Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus Christ as a Catholic community of faith,
by promoting a sense of commitment to the Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization
and nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage, we foster our tradition and aspire to personal
growth in faith. We are determined to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values
and to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
Sunday Vigil:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
Holy Day Vigil:
5:00 p.m.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process established by the Church for
individuals to become Catholic and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a Baptized Catholic in
need of making your First Communion and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious
Education Office.
BAPTISM. On designated Sundays. Please call
to make arrangements. Parents are required to
receive orientation.
MARRIAGE. Proper preparation for marriage
requires one year’s notice. Please contact the
rectory for appointment.
Holy Day
7:00 a.m.; 8:15 a.m.(Polish);
9:30 a.m., 7:00 p.m. (Bilingual)
MINISTRY TO THE SICK For those of advanced age, ill or hospitalized, call the rectory to
arrange visitation.
6:30 a.m. (m-f); 7:00 a.m. (w, f, sat)
PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you would like to
become part of St. Joseph Parish Family,
please call the rectory.
Eve of Holy Days:
Thurs. before First Friday
First Friday:
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
3 p.m.
niedziele. Proszę zadzwonić na plebanię, aby
ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są do krótkiej
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
powinni zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok
przed datą ślubu.
Thursday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector:.............. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor.... Rev. Grzegorz Chodkowski
Financial Secretary.........................Ewa Mamro
Organist:..................................... Robert Wójcik
Sacristans................. Al Richard & Joseph Ziak
53 Whitcomb Street,
Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467
Fax: 508-943-0808
e-mail: [email protected]
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH Po sakramentalną
posługę księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza nowych członków. Zapisy
przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster
Phone: 508-943-0467 ext.: 3
Phone: 508-943-0378
e-mail: [email protected]
Director……………..Mrs. Mary Jolda
Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal ............Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary ............Mrs. Jennifer Mahlert
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May 20 , 2012 - 20 maja 2012r.
Masses for the week—Msze Św. w Tygodniu
Sunday Vigil - May 19
4:00 - r.s. Anthony (anniv.), Victoria & Jerome Groh
- int. family
Sunday - May 20
7:00 For the parishioners of Saint Joseph Basilica
8:15 Holy Rosary Sodality Annual Mass & Communion
9:30 r.s. Winifred Kiwak - int. son, Louis & daughter-inlaw, Nancy M.
Baptism—William Antos
11:00 s.p. Jakub, Andrzej i John Plewa & family
- int. Anna i Ed Kudron
O błogosławieństwo Boże dla Absolwentów
Polskiej Szkoły Sobotniej
Monday—May 21
6:30 Za wypominki
8:00 r.s. Robert G. Miller - int. Msgr. A. Czarnecki
2:15 Lanessa Nursing Home
Tuesday - May 22
6:30 r.s. Julia T. Domurad - int. Edward Sitkowski, Roland
Malboeuf & John Hickey
8:00 r.s. Henryk Morga - int. Joan Comeau
Wednesday - May 23
6:30 r.s. Thomas Minarik (37th anniv.)
- int. daughter, son & family
7:00 r.s. Barbara Poplawski - int. Holy Rosary Sodality
Thursday - May 24
6:30 r.s. Chester Strenk (25th anniv.) - daughter & family
Friday - May 25
6:30 r.s.Peter & Josephine Hanc - int. Dorothy Hanc
7:00 r.s. Harriet Forsman - int. nieces and nephews
Saturday –May 26
7:00 r.s. Bessie Tremblay - int. Adorers at the Blessed
Sacrament Chapel
10:00 Wedding Mass
Nicole Kolodziejczak & Laurence Eldred
Sunday Vigil
4:00 In thanksgiving for blessings received during 50 years
of marriage for Clem and Pat Starosta
Sunday - May 27 - +Pentecost+
7:00 For the parishioners of Saint Joseph Basilica
8:15 r.s. Catherine Szczepaniak (21st anniv.)
- int. Richard & Pat Parslow and family
9:30 r.s. Terry Miller - int. Connie Galli
11:00 s.p. Eugenius Kalinowski w 19 rocznica smiercu
- int. syna Mariusza z rodzina
Baptism - Nora Ela Mitak
I-25 Club Winner for 9th week
#120 - Carolyn Swierzbin
Captain—Connie Czechowski
Weekly $4782.50 (incl. $264.50 in loose money); Diocesan
Obligations $95; Fuel $283; 125th Jubilee Fund $366
Weekly Budget $7500
Stewardship Note: Jesus is the perfect steward—watching
carefully over all who have been entrusted to Him by the Father
and then sending them all out into the world in service. May I
similarly protect and wisely use the gifts entrusted to me!
If God so loved us, we also must love one another.
—1 John 4:11
It is a seemingly small point, but one that is important to
remember as we reflect on ministry during these days preceding the descent of the Spirit, to notice that the place of Judas
among the apostles was refilled because of his betrayal, not
because of his death. He was, according to Peter, “allotted a
share in this ministry.” It is, then, betrayal of the mission and
not merely death that leaves a void in the fabric of the church’s
mission. We forget that in the minds of the other apostles, Judas still would have been numbered in the company of the
Twelve when Jesus prayed the prayer we hear today: praying
that, as they were sent into the world, they would be consecrated in the truth. It is difficult for us to comprehend that Jesus knelt to wash the feet of Judas. These are powerful and
significant lessons for us to call to mind and keep in our hearts
as we ponder the place of our particular ministry in the Church
and the world, if we are remaining faithful to it, consecrated to
the truth.
The second collection next weekend is designated for Diocesan
At 8:15AM Liturgy we welcome the Holy Rosary Sodality for
their Annual Communion Mass followed by breakfast served in
the school cafeteria. The essence of the spirituality of the Holy
Rosary Sodality is the ROSARY which is a most effective
prayer to God through the intercession of the Blessed Mother. In
this Jubilee Year as we rediscover the spiritual fiber of past generations, we rededicate ourselves to the prayers of the rosary. If
anyone would like to recite a mystery in the rosary exchange,
practiced for many years in this organization, please call Betty
Today following the 11:00am Mass, we will begin the sacred
days of Forty Hours devotion. Sunday -Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament and private adoration until 4:00pm. The
Stearns Vespers will be sung by the Basilica choir at 4:00pm
with a sermon delivered in English by Rev. Richard Reidy.
Monday - Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after the last
morning Mass with adoration throughout the day. At 5:30pm
religious education students and the youths of our parish are invited to participate in a brief prayer service and reflection.
Tuesday - Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after last
morning Mass with adoration all day concluding at 7:00pm with
homily by Rev. C. Borowski, singing of the litany to All Saints
and procession. We invite the First Communion Class, Children
of Mary, parish organizations and Eucharistic ministers to take
part in this celebration in honor of the Blessed Sacrament.
May 23-25-Wed. - Fri. 7:00pm; May 26-Sat. after 4:00pm
Mass; May 27-Sun. after 11:00am Mass.
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I am pleased to inform you that the sale of the house at 88
Lake St., donated by Mr. John Markiewicz, a former teacher at
St. Joseph School has been finalized. We are grateful for his
generosity to the Basilica. When he made his last will he informed me saying that, he was donating his house to God
through his Church. I presume that at this crucial moment of
his journey he was preparing himself and planning his eternity.
It is interesting to note that the person who makes testament
should include himself in that last will. By bequeathing to the
Church, regardless if you have substantial or little assets, you
will benefit yourself for eternity. Similarly, acts of kindness,
deeds of faith and generosity extended through the Church are
of paramount importance during your lifetime, but especially in
your final stage of life on earth. Including the Church in your
will is an essential step before we enter the final phase of our
As of May 14th, we have collected $21,116 and still need
$3,884. With your gift, you can make a difference in others’
lives. Every gift brings us closer to our goal of $25,000. Cranston Print Works Foundation, as well as other companies offer a
matching gift program for present employees and retirees. If
you already made a donation, but did not fill out a matching gift
form, please contact Carolyn Swierzbin (508)943-4276 or Betty
Sabaj (508)943-8570.
It is with regret that we announce the resignation of Felicia
Balcom from the rectory office staff. Felicia has worked at our
parish office for over seventeen years and handled multiple
tasks with great zeal and competency. We are grateful for her
many acts of kindness and generosity of time extended to St.
Joseph Basilica. We will miss her presence and her dedicated
work ethic. May God continue to bless Felicia and her family.
With the death of Terry Miller and the departure of Felicia
Balcom there is a need for a part-time secretary at St. Joseph
Rectory. This is a perfect opportunity for a retired professional
or a stay-at-home Mom looking for school hours. The candidate should have organizational skills coupled by strong
computer proficiency especially in Microsoft Word and the
ability to work independently on various tasks. The command
of the Polish language is helpful but not necessary. If you have
great inter-personal skills and are a dedicated worker, please
send your resume to St. Joseph Basilica Rectory.
We are making significant progress on the Maynard Street
entrance to our Basilica. The old stairs were removed and new
smaller ones were installed—granite steps embellished by brick
make these stairs useful, practical and esthetic. Once again the
bricks on the wall which were covered by the old stairs were
replaced with new ones. The walls on both sides of the stairs
going to the street will be renovated. The present rails will be
renewed by cleaning and sanding. Although this rail does not
fit with the rest of the décor it is strong and less conspicuous
and due to financial restrictions these will be retained. We have
begun work on the front entry from Whitcomb Street side.
This is a major project to balance the landscaping of our Basilica. We are grateful to all the people who have generously supported this project—many have already fulfilled their pledge.
In this Jubilee year when many visitors will be celebrating our
125th anniversary with us, we should present our Basilica in the
best possible light. After all, this reflects our pride and our
Hopefully you noticed that the Gym and Parish Center prep
work is gaining momentum. The area is cleared of buildings
and trees. At the present time we are concentrating our efforts
on securing various permits from the Town of Webster and the
Diocese of Worcester, meeting with the architects, selecting a
general contractor, discussing strategy and sequence of action.
This issue requires a lot of time, but is necessary.
We are most grateful to all those who contributed to this gym
project. The total cost of the gym and parish center is $4.9 million. At this time we are about $1million short. There is a
stipulation of the Diocese that we should have 50% of the
money in cash and 50% in pledges to move ahead with the
construction. A lot of time and effort has been dedicated to the
gym, and rightfully so, because our students despite their successes nevertheless are deprived of an adequate facility for
physical education programs. Likewise the parish center plays
an important part in the life of our parishioners. We have
opened discussion on the details of the parish center—size, location, capacity, etc. More information will be available at the
Parish Dinner on May 19th after 4:00pm Mass in the school
May 13 $100, Pat Champagne, Webster; May 14 $50, Louis
& Nancy Kiwak, Webster, May 15 $50, JoAnn Cummings,
Sterling, MA; May 16 $75, Charles Szymczak, Dudley; May 17
$50, Holy Rosary Sodality, Webster; May 18 $50, Shirley
Baker, Dudley; May 19 $50, Genevieve Pioppi, Sturbridge.
St. Joseph School - Donation of $395 from the parishioners
of St. Andrew Bobola Church. In memory of Alice Skarbek
$25 given by Knights of Columbus Council #12980. On behalf
of our students-Thank You!
St. Joseph Basilica - In memory of Stasia Jasczur, $75
given by M/M Kazimierz Jarosz, Leo E. Didonato and Nellie
St. Joseph School Gym Expansion Fund - donation of
$1500 from Renata Cammarata, Krystyna Plewa and Bozenna
Plewa. We thank our alumnae for their generosity.
Friends of St. Joseph School Fund - In memory of Robert
Miller, by Proprietors of the Rural Cemetery, Worcester, MA;
Kenny and Karen Mroczek. In memory of Edward Dowgiewicz, by M/M George Baldowski, Irene Augustyn, Michael
& Susan Dowgiewicz, Sheila & Anthony Kusek, Gladys Dowgiewicz, Theresa Jankowski, John & Ann Marie Canty, Edward
& Anna Kudron, Irene Sheehan, James & Lorraine Brezniak,
Patricia Makulski, Ronald & Edith Janton, Richard & Theresa
Wagner and M/M Henry Bourgeois.
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Yesterday 14 eight grade students graduated from our Polish Saturday School. At noon they enjoyed a farewell performance by their
younger colleagues in the school cafeteria and in the evening a farewell dinner dance prepared by their parents. John Paul II called
all the immigrants, but especially those of Polish heritage, to foster their language, culture and traditions. It is commendable that
these young people who are very well integrated into the American society spend 10 years of studies of Polish language, history,
geography and culture. They gave up free time every Saturday more or less enthusiastically, to fulfill the request of the Holy Father. I would like to congratulate them and their parents who sacrificed so much time and effort to have their children integrated into
the American society with a sense of their Polish identity. I would like to thank director, Ewa Mamro and all the teachers who devoted a lot of time to help these students reach this important milestone. Congratulations and God bless you!
Congratulations - to the St. Joseph School’s published poets! Fourteen Grade 7 & 8 students from Mrs. Lefebvre’s Language Arts classes will have their original poems published in
the Spring 2012 edition of A Celebration of Young Poets published by Creative Communications. Poems are selected for
publication based on their literary merit, creativity, or social
significance. Grade 7: Octawia Gielarowiec, Marina Malki,
Emily Puchala and Hannah Yash; Grade 8: Thomas Clifford,
Gordon Ellis, Adam Grzyb, Kyle Herbst, Patryk Kalinowski,
Zachary Mailloux, Olivia Mason, Nathan Phelps, Jillian Recko
and Dante Turo. St. Joseph School will receive a complimentary copy of the anthology for the school library.
125th Jubilee Celebration - Mark your Calendar! This
special celebration will conclude with Mass in the Basilica and
a banquet on Sat., Oct. 6, 2012 at the Elks Lodge in Auburn.
Cost will be $45 per person and will include hot and cold hors
d’oeuvers, wine toast, dinner, dessert and dancing. Further
information and invitations will be coming soon.
St. Roch Festival - 334 Main St., Oxford will be holding
their Annual Festival on Sat., June 23 from 8:00am—8:00pm.
Breakfast begins at 8am; lunch will be served from 11:30 –
3:00; chicken barbecue at 5:30pm. Come join us for many activities, garage sale, baked goods, money raffle and much more.
Contact Teri at (508) 753-7180 for details.
Parish Council Meeting - Wed., May 23 at 6:30pm in
School Conference Room.
Home School Association Meeting - Thurs. May 24 at
6:30pm in the school cafeteria.
Your support of our school through purchases via is appreciated.
Please contact them through our website at
Our 39th Festival is only four weeks away - Special Gifts
tickets $2 each or 3/$5 are available at the rectory.
Country store - We ask for your donations for nonperishable items to fill the country store baskets. You may
place your food staples in the containers at the entrances to our
Basilica. Thank you in advance!
Money Raffle Ticket Returns - food sales & the money
raffle are necessary for the success of our Parish Festival.
Please return your tickets as soon as possible. If you should
need additional tickets, please call the rectory.
Confirmation - We are asking our parishioners to pray for
the 14 young people who will be celebrating their Confirmation
and becoming fully initiated Catholics on June 7th. May their
young lives be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Catechists are needed for Fall - Are you willing? Will you
answer the call? WE NEED YOU. If you are interested,
please call the Religious Education office and leave your name
and phone number. Please consider this special work of our
Church. Training will be provided.
Help Clean Cans to go to Canobie Lake Park - 5th—12th
Graders join us for two hours cleaning cans on Tues., May 22
from 3-5pm to be able to go to Canobie Lake Park on Wed.,
Aug. 15 (rain date Aug. 16) for only $20. Please let Mrs. Valcour know if you will be able to attend the can cleaning. If you
cannot attend but want to help, you can contact Mrs. Valcour
about taking home bags of dirty cans, clean them, return for
deposit and get the money back to Mrs. Valcour on your own.
(If any current 2nd-4th graders want to attend Canobie Lake
Park, they will need to also clean cans and an adult chaperone
will need to accompany them to Canobie.
20 maja 2012
"Umiłowani, jeśli Bóg tak nas umiłował,
to i my winniśmy się wzajemnie miłować." (1J 4, 11)
Druga kolekta w przyszłym tygodniu będzie przeznaczona na
zobowiązania diecezjalne.
Chrystus wstępuje do nieba, aby przez Ducha Świętego zamieszkać w naszych sercach, aby być z nami “przez wszystkie
dni, aż do skończenia świata”. Dlatego pożyteczne jest dla nas
Jego odejście. Ale dzisiejsza uroczystość to także wspomnienie
wywyższenia ludzkiej natury. Bo przecież Syn Boży, jako jedna z Osób Trójcy Świętej, nadal pozostaje człowiekiem. A
nam, którzy przez chrzest jesteśmy włączeni w Jego Mistyczne
Ciało, już teraz została dana łaska życia w Bogu. W tym objawia się “przemożny ogrom Jego mocy względem nas wierzących”.
Page 5
Dziś, po Mszy o godz. 11:00 rozpoczynamy Czterdziestogodzinne Nabożeństwo. Adoracja Najświętszego Sakramentu w
dniu dzisiejszym potrwa do godz. 16:00 i zakończy się uroczystymi nieszporami.
W poniedziałek Wystawienie Najświętszego Sakramentu dla
prywatnej adoracji rozpocznie się po Mszy o godz. 8:00 i potrwa przez cały dzień. O godz. 17:30 odbędzie się Nabożeństwo
Eucharystyczne dla dzieci i młodzieży z naszej parafii.
We wtorek Wystawienie Najświętszego Sakramentu dla prywatnej adoracji rozpocznie się po Mszy o godz. 8:00 i potrwa
przez cały dzień i zostanie zakończone o godz. 19:00 uroczystą
Mszą św. i śpiewem Litanii do Wszystkich Św. Na te uroczystości zapraszamy szczególnie dzieci pierwszokomunijne, ministrantów i wszystkie organizacje parafialne.
Na Nabożeństwo Majowe zapraszamy codziennie od poniedziałku do piątku o godz. 19:00 oraz w soboty po Mszy o godz.
16:00 i w niedziele po Mszy o godz. 11:00. Nabożeństwa są
odprawiane na przemian w języku polskim i angielskim.
Dziękujemy serdecznie za Wasze
wsparcie dla Szkoły św. Józefa poprzez zakupy dokonywane w sklepie
internetowym Amazon.
Z ogromną radością Dziękujemy wszystkim, którzy przyłączyli się do diecezjalnej akcji charytatywnej Partnets in Charity.
Dzięki Waszemu poświęceniu w naszej parafii zebraliśmy już
19991 dolarów, które posłużą biednym i potrzebującym, korzystającym z różnorodnych programów organizowanych naszą
diecezję. Niech Wam Bóg wynagrodzi Waszą dobroć i oddanie
w służbie bliźniego!
Prace przy schodach od strony Meynard St. są prawie na
ukończeniu. Stare schody zostały zdemontowane a na ich miejscu powstały nowe, które swym wyglądem i estetyka bardziej
komponują się z całością budynku Bazyliki. Pozostało jeszcze
tylko odnowić ściany tuż przy schodach.
Rozpoczęliśmy już drugi etap renowacji chodów przy wejściu
frontowym. Prace te pozwolą na odnowienie i upiększenie wejścia oraz całości przestrzeni przed Bazyliką.
Dzięki za wszystkie ofiary złożone na poczet prowadzonych
prac. Mamy nadzieją, że w czasie obchodów Jubileuszu, będziemy mogli z dumą zaprezentować przed licznymi gośćmi
efekty prac.
Prace przygotowawcze do budowy idą pełną parą. Obecnie
trawa kompletowanie wszystkich koniecznych pozwoleń oraz
rozmowy z architektami w celu ustanowienia generalnego wykonawcy. Zgromadziliśmy już prawie wszystkie wymagane
przez diecezję środki finansowe. Koszt budowy został obliczona na 4.9 mil. dolarów. Dotychczas zebraliśmy 1.2 mln. dolarów w gotówce i 3.2 mln dolarów w zobowiązaniach.
Wczoraj podczas uroczystej akademii, czternastu uczniów kl. VIII zakończyło swoją edukację w naszej sobotniej szkole. Koledzy
i koleżanki z młodszych klas pożegnali ich krótkim programem artystycznym. Następnie otrzymali świadectwa ukończenia szkoły
oraz drobne upominki. Po południu odbyło się dla nich specjalne przyjęcie w PAV przy Ray St., na które zaproszeni byli ks. Prałat
Antoni Czarnecki i ks. Grzegorz, wszyscy nauczyciele, którzy kiedykolwiek tę klasę uczyli, obecne grono nauczycielskie oraz rodzice i rodzeństwa absolwentów. Kolacja została przygotowana przez rodziców. Część nieoficjalną uczniowie otworzyli pięknie tańcząc tradycyjnego polskiego Poloneza.
Druga intencja dzisiejszej Mszy św. jest o błogosławieństwa dla tych nowo upieczonych absolwentów, którzy są tutaj z nami. Są
to: Oktawia Gielarowiec, Piotr Kiciliński, Sara Kolinski, Victor Kolinski, Tomasz Mamro, Katarzyna Mosio, Tomasz Owca, Damian Owca, Amadeusz Piwowarczyk, Angelica Sudyka, Dawid Sudyka, Jessica Sudyka, Justyna Sudyka i Natalia Szwarc. Niektórzy z nich uczęszczali do szkoły od początku jej założenia, czyli przez 12 lat! Serdecznie im gratulujemy wytrwałości, chęci do nauki, wysokich stopni oraz sukcesów na konkursach. Życzymy im, aby Pan Bóg błogosławił im we wszystkich przedsięwzięciach, a
szczególnie obdarzył darem miłości do kraju przodków, aby sami kiedyś umieli tę miłość przekazać z kolei swoim dzieciom i wnukom. Gratulujemy również ich rodzicom dalekowzroczności i wizji na to, aby podtrzymywać i umacniać polskość na obczyźnie.
Wszystkim parafianom i przyjaciołom, którzy sumiennie wspierali i wspierają naszą sobotnią szkołę składamy serdeczne Bóg zapłać za dobroć serc oraz pomoc finansową, bez której nie moglibyśmy prowadzić naszej szkoły, a tym samym nie przeżywalibyśmy
dzisiaj tego radosnego wydarzenia, które jest wynikiem naszej wspólnej troski i pracy. Jakże piękny jest to dar dla Ojca św. Jana
Pawła II, którego urodziny dzisiaj wspominamy, a który prosił emigrantów „aby pielęgnowali polskie dziedzictwo i nie wyrywali
korzeni, z których wyrośli”. Ofiarujemy jego opiece czternastu młodych ludzi, którzy wspierani zachętami swoich rodziców w każdą sobotę, zamiast spędzać czas na swawolach, sumiennie przychodzili do szkoły uczyć się języka, kultury, tradycji oraz historii i
geografii Polski. Tym wymowniejszy jest ten dar, gdyż złożony jest w roku jubileuszowym naszej parafii. Pierwsi polscy emigranci
odpowiadając na potrzebę serca 125 lat temu zbudowali polski kościół, z którego teraz korzystamy przeżywając w ojczystym języku
te tradycje i duchowe bogactwo, które wynieśliśmy z rodzinnych domów w Polsce.
Jeszcze raz serdecznie wszystkim dziękujemy za wsparcie, a absolwentom życzymy, aby bez względu na to, gdzie ich kiedyś los
zaprowadzi, nigdy nie zapomnieli o swojej polskiej tożsamości.
- dyrektor, Ewa Mam-