5:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.; 8:15 a.m.(Polish); 9:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m. (Bilingual)
6:30 a.m.; 7:00 a.m.
Saturday: ....................................... 3p.m.
Eve of Holy Days .........................3 p.m.
Thurs. before First Friday: ........... 3 p.m
First Friday: ..................................6.30 p.m
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. -4 p.m.
Wednesday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
(508) 943-3572
Director ...............................................................Mary Jolda
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process
established by the Church for individuals to become Catholic
and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation,
and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a
Baptized Catholic in need of making your First Communion
and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious Education Office.
BAPTISM: On designated Sundays. Please call to make
arrangements. Parents are required to receive orientation.
MARRIAGE: Proper preparation for marriage requires one
year's notice. Please contact the rectory for appointment.
MINISTRY TO THE SICK: For those of advanced age, ill or
hospitalized, call the rectory to arrange visitation.
PARISH MEMBERSHIP: If you would like to become part of
St. Joseph Parish Family, please call the rectory.
SAKRAMENT CHRZTU: W wyznaczone niedziele. Proszç
zadzwoniá na plebaniç, aby ustaliá date. Rodzice zobowizani sa
do krótkiej katechezy.
SAKRAMENT MAL2EI"4STWA: Narzeczeni powinni
zawiadomiá kancelariç parafialn4 rok przed dat4 glubu.
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH: Po sakramentalnEL poslugç
ksiçdza proszç dzwoniá na plebaniç.
ZAPISY DO PARAFU: Parafla 9w. JOzefa serdecznie zaprasza
nowych czlonków. Zapisy przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafiahej.
Rector ..................................Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Adm. Secretary...................................................Terry Miller
Financial Secretary.............................................Ewa Mamro
Organist..........................................................Robert Wójcik
Cemetery Manager .....................................Kevin Rekowski
Sacristans .....................................Al Richard & Joseph Ziak
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0378 Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal ...................................................Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary.......................................................Ms. Jennifer Mahlert
November 29, 2009 - 29 listopad 2009 r.
Page 2
Masses for the week Msze Sw. Podczas Tygodnia
Sunday Vigil-November 28
r.s. Julie Knurowski Bainton-int. Stanley &Rosalie
Baptism of Benjamin J. Cryan
Sunday-November 29
Za zgode i pokoj rodzin w Poisce i w Ameryce
For the parishioners of Saint Joseph Basilica
r.s. Sophia Buress -mt. Lena Bomba & Sophie Katori
s.p.Josef i Weronika Mleczko oraz Franciszek Mleczko
-in. rodziny
Baptism of Tyler Joseph Bushman
1 pm
Monday-November 30
r.s. Josephine V. Geppert (1St anniv.)
-mt. Dorothy Guillette & Marlene Girardin
Tuesday-December 1
r.s. Joseph Boczkaj -mt. daughter & son-in-law
Wednesday-December 2
r.s. Olga Pendrak -mt. Edward D. Sikowski, Roland P.
Malboeuf and John P. Hickey
r.s. John (anniv.) and Joseph Czechowski
-mt. niece Joan A. Comeau
Thursday-December 3
r.s. Wiadyslaw Kurpiel -int. Stanislaw Janusz
Friday-December 4'I? First Friday t
1 p.m.
r.s. Theresa E. Miczek -mt. a friend
For the living members of the Sacred Heart Society
r.s. Nellie Swierzbin
-mt. Alexandra Brzostek and Irene Sheehan
r.s. Maria i Stanislaw Baczynski
7 pm
-mt. corka Zofia i Stanislawa
Saturday-December 5
Do Matki Bozej z prosba o nowe powolania do stanu
kaplanskiego i zycia zakonnego
-i. pielgrzymow z New Britain
Sunday Vigil
r.s. Mary Breault -mt. husband Ed
Children's Mass
Sunday-December 6
Za parafian
r.s. Stanley Kaliszewski (itt anniv.) -mt. sons & families
r.s. Joseph Augustynski (anniv.) -mt. wife
Baptism of Evan Micciche
s.p. Maria Truszkat (8th ann.) -i. syna z rodzina
Weekly $3908.25 (incl. $258 in loose money); Diocesan
Obligations $128; Fuel $261; Campaign for Human Dev. $690
(incl. $131 in loose money). I greatly appreciate your dedication
and continuous support of St. Joseph Basilica. You may be aware
that we need at least $6000 weekly to operate the parish. May I
humbly ask anyone who can afford it, to increase your weekly
contributions. May God reward your faith and spirit of discipleship.
Stewardship Note. "Be on guard, "Jesus warns in today's Gospel, "lest
your spirits become bloated with indulgence. "Let us heed His warning
and follow the advice of St. Paul, conducting ourselves in a way pleasing
to God, overflowing with love for one another.
FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT November 29, 2009
I will raise up for David a just shoot;
he shall do what is right and just in
the land.
Jeremiah 33:151
Active Waiting. As this new liturgical year unfolds, today's
readings are most appropriate, for they root us in what it
means to live authentically as Christians. The Gospel, with
its frightening predictions of the end times, invites the hearer
to "be vigilant at all times" (Luke 21:36)). This kind of
vigilance is not at all passive for the Christian. Instead, it is I
a kind of active waiting. And what should we be doing while
we are waiting for the coming of the Lord? The second
reading gives us the answer: "abound in love for one another
and for all" (1 Thessalonians 3:12). Today is all about
promises made and fulfilled. May this Advent season root us
all firmly in a stance of active waiting for the Lord, who
brings justice and peace.
The second collection is for all remaining envelopes
in your budget packet for the month of November
i/ext weekend, the first Sunday of the month, the second collection will he to
reduce our Diocesan Obligations. Please he generous.
The season of Advent brings Good News of
redemption because in the fullness of time
God sent his Son to be the Savior of
humankind by taking the human body. The
eternal son of God entered human history by
being born in Bethlehem. Human nature was uplifted and received
new hope, new meaning, and new destiny.
Advent refers also to the second coming of Jesus as ajust judge at
the end of the world. Advent is an invitation to renew our Christian
commitment and to start living the life that Christ's first coming
more than 2000 years ago made possible to prepare us for his final
coming.The wisdom of life is to look beyond the externals,
commercials, glitter of Christmas into its real spiritual meaning. The
most important preparation for Christmas is participation not only in
the Sunday Mass but also in daily Masses.
According to our tradition, the sacrament of Reconciliation
will be available during the week after the last morning Mass.
The Christmas Reconciliation Service for all parishioners is
scheduled for Monday, December 21, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. Please mark
your calendar so that you and your family can make plans to take
part in this special confession. Several priests will be invited to
assist that evening.
First Friday adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will take place after
the 7:00 a.m. Mass on December 4, 2009 and continue throughout
the day, concluding with the Chaplet to the Divine Mercy and
benediction at 3 p.m. At 7 p.m. in the evening, a Mass in Polish will
be celebrated followed by adoration.
Each month the First Friday 7 a.m. Mass is offered for the
members of the Sacred Heart Society. This month the Mass will be
offered for the living members of the organization. We ask the
members to make a special effort to take part in this Holy Sacrifice
of the Mass which is offered for their intentions.
Page 3
November 29, 2009 - 29 listopad 2009 r.
The Christmas Holy Day is so important that it is surrounded by
a variety of events before and after that memorable day such as
parties, shows, caroling etc. For years the St. Joseph Christmas
Bazaar was the first to open this holy season. On December 5th,
once again the Home and School Association invites parishioners,
alumni, friends, and visitors to enjoy the Christmas spirit with
traditional food, opportunities for Christmas shopping, home-baked
pastries, children's games etc. Doors open at 12 noon and will
continue until 7 p.m. At 5 p.m. a special meatloaf dinner with all
the fixings will be served for a donation of $5. At 5:30 p.m. St.
Nicholas with his entourage will visit the children with treats.
This beautiful Christmas extravaganza is sponsored by the HSA
and they kindly ask that parents and parishioners assist by baking
for this event—breads, cakes, fudge etc.
Please bring your family and friends to the school cafeteria and
participate in this joyful event to rekindle memories of a traditional
Please note: HSA representatives will be selling tickets for the
meatloaf dinner at the Bazaar after Masses this weekend, Donation
$5.person. Tickets may also be purchased at the school and at the
door. Please contact Cindi Gardner, HSA Chair, if you need further
information 508-4610-9054. Thank you!
iT 0 Come iT 0 Come iT Emanuel iT Advent is the most
inspirational, joyful and filled with hope season of the year.
Participation in divine worship is an integral part of preparation for
Christmas. The monthly family Mass with a candlelight procession
will be celebrated this year on December at the Sunday vigil
Mass at 4p.m. We invite all the children to meet at the entrance to
the church and process in the darkness to the altar with a lit candle
to symbolize Jesus, the Savior, who brought light to the world.
Following the Mass we will all gather on the rectory lawn for the
blessing and lighting of the Christmas Tree. Since this is the day of
the Christmas Bazaar, we invite the parents and children to come
to the school for refreshments including hot chocolate. The children
will also enjoy the visit of Saint Nicholas whose feast we will
celebrate on Sunday, December 6th.
Youth Mass at Youth Center. Father Gomez will celebrate a very special
Youth Only Candlelight Mass at the Youth Center on Wednesday,
December 9th Come and visit with friends at 7 p.m.; Mass will begin at 8
pin. All youths in grades 6-12 are invited to take part and participate in
this Mass. If you are interested in planning, reading or setting up the
Center for the Mass, please let Mrs. Valcour know. Light snacks and
beverages will be served after Mass.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Featuring Progressive Jackpot #54
Two Winner Take All's - Special Door Prizes
Good Neighbor Games
Variety of Hot-Home-Made-Food
Free Coffee and Free Pastry
Games begin 5:45 pm - End about 8:30 pm
The parents of students of Grade 5 and Grade 4
will assist from 4 to 6 p.m.
Thanksgiving Celebration. On Tuesday, November 24, 2009 the
students, faculty, and administration of St. Joseph School
celebrated Thanksgiving. The day began with a Thanksgiving
Prayer Service led by Sr. Mary Ann. Students filled several baskets
with foods for needy families. The goods will be combined with
turkeys donated by St. Joseph Basilica Knights of Columbus
Council #12980 to complete the meal. The school community came
together at lunchtime to share a Thanksgiving feast donated by
Msgr. Czarnecki, and lovingly prepared by Patty Zagrocki,
Cafeteria Manager, and her staff.
It was edifying to see all the students sitting at the tables and
served by the Pincipal, faculty and volunteers. It was indeed a
schoolfamily celebration!
St. Joseph School Presents "Life 101". The annual St. Joseph
School Christmas Show will be held on Saturday, December 19,
2009 at 7p.m. at Bartlett High School. Students in Grades 3-8 will
present "Life 101" a hilarious classroom in the clouds where Jesus
prepares for his time on Earth. From preschool through high
school, it's a heavenly cram session full of lessons in life! Written
by Willen Webb, and produced by special arrangement with
Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., Englewood, Colorado, "Life 101"
sends Jesus off to his birth on Earth and the audience home full of
joy and a solid review of Biblical characters and the life lessons
they illustrate. The show will also include entertainment by
students in Grades K-3 and conclude with the Living Nativity.
The annual Christmas Party will be held at Colonial Club
Restaurant on Wednesday, December 9th, Cocktails begin at 5:30
p.m. with dinner at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are $20 and are available at
Carrie's Beauty Shoppe, or by calling Jill Manak @ 508-943-1810
or Jo-Ann Canty @ 508-943-8587. Judi Deg, Publicity chairperson
I do not have the correct words to express my gratitude and to say
Thank You to the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica. With your
donations, together, we were able to provide a Thanksgiving meal
for 117 families in need including the school, our parish and the
immediate community. That is 117 families who will enjoy a
Thanksgiving meal. This year we also had our first corporate
donation from Pratt Trucking. Thank you.
Ronald A. Duharme, Grand Knight
The Family Advent Event that was scheduled for December 2"
has been changed to Saturday, December 5th at the SJS Christmas
Bazaar. Please come anytime from 1 to 4 p.m.
RCIA. Last Sunday at the 9:30 a.m. Mass we celebrated two
Rites of Initiation for inquirers into the RCIA process-the Rite of
Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens for those preparing for
Baptism and the Rite of Welcoming for those already baptized and
seeking full communion with the Catholic Church. The following
catechumens celebrated the Rite of Acceptance: Dylan Murphy,
Jacob Murphy, Joseph Murphy, and Shaun Murphy. The following
candidates celebrated the Rite of Welcoming: Dian Auger, Carolyn
Rocheleau, Kathy Sealey, and Pawel Surowaniec. Please pray for
our catechumens and candidates as they now enter into a period of
deeper formation in the RCIA process.
Pane 4
Nov. 23450 Kathy Piechocki, Webster; Nov. 24450 Norma Giroux,
Webster; Nov. 25-550 Dianne Wasielewski, Webster; Nov. 26475
Theresa Spiewak, Webster; Nov. 27450 Deann Richard, Putnam; Nov.
28450 Mary Champagne, Webster; Nov. 29-$100 Don Kasierski,
St. Joseph School Gym and Parish Center. In memory of: John D.
Christian-S 175 by Leo and Julia Christian, Richard, Jacqueline, Brian
and Andrew Skrocki, Eleanor Noga.
Please visit the priests'sacristy for the oplatek you will share with
your family on Christmas Day.
A Beautiful Holiday Tradition to Pass On. For the people of Poland
and other Slavonic nations, the breaking and sharing of the "Oplatek"
is a beautiful tradition. Oplatek, taken from the Latin word oblatum
meaning Sacred Bread, has been the symbol of Christianity and Jesus
Christ, our bread of life. On the Holiest Night of the year, a festive 12course meatless dinner is prepared for family and friends. An extra
setting is placed for a beggar (Our Lord) who may come to the door, or
a poor family (Holy Family) looking for a place to stay. The host or
hostess leads in a special prayer and distributes an oplatek to the
participants. Each person breaks off a piece of the other's oplatek and
continues until they have exchanged good wishes and blessings with
everyone. Traditionally, at midnight the head of the household takes the
pink oplatek and shares it with the animals on his farm or at his home.
This custom brings us back to that Holy Night when even the animals
were able to speak and to remind us that we are all God's creatures.
i aijp p
OCZEKIWANIE. Dzisiejsze czytanie kieruje nasze myli do tego, co
jest naprawd wayne i tlumaczy, co to znaczy, eby ±yé jak prawdziwy
chrzecijanin. Ewangelia zachca do gotowoci i ostro±noci zadajqc
pytanie co powinnimy robié przygotowujc sic na przyjcie Jezusa?
Drugie czytanie daje odpowiedi na to pytanie: ,,kochaj kadego
bliniego". Niech ten blogoslawiony czas Adwentu zacheci nas do
aktywnego oczekiwania na narodzenie Jezusa, ktory przynosi pokój i
ADWENT jest okresem, ktOry przynosi Dobrq Nowinc o Zbawieniu,
poniewa2 Bog poslal swoj ego Syna, aby zbawil §wiat wcielajqc sic w
czlowieka. Wieczny Syn Boga przyszedl na §wiat jako czlowiek w
stajence w Betlejem. Przyniósl now4 nadziejç i nowe znaczenie dia
ycia. Adwent przypomina nam równie± o drugim przyjciu Jezusajako
Sçdziego na koñcu wiata. Jestzachqtq do odnowienia naszych wartoci
chrzecijanskich i 2ycia wedlug wskazówek Ewangelii. Mdroé ycia
polega na szukanie duchoych wattoci poza komercyjnymi reklamami
i blyskotkami boonarodzeniowymi. Codzienna Msza w. mote by6 w
tym bardzo pomocna. Jak co roku, p0 ostatniej porannej Mszy w.
bçdzie mona skorzystaé z Sakramentu Pojednania.
Spowiedi Bo±onarodzeniowa dia calej parafli bçdzie w poniedzialek,
21 grudnia o6 p.m. Proszc zaznaczyd sobie to na kalendarzu i nie robid
na ten czas innych planów. Jak zwykle przyjadq ksiça z innych parafli,
eby pomoé nam sic godnie przygotowad na przyjcie Zbawiciela.
Page 5
DRUGA KOLEKTA dzisiaj jest na wszystkie pozostale koperty z
pakietu listopadowego.
PIERWSZY PLTEK MIESIACA wypada 4 grudnia. Po Mszy 9w.
o 7-ej rano bçdzie wystawienie Najwiçtszego Sakramentu i adoracja
do godz. 3 p.m. 0 7-ej wieczorem bçdzie Msza 9w. i adoracja w j.
polskim. Msza w. o 7-ej rano jest ofiarowana w intencji iyjqcych
czlonków Stowarzyszenia Serca Jezusowego.
BAZAR BO2ONARODZENIOWY. Narodziny Jezusa s4 tak wa±ne,
ze s4 otoezone wieloma wydarzeniami zarówno przed jak i po tym tym
pamitnym dniu. Przez wiele lat nasz Bazar Boonarodzeniowy
otwieral ten intensywny okres przygotowañ. Zgodnie wiçc z ftadycj,
5-go grudnia zapraszamy parafian i goci na zakupy na naszym bazarze
i dobre jedzenie i wypieki. Bazar bçdzie otwarty od 12-ej w poludnie
do 7-ej wieczorem. 0 5 p.m. bçdzie mo±na zjeé obiad z rzymsk
pieczeni (meatloaf) za jedyne $5. 0 5:30 p.m. odwiedzi nas w.
Mikolaj obdarowujqc dzieci s1odkociami. Prosimy zaprocie swoje
rodziny i przyjaciól na towarzyskie spotkanie wprawiajee w radosny
nastroj boonarodzeniowy. Komitet Rodzicielski bçdzie sprzedawal
bilety na obiad p0 Mszach gwiptych.
MSZA 8W. ANGIELSKA dia dzieci w tym miesiqcu bçdzie nie w niedzielç
09:30 rano, ale w sobot, 5-go grudnia 04 po poludniu. Zapraszamy wszystkie
dzieci do zebrania sip w kruchcie kociola i o wejcie do srodka w procesji ze
wiecami/1ampionami. Po Mszy w. zbierzemy sip przed plebaniq na
blogoslawiedstwo i zawiecenie choinki. Póniej bçdzie mona skorzystk z
obiadu i zakupów na bazarze w szkole.
ZE SZKOLY. We wtorek, 24-go listopada uezniowie szkoly, nauczyciele,
administracja i woluntariusze Szkoly w. JOzefa zebrali sic na wspOlnym
obiedzie z okazji 8wiqta Dzikczynienia. Dzied rozpocz1 sic specjalnym
naboedstwem modlitwnym rano, p0 któiym dzieci ofiarowaly produkty do
przygotowania koszów zjedzeniem i indykami dia ubogich. Indyki oflarowane
byly przez Rycerzy Kolumba, którzy na ten eel zbierali ofiary dwa tygodnie
temu. W porze lunch'u wszyscy zebrali sic na tradycyjny obiad zafudnowany
przez ks. Pralata i przygotowany przez Patti Zagroeki i jej pomocników.
Uczniowie siedzqcy przy stolach byli obslugiwaniu przez samego dyrektora,
nauczycieli i rodziców w stylowych, kucharskich czapkach.
w. Józefa pt. ,,Life 101" (czyli podstawy ycia) bçdzie 19 grudnia o7 p.m. w
audytorium w Bartlett High School. Uczniowie w klasach od 3-8 przygotowali
mieszne przedstawienie szkoly w niebie, gdzie Jezus przygotowuje sic na
przyjcie na ziemic. Przedstawienie to na pewno wprawi nas radosny nastrój
i przypomni najwaniejsze wydarzenia biblijne. Miodsi uczniowie przedstawij
Jaseika. Serdecznie wszystkich zapraszamy. Zaznaczcie Wasze kalendarze.
RYCERZE KOLUMIBA bardzo dziçkujq wszystkim, którzy zloyli ofiare na
zakup indyków. Dzicki Waszej szczodroci byli w stanie zakupié produkty na
obiad dziçkczynny dia 117 ubogich rodzin.
RELIGIA. Spotkanie adwentowe zostalo przeniesione z 2 grudnia na sobotç,
5-go grudnia, dzieñ bazaru w szkole. Proszc przyjgd miçdzy gothin 1-4 po
SW. MLKOLAJ. Ka±dego roku sobotnia szkola w Webster przygotowuje
poiskie przedstawienie mikolajkowe pokczone z wizyttj sw. Mikolaja. W tym
roku pragiemy troche zmienié forme. Przygotowujemy przedstawienie Pt.
Betlejemska Dobranocka, w któiym postacie bajkowe przyjdq poldonié sic
Jezusowi w stajence. Przedstawienie to bçdzie mialo na celu r6wniei finansow
pomoc naszej szkole dlatego zapraszamy wszystkich parafian, babcie,
dziadków, ciocie i wujków i przyjacioi uczniów naszej szkoiy do przyjscia na
to przedstawienie, które bçdzie 1 2.X1I w sobotç o 1 8-ej w kafeterii Szkoly
5w. Józefa. Bilety kosztujq jedynie $5 dia doroslych i dzieci, a w cenç
biletu dzieciçcego wliczony jest upominek od Sw. Mikolaja, któiy nas
r6wnie2 odwiedzi. Po wiçcej informacji proszc dzowié do Ewy Mamro