Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster


Saint Joseph Basilica - St. Joseph Basilica, Webster
Saint Joseph Basilica
Parish of the Third Millennium
Mission Statement
Saint Joseph Parish is committed to proclaim the gospel message of Jesus
Christ as a Catholic community of faith, by promoting a sense of commitment to the
Church, encouraging divine worship and prayer, fostering evangelization and
nurturing the spirit of service.
Within the context of our Polish - American religious and cultural heritage,
we foster our tradition and aspire to personal growth in faith. We are determined
to develop our vision for the future, to educate the children in Christian values and
to be receptive to the creative and saving grace of God.
53 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0467 • Fax: 508-943-0808
E-mail: [email protected]
Parish WebSite:
Sunday Vigil:
Holy Day Vigil:
Holy Day:
4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.(Polish); 8:15 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m. (Polish)
5:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.; 8:15 a.m.(Polish); 9:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m. (Bilingual)
6:30 a.m. (m-f); 7:00 a.m. (w, f, sat)
Saturday: ....................................... 3 p.m.
Eve of Holy Days:......................... 3 p.m.
Thurs. before First Friday: ........... 3 p.m
First Friday: .................................. 6.30 p.m
Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Wednesday - Office Is Closed!
Please call ahead for an appointment with a priest.
(508) 943-3752
Director …………………….Mary Jolda
Rector: ............................ Rev. Msgr. Anthony Czarnecki
Adm. Secretary............... Terry Miller
Financial Secretary......... Ewa Mamro
Organist.......................... Robert Wójcik
Cemetery Manager ........ Kevin Rekowski
Sacristans ………………Al Richard & Joseph Ziak
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process
established by the Church for individuals to become Catholic
and receive the Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation,
and the Eucharist. If you wish to become Catholic, or are a
Baptized Catholic in need of making your First Communion
and/or Confirmation, please call the Religious Education Office.
BAPTISM: On designated Sundays. Please call to make
arrangements. Parents are required to receive orientation.
MARRIAGE: Proper preparation for marriage requires one
year’s notice. Please contact the rectory for appointment.
MINISTRY TO THE SICK: For those of advanced age, ill or
hospitalized, call the rectory to arrange visitation.
PARISH MEMBERSHIP: If you would like to become part of
St. Joseph Parish Family, please call the rectory.
SAKRAMENT CHRZTU: W wyznaczone niedziele. Proszę
zadzwonić na plebanię, aby ustalić datę. Rodzice zobowiązani są
do krótkiej katechezy.
SAKRAMENT MAŁŻEŃSTWA: Narzeczeni powinni
zawiadomić kancelarię parafialną rok przed datą ślubu.
SAKRAMENT CHORYCH: Po sakramentalną posługę
księdza proszę dzwonić na plebanię.
ZAPISY DO PARAFII: Parafia św. Józefa serdecznie zaprasza
nowych członków. Zapisy przyjmujemy w kancelarii parafialnej.
47 Whitcomb Street, Webster, MA 01570
Phone: 508-943-0378 Fax: 508-949-0581
Principal………………….Mr. Donald F. Cushing
Secretary………………….Mrs. Jennifer Mahlert
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September 12, 2010 - 12 wrzesien 2010 r.
Masses for the weekMsze Sw. Podczas Tygodnia
Sunday Vigil-September 11
r.s. Rita Maly -int. husband and children
Sunday-September 12
Za parafian
r.s. Ann Marie Romanek (month’s mind) -int. family
r.s. Bob Gardner -int. wife, son and daughter
Baptism - Bralyn McCarthy
s.p. Franciszek Turowski -int. zona Janina
Monday-September 13
r.s. Roman and Antonia Murzycki & dec. members of
the Murzycki Fam. -int. Rose Rekowski and fam.
2 p.m. Oakwood Nursing Home
r.s. Michael, Nellie and Joseph Betley -int. family
Tuesday-September 14
r.s. Jane Lempicki -int. M/M Rudy Iglowski
Wednesday-September 15
r.s. Louis Kondek -int. wife and family
r.s. Edward Hanc -int. wife and children
Thursday-September 16
r.s. Zygmunt Kokosinski -int. Kazik and Anna Zurowski
Friday-September 17
r.s. Richard Williams -int. family
r.s. Felix Miller -int. Dottie Kasierski
Saturday-September 18
r.s. Joseph Perzanoski -int. Rita Augustynski
Sunday Vigil
4 p.m.
For the deceased members of the Knych family
-int. Frances Petrin and family
Sunday-September 19
Za wypominki
For the parishioners of St. Joseph Basilica
r.s. Irene Kaliszewski (1st anniv) and r.s. Rita Kaliszewki
(on her 47th birthday) -int. family
s.p.Regina i Franciszek Majczak -int. Zofia Borowy
Weekly $5037.07 (incl. 428.07 in loose money); Diocesan
Obligations $1873 (incl. $163 in loose money); Fuel $272.
Stewardship Note. We can hear God speaking to us today in the
words of the father to his elder son: “You are with me always, and
everything I have is yours.” What is my response to such
remarkable generosity? Do I give joyfully and generously as God
gives to me? See Luke 15:31.
Word of Life. How we care for an unexpected child, a parent
suffering from cognitive impairment, or an infant with a disability
does not reflect the degree of their humanity but our own. We are
as dependent on them as they are on us. There can be no
compromise with the standard Jesus set and continually calls us to:
The measure of love is to love without measure.
-USCCB Respect Life Program flyer (2010)
1-25 Club Winner for the 25th Week - #150 Pauline Fallon
I - Christine Small and Damien Lapierre
September 12, 2010
A clean heart create for me, O God,
and a steadfast spirit renew within me.
– Psalm 51:12
Gratitude for God’s Call. If you
were to write a letter to a friend or colleague, would you
make a shopping list of your flaws? Might we all not,
instead, chat about the events of life, our achievements,
perhaps how our stock, or that of our children or others we
know, has risen a bit? In his letter to Timothy, Paul
reinforces the lessons of the scriptures of the past few
Sundays: how we must humble ourselves, how our strength
is in God alone, how we can be strong or exalted only in
Christ. Paul writes to Timothy that gratitude is his response
to God’s mercy, to God’s grace and love poured out in
Christ Jesus. Gratitude ought to refuel us to continue the
mission of spreading the Good News everywhere.
The second collection this weekend will be taken for the Utility
and Energy Costs
The second collection next weekend will be taken for the
Catholic League’s Annual Appeal for Religious Assistance to
Poland. The Pontifical College and the Pontifical Institute in
Rome, as well as the Polish Seminary in Paris, provide advanced
education of the clergy so they may be trained to move into
leadership roles in dioceses and seminaries in Poland. Without the
assistance of the Catholic League, it would be nearly impossible to
maintain these institutions. Bishop McManus has authorized this
collection in response to the request of Most Reverend Thomas
John Paprocki, Executive Director of the Catholic League for
Religious Assistance to Poland. We kindly request you to be most
generous to this request.
The traditional outdoor candlelight procession in honor of Our
Lady of Fatima will be held Monday, September 13th at 7:00 p.m.
We kindly request the Children of Mary to take part in this
beautiful tribute to our Lady wearing their distinctive dress. We ask
the faithful to join the children and the members of the Holy
Rosary Sodality in praying the rosary.
Pilgrimages to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal
go on all year round. The principal pilgrimage festivals take place
on the thirteenth day of each month, from May to October, on the
anniversaries of the original appearances of the Blessed Mother.
In 1930 the Church officially recognized the apparition as events
worthy of belief and granted papal indulgence to pilgrims visiting
Fatima. In 1935 the bodies of the visionaries Jacinta and Francisco
were reinterred in the basilica. One of the accounts of the
apparition of the Blessed Mother to the three children state that the
Lady asked them to pray the rosary every day, repeating many
times that the rosary was the key to personal and world peace.
The flowers at the Blessed Mother Altar for this occasion have
been donated in memory of S. Krystyna (Szeniawska) Korczak by
daughter Sylwia.
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September 12, 2010 - 12 wrzesnia 2010 r.
The Sight Mobile sponsored by the Lions Club District
33-A Visits St. Joseph School. Students in grades K
through 8 had their hearing and vision screened this past
week by Nursing Students from Bay Path Regional
Vocational Technical High School. Each student is seen
individually. According to an article by Dr. Kalinowski the
screening should not take the place of regular visits but can
help to find problems.
St. Joseph Basilica. In memory of Irene and Andrew Lupaint. Daughter Janice Cavanaugh.
St. Joseph School. We are grateful to the parishioners of
St. Andrew Bobola parish for their donation of $333 for the
benefit of the students.
Immediate Needs of St. Joseph School. In memory of:
Francis Kubicki by Albert and Alice Chlapowski, Steve
Lesco of Arbella Insurance, Jane Brossman; Lottie
Biernacki by Linda French.
The St. Joseph Polish Women’s Club will begin their new
season with a general meeting on Tuesday, September 14,
2010 at 7 p.m. in the school cafeteria. Members will have
the opportunity to pay their dues before the business
meeting. The guest speaker for the evening will be Chris
Doyle, who will speak on the “Shawl Ministry.”
The annual membership drive is also under way at this
time. Any woman who is interested in joining this
organization, whose mission is to support the children and
sisters of St. Joseph School, is urged to contact Phyllis
Scully, Membership Chairperson, at 508-949-3517 or Jane
Wilk, Club President, at 508-943-2236.
– Joyce Dziedzic, Publicity Chairperson
The Knights of Columbus of St. Joseph Basilica Council
12980, are holding a 50/50 raffle during the month of
September. The tickets will be sold one (1) for $5 or three
(3) for $10. The tickets will be sold at the entrances of the
Basilica and can also be obtained from any Knight. This
past week the Knights collected $305. The past two winners
each received over $1000 each. The Knights would like to
thank you in advance for your support.
Religious Education. Classes start September 13th at 5:30
p.m. Both parents and students will meet in the church for
the first session. We are looking forward to handing on our
faith to your children.
Catechetical Sunday is being celebrated on September 19,
2010 at the 9:30 a.m. Mass. This is when our parish
catechists will be blessed and commissioned. Please join
Parishioners, your help is needed! Handing on our faith
is the work of all baptized Catholics. Is God calling you to
help? Perhaps as a catechist, aide in classroom, hospitality,
or office helper, or to be a prayer partner? Are you able to
give one hour a month or only once or twice each year? We
need help in Grades 1, 7, 8, 10, Confirmation and RCIA.
RCIA Classes. Life has many storms-distressful
relationships, lost jobs, poor health, situations where we
feel our powerlessness. If you know someone unbaptized or
baptized in a non-Catholic Christian tradition, who is
searching for strength and understanding to weather such
squalls, invite them to seek the perspective the Catholic
Church offers. Classes for everyone including persons in
need of Baptism, First Communion and/or Confirmation
will be starting September 14th at 7 p.m. in the school. Call
Mary Jolda for more information.
Progressive Jackpot - Two Winner Take All’s
Special Door Prizes
Variety of Home Made Food - Free Coffee
Doors open at 4 :00 p.m. - Games Begin 5:45 p.m.
Holy Rosary Sodality Members will assist from 4 to 6 p.m.
Wii Bowling at Christopher Heights. Another contest will be
held with the residents on Tuesday, September 14th from 6-7:30
p.m. If you are interested in participating, please contact Mrs.
Valcour right away since space is limited.
Next Youth Mass will be Saturday, September 18th at St. Louis
Church at 5 p.m. with pizza to follow at the Youth Center. Choir
practice will be Thursday, September 16th from 7-8 p.m. at the
Youth Center. All are welcome to sing in the choir and attend
Mass. Please make an effort to attend these special Youth Masses.
Readers and singers are always needed and wanted. Please let Mrs.
Valcour know if you can help.
The College of the Holy Cross is offering a special lecture in
anticipation of Pope Benedict XVI’s papal trip to England to
beatify Cardinal Newman. Rev. Jeffrey von Arx, S.J., the president
of Fairfield University, will offer the lecture, entitled “Two
Cardinals: John Henry Newman, Henry Edward Manning and the
Victorian Church” on Monday, September 13, at 7:30 p.m. in the
Rehm Library. The public is welcome.
Our parishioner, Mr. Marion Winters was presented the Pride of
Polonia Award 2010 on August 29, 2010 at Our Lady of
Czestochowa Shrine in Doylestown, PA . This prestigious award
is given annually y the National Polish Apostolate Committee to a
person whose contribution to religious, social and cultural causes
enhanced the common good. Mr. Winters was born in the state of
Indiana, served in the military during WWII with the distinction of
Major, studied in University of Illinois-Chicago and the
Northwestern University, and worked in the administrative position
at the Social Security office in Baltimore. He is well known for his
accomplishments in the states of Arizona and Illinois. He is a past
president of several national important organizations.
His greatest accomplishment is his untiring dedication to the
Page 4
youth. Through his efforts hundreds of thousands of dollars were
given to students for advanced studies.
After retiring a few years ago he resettled in Webster and joined
our St. Joseph Basilica family. He recently celebrated the 68th
anniversary of his marriage. We extend our congratulations to Mr.
Winters and his wife and wish them good health and God’s
blessings in their professional and family life. Szczesc Boze!
On August 4th Pope Benedict XVI received a large pilgrimage
of altar servers of about 50,000 altar servers from all over Europe
that filled St. Peter’s Square. The Holy Father emphasized the life
of St. Tarsycius, the patron of altar servers, who as a young boy
during the persecution of Christianity in Rome was killed while
defending the Blessed Sacrament. In the evening the pilgrimage of
the altar boys caught the attention of the residents and visitors at
Piazza Navona where they blew clouds of soap bubbles in the air.
Reminder: The first meeting of the fall season will be held on
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 7 p.m. in the Parish Conference
On Tuesday, the 14th of September, we will celebrate the
Exaltation of the Cross. The cross on
which Jesus Christ died was discovered in
326 A.D. during the excavation conducted
by St. Helen, mother of Caesar
Constantine the Great. The anniversary of
this event is celebrated each year across
the Christian world. The cross is the
symbol of our faith and, in fact, the face of Christianity.
In honor of the Holy Cross, numerous churches were built. Pieces
of the cross was given to various churches as relics. The largest
piece of the wood of the Holy Cross is in Brussels, Belgium. Relics
of the cross were carried in special reliquaries by the Byzantine
caesars during major celebrations. The cross is a symbol of the
highest love and sacrifice. For that reason it is placed on tops of
churches, chapels, and embroidered on liturgical vestments.
Likewise the cross is depicted as the highest national award in
every Christian country in recognizing outstanding individual
On the popular request of parishioners we are introducing a
novena to Padre Pio which will begin on Thursday, September 23,
at 7 p.m. Padre Pio entered into eternity on September 23, 1968.We
will continue this novena on the 23rd of every month. People
obtained graces through his intercession, as is evident in every
religious store where there is a special section of books, novenas
and medals in honor of Padre Pio. Likewise, several shrines are
already in existence in the United States where thousands of people
seek his protection. If you would like your petitions presented
during the novena please leave your request in the box at the foot
of the cross at the entry to the church.
Page 5
DRUGA KOLEKTA. W przysz»ym tygodniu druga taca b“dzie zbierana
na coroczny apel Ligi Katolickiej na pomoc polskim seminariom na ca»ym
Ñwiecie na kszta»cenie polskich duszpasterzy, którzy póïniej s»uó pos»ug
na misjach i w Polsce. Biskup McManus prosi o ofiarnoу w imieniu
biskupa Tomasza Paprockiego, dyrektora Ligi Katolickiej dla religijnej
pomocy Polsce.
FATIMSKA PROCESJA. W poniedzia»ek, 13 wrzeÑnia o 7 p.m.
zapraszamy na tradycyjn procesj“ ku czci MB Fatimskiej. Bardzo
prosimy, aby w tej procesji wzi“»y udzia» Dzieci Maryi w swoich strojach.
Wierz“, óe wierni przy»cz si“ do Bractwa Róóa½cowego, aby wspólnie
modlitw róóa½cow prosiƒ o potrzebne »aski.
Pielgrzymki do Matki Boóej Fatimskiej w Portugalii organizowane s
przez ca»y rok. UroczystoÑci odpustowe s 13-go kaódego miesica od
maja do païdziernika na pamitk“ objawienia si“ Matki Boóej. W roku
1930 KoÑció» oficjalnie og»osi» miejsce objawie½ jako wiarygodne i
udzieli» prawa udzielania odpustów dla pielgrzymów. Kwiaty na o»tarzu
Matki Boóej zosta»y ofiarowane na t“ okazj“ ku pami“ci S. Krystyny
(Szeniawskiej) Korczak przez córk“ Sylwi“.
ST. JOSEPH POLISH WOMEN’S CLUB. Pierwsze zebranie nowego
sezonu b“dzie we wtorek, 14 wrzeÑnia o 7 p.m. w kafeterii. Cz»onkowie
b“d mogli wtedy wp»aciƒ swoje sk»adki. GoÑciem programu b“dzie Chris
Doyle. Przypominamy, óe jest to teó czas otwarty dla nowych cz»onków.
Zach“camy szczególnie rodziców dzieci Szko»y Ñw. Józefa, gdyó jedna z
misji SJPWC jest wspieranie dzieci i sióstr Felicjanek. Zainteresowanych
prosimy o kontakt z Phyllis Scully 508-949-3517 lub z plebani.
ZASZCZYTNA NAGRODA. Jeden z naszych parafian, pan Marion
Winters otrzyma» bardzo waón nagrod“ „Pride of Polonia” (Duma
Polonii) wr“czon mu podczas uroczystoÑci z okazji swi“ta MB
Cz“stochowskiej 29 sierpnia w Sanktuarium MB Cz“stochowskiej w
Doylestown w Pensylvanii. Ta zaszczytna nagroda wr“czana jest
corocznie przez Krajowy Komitet Polskiego Apostolatu osobie, która w
szczególny sposób przyczyni»a si“ do ubogacenia religijnej, kulturowej,
i spo»ecznej sfery dla wspólnego dobra. Pan Winters urodzi» si“ w stanie
Indiana, s»uóy» w wojsku podczas II wojny swiatowej jako major,
studiowa» na Uniwersytecie Illinois w Chicago oraz Uniwersytecie
Northwestern oraz pracowa» na stanowiskach manadóeryjnych w
administracji Social Security. By» przewodniczcym wielu prestióowych
organizacji. Jego wielkim osigni“ciem by»a nistrudzona praca na rzecz
dzieci. Dzieki jego wysi»kom zebrano setki tysi“cy dolarów na pomoc
studentom. Po przejÑciu na emerytur“ pan Winters zamieszka» w Webster
i przy»czy» si“ do Bazyliki Ñw. Józefa. Niedawno obchodzi» 68 rocznic“
zawarcia zwizku ma»óe½skiego. Z tej okazji jemu i ma»óonce JoLouise
óyczymy zdrowia i b»ogos»awie½stw Boóych w óyciu prywatnym i
zawodowym. Szcz“у Boóe!
MINISTRANCI U PAPIEòA. Warto wiedzieƒ, óe 4 sierpnia papieó
Benedykt VI na placu Ñw. Piotra przyj» pielgrzymk“ 50 tys. ministrantów
z Europy. W swoim kazaniu papieó podkreÑli» histori“ óycia Ñw.
Tyracjusza patrona ministrantów, który jako m»ody ch»opak zosta»
zamordowany w okresie przeÑladowa½ w Rzymie bronic NajÑwi“tszego
PODNIESIENIE KRZYòA. We wtorek, 14 wrzeÑnia b“dziemy
celebrowaƒ uroczystoу Podniesienia Krzyóa. Krzyó, na którym umar»
Jezus zosta» znaleziony w roku 326 podczas wykopalisk prowadzonych
przez Ñw. Helen“, matk“ cezara Konstantyna Wielkiego. Rocznica tego
wydarzenie jest celebrowana co roku w c»ym chrzeÑcija½skim Ñwiecie.
PADRE PIO. Przypominamy, óe w czwartek, 23 wrzeÑnia o 7 p.m.
rozpoczniemy nowenne do Ojca Pio, który zmar» 23 wrzeÑnia, 1968 roku.
B“dziemy kontynuowaƒ t“ nowenn“ 23-go kaódego miesica. Jeóeli ktoÑ
chcia»by przekazaƒ swoje modlitwne intencje, prosz“ zostawiƒ je w
skrzynce pod krzyóem u wejÑcia do koÑcio»a.

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