Masses for the week - Msze Sw. Podczas Tygodnia


Masses for the week - Msze Sw. Podczas Tygodnia
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October 25, 2009 - 25 pazdziernik 2009 r.
Masses for the week Msze Sw. Podczas Tygodnia
Sunday Vigil-October 24
r.s. Victoria (anniv.) and Anthony Groh -int. children
Sunday-October 25
s.p. Maria Kolinska (month’s mind Mass)
-int. syna z rodzina
For the parishioners of Saint Joseph Basilica
r.s. Edward W. Szymczak (42nd anniv.) -int. family
s.p. Jozef Portka (2nd anniv.) -int. corka z rodzina
Monday-October 26
r.s. Paul D. Trocki -int. Edward Sitkowski, Roland
Malboeuf & John Hickey
2 pm
Webster Manor
Tuesday-October 27
r.s. Stanley Dudek -int. Edward Sitkowski, Roland
Malboeuf & John Hickey
Wednesday-October 28
r.s. Anthony Czernicki -int. Natalie & Larry Welch
r.s. Stasia Gasparik -int. Holy Rosary Sodality
Thursday-October 29
r.s. Warren A. Rekowski -int. Rose Rekowski & family
Friday-October 30
r.s. Veronica Sabaj (39th anniv.) -int. family
r.s. Irene Lupa -int. Mari Grumbine and
& M/M Anthony Faiola
Saturday-October 31
r.s. Hattie (anniv.) Henry, Robert & Sylvia Grzych and
Elaine Ruda -int. Virginia Woznicki and family
Sunday Vigil
r.s. Zigmont & Frances Zdrok -int. daughter Terry, grand
daughter Cindi and great-grandchildren Alex & Jessie
Sunday-November 1 _All Saints Day_
s.p. Adam Podskarbi int. zony i dzieci
r.s. Mary Kujawski (month’s mind)-int. Tom and Nancy
Kujawski and Helen Wasiuk
r.s. Anthony Czernicki -int. Natalie & Larry Welch
s.p. Walenty i Anna Ucher -int. syna Jana z rodzina
Monday-November 2 _All Souls Day _
Masses at 6:30 a.m. and 7 a.m. with
reading of Wypominki
Solemn Mass (Polish) for the repose of the souls of
our parishioners - Msza Sw. za dusze zmarlych parafian
7 p.m.
Remembrance Mass for deceased parishioners from
November 1, 2008 - October 31, 2009
Weekly $4712.25 (including $342.25 in loose money); Diocesan
Obligations $67; Fuel $288; Propagation of Faith $761
(including $135 in loose money).
Stewardship Note. “The blind man said: ‘I, Rabboni, want to see.’
Jesus said in reply “Be on your way! Your faith has healed you.’
Immediately he received his sight and started to follow him up the
road.” (Mark 10:51-52). The healing and gifts we share with others
are based on the healing and gifts we have first received from God.
Our generosity is a response to God’s generosity.
October 25, 2009
The Lord has done great things for us;
We are glad indeed.
– Psalm 126:3
The Hope and Promise of Redemption. The prophet
Jeremiah prophesies the end of the Babylonian exile. He
describes how the weak and sorrowful people now return
with joy. These are the scattered people of God: the blind
and the lame, the mothers and pregnant women. They shall
be led along an easy road so that no one will stumble. The
Lord’s kindness and mercy are on all these weak and
broken people.
Here and in Psalm 126 we find the most lovely poetic
images of God’s love and care for us. Although God had to
punish Israel for their many sins, God never forgot them,
scattered as they were, and brings them all back to the land
of their ancestors, there to flourish and be joyful again. We
can see in this the hope and the promise of our own
redemption, gathered from the far corners of the earth into
the great banquet of God.
The second collection this weekend includes all remaining
envelopes in your budget packet
Next weekend, the second collection will be for Diocesan Obligations
This Sunday we celebrate Priesthood
Sunday. It is a special day set aside to
honor the priesthood in the United States.
It is a day to reflect upon and affirm the
role of the priesthood in the life of the
Church as a central one. It is an occasion for each one of us to
express gratitude to the clergy for the role they play in leading us
in prayer, for celebrating the Mass, for the homilies prepared to
help direct our lives to follow Christ and His teachings, for blessing
and witnessing our marriages, for healing us in times of sickness
through anointing with the holy oils and prayers, and for giving our
departed family members dignity in a Christian burial.
Thank you, Monsignor Tony, and those priests who assist us,
we honor you, pray for you and with you, and entreat God’s
blessings on you as you minister to our needs.
Parish Council
On Monday, All Souls Day, the Universal
Church entreats God’s mercy on all who still
wait in Purgatory to enter God’s kingdom. It is
a time to offer prayers, Masses, and acts of
charity in their memory. It is an opportunity to
obtain a plenary indulgence on that day by
anyone who visits the cemetery, and recites the
Creed and Our Father for a particular soul and
fulfills the usual obligations e.g. receive the sacrament of the
Eucharist (or Penance if needed), visit the church or cemetery and
says a prayer in the intention of the Holy Father. A plenary
indulgence could be obtained for one soul in Purgatory once a day.
Partial indulgence can be obtained as many times as someone visits
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October 25, 2009 - 25 pazdiernik 2009 r.
the cemetery or church during the octave of All Souls Day and
prays for the repose of a particular soul.
On this day each priest has the privilege to say three Masses
which will begin at 6:30 a.m. At 8:00 a.m. a Mass will be
celebrated in Polish. During All Souls Day and subsequent Sunday
Masses we will read and commend to God’s mercy the names of
souls in Purgatory which you submitted in the traditional
wypominki envelopes. In addition, the envelopes with the names of
your loved ones are placed on the altar where the Eucharistic
sacrifice is celebrated on a daily basis during the entire month of
Harrington HealthCare at Hubbard is sponsoring an Appreciation
Luncheon for Veterans from the Webster-Dudley-Oxford area at Point
Breeze Restaurant on Thursday, November 12, 2009 at noon. You are
invited for a hot meal, coffee and dessert. A reservation is required. Please
call Blaine at 508-949-8795 with the number of people who will be
attending. Please reply by November 4th.
“Be Thankful For Our Homes” Tent Camping. Mrs. Valcour will hold
a tent camping event in her backyard. The Jr. Group will meet Fri. Nov.
6th and the Sr. Group will meet Sat. Nov. 7th, both running from 7 p.m.
until 10 a.m. Any youth interested in participating will need to bring
everything they will need to spend a night outdoors: tent, sleeping bag,
pillow, warm sleeping clothes etc. To be allowed entry into the “Tent
City”, please contribute something to help the homeless keep warm this
winter (hats, gloves, scarf, warm socks etc.). Do some jobs around the
house to earn the money to purchase the items. During the course of this
event we will learn more about those less fortunate than ourselves and
how we can help. Please let Mrs. Valcour know if you will be attending.
Any parents who would like to attend are welcome as well. This is a rain
or shine, cold or warm event.
Thank you and God Bless You! I am most grateful to the Holy
Rosary Sodality who donated $500 to the Phase III program and
$500 for fuel. This spiritual organization has been true to their
mission, promoting the Rosary devotions, sponsoring social events
and displaying a spirit of true stewardship. May God continue to
bless and lead the President, Executive Board and the members in
their future endeavors.
Friends of St. Joseph School Fund. In memory of Michael
Zalewski by Adolph & Emily Gudas.
All Saints Family Event. Come and Celebrate with our Religious
Education Program at our All Saints Event being held for all parish
families on Wednesday, October 28th from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the
school cafeteria and gym. Please join us and have fun learning
more about the Saints as models of love and faith.
Parishioners – We still need your help! Handing on our faith is the
work of all baptized Catholics. We are still in need of an 8th grade
catechist, aide in classroom, hospitality or office helper. Please call
Mary Jolda and leave a message.
Gather Us in 2009 Women’s Conference on 7 November, 2009
at the DCU Center, Worcester MA. All diocesan women and guests
are invited to participate in this day-long event featuring
presentations and workshops. There are two keynote speakers this
year. Paula D’Arcy, “Great Lessons From the Journey” and
Immaculee Iligabiza’s topic will be “Led by Faith.” Four additional
workshops will be available. The $45 registration fee includes
The Executive Board of St. Anne Society wishes to thank
everyone for their support in making their annual Bake Sale a
– Gen Lariviere, President
9/20/09 - #134 Margaret Czechowski; 10/3/09 - #98 Mary
Kubicki; 10/10/09 - #114 Nancy Abysalli; 10/17/09 - #26 Charles
Panu; 10/24/09 - #31 Barbara Ziak
CHOOSE LIFE. The day after the March for Life on January 22, 2009,
President Obama overturned the Mexico City Policy begun by President
Reagan and continued under both Presidents Bush. What this means is that
American taxpayer dollars will be used by groups like International
Planned Parenthood to promote the legalization of abortion at all stages of
pregnancy in countries across the world. – Paul Kengor, National Catholic
Register, 23/8-14/09
A THREE-NIGHT Bible Study will take place at Saint Joseph
Basilica beginning on Monday, October 26 from 7 p.m. to 8
p.m. in the Parish Conference Room and continue on Monday,
November 2nd and Monday, November 9th.
How are we showing our gratitude to God for what he has done
and continues to do for us? This Bible study will help participants
better understand what it means to be a God-pleasing steward. We
hope and pray that this Bible study will help individuals spiritually
grow closer to our Lord. The sessions will be led by Mr. Michael
Gillespie from the Diocesan Office.
TOPICS....Week 1: Faith is the foundation. Week II: Discipleship
is the path. Week III: Generosity is the hallmark. A Bible Study
guide can be purchased the night of the 1st session for $5. If you
have not registered as yet, we encourage you to do so by either
calling Michael Gillespie at 508-929-4368 or come to the first
meeting on Monday.
The work along the rectory and outside the church to install a new
walkway has begun which will create a temporary inconvenience
for the parishioners. At the excavation we discovered many broken
and disconnected pipes which explains why the water was seeping
into the basement of the church.
I would like to inform you that Phase III has reached a total of
$37,730.17. Sunday, November 8th, is the monthly collection for
Phase III . We kindly ask those who have not contributed as yet to
this drive to make every possible effort to make your donation so
that we could have enough money to complete this project without
incurring a loan. The stones to cover all the sidewalks already have
been delivered.
FORGIVENESS. Forgiveness is the fragrance a violet sheds on
the heel that has crushed it. – Mark Twain
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During the last couple of months we addressed many details for
the expansion of the gym and parish center. At the same time, we
are vigorously pursuing the advanced gifts campaign. On Friday,
November 6th, a banquet will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in
Worcester to honor the initial donor of one million dollars along
with others. I trust and hope that the parishioners, alumni, parents
of school children will enthusiastically attend this banquet as a sign
of interest and support of the gym project. Please return your card
with selection of meal and payment to the rectory at your earliest
convenience. Upon arrival please check your assigned seating with
the hostess at the cocktail lounge. This is not a fund raiser but a
friendly gathering to appreciate and recognize the generosity of
donors who shared our vision and commitment to the Saint Joseph
The Knights of Columbus, St. Joseph Basilica Council #12980
will continue selling their 50/50 Raffle tickets this weekend before
or after each Mass at the back of the Church. Price of tickets-$5 for
one or $10 for three. The Knights have collected $1420 in the first
3 weeks of the raffle. Any Knight who hasn’t turned in his raffle
money is asked to kindly do so. The winning ticket will be drawn
at the beginning of the Knights monthly meeting on November 4th.
And the lucky winner will be notified that night.
Doors open at 4 p.m. - Games begin at 5:45 p.m.
Two winner take all’s - Progressive Jackpot
Variety of hot home made food
Free Coffee and free pastry
Members of the Holy Rosary Sodality
will assist from 4 to 6 p.m.
Fall Into Fashion dinner and fashion show will be held
Thursday, October 29th at Point Breeze Restaurant. Boutiques and
cash bar begin at 5:30 p.m. with dinner at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are still
available at Cindy’s Flower & Gift Shop, Carrie’s Beauty Salon, St.
Joseph Basilica Rectory, or by calling Mary Bukowski @508-9436633. This is the club’s big fund-raiser for the year. Fall into
fashion while enjoying a girl’s night out!
– Judi Dery, Publicity Chairperson
On November 1st at 2 p.m. we will gather at Saint Joseph Garden
of Peace for a prayer service for our deceased loved ones. Please
join us at the Cross as we begin the traditional walk to various
stations praying the rosary. Candles will be available at the
cemetery at 1:30 p.m.
REMINDER: Turn clocks back on Saturday, November 1st as
Daylight Saving Time ends.
Did you purchase your November Cash Calendar? Last opportunity
this week! The grand prize of $500 will go a long way to paying
some of those unexpected bills!
NIEDZIELA KAPºA¼SKA jest szczególn okazj, aby
uhonorowaƒ kap»a½stwo. Naleóy si“ zastanowiƒ nad rol kap»anów
i zaakceptowaƒ ich centraln rol“ w óyciu KoÑcio»a. Dzie½ teó jest
okazj do wyraóenia wdzi“cznoÑci swoim kap»anom za ich
codzienn pos»ug“, sprawowanie Mszy Ñw., przygotowywanie
homilii, aby nam »atwiej by»o naÑladowaƒ Jezusa w óyciu, za
przygotowanie do Sakramentu Ma»óe½stwa, za namaszczanie w
czasie choroby, i godne odprowadzanie na miejsce spoczynku
naszych bliskich zmar»ych.
Ksi“óe Pra»acie wraz z asystujcymi ksi“ómi, dzi“kujemy
za Wasz trud i poÑwi“cenie, modlitwy si“ za Was i z Wami i
prosimy Boga o »aski konieczne do Waszej pos»ugi kap»a½skiej w
naszej parafii. – Rada Parafialna
DZIE¼ ZADUSZNY, który przypada w poniedzia»ek, jest dniem
wypraszania »ask dla duszcz oczekujcych na zbawienie w czyуcu. Jest
on okazj, aby zamówiƒ Msz“ Ñw czy teó wykonaƒ uczynki mi»osierne w
intencji naszych bliskich zmar»ych. Tego dnia moóna otrzymaƒ odpust
ca»kowity pod zwyk»ymi warunkami nawiedzenia cmentarza, odmówieniu
Wierz“ w Boga i Ojcze Nasz za wybran dusz“, przyj“cie Komunii Ñw. (i
Sakramentu Pokuty w razie koniecznoÑci), odwiedzeniu KoÑcio»a i
modlitwie w intencjach Ojca Ñw. Odpust ca»kowity moóe byƒ otrzymany
jednego dnia tylko za jedn dusz“. Odpusty czstkowe mog byƒ
otrzymane tyle razy ile ktoÑ odwiedzi danego dnia cmentarz lub kosció»
w oktawie Dnia Zadusznego w intencji konkretnej duszy.
Tego dnia kaódy ksidz ma przywilej celebrowanie trzech Mszy Ñw., które
rozpoczniemy o 6:30 i 7:00 rano. Msza Ñw. o 8-ej b“dzie po polsku.
B“dziemy podczas tych Mszy Ñw. odczytywaƒ „Wypominki”, które
mieliÑcie okazj“ przekazaƒ na plebani“ w specjalnych kopertach. Koperty
te przez ca»y miesic b“d leóa»y na o»tarzu podczas sprawowania
NajÑwi“tszej Ofiary.
BANKIET w celu okazania wdzi“cznoÑci osobie, która ofiarowa»a
1 milion dolarów na budow“ nowej sali gimnastycznej b“dzie 6
listopada o 6:30 p.m. w hotelu Crowne Plaza w Worcester. Mam
nadziej“ i wierz“, óe parafianie, absolwenci szko»y, rodzice
uczniów z entuzjazmem wezm udzia» w tym bankiecie jako wyraz
zainteresowania i poparcia dla tego tak konieczngo projektu.
Prosimy o jak najszybszy zwrot zaprosze½ z wyborem da½. Jeóeli
ktoÑ nie otrzyma» zaproszenia, a chcia»by uczestniczyƒ w tym
waónym przyj“ciu, prosz“ jak najszybciej zg»osiƒ si“ na plebani“.
Przyj“cie to nie ma na celu zbiórki pieni“dzy lecz po prostu
towarzyskie spotkanie aby okazaƒ wdziecznoу tym, którzy swoj
ofiarnoÑci chc wspieraƒ projekt rozubdowy szko»y i parafii.
PROCESJA NA CMENTARZU b“dzie 1 listopada o godz. 2
p.m. aby ofiarowaƒ modlitwy za naszych bliskich zmar»ych.
Zbierzemy si“ jak zwykle na cmentarzu pod krzyóem skd idc w
procesji b“dziemy odmawiaƒ róóaniec. Serdecznie wszystkich
zapraszamy, szczególnie organizacje parafialne, ministrantów,
Dzieci Maryi, harcerzy, abyÑmy wspólnie nasz postaw okazali
trosk“ o óycie wieczne naszych zmar»ych w USA i Polsce.
ZMIANA CZASU – prosz“ nie zapomnieƒ wycofaƒ zegarków w
sobot“, 1 listopada.
REMONT. Post“p III fazy remontów parafialnych jest nie do
przeoczenia. Rozpocz“to juó prac“ zamontowania nowych rur
sciekowych na zewntrz koÑcio»a i plebanii. Stworzy to
tymczasow niewygod“ w dojÑciu do koÑcio»a, za co przepraszamy
i prosimy o zrozumienie i cierpliwoу. Podczas kopania
zauwaóyliÑmy wiele p“kni“tych rur, co t»umaczy»oby dlaczego
woda dostawa»a si“ do piwnicy koÑcielnej. Na te remonty
zebraliÑmy juó $37,730.17. Bardzo prosz“ tych, którzy jeszcze nie
z»oóyli swojej ofiary o zrobienie tego w jak najbliószym czasie,
abyÑmy mieli wystarczajco funduszów na wyko½czenie prac.