Saint Joseph Oasifica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph Oasifica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph Oasifica
Parish of theiiriIli(Cennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus
Christ as a Catholic community of faith, by promoting a sense of commitment to the
Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization and
nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage,
we foster our tradition and aspire to personal growth in faith. We are determined
to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values and
to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
53 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467 • Fax: 508-943-0808
E-mail: [email protected]
Parish WebSite:
Sunday Vigil:
Holy Day Vigil:
Holy Day:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
5:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.; 8:15 a.m.(Polish); 9:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m. (Bilingual)
6:30 am.; 7:00 a.m.
Saturday:.......................................3 p.m.
Eve of Holy Days:......................... 3 p.m.
Thurs. before First Friday:........... 3 p.m
First Friday: .................................. 6.30 p.m
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Wednesday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
Rector- ............................ Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Adm. Secretary ............... Terry Miller
Financial Secretary......... Ewa Mamro
Dir. of Rel. Ed. .............. Mary Jolda
Organist .......................... Robert Wojcik
Cemetery Manager ........ Kevin Rekowski
Sacristans ..................Al Richard & Joseph Ziak
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process
established by the Church for individuals to become Catholic
and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation,
and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a
Baptized Catholic in need of making your First Communion
and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious Education Office.
BAPTISM: On designated Sundays. Please call to make
arrangements. Parents are required to receive orientation.
MARRIAGE: Proper preparation for marriage requires one
year's notice. Please contact the rectory for appointment.
MINISTRY TO THE SICK: For those of advanced age, ill or
hospitalized, call the rectory to arrange visitation.
PARISH MEMBERSHIP: If you would like to become part of
St. Joseph Parish Family, please call the rectory.
SAKRAMENT CHRZTU: W wyznaczone niedziele. Proszg
zadzwonic na plebanic, aby ustalic date. Rodzice zobowi4zani s4
do krotkiej katechezy.
SAKRAMENT MALZENSTWA: Narzeczeni powinni
zawiadomic kancelaric parafialn4 rok przed dat4 slubu.
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH: Po sakramentalnq, poslugc
ksiedza prosze, dzwonic na plebanig.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII: Parafla §w. Jozefa serdecznie zaprasza
nowych czlonkow. Zapisy przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0378 Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal ...................... Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary ...................... Ms. Jennifer Mahlert
October 18, 2009 - 18 pazdziernik 2009 r.
Page 2
Masses for the week
Msze Sw, Podczas Tygodnia
Sunday Vigil-October 17
r.s. Mary Stapor (4th anniv.) -mt. Janice, Nancy & fain.
Sunday-October 18
r.s. Irene Kaliszewski (month's mind) and Stanley
Kaliszewski -mt. Sons and families
r.s. Joseph F. Piasta, Jr. -mt. Sue and Joe Yukevicius
s.p. Jozef Suchanik -int. corki Jasi i Ewy z rodzina
Baptism of Ireneusz Rudnicki
Monday-October 19
r.s. Kazimira & Edward Faber -mt. children
2:15 pm Lanessa Nursing Home
Tuesday-October 20
r.s. Michaline Majkut -mt. Nellie and Louie
Wednesday-October 21
r.s. Benny and Viola Cichon -mt. family
r.s. Theresa E. Dembkoski
-mt. Helen and Theodore Podles
Thursday-October 22
r.s. Stasia and Lymert Balcom -mt. son and family
Friday-October 2'
r.s. Thomas (anniv.) and Joseph Krupinski -int. fam.
r.s. Cecilia Wajer -mt. Ewa Piwowarczyk
Saturday-October 24
r.s. Alane Czyzewski Davis (14 1h anniv.)
-mt. father and brothers, Mark and John
Sunday Vigil
r.s. Victoria (anniv.) and Anthony Groh -mt. children
Sunday-October 25
s.p. Maria Kolinska (month's mind Mass)
-mt. syna z rodzina
For the parishioners of Saint Joseph Basilica
r.s. Edward W. Szymczak (42' anniv.) -mt. family
s.p. Jozef Portka (2d anniv.) -int. corka z rodzina
Weekly $4662.25 (Incl. $279.25 in loose money); Diocesan
Obligations $173; Fuel $559; Phase III $2137 (incl. $122 in loose
Stewardship Note. "You know how among the Gentiles those who
seem to exercise authority lord it over them, their great ones make
their importancefelt. It cannot be like that with you. Anyone among
you who aspire to greatness must serve the rest; whoever wants to
rankfirst among you must serve the needs of alL" (Mark 10:42-
44). Stewardship is an expression of our practical faith. It is not just
about how we spend our money, but about how we spend our lives.
We are called to spend our lives in service to others.
Do you believe that the word GOD should stay in American
culture? NBC had a poll on this question. They had the highest
number of responses that they have ever had for one of their polls,
with the following results: 86% to keep the words, In God We Trust
and God in the Pledge of allegiance - 14 against! Why is the world
catering to this 14%?
October 18, 2009
Through his suffering,
my servant shall justify many.
-Isaih 53:11b
TOO MUCH INFORMATION! There is a common
expression: "Too much information!" We usually use it
when people tell us details about their lives that we don't
want or need to know. Today, when James and John ask
Jesus a simple question, making their request for places of
honor in the kingdom, a simple answer might have been in
order. Instead, as he often does, Jesus answers a question
with a question; today it's about drinking the cup of
suffering. Then, once the others are indignant over James
and John's outrageous request, he proceeds to give them,
what may have been "too much information" for followers
who were simply interested in the pursuit of glory. But this
information, though it can sometimes seem "too much" for
us, is essential for our lives as disciples. In Isaiah, in
Hebrews, and in Mark today, we learn this information: it
is in suffering, in weakness, in self-giving service to others,
that we come to understand the kingdom. It is the
information we need to find our place and come to be
honored in the reign of God.
The second collection this weekend is designated for the
Propagation of the Faith
The second collection next weekend includes all remaining envelopes in
your budget packet
On Sunday, November we will gather at Saint Joseph Garden
of Peace at 2 p.m. for a prayer service for our deceased loved ones.
Special votive lights will be available for purchase to carry in the
procession. It is recommended the votive light be left on the grave
of our deceased either before the procession or at the conclusion of
the services. If your family member is buried elsewhere you are
invited to leave your candle at the cross with your intentions.
Please come with your children to the cemetery so they could be
introduced to this centuries old tradition.
On November 2nd we will celebrate All Souls Day. In the tradition
of the Church this day is an occasion to pray and offer the Mass for
the repose of the souls of our loved ones. The Mass has infinite
value and therefore is the most effective way to entreat God's
mercy for a particular soul. In addition, personal prayers, good
deeds, and acts of charity offered in the name of a loved one is
always a helpful means to remember the souls in Purgatory.
It has been a practice for ages that the faithful submit names of
deceased loved ones to monasteries and churches requesting a
prayer for the departed souls. In your budget packet you have an
envelope for this purpose called "Wypominki" which we kindly
request that you print clearly with the names of those to be
remembered and return prior to November 1n which will be read
during Masses on All Souls Day.
Page 3
October 18, 2009 - 18 pazdziernik 2009 r.
We're looking for new members. Would you like tojoin? It's that
time. The 125 Club is a 25 week club of the St. Joseph Basilica
Community that is held twice a year. What for and how does it
The purpose of the Club is for social gatherings and to financially
aid St. Joseph School and parish needs. Membership in the club
shall be open to any person who pays $1.00 per week for 25 weeks.
Payments may be made in full or in $5 increments.
Each week a drawing is held and a winner is chosen for a $25
weekly prize. At the conclusion of 25 weeks, members are eligible
for higher cash prizes. Banquets are held on the second Saturday of
March and the second Saturday of September in the school hall.
If you wish to join please call the following captains: Jo-Ann
Canty 508-943-8587; Connie Czechowski 508-943-2652; Madge
Gromelski 508-943-8247; Theresa Jankowski 508-943-5355;
Barbara Kryger 508-943-2253; Betty Meagher 508-943-4255; Ellie
Noga 508-943-0592; Pat Parslow 508-943-3332; Theresa Wagner
508-943-4043; Dianne Wasielewski 508-943-3524. Thank you!
Mrs. Valcour will hold a "Be Thankful For Our Homes" tent
camping event in her backyard. The Jr. Group will meet Fri. Nov.
6 " and the Sr. Group will meet Sat. Nov. 7th both running from 7
p.m. until 10 a.m. Any youth interested in participating will need
to bring everything they will need to spend a night outdoors: tent,
sleeping bag, pillow, warm sleeping clothes etc. To be allowed
entry into the "Tent City" please contribute something to help the
homeless keep warm this winter (hats, gloves, scarf, warm socks,
etc.) Do not just ask your parents to go out and buy them; please do
some jobs around the house to earn the money to purchase the
items. During the course of this event we will learn more about
those less fortunate than ourselves and how we can help. Please let
Mrs. Valcour know if you will be attending. Any parents who
would like to attend are welcome as well. This is a rain or shine,
cold or warm event.
We are pleased to acknowledge the following donations given on
the occasion of the baptisms of their children by the parents : To St.
Joseph Basilica-$150 for the baptism of Nina Jean Poplawski,
and to St. Joseph School 4100 to honor the baptism of Jordyn
Lynn Poplawski. May these children grow in the grace of God and
become the source of joy for their parents.
Friends of St. Joseph School Fund. In memory of Rose Sabaj by
M/M Robert Smith.
Pre-K. We are pleased to report that every space in the Pre-K
class is taken. Anyone interested may want to sign onto the waiting
list. There is always the possibility that a vacancy may occur and
those on the waiting list will be considered.
School Newsletter. I am pleased to announce that Mrs. Jane
Gogolinski will be the editor of the St. Joseph School Newsletter
(Eagle). She succeeds Cindi Gardner who was elected chairman of
the Home School Association. I am grateful to Cindi for her oneyear commitment to this important task and wish Jane every
success in this new venture.
The Knights of Columbus St. Joseph Basilica Council #12980 are
holding a 50150 Raffle for the entire month of October. You may
purchase your 50150 tickets before or after each Mass, at the back
of the church, during the remainder of October. Tickets will sold
for $5 for one ticket or $10 for three (3). The Knights have
collected $1,050 in the first 2 weeks of the raffle. There are only 3
weeks remaining in the raffle--don't be left out. The winning ticket
will be drawn at the beginning of the Knights monthly meeting on
November 4th, and the winner notified that night.
Recognition Night. On October 23 there will be a special
recognition night for all altar servers from our Deanery which
includes Webster, Dudley, Oxford, Southbridge, Sturbridge and
Charlton. Bishop McManus will preside at St. Joseph's Church in
Charlton in a prayer service at 7 p.m. High School altar servers will
be recognized for their dedication. We ask the mothers of all altar
servers to make sure that their professional outfits (surplice and
cassocks) are cleaned and ironed. They should report at 6:45 p.m.
to take part in the solemn procession with the bishop and clergy to
the church.
New Altar Servers. Every year in October we are accepting new
altar servers. Anyone who has received First Communion (boy or
girl) can apply
to assist with the Eucharistic sacrifice and other devotional
services. They should participate in the Wednesday October
devotions and following the rosary they will have a brief training
session. They are also asked to come dressed in their Sunday best
for weekend Masses to the sacristy and join the other altar servers.
Interested candidates should call the rectory or Sylvia Kitka or Joe
Two Winner Take All's - Special Door Prizes
Variety of Hot-Home-Made Food - Free Coffee
Doors Open at 4 p.m. - Games Begin 5:45 p.m.
Members of the Sacred Heart Society
will assist from 4 to 6 p.m.
WORD OF LIFE. "The subtle lies of today's culture of death are
a plague of spiritual leprosy, reducing the value of human persons
to some arbitrary standard that changes like fashions To the
world around us, what matters is what we possess, but to the Lord,
we matter because we are his beloved children, created in his
image, for whom He died, and with whom He wants to live forever
in heaven." Rev. John Bartunek, LC, STL 2009 Respect Life program.
All Saints Family Event. Come and Celebrate with our Religious
Education Program at our All Saints Event being held for all parish
families on October 28 at 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m, in the school
cafeteria and gym. Please join us and have fun learning more about
the Saints as models of love and faith.
Parishioners - your help is needed! Handing on our faith is the
work of all Baptized Catholics. We are still in need of an 8 ' Grade
catechist, aide in classroom, hospitality or office helper. Please call
Page 4
Mary Jolda and leave a message.
Gather Us in 2009 Women's Conference on 7 November 2009 at the
DCV Center, Worcester MA. All diocesan women and guests are
invited to participate in this day-long event featuring presentations and
workshops. There are two keynote speakers this year. Paula D'Arcy,
"Great Lessons From the Journey" and Immaculee Iligabiza's topic will
be "Led by Faith." Four additional workshops will be available. The
$45 registration fee includes lunch. The day will close with Mass
celebrated by Bishop McManus. Registration forms are available in the
Church or . See posters and
flyers in Church.
Confirmation. Next class is Sunday, October 18 ° at 8 a.m. in the
school. Please be prompt. Deadline for registration and items needed are
now past due, please mail them in.
FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Publick House Holiday Pies are
available from the Daughters of Isabella. Cost of pies is $12.95 and
include Sugar Free Apple, Double Crust Apple, Lemon Merangue,
Blueberry, Pumpkin and $13.95 for Apple Almond Crumb.Contact
Janet 508-839-7747, cell 508-887-557; or Sue 508-943-4579, cell 774230-0669. Please place orders no later than Thursday, Nov. 19. Pickup
at Sacred Heart Parish Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 24th from 3-6 p.m.
Sat. Oct. 17. St. Anne's Bake Sale and raffle from 3 to 5 p.m.
Sun. Oct. 18. St. Anne's Bake Sale and raffle from 8 to 11 a.m.
Sun. Oct. 18. Living Rosary devotion at 3 p.m. under the leadership of
the Holy Rosary Sodality.
Wed. Oct. 21. Rosary devotions at 7 p.m. in English
Wed. Oct. 21. Parish Council meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish
Conference Room. Please note change in time.
Fri. Oct. 23. Rosary devotions at 7 p.m. in Polish
Fri. Oct. 23. SJS Junior High Dance for Grades 6-8 from 6:30 to 9:30
Fri. Oct. 23. Catholic Youth Group Pumpkin carving for Sr. High
Group from 6-8 p.m.
Tues. Oct. 27. General HSA Meeting.
Thurs. Oct. 29. St. Joseph Polish Women's Club Fashion Show
Fri. Oct. 30. SJS Halloween Ice Cream Social and Bingo 6:30 - 8:30
p.m. Open to the entire student body.
Sun. Nov. 1. Cemetery procession at 2 p.m.
Tues. Nov. 3. HSA Board meeting 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Fri. Nov. 6. Banquet at Crown Plaza Hotel, Worcester
SONDA2 przeprowadzony przez stacjç telewizyjnq NBC wykazal,
±e 86% ankietowanych chc, aby zachowaé slowo ,,BOg" na
banknotach i w amerykañskiej ,,Pledge of Allegiance", a tylko 14%
bylo przeciwko. W zwiqzku z tym pojawia si pytanie, dlaczego
wiat próbuje zadowolié te 14%?
PROCECJA NA CMENTARZU z okazji wiçta Zmarlych bçdzie
w niedzielç 1 listopada o 2 p.m. Jak co roku bçdzie mo±na zakupiá
znicze, aby postawié je na grobach bliskich zmarlych lub
syrnbolicznie ku pamicci tych, ktorzy nie sq pochowani na naszym
cmentarzu, a sq bliscy naszemu sercu. Zapraszarn wszystkich
Paee 5
parafian do udzialu w tym tak wanym naboeñstwie. Szczegolnie
proszç o przyprowadzenie dzieci, aby mogly poznaé tç piçkn4 polskq
DZIER ZADUSZNY, 2 listopada, jest to w tradycji Kocio1j dzieñ
modlitw za dusze w czyécu cierpiqce. Szczegolnie Msza 9w. w tym
dniu ma wielkq wartoé i jest najlepszym sposobem na wyproszenie
laski milosiercizia za danq duszç. Dodatkowo mona w tej inteneji
ofiarowaé dobre uczynki, modlitwç, akty milosierdzia w imieniu
kochanej osoby.
Zgodnie z tradycjq bçdzie mona przekazaé imiona zmarlych na tzw.
Wyponiinki. Prosze, u±yé do tego specjalne koperty, które
znajdowaly sic w paidziernikowym zestawie. Bardzo proszq pisaé
wyranie i zwrócié te koperty przed 1 listopada. Nazwiska tych osOb
bqdq czytane podczas Mszy 9w. w Dzieñ Zaduszny.
1-25 Kiub poszukuje nowych czlonków. Jest to organizacja, ktOrej
celem s4 towarzyskie spotkania oraz finansowe wsparcie dia parafii.
Skladka czlonkowska wynosi tylko $25 na rok i gwarantuje los w
cotygodniowej Ioterii $25. Po wiçcej inforamcji proszc dzwonié na
GRUPA MLODZIEOWA wybiera sic na specjalny biwak
namiotowy organizowany przez p. Valcour wjej ogrodzien.
Warunkiem uczestniczenia jest ofiarowanie zimowego okrycia dia
ubogich. Czapki, szaliki, rçkawiczki powinny bye kupione z
wiasnych oszczçdnoci, a lie przez rodziców. Proszç zawiadomiC p.
Valcourje±eli ktog chcialby sic dolqczyC. Zapraszamy rOwnie
rodzicdw uczestników.
ZE SZKOLY. Z przyjemnociq zawiadamiamy, ie wypelnione
mamy jui wszystkie miejsca w przedszkolu i obecnie przyjmujemy
chçtnych na listç oczçkujcych.
Jestem bardzo wdziçczny p. Jane Gogolinski, która zobowiza1a sic
redagowaé gazetkç szkolnq ,,Eagle" i przy okazji dziçkujç Cindi
Gardner, zajej ubiegloroczn4 pracç zwi4zan4 z wydawaniem gazetki.
LOTERIA RYCERZY KOLUMBA majui w puli $1,050
dwóch tygodniach. Losy mona nabywaé jeszcze tylko przez 3
tygodnie, a zwyciçzca, który otrzyma 50% nagrody bçdzie wybrany
4 listopada. Losy mona nabyC w cenie $5 za jeden tub 3 za $10.
MINISTRANCI z naszego dekanatu zaproszeni s4 przez bp.
McManus'a na specjalne naboeñstwo modlitewne 23 padziernika
w kocie1e St. Joseph w Charlton o 7 p.m. Prosimy, aby ministranci
przyszli w swoich czystych i wyprasowanych komekach nie póniej
nii o 6:45 p.m. gdy2 wraz z biskupem wcjd4 do kocio1a w procesji.
Kadego roku w padziernku przyjmujemy nowych ministrantów.
Kady, kto przyst4pi1 do Pierwszej Komunii Swietej, zarówno
chlopcy i dziewczçta, mog4 sic przyIczyC, aby slu±yC podczas Mszy
w. i naboeñstw. Prosimy, aby zainteresowani uczestniczyli w
rodowych nabo±enstwach róancowych, p0 których bçdzie krótkie
szkolenie. W niedzielç prosimy, aby w odawitnych ubraniach
stawali przy oltarzu wraz z innymi ministrantami. Po wiçcej
informacji proszç dzwoniC na plebaniç.
KALENDARZ - prosimy zapoznaC sic z wydarzeniami w parafli,
któiych daty podane sq w kalendarzu w angielskiej czçci biuletynu.