Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus
Christ as a Catholic community of faith, by promoting a sense of commitment to the
Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization and
nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage,
we foster our tradition and aspire to personal growth in faith. We are determined
to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values and
to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
53 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467 • Fax: 508-943-0808
E-mail: [email protected]
Parish WebSite:
Sunday Vigil:
Holy Day Vigil:
Holy Day:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
5:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.; 8:15 a.m.(Polish); 9:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m. (Bilingual)
6:30 a.m. (m-f); 7:00 a.m. (w, f, sat)
Saturday: ....................................... 3 p.m.
Eve of Holy Days:......................... 3 p.m.
Thurs. before First Friday: ........... 3 p.m
First Friday: .................................. 6.30 p.m
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Wednesday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
(508) 943-3752
Director …………………….Mary Jolda
Rector: ............................ Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Adm. Secretary............... Terry Miller
Financial Secretary......... Ewa Mamro
Organist.......................... Robert Wójcik
Cemetery Manager ........ Kevin Rekowski
Sacristans ………………Al Richard & Joseph Ziak
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process
established by the Church for individuals to become Catholic
and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation,
and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a
Baptized Catholic in need of making your First Communion
and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious Education Office.
BAPTISM: On designated Sundays. Please call to make
arrangements. Parents are required to receive orientation.
MARRIAGE: Proper preparation for marriage requires one
year’s notice. Please contact the rectory for appointment.
MINISTRY TO THE SICK: For those of advanced age, ill or
hospitalized, call the rectory to arrange visitation.
PARISH MEMBERSHIP: If you would like to become part of
St. Joseph Parish Family, please call the rectory.
SAKRAMENT CHRZTU: W wyznaczone niedziele. Proszę
zadzwonić na plebanię, aby ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są
do krótkiej katechezy.
SAKRAMENT MAŁŻEŃSTWA: Narzeczeni powinni
zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok przed datą ślubu.
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH: Po sakramentalną posługę
księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII: Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza
nowych członków. Zapisy przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0378 Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal………………….Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary………………….Mrs. Jennifer Mahlert
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June 13, 2010 - 13 czerwiec 2010 r.
Masses for the weekMsze Sw. Podczas Tygodnia
Sunday Vigil-June 12
r.s. Stanley and Victoria Piotrowski
-int. Edward and Ingrid Kosakoski
Sunday-June 13
s.p. Jakub Plewa -int. Jozef Plewa z rodzina
For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
r.s. Joseph Baldowski (21st ann.)-int. son George & fam.
s.p. Stanislaw, Julia I Czeslaw Zur -int. corek
In Observance of the 50th Anniversary of the
Polish American Veterans Club of Webster-Dudley
Monday-June 14
r.s. Edward Hanc -int. wife and children
2 p.m. Oakwood Nursing Home
r.s. Joseph & Gladys Borowski & Joanne Houle -int.
Tuesday-June 15
r.s. Stasia A. Murzycki -int. Rose Rekowski and family
Wednesday-June 16
r.s. Janina & Stanislaw Kopczynski
-int. Danuta and Jan Kolodziej
r.s. Bessie T. Kozub (7th anniv.)
-int. Bob and Janice McNamara
Mass of thanksgiving at the conclusion of school
Thursday-June 17
r.s. Cate Lacey -int. Anna & Ed Kudron
Friday-June 18
r.s. Ernest Lariviere -int. M/M Richard Lariviere
O zdrowie Iiopieke Boza dla Malgorzaty
-int. CzeslawaArcimowicz
Saturday-June 19
r.s. Adele Pakulski -int. St. Anne Society
s.p. Adam Podskarbi -int. wife and children
Sunday Vigil
4 p.m.
r.s. Raymond Noga -int. wife and family
Sunday-June 20 _ Father’s Day _
Za parafian
r.s. John Fusco -int. wife Gail and family
r.s. Zigmont Zdrok -int. daughter Jennie
s.p. Franciszek Turowski -int. corka Ewa
1-25 Club Winner for the 11th Week - #2 - Dick Wagner
Weekly $3819 (incl. $225 in loose money); Diocesan Obligations
$1373 (incl. $111 in loose money); Catholic Communications
Campaign $267; Fuel $92.
Stewardship Note: Like Nathan in today’s first reading, we sin when we
begin to feel entitled and act as if what we have is ours by right, when we
forget that everything we have is an unmerited gift from God. But God is
gracious and forgiving–even when we use His gifts wrongly or squander
them thoughtlessly–if, like Nathan, we confess our guilt and ask His
Word of Life. Modern medical science strives, if not exactly to exclude
death, at least to eliminate as many as possible of its causes, to postpone
it further, to prolong life more and more.....The true cure for death must
be different. It cannot lead simply to an indefinite prolongation of this
current life. It would have to transform our lives from within. It would
need to create a new life with us, truly fit for eternity.– Pope Benedict XVI
For the week of June 13 through June 19, 2010
Candle I and Candle II
In memory of Theresa Paglione for her birthday
Given by the Paglione family
June 13, 2010
I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me.
– Galatians 2:20
Repent. “You are the man.” These words, spoken to King
David by the prophet Nathan in the passage just before
today’s first reading, were a wake-up call to David that he
had done wrong in taking the wife of Uriah and having
Uriah killed in battle. The story that woke David up to his
own guilt was about a rich man who had many sheep, but
took and slaughtered the only sheep of a poor man. David
thought the man should be punished, but when Nathan
made known to him that this story was about David himself,
David woke up to his own sin and repented, and the Lord
forgave him.
Today’s psalm of David reinforces for us the necessity of
recognizing our own guilt and confessing it before the Lord.
Then “blessed is the one whose fault is taken away/whose
sin is covered” (Psalm 32:1). God becomes our shelter, and
gives us back our freedom.
The second collection this weekend is designated for the
Utility and Energy Costs
Next weekend, the second collection is for the Diocesan
Catholic Communications Campaign
We welcome to the 11 a.m. Mass the Polish-American Veterans to
commemorate their 50th anniversary as an organization. We are
grateful for their community involvement, acts of charity and
support for those in need, and the many courtesies extended to the
students of St. Joseph School. We also recognize the Ladies
Auxiliary for their contributions and cooperation in promoting their
mission. May the spirit of service and mutual support be the highest
goal of the Polish American Veterans.
This Sunday at 7 p.m. an outdoor candlelight procession will be
held in honor of Our Lady of Fatima. Please invite your family
members and friends to join us in this beautiful tribute to Our Lady.
The Children of Mary will have the privilege of carrying the statue
of the Blessed Mother.
The flowers in front of the Blessed Mother altar for Our Lady of
Fatima were donated by Dottie Kasierski in memory of her
husband Frank.
The students of St. Joseph School will conclude the 2010
academic year on Wednesday, June 16th. A Mass of thanksgiving
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June 13, 2010 - 13 czerwiec 2010 r.
will be celebrated at 8:30 a.m. and we invite parents, relatives and
friends to join the students as they give thanks for another
successful year of education.
Thank you Class of 2010! We greatly appreciate the gift from the
Graduating Class of 2010 of $850, the largest gift ever, which they
donated to purchase the Accelerated Reading Program for the next
academic year. May God bless each of the graduates and their
Five days to go and the Festival will be in full swing on Friday,
June 18th at 4 p.m.!!
Wheelbarrow of Cheer is looking for donations. Any beer, wine,
spirits, related items, even new wheelbarrow would be greatly
appreciated. You can contact Willow Davey at 508-987-3214 to
arrange for pickup or they can be dropped off at the rectory.
Pastry Booth. We ask the ladies of the parish to put their culinary
skills to work and bake some delicious pastries to be sold at the
festival. Cakes, pies, muffins, fudge, ponczki, home-made relishes,
even fresh garden produce would make a welcome addition to the
booth! Chairman Donna Recko asks that these delicacies be
dropped off this Friday at 4 p.m. and on Saturday at 11 a.m. Thank
you for your support.
Money Raffle. Returns continue to come in, but just a reminder
that there is only one week remaining to get your tickets in for the
big $5000 Money Raffle. If you haven’t already done so, please get
those returns in as soon as possible. For those of you needing
additional tickets, you can ask for them at the rectory or by
contacting Cindi Gardner 508-461-9054 or Stephanie Fasulo 508949-9180. The drawing will be Saturday, June 19, 2010. Don’t
miss out on a chance to win $5000! You can’t win if you don’t buy
a ticket!!
VOLUNTEERS! If you have not as yet volunteered to work at the
festival please call Eileen Fanning 508-949-6084 and declare your
Grounds Crew! Your help is needed to set up booths, stage, lights
etc. from Monday June 14 and each evening thereafter from 6 p.m.
St. Joseph School Band Performance. Important to Note: The
St. Joseph School Band and guests under the direction of Mr.
Charlie Cook will perform at the festival on Saturday at 1:30 p.m.
Please come and offer your personal support to these budding
Please refer to the flyer located at the entrances to the Basilica
regarding elections of the President in Poland. Registration
deadline is June 16, 2010. Anyone who is eligible to vote is
requested to do so. Please call 617-750-3722 if any questions.
The Serra Club of Southern Worcester County invites the young
adults of our area to attend its dinner meeting on Wednesday, June
16, at 7 p.m. at the Colonial Restaurant in Webster. The meal will
be salad, beef stroganoff, corn on the cob and pineapple upside
down cake.
The speaker of the evening will be Max Ebacher, a recent
graduate of Assumption College in Worcester. His winning essay
“What My Assumption College Education Means to Me” earned
him a trip to Paris, Nimes and Rome from the college. His topic
will concentrate on his winning essay as well as his recent trip.
The cost for teenagers and young adults is only $10. The Serra
Club also invites guests at $15. To attend what promises to be an
enjoyable and informative evening, you may contact Paul Wajer
508-943-5188 to make a reservation.
Members please note: The final meeting for the season will be held
this Wednesday, June 16, 2010 at 7 p.m. in the Conference Room.
A very important meeting to discuss the development of the church
grounds will be a major topic of discussion. Please notify Sylvia
Kitka or Tony Kusek if unable to attend.
Wii Bowling at Christopher Heights. The Youth group will have
another contest with the residents of Christopher Heights on
Thursday, June 17th from 6-7:30 p.m. If you are interested in
participating, please contact Mrs. Valcour right away since space
is limited.
Clean Cans To Go to Canobie Lake Park. Canobie Lake Park
day is on Wednesday, July 21st. To attend you must clean cans
donated from TJX Corp. The can money covers activities, food and
general Youth Center supplies. This year, the money will also
cover the cost of the bus to the Park and will allow kids who clean
cans to attend for only $15 (regularly a $21 group rate). Please
contact Mrs. Valcour 508-943-9544 to arrange a time to pick up
some bags to be cleaned, returned for deposit and return the money
back to Mrs. Valcour.
S’mores Night at Mrs. Valcour’s Home. To honor the start of
summer, the Youth Group is invited to Mrs. Valcour’s home for
badminton, Wiffle ball, basket ball, board games and S’mores by
the fire. The Jr. Youth Group night is Tuesday, June 22nd and the
Sr. Youth Group night is Wednesday, June 23rd. In case of rain we
will meet at the Youth Center. Both night’s hours are from 6:308:30 p.m. Please let me know if you plan on coming so I know how
much supplies to purchase.
Every Wednesday is dedicated to St. Joseph in the Catholic
calendar. Here in the Basilica every Wednesday a votive Mass is
celebrated at 6:30 and 7 a.m. We kindly encourage all parishioners
and friends to take advantage of this opportunity to ask for special
favors through the intercession of St. Joseph.
The annual Communion Mass for members and installation of
officers will take place on June 27, 2010 at 8:15 Mass. All
members are asked to meet at the Whitcomb St. entrance to the
Basilica at 8 a.m. Please wear your medals.
Featuring Progressive Jackpot #57
Two Winner Take All’s
Special Door Prizes
Variety of Food - Free Coffee
Doors open 4:00 p.m. – Games begin 5:45 p.m.
Members of the Parish Council will assist from 4-6 p.m.
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Celebration will take place on Sunday, June 27, 2010 from 2 p.m. to 6
p.m. sponsored by the German American Cultural Society in Pawtucket
RI. Dennis Polisky & Maestro’s Men will provide the music. Food and
refreshments available at 1 p.m. Tickets at the door $14, by mail $12.
Mail check by June 19 to Annie Golembewski, 51 Waring Rd.,
Somerset MA 02726. Table reservations for 8 or 10 settings. Tel. 508678-8116 for more details.
polscy przebywajcy w Stanach Zjednoczonych mog uczestniczyƒ w
g»osowaniu na prezydenta Polski. Rejestracja jest do dnia 16 czerwca
2 0 1 0 r . M o ó n a z a r e j e s t r o w a ƒ s i “ p r z e z e - ma i l :
[email protected], faksem: 646-237-2105 lub telefonicznie
w godzinach urz“dowania konsulatu 646-237-2149 lub 2122, 2144,
2110. Z pytaniami moóna dzwoniƒ na numer 617-750-3722.
G»osowanie b“dzie 19 czerwca, 2010 r. w Komisji Wyborczej nr 168 w
koÑciele Our Lady of Czestochowa, 665 Dorchester Ave, Boston, MA
02127. Wi“cej informacji na temat g»osowania moóna znaleïƒ na
s t r o n a c h :
w w w . p o l b o s t o n . c o m ,
5 0 - T A R O C ZN I C A P O L S K O - A M E R Y K A ¼ S K I C H
WETERANÓW. Dzisiaj na Mszy Ñw. o 11-ej witamy polskoameryka½skich weteranów, którzy obchodz 50-t rocznic“ za»oóenia
swojej organizacji PAV. Dzi“kujemy im za ich zaangaóowanie
spo»eczne, charytatywne i pomoc potrzebujcym. Szczególnie
dzi“kujemy im za wiele dobrych gestów okazanych wzgl“dem uczniów
Szko»y Ñw. Józefa. òyczymy im zdrowia i b»ogos»awie½stw Boóych w
dalszej drodze wype»niania ich misji! Gratulujemy!
STEWARDSHIP. Podobnie jak Nataniel z pierwszego czytania,
grzeszymy, kiedy zak»adamy, óe coÑ nam si“ naleóy, kiedy
zapominamy, óe wszystko co posiadamy jest darem Boóym. Pan Bóg
jest »askawy i mi»osierny – nawet, gdy niew»aÑciwie lub bezmyÑlnie
uóywamy Jego darów – o ile podobnie jak Nataniel przyznamy si“ do
b»“du i prosimy o przebaczenie.
OCHRONA òYCIA. Nowoczesna medycyna stara si“ wyeliminowaƒ
przyczyny Ñmierci i przed»uóyƒ óycie... Prawdziwe lakarstwo przeciwko
Ñmierci musi byƒ jednak inne... Nie moóe polegaƒ tylko na
nieko½czcym si“ przed»uóaniu óycia. Musi przemieniƒ nasze óycie od
Ñrodka. Musi utworzyƒ w nas nowe óycie, prawdziwie godne óycia
-- Papieó Benedykt XVI.
PROCESJA KU CZCI M.B. FATIMSKIEJ. Dzisiaj, tj. w niedziel“
o 7 p.m. zapraszamy na tradycyjn procesj“ ku czci Matki Boóej
Fatimskiej. Prosimy, aby Dzieci Maryi nios»y statu“ Maryi. ZaproÑcie
swoje rodziny i znajomych, a szczególnie dzieci, aby uczy»y si“ i
wzrasta»y w tej pi“knej tradycji.
ZAKO¼CZENIE ROKU. Ostatni dzie½ nauki dla uczniów Szko»y Ñw.
Józefa b“dzie w Ñrod“ 16 czerwca. Na dzi“kczynn Msz“ Ñw. o 8:30
Page 5
rano zapraszamy serdecznie rodziców, rodzin“ i znajomych, aby
wraz z uczniami dzi“kowaƒ za miniony rok i prosiƒ o
b»ogos»awie½stwo na bezpieczne wakacje.
FESTYN PARAFIALNY. Pozosta»o tylko kilka dni do 37
Festynu Parafialnego! Prosimy o donacje alkoholowe do
„taczek”, które b“d losowane z ca» zawartoÑci. Donacje
moóna przynosiƒ na plebani“. Prosimy teó o zrobienie wypieków
na stoisko ze s»odkoÑciami i przyniesienie ich w pitek o 4-ej i w
sobot“ o 11-ej. Tych, którzy jeszcze nie zwrócili swoich losów
na wielk loteri“ $5000 prosimy o zrobienie tego jak najszybciej.
Prosimy m“óczyz do pomocy przy stawianiu i rozbieraniu stoisk
kaódego wieczoru oprócz niedzieli. Tych, którzy mog poÑwi“ciƒ
par“ godzin dla wspólnego celu, prosimy o zg»oszenie si“ na
plebani“ lub do Eileen Fanning 508-949-6084. W programie
festiwalu pomini“ty zosta» WYST’P KAPELI SZKOLNEJ w
sobot“ o godz. 1:30.
SERRA CLUB zaprasza m»odzieó na obiad do Colonial
Restauran 16 czerwca o 7 p.m., aby wys»uchaƒ Maxa Ebacher’a,
absolwenta Assumption College, który za swoje wypracowanie
na temat „co oznacza dla mnie wykszta»cenie z Assumption
College?” otrzyma» darmowy wyjazd do Paryóa i Rzymu. Bilety
dla m»odzieóy s po $10, a dla innych goÑci po $15. Po wi“cej
informacji i bilety prosz“ dzwoniƒ do Paul Wajer 508-943-5188.
RADA PARAFIALNA. Cz»onków Rady zapraszamy na
zebranie 16 czerwca o 7 p.m. w Sali konferencyjnej w szkole.
Jest to bardzo waóne spotkanie, wi“c prosimy o obowizkow
katolickim kaóda Ñroda dedykowana jest Ñw. Józefowi. W naszej
bazylice poÑwi“camy Ñw. Józefowi Msze Ñw. wotywne w Ñrody
o 6:30 i 7 rano. Zapraszamy wszystkich do przy»czenia si“ do
wspólnych modlitw o potrzebne »aski za wstawiennictwem
patrona naszej bazyliki.
TOWARZYSTWO SERCA JEZUSA zaprasza na coroczn
Msz“ Ñw. 27 czerwca o 8:15 rano. Cz»onkowi wraz ze swoimi
medalami spotkaj si“ przed wejÑciem od Whitcomb St. o 8 a.m.
POLKA DAY. Sympatyków Polki, a szczególnie kapeli
Meastro’s Men, która jest bardzo popularna na naszym festynach
zapraszamy 27 czerwca od 2 – 6p.m. do Pawtucket, RI, na
niemiecki festiwal. Bilety moóna zamówiƒ poczt po $12 od
osoby lub kupiƒ na miejscu po $14. Po wi“cej informacji prosz“
dzwoniƒ do Annie Golembewski 508-678-8116.

Podobne dokumenty