Get ready for MATURA 2015


Get ready for MATURA 2015
Matura podstawowa 2015
Use of English Ǯ Writing
Get ready for MATURA 2015
Paul Hancock, Marta Markowska, Joanna Szuwart
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19/06/2013 16:26
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All units contain four sections each:
Use of English: Grammar
Use of English: Vocabulary
Use of English: Reacting to language
Unit 1
Caught on camera
Unit 2
Looking back
Unit 3
A good job
Unit 4
Body and mind
Unit 5
Tomorrow’s world
Unit 6
Unit 7
Real relationships
Unit 8
Unit 9
Money, money, money!
Unit 10
Be creative
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1 Caught on camera
Use of English: Grammar
present tense contrast
verb patterns
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs
in brackets.
Use of English: Vocabulary
1 Hey, guess what! I now _________ (belong) to a
mountaineering club!
2 I can’t help _________ (think) that Jan doesn’t realise
that shirt is really gaudy.
6 The celebrity categorically refused _________ (answer)
questions unrelated to her show.
7 Try _________ (restart) your router or, if it doesn’t work,
contact your Internet provider.
tak aby po zastąpieniu nią podkreślonego fragmentu
powstało poprawne zdanie o tym samym znaczeniu,
co zdanie wyjściowe.
Zawsze upewnij się, że nowo utworzone zdanie jest
poprawne pod względem gramatycznym i ma to samo
znaczenie, co zdanie wyjściowe.
5 obedient _________
M Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź (A–C).
1 A illegible B irrational C uncomfortable
1 Don’t let Alan interrupt – just keep talking.
A go on to talk
B end up talking
C go on talking
5 Do you fancy going to see the band live on Saturday?
A mean to go
B like going
C feel like going
2 tight
6 legal
I bought four new things when I went clothes shopping
yesterday. The first was a bit of an 1_________ purchase,
as I don’t know when I’ll ever wear it. It’s a 2_________
skirt with a bright flowery pattern. It might seem gaudy
but it 3_________ on me. I also bought a 4_________ dress
and some matching shoes. The only thing I’m dissatisfied
with are the smart stripy wool trousers I bought. I didn’t
want loose ones, but I think these are too 5_________ .
So, I might take them back and change them for
something else.
M Do każdego zdania (1–5) wybierz odpowiedź A–C,
4 Sorry, I forgot to give you your DVD back yesterday.
A didn’t remember giving
B didn’t remember to give
C remembered not to give
4 honest
Najpierw przeczytaj cały tekst, by zorientować się, jaki
temat porusza. Wybierając odpowiedzi, nie decyduj się
na pierwszą, która wydaje ci się poprawna. Sprawdź
również te pozostałe. Po wybraniu wszystkich odpowiedzi
przeczytaj cały tekst jeszcze raz, by upewnić się, że jest
logiczny i poprawny gramatycznie.
5 At first I was sceptical about what Karl was saying, but
now I _________ (believe) him.
3 What is your opinion on installing CCTV cameras in our
A are you thinking about
B do you consider
C do you think about
4 It’s nearly lunchtime. Why don’t we stop _________
(have) something to eat and then finish the project?
2 Bob never stops complaining about his appearance,
which gets on my nerves.
A is always complaining
B is complaining
C complains
1 scruffy
3 long-sleeved _________
3 The annual spring fashion show _________ (start) at 3.00
tomorrow afternoon.
Give opposites for each of the adjectives.
2 A long-sleeved B high-heeled C full-length
3 A looks good B is looking good C is good-looking
4 A beautiful short blue cotton B short beautiful cotton blue
C beautiful short cotton long
5 A baggy
B tight
C shiny
Use of English: Reacting to language
Photo description
Complete the sentences with the prepositions. You may
use them each more than once. There is one preposition
you do not need.
in for at with
1 The man in the middle of the picture is standing behind
the main group, _________ the background.
2 You can see a dog _________ the bottom left-hand corner.
3 The woman _________ long black hair looks as if she’s
had a really bad shock.
4 The man _________ a stylish suit looks like a film star.
5 Let me think about that _________ a moment.
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M Do każdej wypowiedzi w zdaniach 1–5 wybierz właściwą
reakcję (A–C).
Przeczytaj uważnie pierwszą część dialogu i spróbuj
przewidzieć pasujące odpowiedzi bez patrzenia na
podane poniżej opcje. Dopiero potem przeanalizuj podane
odpowiedzi i dokonaj wyboru. Sprawdź, czy uzupełniony
dialog jest logiczny i poprawny gramatycznie.
My name’s Beata. I’m a 16-year-old secondary school student
from Lublin, Poland. I saw the advert for a blogger on sport and
fashion on your website.
I think I’d be the right person to write these blogs because I’m really
interested in both fashion and sport. I’m in the school volleyball
team and I’m mad about tennis. I read fashion magazines and follow
all the latest trends.
1 X: Who do you think the man in the photo is?
Y: _____
A He likes a security guard.
B He looks at a security guard.
C He looks like a security guard.
2 X: How do you think the woman is feeling?
Y: _____
A Let’s think for a moment.
B Why didn’t you let me think for a moment?
C Let me think for a moment.
I fancy writing both blogs. Could you let me know if that would be
possible? Also, I’d like to know how long the entries would have
to be and how often I would have to write them.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes,
3 X: Which house in the photo do you think is the most
Y: _____
A In the left corner.
B To the left.
C The one on the left.
Writing: An informal email introducing
Read the exam task and answer the question.
Właściciele anglojęzycznej strony internetowej poszukują
nastolatków do pisania blogów w działach poświęconych
sportowi i modzie. Napisz e-mail, w którym zgłosisz chęć
udziału w tym projekcie.
Read the writing tip. Then read the email in exercise 2
again and answer the questions below.
W tekście nieoficjalnym stosuj potoczne zwroty i wyrażenia.
Find words and expressions in Beata’s email with similar
meanings to the words and expressions below.
4 X: Why do you think the boy in the photo has failed?
Y: _____
A He looks sad.
B He looks sadly.
C He looks like he was sad.
5 X: Do you think smoking should be banned?
Y: _____
A I’m not really thinking about that.
B I’ve never really thought about that.
C I won’t really think about that.
Read the example email and check your answers to
exercise 1. Why does Beata think she is the right person
to write the blogs?
a) I really like
_________ _________
b) I’d like to
_________ _________
M Now do the exam task below.
Kuzyn twojej brytyjskiej koleżanki przyjeżdża do Polski
i zgodziłeś się/zgodziłaś się spędzić z nim trochę czasu.
Napisz do niego e-mail, w którym:
• przedstawisz się i napiszesz kilka słów o sobie,
• opiszesz swoje zainteresowania,
• opowiesz, jak zamierzasz zorganizować czas waszego
• poprosisz o informacje na temat jego zainteresowań
i ulubionego sposobu spędzania czasu.
Rozwiń każdy z czterech podpunktów. Tekst powinien
zawierać od 80 do 130 słów.
1 Przedstaw się i napisz kilka słów o sobie.
2 Zgłoś chęć udziału w tym projekcie i uzasadnij, dlaczego
jesteś dobrym kandydatem/dobrą kandydatką.
3 Opisz swoje zainteresowania.
4 Poproś o dodatkowe informacje dotyczące wymaganej
długości tekstów i terminów wpisów.
Which of the four points in the task will these phrases be
used in?
a) I’d like to know
b) I’m mad about
c) the right person to write these blogs
d) I saw the advert
e) Could you let me know
f ) secondary school student
Unit 1
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2 Looking back
Use of English: Grammar
past tense contrast
used to
Use of English: Vocabulary
Adjectives for describing people
Analyse the underlined phrases and find six mistakes,
two in each extract. Correct the sentences.
I was just having dinner in my kitchen when the phone was
ringing. I went to answer it and when I came back my plate
was empty. My cat ate all of my spaghetti.
1 _________________
confused irritated scared ashamed
relieved bored satisfied
1 Don’t remind me about how badly I behaved. I’m really
_________ it.
2 _________________
It was a beautiful May evening. A wood fire burnt and soft
music played. Suddenly, I heard a hysterical shriek and …
2 I get very _________ Marc singing all the time when we’re
studying. It’s so annoying!
3 _________________
3 This is really good work you’ve done. I’m totally _________ it.
4 _________________
Last night I was seeing someone climbing into a window
of my neighbour’s house. It turned out to be my neighbour
himself. He just painted the front stairs and didn’t want to
walk on the fresh paint.
5 _________________
Complete the sentences by using the correct adjectives and
adding a preposition.
4 I didn’t understand the instructions so I’m _________
what to do now.
5 I felt so _________ the diagnosis. Luckily, the injury
wasn’t as serious as we had thought.
6 _________________
M W każdym zdaniu (1–5) wybierz odpowiedź A–C, która
jest najlepszym tłumaczeniem fragmentu w nawiasie i po
wstawieniu jej w lukę utworzy poprawne zdanie.
6 I’ve been _________ dogs since I was a child because my
neighbour’s dog bit me.
7 I was so _________ the book that I nearly fell asleep.
M Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź (A–C).
Przypomnij sobie różnice w zastosowaniu poszczególnych
czasów przeszłych. Możesz wrócić do str. 15 w podręczniku.
Czytając opcje A, B, C, szczególnie uważnie przyjrzyj się
przykładom, w których znajdują się wyrazy pokrewne
(np. relieve, relieved, relief). Przeczytaj zdanie w tekście
i zastanów się, jaką częścią mowy jest brakujący element.
Przypomnij sobie przedrostki i przyrostki charakterystyczne
dla rzeczowników, czasowników i przymiotników i na tej
podstawie dokonaj wyboru.
1 (Nie padał deszcz) _________________ when I left home,
so I didn’t bring an umbrella with me.
A It didn’t rain
B It wasn’t raining
C It hadn’t rained
2 (Czy Paweł skończył) _________________ his homework
before he went out?
A Has Paweł finished
B Was Paweł finishing
C Had Paweł finished
The Browns hadn’t had any problems with their son
until the incident last summer. Mrs Brown 1_________
in her garden when she heard a shout from Eric. She
_________ inside to find the boy’s room empty and
the window open and her son nowhere to be seen in
the garden or street outside. Worried and confused
_________ Eric’s disappearance, she immediately
reported her son missing. To her 4_________ , Eric was
found a few hours later sound asleep in his father’s
shed in the back garden. The boy had no memory of how
he had left his room. To make matters worse, he couldn’t
_________ his parents nor recall any information
about himself. The symptoms disappeared after a week
but he was diagnosed with temporary amnesia and a
sleepwalking disorder.
3 (Czy czytałeś) _________________ a lot of comics when
you were younger?
A Did you use to read
B Were you reading
C Had you read
4 I was talking to Anna but I knew she (nie słuchała)
_________________ .
A wasn’t listening
B didn’t listen
C hadn’t listened
5 Jo (kiedyś nie była) _______________ so lazy – what’s
happened to her?
A didn’t use to be
B didn’t get used to being
C wasn’t used to being
A was reading
A run
A about
A relieved
A recognise
was running
had read
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Use of English: Reacting to language
Narrating events
Put the words in the correct order.
1 did / tell / you / with / I / about / date / my / ever / first / Ed / ?
2 all / home / go / eventually, / we / to / decided / early.
3 terrible / a / had / what / experience / you / !
4 to / last / guess / Sandra / week / happened / what / !
5 to / in / what / the / happened / end / you / ?
M Do każdej wypowiedzi w zdaniach 1–5 wybierz właściwą
reakcję (A–C).
Dear Jenny,
Sorry I haven’t written sooner. I’ve been busy with school work, but
I want to tell you about something exciting that happened recently.
I was in a department store in town. It was unusually busy. I was
browsing through computer games. I was looking at a football
game when suddenly I noticed some tough men in suits walking
towards me. When people started screaming, I got scared, but a
few seconds later I saw someone I recognised behind them. It was
the footballer on the cover of the game I was holding! He was
there to advertise the game and the men were his bodyguards! I
was so excited!
I was even more pleased after I’d managed to get his autograph
and photo.
Best wishes,
Zanim dokonasz wyboru, przeczytaj wszystkie podane
odpowiedzi. Zwróć uwagę na kontekst w każdym dialogu.
Zadaj sobie następujące pytania: Gdzie znajdują się
rozmówcy? O czym rozmawiają? Jaki może być cel
rozmowy? Odpowiedzi na te pytania pomogą ci
w dokonaniu właściwego wyboru.
1 X: Guess what happened to my sister the other day!
Y: _____
A I don’t know. Tell me!
B I didn’t know about that.
C It’s difficult to know really.
Gdy relacjonujesz przeszłe zdarzenie, używaj różnych
czasów przeszłych. W zadaniu egzaminacyjnym oczekuje
się również różnorodnych zwrotów ukazujących kolejność
1 Which tenses does Tomek use:
a) to set the scene in the store
b) for actions that happened one after another
c) for an action that interrupted a background event
d) to describe an event that happened before another
past event
3 X: What toys did you use to play with when you were little?
Y: _____
A I was playing with my favourite teddy bear.
B I played with my favourite teddy bear.
C I had played with my favourite teddy bear.
5 Why don’t you like spiders?
Y: _____
A I’m scary. B They are scared.
Underline examples of these tenses in the example letter.
C A month ago.
2 Find time expressions with similar meanings to the
expressions below.
a) before now
b) after three or four seconds
C I’m scared of them.
Writing: An informal letter narrating an event
Read the writing tip. Then read the letter in exercise 2 again
and answer the questions below.
2 X: How do you think the people felt?
Y: _____
A They were confusing.
B They were confused.
C There was confusion.
4 X: When did you last feel nervous?
Y: _____
A For a month. B Since last month.
Read the example letter and check your answers to exercise 1.
Who was the man on the cover of the game?
Read the exam task and answer the questions.
Napisz list do amerykańskiej koleżanki, w którym opowiesz
jej o czymś ciekawym, co niedawno ci się przydarzyło.
• Przeproś za brak kontaktu i wyjaśnij powód.
• Opisz ciekawe zdarzenie.
• Podaj kilka szczegółów na temat osób biorących udział
w tym zdarzeniu.
• Powiedz, jakie miałeś/miałaś odczucia w związku z tym
1 What information should the writer include at the
beginning of the letter?
2 What tenses should the writer use in the letter?
3 What words can the writer use to describe his / her
feelings about the event?
M Now do the exam task below.
Napisz list do korespondencyjnego kolegi z Południowej
Afryki. Opowiedz mu o czymś zabawnym, co ci się niedawno
• Zapytaj kolegę, co u niego słychać i podaj przyczynę braku
kontaktu z twojej strony.
• Opisz jakieś zabawne zdarzenie.
• Opisz swoje odczucia związane z tym zdarzeniem.
• Zapytaj kolegę, czy przydarzyło mu się kiedyś coś
podobnego i jak by się zachował na twoim miejscu.
Rozwiń każdy z czterech podpunktów. Tekst powinien
zawierać od 80 do 130 słów.
Unit 2
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3 A good job
Use of English: Grammar
defining and non-defining relative clauses
Choose the correct answer.
Use of English: Vocabulary
Work and qualities needed for jobs
1 That’s the boy who / whose mum works with mine.
a salary emails part-time energetic paperwork
nine-to-five shift work the phone £10 an hour positive
creative hard questions a manual job good money
2 We went to see Mark’s father who / , who works in the
shopping centre.
3 This is the man which / that helped me when I was lost.
1 answer
_________ , _________ , _________
4 Where is the thing that / , that opens bottles?
2 do
_________ , _________ , _________
5 Is that the pool which / where you swim Saturdays?
3 work
_________ , _________ , _________
4 pay
_________ , _________ , _________
5 be
_________ , _________ , _________
M Przeczytaj zdania 1–5 i wybierz zdanie A, B lub C mające
to samo znaczenie, co zdanie wyjściowe.
O znaczeniu zdań względnych (relative clauses) decyduje
zastosowanie zaimków względnych (who, which, whose
itd.). Wyrazy te określają, którą osobę lub który przedmiot
mamy na myśli. Przypomnij sobie różnice między
poszczególnymi zaimkami względnymi. Powtórz także
informacje o defining i non-defining relative clauses.
1 This is Tim’s mother, whose garage we have band practice in.
A We have band practice in Tim’s mother’s garage.
B This is a garage where we have band practice with Tim
and his mother.
C This is Tim, whose mother has band practice in her
2 The worker who usually brings the biscuits said she can’t
come today.
A The only worker we have, who usually brings biscuits,
said she can’t come today
B One of the workers, who usually brings biscuits, said
she can’t come today.
C One of the workers who usually bring biscuits said she
can’t come today.
3 My father’s car, which is parked outside, has a flat tyre.
A My father has a car with a flat tyre, which is parked
B One of the cars with a flat tyre parked outside belongs
to my father.
C One of my father’s cars parked outside has a flat tyre.
4 My uncle who lives in New Zealand has a farm.
A One of my uncles lives in New Zealand and has a farm.
B The only uncle I have lives in New Zealand and has a farm.
C The farm belongs to one of my uncles living in New
5 This is my friend whose dog we’re going to look after.
A My only friend has a dog we’re going to look after.
B This is a dog my friend is going to look after.
C We’re going to look after one of my friends’ dogs.
Choose the three words or phrases that go with each verb.
M Przeczytaj zdania. Wybierz wyraz A, B lub C, tak aby
pasował do wszystkich trzech zdań w każdym zestawie
(1–5). Zakreśl właściwą literę.
Zanim zapoznasz się z możliwymi odpowiedziami,
przeczytaj trzy podane zdania. Wypisz wyrazy, które pasują
w poszczególnych lukach i sprawdź, czy któryś z nich
pasuje we wszystkich trzech zdaniach. Następnie sprawdź,
czy ten wyraz jest jedną z podanych odpowiedzi. Pamiętaj,
że poprawną odpowiedzią jest tylko ten wyraz lub to
wyrażenie, które pasuje we wszystkich trzech zdaniach.
the phone, Chris?
A reply
B answer
C deal with
long hours.
6% interest last year.
A earned
B got
C received
career path.
A topic
B question
C subject
A sure
B positive
C enthusiastic
dealing with the ... all the time.
a disaster.
A audience
B public
C customers
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Ǯ Zgłoś chęć udziału w rozmowie kwalifikacyjnej i zapytaj
o jej możliwy termin.
Use of English: Reacting to language
A job interview
a) What personality features might be useful when working
with children?
b) What kind of work experience might be useful in this kind
of job. Give examples.
Complete the questions with question tags.
1 You can start work next month, _________?
2 There won’t be a second interview, _________?
3 You haven’t worked with a team before, _________?
4 The job will involve a lot of travelling, _________?
5 You don’t have a driving licence, _________?
Dear Sir / Madam,
I am writing to apply for the post of Summer Camp Volunteer.
I consider myself to be an enthusiastic, energetic and
trustworthy person. I am a keen athlete and I think I would be
the ideal person to be in charge of sporting activities for the
I assisted with summer sports programmes at my local leisure
centre last year, and I enjoyed working as part of a team. I think
this experience makes me a good candidate to work for your
organisation. If required, I could provide a reference from the
leisure centre manager.
I would be grateful for the opportunity to attend an interview,
preferably after school or on Saturdays.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Justyna Barnaś
6 Your last job was as a sales representative, _________?
M Do każdej wypowiedzi w zdaniach 1–5 wybierz właściwą
reakcję (A–C).
Zwróć uwagę na pozornie podobne wyrażenia
(np. work i work out). Zastosowanie nieodpowiedniej
formy całkowicie zmieni kontekst wypowiedzi.
1 X: How did you find out about the job?
Y: _____
A An agency website found it.
B I found it on an agency website.
C I found out about an agency website.
2 X: You’ve worked as a receptionist before, haven’t you?
Y: _____
A Yes, I have.
B Yes, I was.
C Yes, I did.
3 X: You haven’t had much experience of working with
children, have you?
Y: _____
A Yes, working with children is a wonderful experience.
B Yes, I have a lot of work experience.
C Yes, but I look after my sisters’ often.
W podaniu o pracę napisz o tym, skąd dowiedziałeś
się/dowiedziałaś się o ofercie, dlaczego chcesz podjąć
tę pracę, jakie masz doświadczenie oraz jakie cechy
charakteru i jakie umiejętności czynią cię odpowiednim
kandydatem/odpowiednią kandydatką.
4 X: Did you find your last job very challenging?
Y: _____
A Yes, I was very self-motivated.
B Yes, though it was very enjoyable too.
C Yes, I was extremely hard-working.
5 X: Could you begin working for us soon?
Y: _____
A Yes, I could have begun working yesterday.
B Yes, I could begin next month.
C Yes, I would begin next month.
Writing: A job application
Read the exam task and answer the questions.
Znalazłeś/Znalazłaś w lokalnej gazecie ogłoszenie,
w którym organizatorzy polskich wakacji dla brytyjskich dzieci
poszukują ochotników do współpracy w charakterze opiekuna
grupy. Napisz list, w którym zgłosisz chęć swojego udziału.
Ǯ Wymień cechy charakteru, które predestynują cię do roli
opiekuna grupy.
Ǯ Wyjaśnij, jakie masz doświadczenie przydatne w tej pracy.
Ǯ Wyraź nadzieję, że jesteś odpowiednim kandydatem/
odpowiednią kandydatką i zaproponuj wysłanie referencji.
Read the example letter and check your answers to exercise 1.
Why does the writer want to do this job?
Complete the sentences from memory and then look back
at the letter and check your answers.
1 I am writing to _________ the post of Summer Camp
2 I consider myself _________ a trustworthy person.
3 I think I would be the _________ to be in charge of
sporting activities for the children.
4 I would be grateful for the opportunity _________
an interview.
M Now do the exam task below.
Znalazłeś/Znalazłaś ogłoszenie o pracy w charakterze
przewodnika anglojęzycznych turystów. Napisz list, w którym
wyrazisz chęć podjęcia współpracy z ogłaszającą się firmą.
Ǯ Wyjaśnij, dlaczego piszesz.
Ǯ Uzasadnij, dlaczego jesteś właściwą osobą na to
Ǯ Poproś o informacje związane z terminem rozmowy
kwalifikacyjnej i podaj swoje preferencje.
Ǯ Poinformuj, kiedy najwcześniej możesz rozpocząć pracę
i podaj przyczynę.
Rozwiń każdy z czterech podpunktów. Tekst powinien
zawierać od 80 do 130 słów.
Unit 3
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19/06/2013 16:26
4 Body and mind
Use of English: Grammar
past simple and present perfect contrast
Use of English: Vocabulary
present perfect continuous
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs
in brackets.
1 My eyes are tired because I _________ (work) on the
computer all day.
2 I _________ (already write) six emails this morning and
it’s only 8 a.m.
3 I _________ (see) this film before – I _________ (see) it
last year.
4 I _________ (love) Superman films since I _________ (be)
a child.
5 You _________ (play) that game for three hours!
_________ (not kill) all the aliens yet?
6 Paul and Annie _________ (just, leave). They _________
(go) about five minutes ago.
7 We _________ (know) each other for many years.
We _________ (meet) at school.
M W każdym zdaniu (1–5) wybierz odpowiedź A–C, która
jest najlepszym tłumaczeniem fragmentu w nawiasie i po
wstawieniu jej w lukę utworzy poprawne zdanie.
Czytając zdania, zwróć uwagę na kontekst wypowiedzi
i określenia czasu (already, since, as a child itd.),
które pomogą ci w wyborze odpowiedniego czasu
1 Eileen’s bike isn’t new – she (ma go już) _________ for
six months.
A had already had it
B already has it
C has already had it
2 As a child, she (nigdy nie spodziewała się) _________
to become a supermodel. Now she is forty and still
extremely popular.
A never expected
B has never expected
C was never expected
3 She (nie zwykła jadać) _________ seafood when she was
younger. Now she’s quite fond of it, especially shellfish.
A hasn’t been used to eating
B wasn’t eating
C didn’t use to eat
The human body
Match the parts of the body that are found next to each other.
waist scalp chin throat armpit
eyelash wrist shin ankle
1 hand
6 neck
2 foot
7 mouth
3 hair
8 eyelid
4 calf
9 shoulder
5 stomach _________
M Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź (A–C).
Podane możliwe odpowiedzi często zawierają wyrazy
o bardzo podobnym znaczeniu. O poprawnym wyborze
często decyduje znajomość kolokacji i idiomów. Nie
podejmuj pochopnych decyzji i postaraj się przypomnieć
sobie stałe zwroty, w których występują podane wyrazy.
My neighbour had 1_________ his wrist in a bicycle
accident, so I offered to help him do his shopping.
He had never been a huge fan of fizzy drinks because
of the amount of 2_________ they contain. So I was
surprised when he asked me to put twelve bottles
of coke in the shopping trolley, but I didn’t bat an
_________ and did what he’d asked. Then I carried six
heavy bags of shopping to the car and eventually into
his house. When I collapsed from exhaustion onto his
sofa, I noticed him laughing hysterically and realised
he had just been pulling my 4_________! I 5_________
coke since then.
haven’t touched
didn’t touch
C sprained
C sugar
C eyelid
C foot
haven’t been touching
4 (Czy kiedykolwiek miałaś) _________ driving lessons
when you were a student?
A Have you ever taken
B Did you ever take
C Had you ever taken
5 I (czekam) _________ here for an hour. Where are you?
A ’ve been waiting
B ’ve waited
C ’m waiting
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Ǯ Opowiedz o podobnym zdarzeniu, które ci się przytrafiło.
Ǯ Poradź koleżance, co może robić, żeby się nie nudzić.
Ǯ Wyraź nadzieję, że wkrótce sytuacja ulegnie poprawie
i obiecaj, że niedługo zadzwonisz.
Use of English: Reacting to language
Giving advice
Give two pieces of advice in response to each symptom.
Use the words in bold and your own ideas.
a) What happened to the reader of the email?
b) What advice do you think the writer could give?
1 I have a bad cough.
________________________ SHOULD
________________________ OUGHT
Read the example email. What advice does Jason give Liz?
2 My ankle is swollen.
________________________ GOOD IDEA
Hi Liz!
________________________ IMPORTANT
Thanks for your email. I’m really sorry to hear that you’ve broken
your leg. It sounds like you had quite a bad fall. How exactly did it
I’m not surprised you’ve been feeling bored! I broke my ankle two
years ago and I found it so frustrating having to sit around all day
until I could walk again. I really do feel sorry for you.
If I were you, I’d use the time to do things you’ve been meaning
to do for ages – you could sort out all your photos, write some
poems and watch all those DVDs you’ve never had time for.
I’m sure that it won’t be long before you’re out and about again.
I’ll call you next week.
Get well soon!
3 I feel dizzy.
________________________ POSITION
________________________ IF I WERE YOU
M Do każdej wypowiedzi w zdaniach 1–5 wybierz właściwą
reakcję (A–C).
Po wybraniu jednej z opcji (A, B lub C) ponownie przeczytaj
dialog, by upewnić się, czy jest logiczny.
1 X: I’m having trouble getting to sleep at night.
Y: _____
A In your position, I would stop working late at night.
B You should work late at night in this position.
C You are in a position to work late at night.
Zanotuj zwroty, których można użyć w odpowiedzi
na pytania w każdym z poniższych punktów. Pisząc
pracę, używaj tych zwrotów i wykreślaj te, które już
wykorzystałeś/wykorzystałaś. Ten zabieg sprawi, że twoja
praca będzie zawierać zróżnicowane wyrażenia.
2 X: I keep getting bad headaches.
Y: _____
A How long did you have them?
B How long were you having them?
C How long have you had them?
3 X: How often should I take the antibiotics?
Y: _____
A Don’t forget about taking it twice a day.
B Remember taking it twice a day.
C Remember to take it twice a day.
4 X: When did the problem with your neck first start?
Y: _____
A For two weeks.
B Since last week.
C Last week.
5 X: Do I need to come back for a check-up?
Y: _____
A No, just don’t carry anything heavy for a while.
B No, you can’t carry anything heavy for a while.
C No, I want to make sure you didn’t carry anything
heavy for a while.
Writing: An informal email giving advice
Read the exam task and answer the questions.
Twoja koleżanka wysłała ci e-mail z informacją o tym,
że złamała nogę. Jest unieruchomiona i trochę się nudzi.
Odpowiedz na jej e-mail.
Read the writing tip. Then read the email in exercise 2
again and answer the questions below.
1 a) What phrases does Jason use to express sympathy?
b) What other phrases for expressing sympathy do
you know?
2 a) What phrases does Jason use to give advice?
b) What other phrases for giving advice do you know?
3 a) How does Jason express certainty?
b) What other ways of expressing certainty do you know?
M Now do the exam task below.
Twój brytyjski kolega napisał do ciebie e-mail. Poinformował
cię, że musi zrezygnować z jedzenia pewnych produktów
ze względu na alergię. Odpowiedz na jego e-mail.
Ǯ Wyraź swój żal w związku z tą sytuacją i pociesz kolegę.
Ǯ Podziel się swoim doświadczeniem, gdy nie wolno ci
było jeść pewnych produktów.
Ǯ Poradź koledze, jak powinien się odżywiać, by nie tracić
przyjemności z jedzenia.
Ǯ Poproś kolegę, by powiadomił cię, jak radzi sobie
z utrzymaniem diety.
Rozwiń każdy z czterech podpunktów. Tekst powinien
zawierać od 80 do 130 słów.
Ǯ Wyraź swój żal w związku ze stanem zdrowia koleżanki
i zapytaj o okoliczności wypadku.
Unit 4
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5 Tomorrow’s world
Use of English: Grammar
speculating and predicting
future perfect and future continuous
Choose the correct answer.
Use of English: Vocabulary
Science and technology
1 I’m looking forward to Friday – I’ll have finished / ’ll be
finishing this work by then.
hard user auto tape pod
net web hot desk lip
2 If you use a short password, it could not / might not be
safe enough.
3 I’m not sure about this file – if you download it, it will /
might contain a virus.
4 You won’t / don’t need a computer if you buy that tablet.
5 Don’t call me between 6.00 and 7.00. I’ll have done /
’ll be doing my homework.
6 I’m sure that by 2020 we have found / ’ll have found a
cure for cancer.
_________ complete
_________ top
_________ work
_________ name
_________ cam
_________ spot
_________ drive
_________ measure
_________ cast
_________ stick
M Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź (A–C).
Upewnij się, że wyraz lub zwrot, który wstawiasz do
luki, pasuje do zdania pod względem gramatycznym
i logicznym.
M Do każdego zdania (1–5) wybierz odpowiedź A–C, tak
aby po zastąpieniu nią podkreślonego fragmentu powstało
poprawne zdanie o tym samym znaczeniu, co zdanie
The Internet influences practically every aspect of our lives.
Wi-fi hotspots are omnipresent, so you can stay connected to
the Internet all the time. At work, all you need is your username
and password to log on to the 1_________ , where you can work
on things together with your colleagues, often from all over the
world. It is also extremely useful in learning – links to interesting
articles on every possible topic 2_________ by all educational
portals, and file-sharing sites allow learners to exchange
experiences and compare their work. Last but not least, the
Internet 3_________ our vision of entertainment forever. If we are
not able to watch the last episode of a favourite soap opera, all
we need to do is to download a 4_________ from the producer’s
or TV channel’s website and we can enjoy it whenever we have
time. And can you imagine life without 5_________ sites, where
we upload our photos and share our thoughts and daily lives
with other users?
Upewnij się, że zwrot, którym decydujesz się zastąpić
podkreślony fragment zdania, przekazuje dokładnie tę
samą informację.
1 It is possible that your parents will not agree to us going
camping together.
A Your parents will not
B Your parents might not
C Your parents probably won’t
2 If we take that route, it could take a lot longer.
A probably won’t
B may not
C will possibly
3 Martin will finish painting the bedroom on Saturday.
A won’t have painted the bedroom by Saturday.
B will have painted the bedroom by Saturday.
C will be painting the bedroom on Saturday.
4 I don’t think I can come to the picnic tomorrow.
A may be able to
B think I couldn’t
C probably won’t
5 Don’t call me in half an hour – I’ll be watching the
football game.
A the football game will have started.
B the football game will be starting.
C I’ll have watched the football.
Complete the compounds using the words.
1 A network
2 A are offered
C could be offered
B channel
C blog
B had been offered
3 A will be changing
B change
C has changed
4 A browser
B podcast
C webcam
5 A social-networking
B channel
C web page
Use of English: Reacting to language
Complete the sentences with the correct phrases.
have a barbecue could watch playing tennis
’d like to go don’t fancy going ’ve already got
1 I _________ out this afternoon because it’s freezing.
2 Maybe we _________ a DVD later.
3 What about _________ in the park?
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4 I _________ plans.
5 Let’s _________ on the beach.
Stres związany z upływającym czasem sprawia, że zdający
często od razu przystępują do pisania pracy. Choć może
się to wydawać stratą czasu, warto poświęcić kilka minut
na zaplanowanie pracy. Pomoże ci to w ułożeniu tekstu,
który będzie zgodny z tematem i różnorodny.
6 I was wondering if you _________ ice skating tomorrow?
M Do każdej wypowiedzi w zdaniach 1–5 wybierz właściwą
reakcję (A–C).
Wszystkie trzy wypowiedzi są poprawne gramatycznie,
dlatego skoncentruj się na wyborze tej, która sprawia,
że dialog przebiega w sposób płynny i naturalny.
1 X: How about going swimming tomorrow afternoon?
Y: _____
X: OK, another time maybe.
A How about today?
B That’s a shame.
C Sorry, I’ve already got plans.
2 X: Someone told me the leisure centre is closed on Sundays.
Y: _____
X: I agree. I’ll ring and check.
A That doesn’t seem very likely.
B I think I like it.
C Would you like to go?
b) I’ll be training with the local swimming team ...
c) I’m afraid I can’t ...
d) But how about you come and visit me?
e) Thanks for your letter ...
f) I’d love to come ...
Read the example letter. What phrases does Anna use to
decline the invitation and to invite Emer to visit her?
Hi Emer,
Thanks for your letter, and for suggesting that I come and stay
with you in Ireland in July.
I’d love to come, but I’m afraid I can’t. I’ll be training with the
local swimming team during the summer.
But how about you come and visit me? My sister is going to
the country to stay with my grandparents in August, so you
could use her room. There’s so much to do – I’m sure you’d
enjoy your time here.
Write back soon and let me know what you think about this idea.
Best wishes,
3 X: Maybe we could go for a hamburger after football?
Y: _____
X: I’ll ask Leo if he wants to come too.
A OK, I’ll call you.
B OK, why not?
C OK, I’ll think about it later.
4 X: Let’s go bowling on Friday.
Y: _____
X: Why don’t you think about it and let me know?
A I’m up for it.
B I’m sorry, I can’t. Next time perhaps.
C I’m not sure I’m up for it this Friday.
a) Let me know what you think ...
Assign each phrase below to the correct category.
1 I’m not sure I can.
2 That would be great.
3 I was wondering if ...
5 X: What shall we do in the afternoon? How about playing
football in the park?
Y: _____
X: Maybe we could watch the football on TV then?
A I don’t really fancy it. Let’s speak again.
B I don’t really fancy it. I already have plans.
C I don’t really fancy it. I think I’d prefer staying at home.
4 I’d really like to do that.
5 Shall we ...
6 I don’t really fancy it.
Writing: An informal letter replying to
an invitation
Read the exam task. Then read the writing tip and put the
phrases in the order in which you think they will appear in
the letter.
Koleżanka z Irlandii zaprosiła cię w odwiedziny u niej.
Odpowiedz na jej e-mail.
Ǯ Podziękuj za zaproszenie, wyjaśniając, dlaczego nie
możesz go przyjąć.
Ǯ Zaproponuj koleżance odwiedziny u ciebie i wyjaśnij,
dlaczego podany termin jest dogodny.
Ǯ Zaproponuj, co będziecie robić.
Ǯ Wyraź pewność, że miło spędzicie czas i zapytaj,
co sądzi o tym pomyśle.
M Now do the exam task below.
Napisz list do koleżanki z Walii, która zaproponowała ci
wspólne wakacje na kempingu.
Ǯ Przyjmij zaproszenie i wyraź nadzieję na miłe spędzenie
wspólnych wakacji.
Ǯ Zaproponuj możliwy termin i uzasadnij, dlaczego jest
dla ciebie dogodny.
Ǯ Opowiedz o reakcji swoich rodziców na ten pomysł oraz
ich sugestii dotyczącej wyboru miejsca kempingu.
Ǯ Zasugeruj, co powinniście zabrać ze sobą, biorąc pod
uwagę pogodę oraz wasze plany.
Rozwiń każdy z czterech podpunktów. Tekst powinien
zawierać od 80 do 130 słów.
Unit 5
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6 Mystery
Use of English: Grammar
reported speech (statements and questions)
Write the direct speech.
Use of English: Vocabulary
The home
1 They said they were going dancing that night.
1 The house was very old and the _________ squeaked
when we stepped on them.
2 Come into the garden and I’ll show you my new flower
_________ .
2 She asked if she could come the next day.
3 We’ve got a really nice oil _________ of my grandfather
when he was young.
3 He said he wouldn’t be there the next week.
4 Look! There’s a bird outside the window sitting on the
window _________ .
4 We asked him how many goals he’d scored the day before.
5 They told us that the weather would be bad the next day.
6 They asked if I had been there before.
M Przeczytaj zdania 1–5 i wybierz zdanie A, B lub C mające
to samo znaczenie, co zdanie wyjściowe.
Zdanie, które wybierzesz, musi nie tylko przekazywać tę
samą informację, ale również być zgodne pod względem
1 Penny said that her headaches had got worse that month.
A ‘My headaches get worse every month’, said Penny.
B ‘My headaches have got worse this month’, said Penny.
C ‘My headaches got worse last month’, said Penny.
2 ‘I haven’t seen Will this month’ said Emma.
A Emma told me that she wouldn’t see Will that month.
B Emma told me that she didn’t see Will that month.
C Emma told me that she hadn’t seen Will that month.
3 ‘Will you come and help me tomorrow as well?’ Tony asked.
A Tony asked if I could go and help him tomorrow as well.
B Tony asked if I would go and help him the next day as
C Tony asked if I would have gone and helped him the
next day as well.
4 Diana told me that she wasn’t going to volleyball practice
that night.
A ‘I won’t go to volleyball practice tonight’, Diana told me.
B ‘I’m not going to volleyball practice tonight’, Diana
told me.
C ‘I wasn’t going to volleyball practice tonight’, Diana
told me.
5 ‘Have you all seen this film?’ Andy asked.
A Andy asked if we all saw that film.
B Andy asked if we had all seen this film.
C Andy asked if we had all seen that film.
Complete the sentences.
5 I think your book is over there on the coffee _________ .
M Przeczytaj zdania. Wybierz wyraz A, B, C lub D, tak aby
pasował do wszystkich trzech zdań w każdym zestawie (1–5).
Zakreśl właściwą literę.
Przeczytaj wszystkie trzy zdania i wstaw do każdego z nich
„na próbę” każdy z podanych wyrazów. Następnie ustal,
który wyraz pasuje do wszystkich trzech zdań.
Ǯ Detective Smith had his suspicions and was determined
to ... into the matter.
Ǯ ‘Do you happen to know where my keys are?’ ‘Why don’t
you ... for them in your room?’
Ǯ After his parents’ tragic death in the accident, his aunt
and uncle decided to ... after him.
A get
B see
C look
D check
Ǯ I ... a really old photo of my parents when I was looking
for something else.
Ǯ Alastair can ... as very serious but he’s good fun, really.
Ǯ As the bus ... the bridge, I realised it wasn’t the one
I wanted.
A came on
B came to
C came across
D came up
Ǯ We sell this model of armchairs together with a ...stool.
Ǯ He is considered one of the best and the most
controversial ...ball players in history.
Ǯ Suddenly, we heard the sound of ...steps on the stairs.
A foot
B floor
C long
D basket
Ǯ Look at that ... bed over there! The tulips look so gorgeous!
Ǯ There are a few ... pots with plants on my windowsill.
Ǯ Jim visited the ... shop to buy a bunch of roses for his
A water
B plant
C wooden
D flower
Ǯ The accident happened because the driver in that car
went through a red ... .
Ǯ Let’s replace this … bulb with an energy-saving one.
Ǯ This ... shade looks so old-fashioned.
A fire
B glass
C line
D light
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Ǯ Wspomnij o pewnym problemie związanym z tym miejscem.
Ǯ Wyraź gotowość do współpracy i poproś o dodatkowe
informacje na temat filmu.
Use of English: Reacting to language
Complete the sentences with could, might, must, can’t and
the verbs in brackets.
Which place would you recommend for such a film? What
vocabulary / phrases would you use to describe it? Is there
any other information you could provide?
1 He _________ (sleep) well tonight. He looks so tired.
2 I think Gina _________ (go) into town, but she may also
be at Jenny’s.
a location: _________________________
3 I don’t know who broke the window. It _________ (be)
c adjectives to recommend it: _________________________
b adjectives to describe it: _________________________
d extra information: _________________________
4 You ate that really quickly! You _________ (enjoy) it.
M Do każdej wypowiedzi w zdaniach 1–5 wybierz właściwą
reakcję (A–C).
Dear Mr Steele,
I’ve read on your website that you are looking for a location for
a crime film in my country. I’d be interested to know what kind
of place you are looking for.
An ideal place for the underground headquarters of a criminal
mastermind would be the Wieliczka Salt Mine, near Kraków.
It’s 300km long and has many rooms – and a lake! It’s filled
with sculptures carved in salt, and the mysterious atmosphere
would be perfect for a crime thriller.
A friend told me that another film might have used this
location, but I can’t find any mention of it anywhere. I hope
I can be of assistance to you with your film.
I look forward to receiving more information about your project.
Yours sincerely,
Agnieszka Łazarska
Wstaw każde z podanych zdań i uważnie przeczytaj cały
dialog. Następnie wybierz tę odpowiedź, która pasuje
1 X: I think Stephen’s gone out.
Y: _____
X: You’re right. His bike is still outside.
A He must have.
B He can’t have.
C He might have.
2 X: Dad’s back. His team must have won the cup final.
Y: _____
X: But can’t you see how happy he looks?
A Really?
B No way!
C Yes, you’re probably right.
3 X: You can’t have lost your key. You had it a minute ago.
Y: _____
X: Have another look in all your pockets.
A Yes, I’m probably right.
B Yes, it’s quite unlikely.
C Yes, that’s possible.
Writing: A semi-formal letter asking
for information
Read the exam task and answer the questions below.
Znalazłeś/Znalazłaś informację o tym, że brytyjska
wytwórnia filmowa poszukuje w Polsce miejsca, w którym
nakręci film kryminalny. Napisz list do producentów.
Ǯ Napisz, skąd się dowiedziałeś/dowiedziałaś o planach
wytwórni i zapytaj, jakie miejsce jest poszukiwane.
Ǯ Opisz miejsce, które wydaje ci się odpowiednie.
Read the writing tip. Then look again at the example letter
and underline the indirect statement in Agnieszka’s letter.
W listach oficjalnych i pół-oficjalnych nie zadajemy
pytań bezpośrednich, np. How long will the project take?
Stosujemy pytania pośrednie, np. I’d like to know ...,
I’m/I’d be interested in ... .
4 X: Do you want to watch this DVD?
Y: _____
X: That’s impossible. It only came out last week.
A It might not be very good.
B I might have seen it before.
C I must have seen it before.
5 X: I didn’t tell you about Mark’s party because I didn’t
know about it.
Y: _____
A You can’t have known because you’re Mark’s friend.
B You might have known because you went there.
C But you must have known. Mark said you were invited.
Read the example letter. What problem could there be with
using the location?
Now rewrite the direct questions below as indirect questions.
How many films have been made here?
Do you organise cycling holidays in other countries?
How many cycling routes are you looking for?
Is there an age limit for people participating in your
M Now do the exam task below.
Znalazłeś/Znalazłaś ogłoszenie brytyjskiego biura
podróży, które poszukuje w Polsce atrakcyjnych miejsc do
zorganizowania wycieczek rowerowych. Napisz list do tego
biura podróży, w którym zaproponujesz możliwe trasy.
Ǯ Zaproponuj kilka tras rowerowych i opisz krótko każdą
z nich.
Ǯ Podziel się swą opinią na temat tych tras.
Ǯ Wspomnij o problemie związanym z jedną z nich.
Ǯ Poproś o dodatkowe informacje na temat
organizowanych wycieczek.
Rozwiń każdy z czterech podpunktów. Tekst powinien
zawierać od 80 do 130 słów.
Unit 6
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7 Real relationships
4 We both _________ on really well with Tony, so we often
met up when we lived in London.
Use of English: Grammar
comparison talking about imaginary situations (second conditional,
I wish, If only, I’d rather)
5 After he moved to New York, leaving her in Dallas, they
_________ up and found new partners.
Choose the correct answer.
6 I’ve always _________ Joanne and I’m going on a date
with her next week!
1 I really wish I would have / had blonde hair.
2 I’m getting more and more lazier / lazy as I get older.
7 My husband _________ me up on a trip to Kraków in high
3 If you took / would take more time with your work, you’d
get better marks.
8 Jo and Joe _________ married in a lovely old church.
4 We’d rather you left / would leave now.
5 I wish he would turn down / turned down that awful music.
M Przeczytaj zdania 1–5 i wybierz zdanie A, B lub C mające
to samo znaczenie, co zdanie wyjściowe.
Zastanów się, co oznacza każda z podanych odpowiedzi
i w jakim kontekście może być użyta. Po dokonaniu wyboru,
upewnij się także, że pozostałe odpowiedzi są niepoprawne.
Wszystkie trzy opcje są gramatycznie poprawne. Wybierz
tę, która najlepiej przekazuje myśl w zdaniu wyjściowym.
Peter had been going out with Anne for a very long time
before he decided to ask her to marry him. He planned
this very carefully – he bought a diamond ring and a
bunch of roses and he booked a table in a romantic
restaurant. When they 1_________ the restaurant,
candles were burning at each of the tables and music
was playing quietly in the background. 2_________
they sat at their table, the waiter appeared, carrying two
glasses of champagne on a silver tray. Asking the big
question in this atmosphere was almost a 3_________
experience. By the end of the evening, they were
_________ . Half a year 5_________ they got married.
1 Mike works less hard than I do.
A I work harder than Mike.
B I don’t work as hard as Mike.
C I work as hard as Mike.
2 I wish Jane wouldn’t speak so quickly.
A I wish Jane would speak faster.
B I wish Jane didn’t speak so slowly.
C I want Jane to speak more slowly.
3 The more I exercise, the thinner I get.
A I exercise more than thin people.
B I’m not as thin when I exercise.
C I get thinner as I exercise more.
1 A
2 A
3 A
4 A
5 A
4 That’s the least satisfying meal I’ve had in this
A I’ve had more satisfying meals in other restaurants.
B I’ve had meals that were less satisfying in this
C I’ve never been less satisfied with a meal in this
restaurant before.
5 The room is getting fuller and fuller.
A The room is completely full.
B More people keep coming into the room.
C The room can’t get any fuller.
Use of English: Vocabulary
Complete the sentences with the correct word.
made fancied got saw got chatted fell split
1 I _________ in love with Zoe when I first met her.
2 Vicky knew she was going to marry Edmund the moment
she _________ him.
3 They had a terrible argument, but then they _________ up.
M Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź (A–D).
had entered
have entered
After a few minutes
The moment
In the end
The same day
getting on well
back together
Use of English: Reacting to language
Presenting and contrasting arguments
Transform the sentences using the words in capital letters.
The meaning of the new sentence has to be the same as in
the original sentence.
1 It is a very trendy club, but unfortunately quite expensive.
2 The inhabitants of the city support building the new
road whereas the ecologists are strongly against it.
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3 The camera is quite cheap. However, it takes fantastic
pictures. ALTHOUGH
4 They fall out very often but they always manage to make
5 This app is easy to use. In contrast, with that one you
need to read a lot of instructions. WHEREAS
• wyrazisz swoje oczekiwania względem potencjalnego
miejsca wycieczki,
• zaproponujesz miejsce, w które chciałbyś/chciałabyś
się udać i uzasadnisz swój wybór,
• poinformujesz, gdzie już byłeś/byłaś.
1 Who is the forum for?
2 Will the writer’s entry be the first one on the forum?
3 Will all of the writer’s suggestions be real possibilities?
M Do każdej wypowiedzi w zdaniach 1–5 wybierz właściwą
reakcję (A–C).
Zanim przeczytasz możliwe odpowiedzi, zastanów się,
jak sam odpowiedziałbyś/sama odpowiedziałabyś w tej
sytuacji. Możliwe, że twoja reakcja będzie podobna do
właściwej odpowiedzi.
Our teacher has asked us to suggest places for our
next trip, so I've ended up here. The most appealing
suggestion so far is the chocolate factory. I'm against
the coal mining museum, mainly because I like the fresh
air! Although the farm sounds quite interesting, I’d prefer
something less tiring. The activity centre in Wales
sounds OK. On the other hand, the day in the New
Forest learning survival skills sounds even better.
I wish we could go the Alton Towers theme park
because it would be most fun, but I know our teacher
would say it’s not educational enough. We’ve been
to the Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre – it was a bit
too much like school. And we also went to the Jaguar
factory last year, which was surprisingly good.
1 X: Have you decided which leisure centre you prefer?
Y: _____
A I think I’m going to opt for the one in photo 2.
B I think I wouldn’t opt for the one in photo 2.
C I think the one in photo 2 might be too crowded.
2 X: I check my Facebook page two or three times a day.
Y: _____
A So do I, whereas it’s a terrible waste of time.
B So do I. In contrast, it’s a terrible waste of time.
C So do I, although it’s a terrible waste of time.
3 X: It can be argued that making students pay for a
university education is unfair.
Y: _____
A On the other hand, students will eventually earn more
because they’ve been to university.
B On the other hand, it is certainly unfair for the
students from poor backgrounds.
C On the other hand, it does make them consider
whether they really want to do it.
5 X: This outfit looks very trendy.
Y: _____
A It does, whereas it also looks very stylish.
B On the other hand, that one looks very fashionable.
C In contrast, that one looks a bit gaudy.
Writing: An entry on an Internet forum
Read the exam task and answer the questions.
Weź udział w dyskusji na temat szkolnej wycieczki. Napisz
post na forum, w którym:
• przedstawisz swoją opinię na temat niektórych
zaproponowanych miejsc,
Read the writing tip. Then read the example Internet forum
entry again and put the underlined linking words into the
correct category (1–4). Then add to them the linking words
Pamiętaj o łączeniu zdań i akapitów za pomocą
właściwych wyrazów i wyrażeń. Sprawią one, że twoja
praca będzie bardziej spójna.
4 X: It’s clear that families need to have fewer children in
the future.
Y: _____
A That’s right, but on the other hand we need to reduce
the population.
B That’s right – it’s hard to deny that there are too many
people on the planet.
C That’s right, and we’re putting off having children for a
few years.
Read the example Internet forum entry and check your
answers to exercise 1. What school trips has Simon already
been on? What does he think about them?
in addition as a result in order to
because furthermore however
1 to add points
2 to express contrast
3 to express a result
4 to express a reason
M Now do the exam task below.
Bierzesz udział w dyskusji na forum internetowym. Uczestnicy
omawiają, jak i gdzie warto uczcić osiemnaste urodziny.
Napisz post na forum, w którym:
• wyrazisz swoje wątpliwości w odniesieniu do niektórych
zaproponowanych miejsc,
• powiesz, jak twoi znajomi planują uczcić swoje osiemnaste
• podasz swoją propozycję wraz z uzasadnieniem,
• poprosisz o opinię na temat twojej propozycji i wyjaśnisz,
dlaczego inny punkt widzenia jest dla ciebie ważny.
Rozwiń każdy z czterech podpunktów. Tekst powinien
zawierać od 80 do 130 słów.
Unit 7
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21/06/2013 11:30
8 Globetrotters
Use of English: Grammar
the passive
indefinite pronouns (some-, any-, no-, every-)
Chose the correct answer.
Use of English: Vocabulary
1 When we got home we realised that the house had
burgled / had been burgled.
1 The place where you pick up your suitcase
when you arrive at the airport.
2 Has someone / anyone seen my bag? I can’t find it.
2 The thing you have to wear in a car or plane.
3 More Rolls Royce cars have been sold / were sold in
China in 2012 than anywhere else.
3 The part of a train where you can buy food
and drink.
4 Toyota cars are produced / are being produced in Japan.
4 The part of the motorway you drive onto if
your car breaks down.
5 The place where you can sit until your
train comes.
6 The place where you can buy cheaper
goods at the airport.
5 When washing-up time came, Peter was anywhere /
nowhere to be seen.
6 George is a great Madonna fan. He knows something /
everything about her.
M W każdym zdaniu (1–5) wybierz odpowiedź A, B lub C,
która jest najlepszym tłumaczeniem fragmentu w nawiasie
i po wstawieniu jej w lukę utworzy poprawne zdanie.
Przed wybraniem odpowiedzi, przeczytaj całe zdanie, nie
tylko jego fragment w języku polskim. Sens całego zdania
może mieć wpływ na wybór właściwej odpowiedzi. Po
dokonaniu wyboru przeczytaj całe zdanie jeszcze raz,
by upewnić się, że jest logiczne.
1 Only two new types of antibiotics (wynaleziono)
______________ since 1968.
A have been invented
B were invented
C are invented
2 Where do you think the 2020 Olympic Games (się odbędą)
______________ ?
A are held
B are being held
C will be held
3 (Nikt niczego nie kupił) ______________ when we all
went shopping this morning!
A Nobody bought everything
B Nobody bought nothing
C Nobody bought anything
4 Audio cassettes (wciąż były sprzedawane)
______________ in 2000.
A were still being sold
B have still been sold
C had still been sold
5 Around 140 million bananas (są zjadane)
______________ in the UK every week.
A are eating
B have been eaten
C are eaten
Write the compound nouns for the definitions.
M Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź (A–C).
Dokonując wyboru, warto przeczytać nie tylko wyrazy
i wyrażenia bezpośrednio przed luką i po niej. Wyrażenie
będące wskazówką może się czasem znaleźć nawet
w poprzednim lub kolejnym zdaniu.
My backpacking trip started well when I met a fellow
traveller in the 1_________ at the airport I was flying
from. Then the bad news came – a two-hour flight
delay, but at least it 2_________ . Then came the
_________ 15-hour flight to Bangkok, and believe
me, when you’re as tall as I am, it’s no fun sitting in
economy class! When we got there, I didn’t need to
wait around at the 4_________ because my backpack
was small enough to take on as hand baggage. I went
straight outside and found myself in a busy street.
There were crowds of people everywhere: in the
shops, on the buses and in the street. Somehow
I managed 5_________ a taxi and we headed off
through the busy streets.
1 A waiting room
C departure lounge
B arrivals hall
2 A wasn’t cancelled
C won’t be cancelled
B isn’t cancelled
3 A gruelling
C relaxing
B convenient
4 A passport control
C baggage reclaim
B check-in desk
5 A finding
C to find
B to have found
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Use of English: Reacting to language
Making a complaint
Writing: A travel blog entry
Prowadzisz blog na anglojęzycznej stronie poświęconej
podróżom. Zredaguj wpis dotyczący ciekawych miejsc
w Polsce, które właśnie zwiedzasz.
Put the words in the correct order.
1 why / unhappy / this / understand / about / you’re /
don’t / I
2 there’s / sorry / problem / hear / I’m / to / a
3 afraid / can / there’s / do / nothing / I’m / it / I / about
4 everything / can / sort / I’ll / it / to / I / do / out /
5 be / something / about / done / needs / this / to
reakcję (A–C).
Read the example blog entry and check your answer to
question 3 in exercise 1. What kind of places is the writer
aiming to visit?
1 X: I can’t get a good Internet connection in my room.
Y: That’s beyond our control, I’m afraid.
X: _____
A That’s just not acceptable.
B That’s just not a problem.
C That’s just a disgrace.
2 X: I want to make a complaint about how unhelpful the
staff are here.
Y: I’m very sorry to hear that.
X: _____
A There is nothing I can do about it.
B I’m very sorry about it.
C Something needs to be done about it.
3 X: The towels in my room are still dirty.
Y: _____
X: Well that’s just not good enough.
A I’m sorry, the maid might have forgotten to change them.
B I’m sorry, the maid must have forgotten to change them.
C I’m sorry, the maid can’t have forgotten to change them.
wild place is – with the high sand dunes, you can pretend
you’re in the Sahara desert!
night, where I ate somewhere highly unusual. In the Dark
Restaurant you can’t see anything at all! It makes eating
a bit of a challenge, but you appreciate the taste of the
food more. Everyone found it hilarious and I loved it!
Forest, home to 800 bison! Then I’m hoping to go rafting
down the Dunajec river. Bye for now!
Read the writing tip. Then read the example blog entry
again and do the exercise below.
Gdy opisujesz wydarzenia, skup się na dwóch, trzech
najważniejszych. Warto też użyć ciekawych wyrażeń
i określeń opisujących te wydarzenia.
4 X: I’m really not happy about this.
Y: _____
X: Well, it’s just not acceptable.
A Do you want to complain about it?
B If I were you, I’d complain.
C It’s really beyond my control.
5 X: You’ve forgotten to clean my room twice. I’m afraid this
just isn’t good enough.
Y: _____
X: Yes, it really is a disgrace.
A I’m running out of patience.
B I apologise. I admit that you’ve had a very bad
experience here.
C I’d be grateful if you could tell me what the problem is.
Przypomnij czytelnikom, jaki jest cel twojej podróży.
Opowiedz o miejscach, w których już byłeś/byłaś.
Wyraź swą opinię na ich temat.
Przedstaw plany na dalszą część podróży.
1 Where is the writer travelling?
2 Who will be reading the blog?
3 What words can the writer use to express their feelings
about the places they have seen?
M Do każdej wypowiedzi w zdaniach 1–5 wybierz właściwą
Po wybraniu jednej z opcji przeczytaj jeszcze raz cały
dialog, by upewnić się, że jest logiczny.
Read the exam task and answer the questions.
Find words and expressions in the example blog entry with
similar meanings to the words and expressions below.
not easy to say
very different
quite difficult
enjoy the quality of
very funny
I’m going
very old
M Now do the exam task below.
Wraz z grupą znajomych podróżujesz po jednym
z ościennych krajów. Napisz wpis na blogu podróżniczym.
Wyjaśnij, dlaczego udaliście się w tę podróż.
Opowiedz o miejscach, w których już byliście.
Wyraź opinię swoją i twoich znajomych o tych miejscach.
Przedstaw plany na dalszą część waszej podróży.
Rozwiń każdy z czterech podpunktów. Tekst powinien
zawierać od 80 do 130 słów.
Unit 8
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9 Money, money, money!
Use of English: Grammar
have something done
third conditional
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb or
phrase in brackets.
Use of English: Vocabulary
Shopping and services
till clearance offer reductions receipt bargain
1 I _________ (fix) my bike yesterday. It didn’t take me very
1 This shirt only cost £10. It’s a _________ !
2 I wouldn’t have told Roberta if I _________ (know) she’d
tell everyone else.
2 Amazing prices in our massive stock _________ !
3 If you _________ (come) on the sponsored walk, you’d
have had a great time!
4 I’m afraid this _________ is closed. Could you go to the
next one, please?
3 We can exchange this if you have the _________ .
4 I’m going to go to the dentist to _________ (whiten my
teeth). I’ll look like a film star!
5 There were huge _________ in their end-of-season sale.
6 You can get three for the price of two at the moment – it’s
a special _________ .
5 A lot of students _________ (their money steal) from their
bags yesterday.
6 If she’d taken her smartphone with her, she _________
(get) lost.
M Przeczytaj zdania 1–5 i wybierz zdanie A, B lub C mające
to samo znaczenie, co zdanie wyjściowe.
Po wykonaniu całego zadania jeszcze raz sprawdź
wybrane opcje, aby upewnić się, że są poprawne.
1 I wouldn’t have cooked steak if I’d known you were
A I cooked steak because I didn’t know you were vegetarian.
B I didn’t cook steak because I knew you were vegetarian.
C I cooked steak because I knew you were vegetarian.
2 I had my window broken by some vandals last week.
A Some vandals had broken my window last week.
B Some vandals had my window broken last week.
C Some vandals broke my window last week.
3 I fell out with Miranda because she lied to me.
A I would have fallen out with Miranda if she had lied
to me.
B I wouldn’t have fallen out with Miranda if she had lied
to me.
C I wouldn’t have fallen out with Miranda if she hadn’t
lied to me.
4 I’m having my computer serviced on Tuesday.
A Someone will service my computer on Tuesday.
B Someone is servicing my computer on Tuesday.
C I’m servicing my computer on Tuesday.
5 We wouldn’t have had the house painted if it hadn’t been
so cheap.
A We didn’t have the house painted because it was too
B We wouldn’t have painted the house if it had not been
so cheap.
C We had the house painted because it wasn’t so cheap.
Complete the sentences with the correct words.
M W każdym zdaniu (1–5) wybierz odpowiedź A–C, która
jest najlepszym tłumaczeniem fragmentu w nawiasie i po
wstawieniu jej w lukę utworzy poprawne zdanie.
Spróbuj najpierw zastanowić się nad tłumaczeniem
fragmentu bez patrzenia na podane opcje. Ułatwi ci to
później wybór właściwej odpowiedzi.
1 I’m sorry, but these hard drives are (wyprzedane)
_________ at the moment.
A out of stock
B in stock
C stocked
2 If we’d had the money, we (roztrwonilibyśmy je na)
_________ things like partying.
A would have paid it on
B would have wasted it on
C would have spent it on
3 (Zamierzam oddać) _________ the money I owe my sister.
A I’m planning to give up
B I intend to give for
C I’m going to give back
4 I (pożyczyłem mu trochę pieniędzy) _________ yesterday.
A borrowed him some money
B lent him some money
C paid him some money
5 My friends and I are waiting for January. It’s the time when
you can get (wiele okazji) _________ in the winter sales.
A a lot of bargains
B a lot of reductions
C a lot of occasions
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Ǯ Wyjaśnij swoje negatywne odczucia na temat tego,
co przedstawił program.
Ǯ Napisz, co mogłoby poprawić twoją ocenę programu.
Ǯ Wyraź swoje zdanie na temat operacji plastycznych
wśród nastolatków.
Ǯ Wyjaśnij, czego oczekujesz od stacji w przyszłości.
Use of English: Reacting to language
Complete the description with the correct words.
fact guess instance pretty say sure
The photo shows two girls in a supermarket. I can’t be
_________ , but I 2_________ they are friends or sisters.
They are buying everyday groceries, for 3_________
bread, milk and some fruit. I’m 4_________ certain that
they have been sent to do the shopping by their parents.
I wouldn’t 5_________ they are enjoying themselves very
much. In 6_________ they seem to be rather bored.
1 How does the writer feel about the programme?
2 What might the writer’s views on cosmetic surgery among
teenagers be?
Hi there,
M Do każdego zdania (1–5) wybierz odpowiedź A, B lub
C, tak aby po zastąpieniu nią podkreślonego fragmentu
powstało poprawne zdanie o tym samym znaczeniu,
co zdanie wyjściowe.
I’m writing to let you know that I was shocked by your programme
on cosmetic surgery among teenagers, which was shown on
Channel 4 last night. There are a lot of good programmes on TV
these days, for example Homeland, and I thought this would be
good too, but it wasn’t.
You implied that cosmetic surgery can help teenagers feel better
about themselves by improving their appearance. I am concerned
that this programme might make cosmetic surgery more popular
among teenagers. You should have focused more on the negative
aspects of cosmetic surgery.
Zanim zapoznasz się z możliwymi odpowiedziami,
zastanów się nad znaczeniem podkreślonego fragmentu
zdania. Co oznacza w języku polskim? Jak można
je sparafrazować w języku angielskim? Następnie
przeczytaj podane możliwości odpowiedzi.
1 I’m sure it’s summer, because they are wearing shorts
and T-shirts.
A It’s possible that it is summer
B It could be summer
C It must be summer
2 It might be a complicated maths problem because the
students look as if they are concentrating hard.
A It certainly looks like
B It’s difficult to say if it is
C It is possible that it’s
In my opinion cosmetic surgery for teenagers should be banned.
Teenagers are still growing and are too young to be making such
life-changing decisions about their bodies.
Linda Barker
Skup się na przekazaniu wszystkich czterech punktów
wymienionych w poleceniu. Pisząc pracę, odznaczaj punkty,
które już przekazałeś/przekazałaś. Unikaj podawania
zbędnych informacji, które niepotrzebnie wydłużą tekst.
4 The audience can’t be very interested in the show. First of
all, some of them are yawning.
A Another thing is
B For one thing
C The funny thing is
Writing: An informal email giving opinions
Read the exam task and answer the questions.
Obejrzałeś/Obejrzałaś program telewizyjny poświęcony
operacjom plastycznym przeprowadzanym wśród
nastolatków. Napisz e-mail do stacji telewizyjnej, która
wyemitowała ten program.
Read the writing tip. Then read the example email in exercise
2 again and do the exercise below.
3 I don’t think that she knows how to use the device.
A I doubt that she knows
B I can’t be sure if she knows
C It looks like she knows
5 It could be that she’s teaching her little granddaughter
to cook.
A Another possibility is that
B I’m pretty certain that
C Actually,
Read the example email and check your answers to
exercise 1. What things should have been shown on the
1 Which point in the task did Linda forget to write about?
2 Underline the irrelevant information that Linda included
in her email.
M Now do the exam task below.
W e-mailu do brytyjskiej koleżanki poruszysz kwestię
reklamy telewizyjnej, której emisję wstrzymano po wydanym
Ǯ Opisz, co przedstawiała reklama.
Ǯ Wyjaśnij, dlaczego zakazano jej rozpowszechniania.
Ǯ Wyraź przypuszczenie, co mogłoby się zdarzyć, gdyby
nie wstrzymano emisji.
Ǯ Napisz, co myślisz na temat tego zdarzenia.
Rozwiń każdy z czterech podpunktów. Tekst powinien
zawierać od 80 do 130 słów.
Unit 9
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10 Be creative
5 There weren’t many students at choir practice today.
A There were a few students at choir practice today.
B There were few students at choir practice today.
C There were most of the students at choir practice today.
Use of English: Grammar
participle clauses
determiners (all, each, every, few, little, etc.)
Choose the correct answer.
1 You’re never lonely as long as you have few / a few good
2 This novel, written / writing by Sadie Jones, is one of my
Use of English: Vocabulary
Put the words in the correct category.
3 Oh no! There are no / any biscuits in the cupboard!
choir drawing movement aria rapper sculpture
string quartet sketch exhibit folk group sound
system DJ
4 The woman sung / singing on the film soundtrack is Adele.
5 Every / Every one of the students in my class has black hair!
6 The language spoken / speaking by most people in the
world is Mandarin Chinese.
M Do każdego zdania (1–5) wybierz odpowiedź A–C, która
ma podobne znaczenie do zdania wyjściowego.
1 classical music _________ _________ _________ _________
2 popular music _________ _________ _________ _________
3 art _________ _________ _________ _________
M Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź (A–C).
Jeśli nie jesteś w stanie wskazać właściwej odpowiedzi,
przejdź do następnego zdania. Przed oddaniem arkusza
egzaminacyjnego wróć do problematycznych punktów
i zaznacz odpowiedzi.
Zwróć uwagę na to, że czasem proponowana odpowiedź
jest poprawna gramatycznie, lecz jej znaczenie może nie
pasować w kontekście.
1 A really nice girl delivered our newspapers last week.
A A girl delivered our newspapers last week, which was
really nice.
B The girl delivering our newspapers last week was
really nice.
C The girl delivered our really nice newspapers last week.
I listen to classical music at home sometimes – I always
like the slow 1_________ in concertos and symphonies.
I don’t like 2_________ to classical concerts, though.
I don’t like the atmosphere in concert halls because
it’s so formal. There are even rules about when the
audience can 3_________ ! As for live music, I prefer
rock – I’m a regular festival 4_________ . It’s not always
the headline acts I’m interested in, but more often
the relatively unknown ones. And in fact the best live
music I heard last year was performed 5_________ a
chorus outside a Paris metro station!
2 The game released tomorrow is our first one in 3D.
A The game which will be released tomorrow is our first
one in 3D.
B The game which will release tomorrow is our first one
in 3D.
C The game which is released tomorrow is our first one
in 3D.
3 There was little support for the plan, so it was dropped.
A The plan was dropped because there wasn’t any
support for it.
B The plan was dropped because there wasn’t enough
support for it.
C The plan was dropped because there was some
support for it.
4 This photo, taken on a beach in Crete, is one of my
A This photo, which is being taken on a beach in Crete,
is one of my favourites.
B This photo was being taken on a beach in Crete, which
is one of my favourites.
C This photo, which was taken on a beach in Crete, is
one of my favourites.
to go
Use of English: Reacting to language
Match expressions from column A with those in column B to
form correct phrases. Which phrases express enthusiasm,
and which ones express a lack of it?
I’m quite
I’d really love
I wouldn’t say
I think I’d
I was a real fan.
my kind of thing.
keen on it.
that kind of thing.
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I’m not very
It just doesn’t
It’s not really
That sounds
It should be really
Brainstorm some words and expressions to describe each
point of the exercises:
more fun.
into it.
be bored.
appeal to me.
1 description of the festival:
_________ _________ _________ _________
2 reasons for going:
_________ _________ _________ _________
M Do każdej wypowiedzi w zdaniach 1–5 wybierz właściwą
reakcję (A–C).
3 suggestions to join you:
_________ _________ _________ _________
4 emotions connected with the festival:
_________ _________ _________ _________
Jeżeli nie rozumiesz znaczenia wszystkich wyrazów
w dialogu, postaraj się określić temat rozmowy. Ułatwi
ci to wybór właściwej odpowiedzi.
1 X: That aria was just great! Don’t you enjoy opera music?
Y: Not really. ...
A It just doesn’t appeal to me.
B It just doesn’t seem so entertaining.
C It just doesn’t sound real.
Hi Josh,
How are you? I’ve just seen the line-up announced for the
World Music Festival in June and I’m really keen on going.
The headline act is a reggae band that I saw on TV last week.
I’m not really into reggae, but they were brilliant and must be
fantastic live. There are some other great bands playing too.
Two of my friends have been to the festival before and they said
there was an amazing atmosphere. I was wondering if you’d be
interested in going with me? I could bring a tent for two.
Let me know if you’re up for it. I’m really excited about the
idea. In fact, I’ve set my heart on it, so hope you can make it.
2 X: The party was rather boring, wasn’t it?
Y: Yes, but they served ...
A a little delicious sushi!
B not very delicious sushi!
C such delicious sushi!
3 X: How was your exam?
Y: ...
X: Don’t worry. Maybe it wasn’t as bad as it seems.
A Terrible! I’ve got some of the answers right.
B Terrible! The questions were so difficult.
C Terrible! It’s not really my thing.
4 X: How about going to this Irish dance show next week?
Y: ...
X: I’ll book the tickets then.
A Great idea! I’d go with you if I had time.
B Great idea! I’d really love to see it.
C Great idea! I’d prefer to go.
Read the exam task and answer the question.
W liście do brytyjskiego kolegi zaproś go na festiwal
muzyczny, na który się wybierasz.
Ǯ Opisz ten festiwal.
Ǯ Napisz, dlaczego chcesz się wybrać.
Ǯ Zachęć kolegę, by się do ciebie przyłączył.
Ǯ Wyjaśnij, jakie masz odczucia związane z planem
uczestnictwa w festiwalu.
Read the writing tip. Then look again at the example letter
in exercise 2, which is too long. Find some words you could
cut using the suggestions in the tip.
Policz wyrazy w swojej pracy. Jeśli okaże się, że tekst
przekracza określony w zadaniu limit wyrazów, usuń
odpowiednią część tekstu. Uważaj jednak, by nie
usunąć fragmentu, który realizuje jeden z punktów
polecenia! Usuwanie zbędnych wyrazów warto zacząć od
przysłówków, np. very, really. Często niekonieczny jest
też wyraz that, np. w wyrażeniu I think that.
5 X: Do you fancy a bike ride?
Y: ...
X: How about a walk, then?
A No, thanks. I’m not very keen on cycling.
B No, thanks. I wouldn’t say I was a real fan.
C Yes, thanks. I think I’d be bored.
Writing: An informal letter suggesting going
to a festival
Read the example letter and check your answers to exercise 1.
Does Sandy like reggae bands?
M Now do the exam task below.
Napisz list do brytyjskiej koleżanki, w którym zaprosisz ją na
festiwal muzyczny.
Ǯ Opisz ten festiwal.
Ǯ Wyjaśnij, dlaczego uważasz, że dobrze się zapowiada.
Ǯ Zaproponuj koleżance zatrzymanie się u ciebie na czas
trwania festiwalu i obiecaj dobrą zabawę.
Ǯ Zachęć koleżankę do przyjazdu.
Rozwiń każdy z czterech podpunktów. Tekst powinien
zawierać od 80 do 130 słów.
Unit 10
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