July 19, 2009 - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


July 19, 2009 - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph cBasifica
Parish of the Third14i1Cennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus
Christ as a Catholic community of faith, by promoting a sense of commitment to the
Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization and
nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage,
we foster our tradition and aspire to personal growth in faith. We are determined
to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values and
to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
53 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467 • Fax: 508-943-0808
E-mail: [email protected]
Parish WebSite: www.saintjosephbasilica.com
Sunday Vigil:
Holy Day Vigil:
Holy Day:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
5:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.; 8:15 a.m.(Polish); 9:30 am.
7:00 p.m. (Bilingual)
6:30 a.m.; 7:00 a.m.
Saturday:.......................................3 p.m.
Eve of Holy Days .........................3 p.m.
Thurs. before First Friday:........... 3 p.m
First Friday:.................................. 6.30 p.m
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. -4 p.m.
Wednesday Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector ............................ Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Associate Pastor:........... Rev. Ryszard W. Polek
In residence .................. Rev. Joseph Bielonko
Adm. Secretary ............... Terry Miller
Financial Secretary......... Ewa Mamro
Dir. of Rel. Ed ............... Mary Jolda
Organist .......................... Robert Wojcik
Cemetery Manager ........ Kevin Rekowski
Sacristans ..................Al Richard & Joseph Ziak
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process
established by the Church for individuals to become Catholic
and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation,
and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a
Baptized Catholic in need of making your First Communion
and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious Education Office.
BAPTISM: On designated Sundays. Please call to make
arrangements. Parents are required to receive orientation.
MARRIAGE: Proper preparation for marriage requires one
year's notice. Please contact the rectory for appointment.
MINISTRY TO THE SICK: For those of advanced age, ill or
hospitalized, call the rectory to arrange visitation.
PARISH MEMBERSHIP: If you would like to become part of
St. Joseph Parish Family, please call the rectory.
SAKRAMENT CHRZTU: W wyznaczone niedziele. Proszc
zadzwonic na plebanic, aby ustalic date. Rodzice zobowigzani sq,
do krotkiej katechezy.
SAKRAMENT MALZENSTWA: Narzeczeni powinni
zawiadomi6 kancelarig parafialna rok przed data slubu.
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH: Po sakramentaln4 poshigc
ksigdza proszg dzwonic na plebanig.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII: Parafia sw. Jozefa serdecznie zaprasza
nowych czlonkow. Zapisy przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0378 Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal ...................... Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary ......................Miss Heather Duclos
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July 19, 2009 - 19 lipiec 2009
Masses for the week
Msze Sw. Podczas Tygodnia
Sunday Vigil-July 18
r.s. Gustave (25Th anniv.) & Josephine (15th anniv.)
Placzek -mt. family
Sunday-July 19
s.p. Wlodzimierz Stos -i. corka Maria
r.s. For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
r.s. Joseph Bukowski -mt. a friend
s.p. Adam Podskarbi -int. zony i dzieci
Monday-July 20
r.s. Walter J. Baron -mt. Helen and Jane Baron
2:15 pm Lanessa Nursing Home
Tuesday-July 21
r.s. William K. Rohr (46th anniv.) -mt. wife Theresa Rohr
Wednesday-July 22
r.s. Wanda Sitkowski (anniv.)
-mt. Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
7:00 r.s. Gerald D. Cacciapuoti -mt. sons
Thursday-July 23
r.s. Christina and Stephen Ziak -mt. MIM Joseph Ziak
Friday-July 24
r.s. Alexander Brzostek (9th anniv.)
-int. Alexandra Brzostek and family
7:00 r.s. Felix Miller -int. Robert Wojcik
Saturday-July 25
r.s. Peter, Frances & Joseph Kisielewski, Veronica
Alisch & Emily Czyzewski
i. Norman Czyzewski and family
Sunday Vigil
r.s. Louis Kondek (lith anniv.) -mt. wife and family
Sunday-July 26 'l St. Anne's Feast Day 9
Za wypominki
For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
r.s. Stanley Makara (9th anniv.) -mt. family
s.p. Aleksander Nasiadka
i. Zofia Lech i familia z New Britain
Weekly $5714.92 (including $227.92 in loose cash), Fuel $533;
Diocesan Obligations $424.
REPORT ON PHASE III. We are extremely grateful to those
parishioners who already have contributed to the much needed
Phase III program. Together with last week-end's collection the
donations total $10,774 with $6200 in pledges. Thank you for your
generosity and understanding and may God bless you for your
spirit of stewardship. We kindly ask that donations be returned with
the form for bookkeeping purposes. Although every 2 weekend
of the month, the second collection will be for Phase III, you may
return your contribution any weekend via the collection basket or
dropped off at the rectory.
Stewardship Note. "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."
(Psalm 23:1) Modern advertising tempts us to want so many things.
Yet a faithful steward knows the difference between what he wants
and what he needs. On the grave marker the sum of your life will
be represented by the hyphen that separates the date of your birth
and the year of your death. But the impact of your life is not
relegated to the etchings on the tomb stone. The heritage that you
leave behind will be the influence you left on others. The assets we
leave for the parish, children and community should have eternal
and everlasting value. The true asset is the example of life
committed to God and the Church.
July 19, 2009
Behold, the days are coming,
says the Lord, when I will raise
up a righteous shoot to David.
—Jeremiah 23.5a
Rest in the Lord. For several
weeks we have listened to readings that have recounted just
how arduous the work of prophets and disciples can be. In
today's Gospel, the Lord Jesus listens to the reports of those
he had sent out "two by two" to minister to the people.
After the apostles reported what they had done, Jesus,
recognizing their fatigue, says, "Come away by yourselves
to a deserted place and rest awhile" (Mark 6:31). Perhaps
this is what the Lord is telling his disciples in the year 2009
as well. We need to pause on our journey of discipleship
and simply rest in the Lord. Sunday Mass provides many
opportunities for quiet times, particularly during the periods
of silence following the readings. Why not take the time
today to allow the saving word of the Lord to penetrate your
heart during those silent times? Ask the Lord to renew you
in body, mind, and spirit for the arduous work of
A second collection will not be taken this weekend
The second collection next weekend will be taken for all
remaining envelopes in your budget pack for the month ofJuly
Saint Joseph Basilica. In memory of Walter Majkut by the
Piechota family.
A donation of$ 100 was given to St. Joseph Basilica in honor of the
baptism of Brett McCarthy by his parents. We entreat God's
blessings on this little child so that he may grow in faith and love
of Jesus for the benefit of the parents and our community..
Saint Joseph School. In memory of John Markiewicz-$ 1000 by
Rev. Captain Anthony Kazarnowicz.
Saint Joseph School Gym and Parish Center. In memory of
Felix "Soapy" Miller by John and Jodie Boduch.
St. Joseph School. We acknowledge with gratitude a donation of
$397 to St. Joseph School from St. Andrew Bobola parish which
represents their June collection for the school. The continued
monthly donation is greatly appreciated.
Friends of St. Joseph School Fund. In memory of: Lorraine
Brezniak by M/M Van Thomas, M/M Emil Maly, Christine Doyle,
M/M Bryan Dungey, Ann Scanlon, Shirley Piechota, Dr. Nassif
Maalouli, M/M Timothy Brezniak, Neil Bernier, James Brezniak,
M/M Vicor Brezniak, St. Joseph 4 p Choir, Magdalen Gromelski,
Josephine Trojanowski, M/M Richard Hvizdos, MIM Del
Lariviere, Norman Czyzewski, Theresa Jankowski; Paula Ali by
Reine & Tom Gorski, Sr., Denise Gorski, Tom & Karen Gorski, Jr.,
Donna & James Recko, Tina & Keith Strong.
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19 July 2009 - 19 lipiec 2009 r.
July 13-$50 Louis Guenther, Webster; July 14-$75 Debra
Fuhrmann, Webster; July 1 5-$50 Cohn Siegmund, Webster;
July 16-$50 Donald Kasierski, Webster; July 17-$50 Anita
Reid, Charlton City; July 18-$50 Elaine Roszkiewicz,
Dudley; July 19-$ 100 Margaret Milas, Webster.
Kiwak; one-year terms-Pauline Fallon, David Zdrok, and
Barbara Mazeika. Their term of office will begin in
I want to congratulate the elected members and thank the
parishioners for sending caring persons to represent them on
this important parish Board.
1-25 Club Winner for the 16th Week
#21 Madge Gromeiski
This is the last week we will be selling frozen golabki and
pierogi. Those interested may visit the school after the 4p.m.
Mass on Saturday, and following the 8:15 and 9:30 Masses
on Sunday. Pricing as follows: Golabki $5/for a package of
5; cabbage pierogi $8/dozen; cheese/potato pierogi $8/dozen.
Outdoor Movie Night Wednesday, July 29th, for the Sr.
Group. Come at 7 pm to play wiffle ball and badminton;
movie begins at 8 pm and goes until 10 pm. You are
welcome to bring snacks to share with the group. Bring a
blanket or lawn chair for your seat.
Can obie Lake Park Tuesday, July 21. Cost is $21 per
person which includes bus and park ticket. Rain date is
Tuesday, July 28th
Please let Mrs. Valcour know if you plan on attending
either of the above socials by calling 508-943-9544.
Wednesday, July 22, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Education
Department of Harrington Hospital/Harrington HealthCare
at Hubbard will be providing Stroke Education and taking
blood pressures free of charge at the Chester C. Corbin
Library, 2 Lake St.
Friday, July 24, 9-11 a.m. Are you looking to volunteer
some of your time? Interact with your community?
Harrington HealthCare at Hubbard wants you to be a part of
our family. We are holding a Volunteer Open House in the
Webster campus cafeteria, 340 Thompson Road. Fill out
paperwork and learn more about the great volunteer
programs we have. For more information, please contact
Laura Dilts at 508-765-9771 ext. 6471.
We are pleased to report the
results of the voting last weekend
for new members to the Parish
Council. A total of 164 ballots
were cast. According to the bylaws, based upon the highest
number of votes received, four
members will be elected for three-year terms, four members
will be elected for two-year terms, and three members will be
elected for one-year terms. In addition, the pastor has the
power to appoint several members to the Council whom he
believes will serve the best interests of the parish.
Elected to three year terms: Joseph Werbecki, Gen
Lariviere, Jane O'Leary and George Baldowski; two-year
terms-Dolores David, Marlene Proulx, Ken Yash, Louis
It is encouraging that when a child gets sick the parents
make every effort to help him/her. It seems there are no
limits of time, money, and effort the mother and father are
capable to undertake to ensure the child's physical well
being. Likewise, the parents who truly love their children
will make every effort to provide them with the best
available education. In the P letter of John the Apostle verse
4 he said I could have no greater joy than to hear that my
children live in truth. Knowledge is important but wisdom
determines a happy and fulfilling life. True wisdom is
achieved through a Catholic education which places God at
the center of one's life. St. Joseph School wants to keep the
door open for parents with moderate income and therefore
lowered the tuition and provided many other cost saving
There is on-going registration for every class during the
normal summer working hours schedule at school from 9 to
1, 508-943-0378 or call the rectory, 508-943-0467. Pre-K is
almost at capacity.
The Executive Board will meet on Monday, July 20th at 6:30
p.m. in the Parish Conference Room. Please call Jill Manak
if unable to attend.
Save this date! On Thursday, October 29, 2009, the club
will be sponsoring "Fall Into Fashion ", dinner and fashion
show! Plans are already under way for this exciting event.
Watch the bulletin for more information!
The next Fashion Show Committee meeting will be held on
July 27' at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Conference Room.
Anyone interested injoining this committee is welcome. -Judi
Dery, Publicity Chairman
NOTE: Will the mother who inquired about her child's
sippy cup please call the rectory to retrieve it from the
Our Sacrifice. Let us offer Christ the great universal
sacrifice of our love. For he offered his cross to God as
sacrifice in order to make us all rich. St. Ephrem
Paue 4
Doors Open at 4p.m. * *Games Begin 5:45p.m.
Progressive Jackpot at #55
Two Winner Take All's
Special Door Prizes
Free Coffee - Snack Bar
Members of the St. Joseph Polish Women's Club are
asked to assist from 4 to 6 p.m.
Love Them Both. We must love them both—those whose
opinions we share and those whose opinions we reject. For both
have labored in the search for truth, and both have helped us
in the finding of it. - Thomas Aquinas
Summertime is associated with
vacations for the children which they
rightfully deserve, but for the
Administration of the school and the
parents preparation of the classrooms
for the new academic year is essential.
On Saturday, July 25th, from 9 a.m. to
2 p.m. there will be a mega cleaning
day in St. Joseph School under the
direction of Eugene Rudnicki and John
Szymczak. May I ask the parents, guardians, parishioners and
friends to volunteer their services. We pay great attention to the
cleanliness and sparkling appearance of the school where the
children spend a lot of time. Your participation will reduce our
cleaning expenses. We look forward to seeing you at 9 a.m.
On Sunday, July 26th, on the occasion of the St. Anne Solemnity,
all the members of St. Anne Society at Saint Joseph Basilica are
asked to participate in divine worship at 8:15 a.m. The members
should gather at the entrance to the church and walk in
procession for the Mass. Members are invited to gather in the
parish Conference Room after Mass for a short meeting.
Refreshments will be served.
St. Anne is not only the patroness of grandparents and
guardians, but also the patroness of hope. Her spirit of prayer and
continuous faith in God was generously rewarded. On Thursday,
July 23', we will begin the triduum to St. Anne following the
morning Mass. We ask the members of the organization and
parishioners to come to church on these days to pray to God
through the intercession of St. Anne for particular graces we need
in our life.
Page 5
i ri
c'v wi
wdziçczny parafianom, którzy z1oy1i ofiarç na III-q faz
remontu budynków parafialnych. Lqcznie z ostatniq kolektq
zebra1irny $10,774 wliczajqc $6200 w deklaracjach. Dzikujç za
ofiarnoé i niech Warn Bog
blogoslawi za praktykowanie stewardship.W kazda druga
niedzile miesiaca jest specjalna druga kolekta na ten cel,mozna
tez rzucic koperte w kazda niedzile do regularnej kolekty lub tez
przyniesc na plebanie.Prosirny jednak uzwac zalaczone forrny,
jest to pomocne w ksiegowosci,
RADA PARAFIALNA. W ubieglym tygodniu odbyly si wybory
do Rady Parafialnej. Otrzyma1imy 164 glosy i wybra1imy tych, którzy
otrzymali najwikszq i1od glosOw. Nazwiska podane sq w angielskiej
czçci biuletynu. Nowi czlonkowie rozpocznq dzia1a1noé we wrzeniu.
GENERALNE SPRZATANIE. W wakacje zazwyczaj
wykorzystujemy czas, ie szkola jest pusta i przygotowujemy
kiasy na rozpoczçcie nowego roku szkolnego. W sobot 25 lipca
od 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. prosirny o ochotnikOw do sprzqtania szkoly
pod kierunkiem Gienka Rudnickiego i John'a Szymczak'a.
Szczegolnie prosz rodziców i rodziny uczniow o ofiarowanie
tego czasu. Wasze zaangaowanie pomo±e nam zmniejszyé
koszty sprzqtania i przygotowaé szkolç tak, abyznow blyszczala
na powitanie dzieci. Mam nadziej, ie wielu z Was przyjdzie.
Bçdziemy czekaé godz. o 9-ej.
UROCZYSTOSC 8W. ANNY. Czlonkowie Stowarzyszenia
w. Anny proszeni sq o uczestnictwo we Mszy w. w niedzielç,
26.VII. o godz. 8:15 rano. Pójdziemy wspólnie w procesji na
rozpoczcie Mszy w., a po Mszy w. bdzie krOtkie zebranie w
sali konferencyjnej oraz kawa z dodatkami..
w. Anna jest nie tylko patronkq dziadków i opiekunów, ale
rOwnie± patronkq nadziei.Bog wynagrodzil jej wiare oraz ufnosc
w Boza opatrznosc.Rozpoczynajac w czwartek 23 lipee
bedziemy miec trduum do Sw. Anny p0 kazde3j rannej Mszy
sw.Zapraszarny czlonkow Organizcaj sw, Anny jak tez parafian
na Triduum.
Ojciec i matka sa gotowi poswiecic wszytsko, czas, pieniadze i
wysilek by pomoc choremu dziecku.Podobnie kochajacy rodzice
nie szczedza wysilku by im umozliwic najlepsze
wyksztalcenie.Wiedza jest wazna, ale madrosc deycduje o
szczesliwym zyciu, a prawrdziwa madrosc umieszcza Boga w
centrum ludzkich wysilkow i zmagan ito robi katolicka szkola
Sw, Jozefa. Nasas szkola trzyma drzwi otwarte dia ludzi z
mniejszymi zarobkami dlatego obnizylismy oplatejak dadajemy
roznego rodzaju przywileje aby nikt nie mial wymowki ze
odmowil dziecku najwiekszego skarbu jakim jest katolickie
wyksztalcenie. Sw., Jan Apostola w trzecim liscie wiersz 4
powiedzial:" Nie moge rniec wiekszej radosci nad ta, ze moje
dzieci zyja w prawdzie".
W dalszym ciagu twaja zapisy do szkoly do kias Pre-K - VIII.
Pre-k jest juz prawie pelne.